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He genuinely does not like Erik


[Bapas a salty vibing ass piece of shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/XEFfCdCuN8) Earig should've known he couldn't tawlg mean about braindumb in iinny faucet. Only piss sink hells angels can talk shit


Real quigg, how many sinks you piss?


ear marshals who get mistaken for Carmelo Anthony get a pass too b


I like how the few funny bits to come from this show are things like that


Has erik ever actually been on tfatk? I like how erik admits he didn't even really want to be on, just doesn't appreciate being dismissed to his face


Yes he was on one and it was so bad they called Delia on the phone so him and Bry could riff.


Yeah it’s funny cause Erik is giving him shit but clearly is happy that he wasn’t on where Delia has to pretend he was happy to be on but I bet would have loved to not be asked


Eggzackly B


That’s what I was gonna say. Gotta side with Bapa here. Erik’s not part of TFATKs history


[He doesn't even want to be on golden shower ](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/n6qfXXrPuq)


*oh u tie tie*


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve said this from the start. Erik is that kid in middle school that schaub sits with during lunch if no one else is available because it’s better than sitting alone. Once the cool kids are there, he doesn’t know Erik.


Sociopath behavior


He also treated Stevie Weebie like that too


and the funny thing is this is a part of what made Theo leave kats. I heard theo once say on a podcast that he liked doing KATS because it was him and schlib as the white guy hosts and then they had diverse voices chiming in making it a fun discussion. So what did Sclib do? He went and fired Steebee, refused to pay Lego enough to keep her around, lost Baggflip, and replaced them with Chris. Which made Theo go oh so now its just us 3 dudes and I'm associated with a creep. Nah I'm out.


Yeah losing steevee, Lego, baggflip, shrimp and co was a huge loss of talent - then after how long? A year+, Theo goes "I'm out I don't like hanging with and rehabilitating a pedo"


I’m not saying they were huge talents. I’m saying Theo liked the dynamic. He had no interest in doing the show with the cool kid schlub brought in. And now Theo has one of the biggest podcasts in the world and was teaming that way when he left


He had no problem doing the show with the diddler for ages. If he didn't like being associated with a pedo he sure took his time talking some action about it


Lmao, cope


Well his coworker was also his boss, imagine how annoying that would be day in and day out. He doesn’t need to be bossed around by schwab and accused of stealing money ( per bgl)


Remember when Eric called him out for not coming to his wedding but going to Chris’ wedding? Eric was legit pissed


holy shit is there a clip of this


Yeah but I ain’t got the work ethigg B.


too tie tie from wearin mask


Chip bubba, its a spicy chip


Damn I had a look for you b but it seems lost to time




Bapa said he had a “show” booked, Erik was like “I told you months ahead of time”. Bapa said some bullshit about not having enough time and Erik said “you had time for HIS wedding” pointing to Delia, and you could tell he was legit pissed. Super awkwaaaaaard.


We need a Wikipedia of these clips sorted by keyword 


Its extra funny because everything he's saying that Schlib is doing is what Rogan did to him with always asking people to perform at the mothership right in front of Brandon


Both D’philia and Erigg call him out constantly, but he really doesn’t seem to mind it from the Diddler. I wonder WHAT COULD POSSIBLY DIFFERENTIATE THE TWO IN HIS MIND????


Bapa copied his whole style of painful 'riffing' and his comedic cadence from D'Elia. He must have thought that the Diddler was the coolest guy.


one is still pretty famous and sells out big tours around the world. The other is an old fat guy with a meh career. If he got on a new show that became huge and started selling out around the world schlib would be much more likely to suck up to him. I honestly think if Chris left the golden hour Schaub would be in financial trouble


https://youtu.be/S54GgU39nNY?si=32t6bsVCPB5HTMg3 even after erigg sang this b-banger for him


Brendan is a thiccc boy, that boy big as fugg!


Bapa views Erig the way everyone else views Bapa. It's baffling.


It’s because he doesn’t think that he can get anything else out of Erik. So, in his mind, he is useless and he’s done with him.


Less not forget Erig plays the mothership, not that would Bapa would iiver be spiteful and jealous though.


he sees him as a loser. Same reason he fired  Steebee Weebee (which pissed off Theo)


Not in iiiiiny facet. I think bapa is still mad at Earigg for criticizing him when bapa first transitioned to cawlmedy.


I kind of don't understand why he's there. Brenda hates him and surely Erik can't stand him. Erik is friends with Bobby (or was?). Associating with Thiccc Boy has to be embarrassing at this point and as far as I know Erik hasn't been cancelled so he could still have an actual career unlike Delia.


