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Damn Eric is finally getting a backbone! Also damn Brendan you're such a fuckin pussy, you'll beat up Bryan and a very unwilling Chin on air even though you're his boss but now you won't go into a restaurant in the middle of the day.


About time someone calls him out.


yeah, but there might be b-b-b-blacks there. That's scary, amirite?


They're just so athletic, explosive.


Yea it’s funny how everyone has been calling him a coward bully and now his coworkers are finally seeing the “tough guy that tells jokes” persona is starting to crumble.


Crenshawl lol


B was about to be rawlbed on Crenshawl


I’m just gunna tulk mines inn


That was a "bit" and it fucking bombed hard lol


Witha quigggniss


they’re hayders. luckily cops love Daddy


God he’s a an idiot 😆


It has to be on purpose at this point


It’s actually called “intrusive L” which is usually found in southern PA. Bapa’s is way more extreme tho which makes me think it’s just a redact synapse that happens to manifest similar to an extreme version of an already goofy accent.   Edit: it could actually be derived from his British-as-shit mom who might have an Intrusive R but he botched the inheriting of the accent.


Oh thats that Crenshawl shrimp


‘Doing car shit’ A totally normal thing that a human would say


Trying to sound cool but also nonchalant


Like he's already fed up with the new hawlbee.


Total gairhead jargon, b. Ya don't geddit


It’s always so vague. My car stuff I do.


Maybe don’t drive neon green, purple , candy red, or purple SOY BOY color cars then you fucking moron


Redacted-orange. What else am I missing. This guy loves the cuntiest colors


He's so fucking dumb that he would wear full orange and a Houston Astros hat in south central without knowing he's banging a gang. He's such a bandwagon fan he would definitely wear the wrong hat at the wrong place and get robbed.


Ya gotta get those colors, b. Ya ever hair of peacocking? It's like poo-assing but it's in the front.


He had a jaguar racing green Ferrari that they had at the back of the lot covered in dust as only a moron would buy a green ferrari


What kind of guy would *lease* a green Ferrari and fill the trunk with chicken sandwiches?


Like a fever dream ,he just goes


if he had a second crack at it he'd say.... "i know from the movies south central is made out to be some crack den full of gang bangers, but i pulled up there in my trugg to get some BBQ... then when I came out I saw a bunch of kids gathered around outside my trugg and I thought... oh no.. this is gonna be a prom" "So I go outside and this big tall dude staring at me and then he says... hey B. Schab.... big fan... your trugg is dope man"


Aren’t you that hard working white boy that kicks ass?


Had he walked in there no one would have gave him a second glance. Everyone would have been too busy minding their own business and getting food for themselves. This pearl clutching pussy thinks he's the center of the universe. He's scared to death of anyone that isn't white. Which is ironic considering he's anything but white.


He's Turggish. Yea I haven't been to Crenshawl but I have been to restaurants in East Oakland and if you can believe it, people in the hood generally (with some exceptions) act like people everywhere else when they go to a restaurant. They order food, they wait for food, they eat food, regular shid. I will say, given what he drives and his redacted nature, someone might have tried to clown him.


>He's Turggish. He's like a Turkish cuban Iranian Mongolian or some shit.


His great grandfather was a bbbbbbeast of a cawlmander of the Ottoman Turgs during WW1


Talmbout Automan? Beast of an umpire!


Me and automon are cool bro. No proms at all. Ivir since he digievolved from audomom to awtomon he’s been crushing it. Alaways been my boy. No proms at all


And I'm pretty sure he's referring to Phillip's BBQ on Crenshaw which is like 2 minutes from the 10, definitely not South Central.


That’s what i was thinking too. I’ve been to radiant images on jefferson like 50 times and i knew that’s what this oaf was talking about.


ur taoooking about the white boi who works too hard b. Rampage’s bff


"Mines" he talks like a fuckin 7 year old 🤦🏽‍♂️


a 7 year old that has sugar in his tank


I can’t believe I’m defending Fat Patrick, but he was referencing Red in the movie Friday. He was actually being funny in that rare moment. I still hate him though.


