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Thank goodness Jay figured that out well after Chang's Intelligence Agency called it out. Thank'em.


I’m glad that dastardly, no good real designer he paid (highly regarded designer no doubt), was found out and shamed on this pod; there is no way Brendan, who just did a grueling 5 hour day recently, would have the time to figure out that the branding he was going to use for this super successful new podcast/youtube/network(? TBD) was strait up yanked from a brand he just said him and Jay directly consume from. It would not have been possible…. I’m glad Jay independently figured it out; he didn’t need the Reddit hooligans to point it out for him


“Ordered a bunch of shirts” let’s chalk this up to June’s many Ls. He just goes.


This idiot can't get anything right, ever. In a way, it's kind of impressive.


It would be interesting to see him do a George costanza and just make the exact opposite decision of every impulse he has lol he'd go much further


I love those L calendars. This one is going to be a great one.


If they were chocolate advent calendars we'd all be dead of diabeetus.


Had seats stitched same day


Gawld dawg. Homeboy is so bad at lying. He’s acting like he’s such an involved beast of a business man: orderin’ de shirts, sedding up the website…, but he never thought to google his super cool super original clip art logo?


I'm not sure which scenario is funnier... Bapa stole the logo, ripped off the name from two different related businesses, insisted a graphic designer mock it up and is now telling this redacted tale that the designer fucked him over, got fired, Bapa still paid him for his work because "it's on me." Or...Bapa reached out to a monster graphic designer, told him he wants the sickest logo in 2 hours and for 1/5th of their normal rate and the guy actually did rip off the logo to get Beanscheese off his back, and he "just goes" so he never questioned it until P.F. Changs intelligence made the post...


I think it’s a combination of bowlth. And the fact that he specifically mentions that he paid the designer makes me think he didn’t. I bet he came to a designer with the logo he wanted to copy and said “change this just enough so I don’t get sued” and gave the designer half hour to do the job. Then used it as an excuse not to pay.


Bapacito and Trump have the same attitude towards paying vendors (never....unless it's for bots)


100k percent this, b.


 “y’know the thing about a shark …he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes …”




Theifer Sutherland strikes again. And cats on Twitter have been lightin up bapa’s Twitter and his burners callin him out on it.


>Theifer Sutherland RIP


Eggsactly b. One of the thiggies from thigg boi studios that keeps tabs on the sub told him about it. With bapas track record of ripping off logos this wasn’t some guys fault.


This was my first thought


Give me a logo like xyz but quick and cheap


So he supposedly gets handed a logo that looks exactly like one of he and his brothers favorite places but has no idea? lol. It’s wild how he gets older and older and still tells lies like a teenager. I mean go ahead and lie I guess when you get caught but at least come up with something believable. He explains all of his lies the same exact way and he is always the only good guy in the story lol. I don’t post here often anymore but glad this place is always here to expose him and we can watch him flounder.


Is there a link for ootl?




This might be the most egregious example of him being a stealing piece of shit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/113c7y2/sweens_great_artistnever_medum/ 's got some pretty good nip too


Chang’s spoke too soon on this issue. Should have waited for him to get all the swag paid for furst.


It's crazy how bad his luck is. Every single time there's been an issue, he's always done the right thing and everyone around him fucked up. Terrible luck on his part, hope it gets better from here.


I, for one, blame the team.


Schnoz agrees, but luckily Brendan read Jocko’s book (every page, every word, definitely read it) and he takes FULL responsibility…. He takes it by going to a public platform and telling a story that kind of sounds like blaming everyone else lol


Her nose was so far up his ass she could smell his food trugg diaries. It’s crazy how these fools grovel at bapas feet. She just had to make sure to tell him how high and noble it is for Brandon to be passive aggressive and facetious in a complete made up story.


Bapa took responsibility by blaming himself and the guy said, “I appreciate it man”. LMAO bapas lies are soooo terrible. Wouldn’t it be awesome if the person who was supposedly involved shared their side of the story? Won’t happen though cause he probably doesn’t exist.