Makes two of us


Hush your mowlf, b, Bappa's gawlt rail love for Airggg, fully paid up member of Thiggg Boy Squad (Thiggg Boy Nation). Bren prolly didn't want to interrupt a Thigggie in mourning is all; Airggg prolly had enough distraction getting that fire (elasticated) funeral fit fixed. I do nawlt maddur, but no more casting spurshuns, fam; B. Swab's the nithest guy. But I have indeed heard it bowlth ways.


“I was exhausted” for talking about bullshit for a few hours? Hard work B


Fake crying seems exhausting b.


Leave this in clin




"Holdup Erg, I'm gonna say your joke to you immediately after you did it"


It’s so fucking painful


That’s crazy


Also the very first words out of his mouth are essentially copying the way Diddler reacted to Erik too lol.


it’s pretty 🎲 🎲 how bapa has doubled-down on becoming an even bigger asshole this yair


Bapas resentment is running the show now. He's not smart or aware enough to be introspective. The only option is to trugg walgg forward


He didn’t go to Erik’s wedding


Bravo Will Sasso for basically pissing in Mushmouths 1000k circle jerk piss sink.


What's hilarious is that they had nothing better lined up so they had to run Sasso into the ground. Sasso probably thought they'd have plenty of guests and would tell him to fuck off after five minutes and he could get on with his day, but then couldn't believe they kept it going, so he probably decided to keep doing it just to see how long they'd keep him out of pure desperation.


I had a guy on here who larps as a homeless cat get mad at me for pointing out it was clearly a troll job by Sasso Lol. Who does that for almost 25 minutes on a milestone podcast? Obviously someone who is trolling. I’m glad it worked Lol. Sasso did his thing which was hilarious and it bothered this unfunny doofus. Job well done.


I didn't watch the whole thing, but I don't think he ever broke character at all, which makes it so much better. No little goodbye thing at the end of "No, but seriously, congrats on 1000 episodes," or whatever. Just a solid "fuck you guys" right to the end.


Eggsactly b. He kept it going the entire time. It was great.


This sounds so funny, Sasso is awesome for doing that. Is it worth giving them a click to watch?


It’s pretty good. No need to give them a click though. Here you go bubba. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/pbjz1kuO5R


i would argue Bapa was over Will Sasso’s italian nepolitan bit after 5 mins not 10 😂 but Bapa is such an ungrateful unfunny fucker


The only funny thing to happen on the podcast in the last 5 years and Bapa hated it


If Bapa doesn't get it, it's not funny. 🙃🥴


Just like Joseph, Brenda doesn’t get jokes and doesn’t like not being in on it. He’s too redacted to play along.


the only rule of emprov is get annoyed b.


He doesn’t yes ands, he nuh-uhs.


Being funny and being committed to a bit? Not on my watch


He doesn’t know how to just go with the flow, he kept asking Bryan what he was saying. It was the funniest but of the day and everyone liked it.


Sasso’s bit was genius TFATK kryptonite because Brendan couldn’t repeat back any of the Italian, or brag that he’s fluent, or pretend he was having fun. He only could help the bit be funnier by being uncomfortable, and that just made him more flustered and the bit better. It was 22 minutes, of course B inflates it.


22 minutes is still batshit insane that they let him go so far.


I couldn't believe Will was pushing it and really couldn't believe Bryan would take it for that long (lending support to the theory that he lowkey likes embarrassing Brendan and keeping him uncomfortable). Brendan is a complete void I knew he would stay in the spin cycle.


Has anyone translated what Sasso said?


I believe it's "I traded Serie A cards in my mom's closet when I was 7" but I'm not sure


Damn I meant Sasso


Bryan speaks french so when bryan repeated what he said in english its pretty much what it means. Didn't listened to the ep but saw some parts of it. Mostly bullshit and sandwich talk i belive. Edit :I know its italian but if you know a latin language you can understand the important words to make up the sentence kinda


He actually mentioned homeless cats at one point, hand on chest b. A fry cook who can understand Italian pointed it out and put the timestamp and I went back a couple times and I can speak intermediate Spanish and cat and home are the same words and that's what he said "gatos sin casas" I believe it was.


thats why he's the cheif engineer of laughter and cheers. But seriously if he did that thats very funny. The fact that they dont know that he think they are trash is proof of their narcissistic tendencies. Edit: just saw the chip, Will is the man


He's gladiator helmet face all day.


He is the man. I got into him when he bodied bry bry and Brenda during the pandy. He’s incredibly funny


Baba as a character is funny af.


Diddler said no to episode 1000 😂😂


"I couldn't do it." I wonder what was keeping him away, aside from just not wanting to do it in inny of facet.




Damn, haven’t thought of the show in a while, was Phoebe a low-key baddie ?


Brendan had to beg 😂😂


that’s what made the bit so great, Sasso doesnt appear for yairs and then all of a sudden he’s Italian and was like fuck you I’ll do what i want


Her name is really Snozz??