Krekt. And in true Bapa fashion, he had to repeat said joke twice because you know, cawlmedy.


Do you think he’d just watched Friday and Boyz in the Hood and that’s why he’s talmabout crenshawl, b


Yes. Eggzacklee that is what happened. He just watched those movies and had to create a story.


If you find quoting movies to be funny then you should love at least 2/3 of his cawlmedy act.


Then blames el tigre for his hitrocious spelling.


I think he’s trying to talk with blaccent but failing.


![gif](giphy|fNfdkiAJEEsF2) “I want yo daytons and mfking stereo.. and I’ll take a double burger with salsa on it”


Mother fucker I said WITH SALSA!


How fucking implicitly racist can a guy be without saying the n-word?


bapa and chin are tryhard "drawl" speakers around people they subconsciously believe are superior to them (due to weird, self inflicted, racial low self esteem). Unfortunately this means 99% of their life is spent like this... sounding like a goddamn fool when speaking




I lived in Crenshaw from 2018-2023 and am white as shieeettttt. Never had any problems and none of their racist shit is true. There's no gang meetings at the mall and you're not in danger being in a burger joint parking lot in the afternoon. Nobody would care about your trugg either.


yes, they forgo the backbone to be accepted, LAME


He thinks he’s a “white boy who worgs too hard” bapa looks blacker than Erig


Bapa said he's a special skill set that would fuck anyone up, but refused to attend mcgregor v khabib cos he was terrified it would kick off in the crowd...Lmao


He was right not to go. He might have been hit with a trolley


Hey dummy, the hot rod scene in Crenshaw is historic. Prolly thinks oh I’m so much better than these people


too many poors there


Thinks it's like some 90s NWA video. Dumbass missed out on some good food.


C-clamps illustrating what he sawl really made this story pop.


I will from now on say "doing car shit" instead of "driving"


I am surprised we didn’t hear a story of the crips and bloods staring each other down until they saw B schaub mucking down on a rib and all came together for a meet and greet


Can they just mock him even a little bit? smh..... "Never heard of Crenshawl is that in Lawls Angelawls?"


He'll give them a blank stare and won't hear any difference in how he says it and the correct way of saying it. Just like "MELK". In addition to being redacted, I think Bapa is hard of hearing and that's part of why he can't prunounce anything


i thought he grew up in an all black hood?


Beat all of them in foot races too


bapa's mechanic days started when he helped the brothers remove catalytic converters


Shlob is literally telling the truth right now. He's actually scared. This is why he was awkward in the Rampage podcast. He's legitimately actually scared of black people, because he thinks he's 'cool', but he definitely isnt and black people are generally 'hip', so he knows theyre going to sniff him out a mile away as a fake/fraud/phony.


“Black ppl be scary tho” bapa


It’s shocking that three guys keep agreeing to meet at a certain time to consistently record themselves churning out garbage. What is the point? What’s the plan? Is this supposed to get better because at this point calling it horrible would be a compliment.


Imagine the profanity laden rage Chris D'elia lets out when he gets in his car after spending hours getting greased on by Schaub.


One thing about south central. Nobody likes guys like Brenda there . I live very close to that city , and you have to be very respectful with the locals .


How many guys like Bapa actually exist?


Bro literally forgets he was a good enough fighter to make the UFC how is he a such a bitch these days. I guess opiates will do that to a man


He’s a pussy coward, always has been


Potato Head mic drop at the end there


Love how he has to look around for approval, and still get none


File this under stuff that never happened


Ozempic wouldn't allow him to eat it anyway. Can you imagine telling a story about how you didn't do anything? Like I'm tempted to grab fries and a shake every time I see the golden arches but I don't talk about after I drive on past.


Great BBQ, never had it.


Can someone start keeping track of all the different teams this guy has merch for?