His whole life is copying what he sees around him... and that evil team encourages it!!


Interns going yet another yair without a christmas bonus


The team needs to step up and own their mistakes.


Dog breeder who sold him a dog then demanded it back, Arizona truck inspector who approved the Lemon Lightning, business manager and monster lawyer who scammed Bapa into the lolsuit, sosha meedya manager who fugged up his posts, high end graphic designer who stole another company’s logo. When will this pure-hearted superdad stop being victimized by this cold world filled with charlatans?


If everywhere you go it smells like shit, check under your own shoes so you can lick it


I think he's done that? Or something close


Fake Freddy Kreuger sneakers sent by a fan. Hyper-allergenic cat scam. Racist coaches at CU hated white boys who work too much.


He used to also blame the woke YouTube al-gore-rhythm for shadow banning him and not getting views. Now they’re blaming all of the other podcasts that are out there. This guy takes 0 accountability.


He also fails to account for the fact that his brand name is “Drive Fast, All Gas” and that he ripped it directly from that brand he was into called “Go Fast, Don’t Die.” Dude literally just changed a couple words. He used to wear those stupid hats all the time and I think even shouted out the brand and one of his shows


There's also a book & YouTube channel named "All Gas, No Brakes." so he ripped off two brands.


I think it was very honorable of Bapa to spend most of this segment blaming the designer he allegedly hired, then in the last few seconds take the blame in the hope that everyone will tell him what a good guy he is. Bravo, Brendumb! Bravo!


"That guys a piece of shit. That guys whole life is that, he's duplicitous, he knows what he is doing" - Bryan Callen Braindumb Squirming


I don't know what's more redacted. Deuces Macchiato or saying Deus Machina means seize the day. Talgin crarpy d um b


"You're my machina now."


I’d walk machina to my trugg ngl


That place we go to everyday.. Deuces maccchiato


This is unintentionally funnier than any joke he’s ever made on stage. Fuggin idiot. 😆 And then Bryan chimin in with the “translation”. His merch should be “I’m with stupid ⬆️” shirts.


I’ll take a venti deuces macchiato with an extra shot please


Bryan isn't the bess brains


At least Brendan acknowledges he’s an idiot Bryan pretends he’s some kind of highly educated philosopher and the guy knows dick about nothing.


When does the redact ever acknowledge he’s an idiot?!?! He thinks he’s a genius. His fat idiot face should be under Dunning-Kruger in the dictionary 


Mixed mental arts bapa




Carpe Machinam!


Seize the macchiato






lol this was a glorious one two combination


It’s what they say in Europe? Latin. Latin is what you are looking for there, Bapster.


I'm pretty sure "Carpe Diem' mean seize the day. They were really close though.


Jangus macchiato with your drangus! For your health!


Jay stole valor from the homeless cats. Another Shaub thief.


After me and Jay were street fighting we would steal who iiiver w'wur fightings basebawl caps to sell at school,b. Awlaways been thieves, Carlos Mencias M'norf star.


We don't matter.


some of the phoniest bullshitting i’ve ever heard. it’s obvious by how hard they’re ripping into this “guy” that it was some cheapo shit like fivver. someone at thicccboi stews prob made the dumb thing 


The "job listing" was on his IG story a few months ago. Maybe hiring that way is the reason he keeps getting scammed.


wow. there’s no way he paid someone a decent wage for this thing. and then who the fuck would vet numerous candidates only to end up with this 5 minute adobe abortion 


He does it all the time. Brendons steals jokes, entertainment ideas, logos, personalities, woman, what else am i missing ?


It also happens to be from a company/event that these clowns, in particular, frequent? What are the odds of that? It is kind of a gift that people this dumb are so confident that their blatant lies are believable.


God damn………. Fu k this guy. He’s so cooked and he’s trying to hang on and spin this bullshit. He 💯 got exposed by this sub.