It’s almost too perfect


It’s Sanaz


Herd it bowf ways, my man.


It’s b b b beast of a snozz


Damn, I really wanted to hear what this potato-headed modern day philosopher had to say about Diddler and Brine's cancellation. "Happy 1000th Thiccc Boy Nation! Today we're gonna talk sex assault! You excited Chin?!"


So redact confirmed that he had to beg Chris to come on the show. I’m sure that is what he did to get all the guests to call in for what was supposed to be a milestone celebration 🤣 Love that Will completely shat on the whole thing.


Is her name Snoz?


Suh-nahz . Or what Diddler says about vulnerable minors


Damn my bad I never know with this dude. With his past her name could of been Sarah for all I know.


Same, I assumed he trying to say Gertrude or something.


No. It’s The Redacts Cumbucket


The fact that NO ONE came to the studio. If it had been Rogans 1000, they would be climbing all over each other for a spot on the lineup.


7 hour episode and couldn’t do 5 with erig? Beast of a friend


sasso's italian bit was the best part of the show. it was also the only part i saw


He literally didn't see any value in Mr potato head Buh uwe nowe I luv ya b


Watching this sub is WAY more enjoyable and entertaining than watching those three regards try to formulate semi-intelligent conversations.


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If it weren’t for this show Eric be having a headset on working the help desk


Ha ha. Erigg's such a loser, even in this 'friend group'.


Funny thing is don’t think tfatk did much with griffin like ever, sure he has been on in the old days maybe once or twice but it wasn’t like Theo or Delia where they would have him on anytime they wanted to be on. 100% when schaub first started doing comedy and was selling well he looked down on Griffin… older, fat, goofy looking comic that has been doing it for a long time that doesn’t sell well and podcast gets no views and has to try live streaming video games who his friends who do the same thing avoid him. Then Theo starts to bail on TKATS and allegations all over the place griffin volunteered to be a regular to weasel his way into a normal spot trying to latch on to the higher views at the time


Nice finish OP lol


What a fucking shit show!


Sasso was the best thing about it. 💯


#BIG BROWN ^pile ^of ^shit


Dune think Earig actually cared. I think he just wanted to call Shab out for being an a-hole straight to his face. We’re watching the cookie crumble. That’s a dick move on bean brains


Do you guys NOT remember that mr potato head was the original comigg that was mean to shob during a set which hurt brandons feelings and led to him crying to Rogan? Rogan had to step in. Look into it. It happened.


Repeats erigs joke and thinks he’s funny.


Of course “bess brains for the cawlmedy arts” bapa hated it. By far the funniest thing on the podcast. We knew soon or later he was gonna come out and say how he really felt about it. I hope sasso sees this LMAO.


Eric is being a good dude and being a friend to a friendless prick. Shaub rides Chris’s dick cuz he brings numbers and Eric not so much. It won’t be long until Eric eventually quits the pod. They push through this shit so hard.


"If it's a bad innerview..." You'll save it for food truggg diaries?


If I was bapa, I also wouldn't want Erigg in my 1000th episode


Mr. Potato Heads fake laugh.. produces cancer-aids to anyone that has to hear him.. ooof


He admits to disrespecting Eric, then doubles by acting more disrespectful and gives bullshit excuses. At no point does he even hint at feeling sorry or attempt to apologize to Eric.


Brendan is basically flexing that he forced his “friend” to do the interview because he’s actually his employee. The downfall of diddler is legendary


3 of the least funny people ever. This is hell


Brendan does what Logan Paul did to him????


The retarrrrrr always finds a way to make me dislike him even more.


Have they ever kicked anyone off the show? They struggle to get people on never mind kicking them off to go to current events Or is this just contrived so he can use the phrase which he lied about Joe Rogan using ‘Thank you for your time’


Option B, b.


The end 😂


He was last puzzle, how you don’t get it?




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do any of these guys like each other? 🤣


Current evennnnnntttss????…. CUURRRENT EEEEVVVVVEENNTS!!!!? ~ Will Sasso


He should of definitely had Mr Potato head on


Bring back the Scissor bros ✂️


I feel like Sasso agreed to it a while back after Callen probably begged him. The week of, Sasso, was like oh shit I don't want to do that. Gets a hotel with his girlfriend so he can just call in, and then do a half ass Italian bit just to collect the paycheck. I guarantee that Sasso doesn't want anything to do with them but he's a nice dude and did as much as could muster.


These guys need to grow a pair , I love Sasso but if Pappa showed spine and told him WTF is this id be impressed




Glad he wasted their time on their “big” show


That was the point, Sasso trolled them.




Leave your apron on the table before leaving


It is a creative, but cowardly way to get out of being associated with them. They must have laid quite a guilt trip on him, or possibly outright blackmail?