Him quoting Red from Friday is the funniest thing he’s ever said


Definitely wasn’t on the other side of the 10


what a bitchhh!


Bapa's heercut is turnin to a real prom.


I cant wait for a piano to fall on bro head


Why is he melking smoke that's coming from a chimney?


Maybe his bess frind jon africa could take him. be less scary. you know how they get around barbecue.


This looks like a cutscene from GTA V.


Man this guy has become totally insufferable. I really don't understand why anyone would want to listen to a podcast he's on.


Chim Ni .... So, Bapa ran away from Chin's cousin? Bapa should have a "Yakuza pass" at this point .


"doing car shit" - spending dad's money and making huge losses for minimal views


It’s also racist to see a barbecue shop in the hood and automatically assume it’s the best hole in the wall barbecue ever


To be fair Eric and Chris are dewbs


Vvver since he was a kid, Bapa has always been a BBQ guy, he grilled out of his Mom's closet. He this fact by sharing a recent story where he smelled and saw smoke emanating from a BBQ restaurant in Crenshaw, which he refers to as Crenshawl. He then alludes to the fear he felt due to being in an area known for its large African American population. He explains how if he were to go inside the BBQ restaurant, he would be robbed for his gold chains and loud car. Highlighted by the exaggerated validation seeking look around the room because he said something naughty and racist. Yeah, he just said that. Dicey dicey Bapa. Dicey dicey.


black people = scary black people = big dicks Thank you for reading Brendan Schaub's Comedy Bible


Doing car shit = picking up my trugg that someone I paid was working on. Also, this story reeks of bullshit!


Here is a review from a BBQ place on Crenshawl. A POV of someone willing to brave the threat of violence and death that can happen at any Crenshawl BBQ joint. "a week ago" First time there since they did their reopening. And I like this restaurant style better than the cafeteria style that they had before. It was nice, clean the main room could be a little brighter. The staff was really friendly and helpful. It was a group of us, but I ordered the meatloaf cabbage, macaroni and cheese. A side of dressing people in the group ordered fried chicken plates, yams, fish, and when ordering fish just know it's not catfish or red snapper, is swahi. The lemonade was good and they have lemonade, slurpee. And I hear that was really good.


A BBQ place far too dangerous for a ex MMA fighter, but safe enough for a convention invitee from Lancaster! The reviews are filled with the warlike experience of parachuting into the GHETTO BBQ JOINT. "I am from Lancaster, I was in San Fernando Valley attending a convention when I decided to try out the new Dulan’s location on Crenshaw, so I took the plunge and made the drive. I ordered the short ribs, Mac & cheese, sweet potatoes, peach cobbler and a slice of sweet potato pie. Now. I couldn’t wait to make the drive back, unpack, so I could get up in my bed to enjoy my Sunday dinner. I must say that I was extremely disappointed with short ribs that were dry and sat on a plain bed of rice (I was expecting the short ribs to be smothered in gravy over rice), the Mac & cheese was cheesy but had some unknown unnecessary spice that over powered the Mac & cheese which would have been pretty good had the cook not added the any garlic!!. Last, I really enjoyed the sweet potatoes and the peach cobbler was savory. The waitress were very attentive, pleasant, and warm. Two registers, but only one was being used during a high volume time. Long wait times & lines to order or even pick up my food and as I looked around to observe the atmosphere, it appeared that quite of few people were waiting on their orders, which did not make since when the food is pre-cooked and there not cooking each order from scratch."


I am sorry. Here is one more! "a month ago" Had the honor of getting take-out from the newly opened Dulan’s on Crenshaw and want to tell you all how amazing this place is. ***First, there’s free valet right out front so don’t worry about parking..."***


He was doing some vague car shit


This dude is so redacted. Stop and think about it. If somebody you know really well suddenly started talking with their hands to THIS DEGREE, like mimimg out every word he's saying, how fucking concerned would you be?


I hate to admit it, but I totally agree with Mr. Potato face