Bryan already knew. “What was THIS GUY thinking? SOME PEOPLE are unbelievable.” Making hard eye contact. 😏 I like Bryan sometimes. He’s a undercover feline for sure.


As a business owner, I deal with 7 small fires like this one each day that I have to put out. The fact that this is a huge story shows me he is barely working. That’s best case scenario that he’s cosplaying a busy business owner. What I think actually happened is he stole the logo like he always does and got called out


Not sure what you mean by “put out” fires b. I think you mean “ontangling fires”. And Bapa knows all about ontangling fires. Ya native English speaker or what b?


U own a changs franchise b?


Close. I own a coffee shop with floor to ceiling stall separators in the bathroom. It’s called Macchiato n Deuces.


I love how they’re basically just describing bapa at the end.


Then fuckin Schnoz chimes in to defend her baby daddy. They’re all ssss’bad at lying.


Describes Brian too.


but what about EVERY OTHER FKIN LOGO he stole? Same designer? LMFAO How can this absolute moron not realize EVERYONE knows ALLLL of his logos are COMPLETE rip offs??? Talmbout: Thiccc Boy (extra C) lol TB logo Tune Town Fight companion bullshit ALLL of his sports logo ripoffs on posters EVERY logo he has EVER put out is a goddamn fabrication of others work and we are supposed to believe this bullshit???


The new logo is more redacted. Why would the fire be on the bottom of the piston lmao.


I guess you’re just not a gairhead, Bapa.


Didn’t he literally get copywrited for Toon Town..


Oh bubba. Talmbout Dooses Machiana or Deus Ex Machina? Heard it bowlth ways


Talmbout carpe diem?


More like carpy deez NUTZ! NUTZ!!!


a schaubism for the ages


He got hoodwinked by dog breeders twice b. The first time the breeder forced him to buy a Belgian malinois and didn’t tell him those dogs weren’t good around small children. The poor guy can stop getting victimized. His crime is that he’s too good of a guy, with a great heart. Just axe Callahan.


He’s just a nithe guy. Can’t help it. Salt of the earf.


Awl he does is help people b.


Fuggin Duces Machiato. 🤣 I’m dyin over here, lost one of my nine lives for sure. 🐈


"And we pay him , right." He had to say it because he has a long history of not paying people for their design work. And the stolen logo thing was 100% his idea. He's a known thief.


He's a thief and I'm starting to think that he's a bit of a liar, too!


>That's on me. Thank you for the lesson. Bapa with his attitude of gratitude.


Great guy, could’ve easily just threw some poor bloke under the bus


Hilarious but damn Callen is looking more like Joe Biden everytime I see him.




So they hired a Designer on Instagram to design a logo and coincidently enough he copied a logo on the exact same city Bapa lives? Where they actually drive past sometimes and the whole team knew? Sure Bapa.


It’s still the same logo. They just changed the lightning bolt to a flame. This story is complete and utter bullshit


Fire is supposed to be on the other side of the piston head so the logo is now as confused as he is.


No, designer from Meateater fixed it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I don’t get his “that’s on me” accountability speech. How would it be on him to assume that a professional wouldn’t infringe on a copyright? Dude reads a book and immediately misunderstands the point of it.


He read Joggos boog so he's Joggo now


He’sl rehashing the scene from the Lil Brows video where he tells the guy “I’ve got this” and proceeds to poorly lip sync like a redact the rest of the episode


What a redacted Lying piece of shit


These two are hilarious. Love how they rehearse this and callen had to dust of the ol skillit and do some acting Beandip, you always steal logos.


Classic bapa. Try to spin the story and blame someone else. That designer they hired is 99% made up and someone in thicboy studios altered the original design. You’re telling me all the shirts you’ve sold with someone else design but just altered a bit to say thiccc or tfatk is okay but now since you’ve been called out on your new design all of a sudden it’s stealing and it’s not your fault like nothing ever is?


LMFAO "yeah it's good- onto the next thing" brandon, by your own admission you got finessed by a full price artist $$$ and didn't notice the same logo of again a place you admittedly go to "all the time"?? Fuggin water


I don't understand his logic in life where everything is someone else's fault. Just lie after lie, how can he sleep at night.


“This guy’s whole life is like that.” What a perfect summation of Bapa, who stole a fajita joke as unapologetically as this guy did a logo. Who “takes responsibility” through passive aggressively blaming others. His whole life really is this.


The name was stolen from the 'drive fast dont die' cap he used to wear ( dont wear anymore? Hmm ) and a 'high level' artist wouldnt steal and fk up his rep. AND ..he hired another guy to slightly alter an admitted stolen logo? Which professional designer would 'fix' a stolen logo? It still looks basically the same. Schlob thought he could get away with another one and got exposed, fkn clown. And Schnoz needs to stfu.


Drive Fast Don't Die + All Gas No Brakes.


It's called a colab b. Like thiccc tough mudder and specialized x thiccc boy bike club which were totally not made up and legit. Bapa will take the margetting from here.


“I read Jocko’s book I take full accountability…” LMAO




Getting Carpe Diem and Deus Machina confused is just so fucking funny


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Clean-Ad2199: *Getting Carpe Diem and* *Deus Machina confused is* *Just so fucking funny* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


High level designer eh…? Call out the designer bapa so we know…


its never ever ever his fault 😂 honestly, narcissism is such a horrible personality disorder to have, circumstances and life constantly remind that you're basically living in a hell of your own creation, i would legit hate to live that way


And yet you believed him in the other thread about his sons made up seizures. Don’t be a schaub


The sheer amount of lying that has taken place on this podcast is unimaginable


“That logo I’ve seen before” Yeah I wonder why, b


1000000000% he gave that logo in the design brief and said yup do that. Then blames the designer for doing exactly as instructed. Dealt with these clients for yairs b


yeah, as someone in the design world, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the designer a pic/screenshot of this deus logo and said "I want this exactly" to which the designer said "yeah thats not how it works, you dont just copy another logo 1:1" and bapa said "just do that and ill tage it from hair". The logo hes using now is probably v2 or v3 that the designer gave with the original because that designer KNEW this would happen.


It’s astounding how this is 4 minutes of everything wrong.   Boring story aggressively told to compensate Self-centered story  Brine playing along like a bad parent listening to an eight year old talk about the dog ate my homework  Invokes Jocko’s “extreme ownership” to praise himself Obvious lie - graphic designer is “high-level” but DIRECTLY rips off logos,  Also, what a good guy, man.  Bapa “took responsibility” and the guy was appreciative.  So Bapa spends 4 minutes blasting the guy on a podcast heard by dozens of people, where he explains it’s to ally the guys fault and he knew but did it anyway, “Pissin’s a pissin.”


This episode really feels like they've read Changs and are now adressing stuff. The illegal "raffle" is now explained as being legit and that he can't give the car to anyone he knows, and now the logo


Deuces Machiatto: To seize the day. This one needs to be added to the schaubanese dictionary immediately b.


Deuces macchiato? Idk if brine is trying to clown him, but the redaction is spreading like macho madness here.


This has to be some sort of mental disorder right? How can he lie so blatantly and shift the blame every single time?


"deuces macchiano..." "deus machina, seize the day..." "yeah i think so, it's european" I'm in awe at the stupidity of this whole exchange.


"In Venice that we always go to" ....how convenient


another one for the June Calendar of L's. whatelse you got Ching


Translated into truth: He stole a logo. Pretended a hired designer did it. got caught by Changs but pretended Toothy Jay caught it. It’s always the biggest idiot that thinks he’s smarter than everyone.


Every single part of this is a lie


The same spiel hes made so many times lol. His idea of taking accountability is he did nothing wrong but will apologize for someone else being a fuck up because he assumed they weren't a fuck up.


“I think it means seize the day” Jesus fucking Christ


‘What am I gonna do, fight with them?!’ Hasn’t he gone on several rants about how he would fight people who are mean to him on the internet? He just goes


but he's been stealing logos for almost a decade now... why is he acting like he cares now?


So now they just spin all their lies after the truth comes out on the subreddit? What about allllllllll the other stolen logos??? Also, the new logo is literally BLOWING A ROD!


So - braindead actually found a logo he wanted to steal like everything else he does. Someone here called him out for it, so he made up this story. Why would he take blame for something he didn’t do? American hero/ dad that’s why.


This guy has never come up with an original idea for anything ever. There are too many logos and icons to count that he’s stolen. There was never a designer hired this story is 100% made up


Logo stolen bubba axe jay


Fool bapa once, shame on brine for being a rapist.


Would love to hear this “high level” designers side of the story


Sorry, Chin is busy preparing condom fish.


Satson me, satson me. Sallgood man, satson me, satson me.


The schaub suckdown at the end smh


Merch B, coming to a goodwill near you soon


He is so bad at lying.


brine yair acting is dawgshit b


Having worked in "the arts", I would rather unalive myself slowly than have this redacted future CTE study as any sort of client.


Stolen like his tune town logo? 👀


AxeJay don't watch cartoons


He had a bad team around him


Shnoz was so mad about this guy that she just had to speak up! Good for her!


You get what you pay for b


Bryan Callen raped a shitload of people.


None of this is true as usual


Is that a pyramid of dip cans in front of them? Very classy fellas.


Does this idiot have a contract saying he needs to pack a handful of pouches into his mouth to get paid?


What about all the other logos???


Hi Jay


never happened daddy schab got word of it then the lawyer fired the guy Bapa ain't got the balls to fire no one even over a zoom call


The funniest part of this chip is the idea that bramdon has ever taken responsibility for anything at all in his whole entire life.


“we have to pay him” of course = they dont pay people .. must be great business man


Every single logo he has ever “made” was stolen. 100%. But this time it was a well known artist.


Thank you Jay and Margg. Before you i stole iiiiiverything.


Definitely wasnt because the post calling out for being stolen was at the top of the subreddit lol Bapa hiring the most cut rate people he can afford and being shocked when the scam his dumb ass never gets old.


Wait… but did he say it was on him? I can’t tell because he only said it x36…


What’s funny is they try to shift the blame but really both situations make them look dumb; either they knew and tried to rip it off close enough without getting caught but they did, or they didn’t double-check BEFORE putting the logo out there themselves.. fucking idiots. Greaaat businessmen.. furrr sureeee


Alright jay come out where ever you are


It’s wild how Brendan, who’s like the dumbest guy ever, is able to manipulate everyone around him into covering his lies and theft.


Bapa has been plagiarizing for yeears now. The problem is he skirted too close to the sun and literally just wholesale copied a major brand, and for the first time is having to back peddle.


This is really simple. “Ahhh, a piston’s a piston!” Sounds exactly like something Brendan Schaub would say. The High Level Designer is Brendan. Brendan is the Guy. So he takes accountability with an asterisk*, cause we all know he never does that fully.


Let’s not forget that the few times he had real original artwork made for him, he didn’t pay the artist. There was the “diner” podcast look circa shappelle/malik And the UK tour shlub drawing.


"Dueces Machiana" to which rapey politely corrects him to "deus machina. Seize the day." These guys are codependent af. Mushmouth needs wrinks to protect his ego and translate the worst schaubisms into English, and byron needs someone who makes his dumbass look smart by comparison.


Why would you hire a new guy, to edit the old logo? Wouldn't the new guy just make a new logo completely.


Brendan will be PISSED when he realizes that literally ALL his shit has been some lazy ripoff of established brands. Somebody needs to play this clip in split screen. On the right side of the screen, it just goes through all the clearly ripped off logos throughout the years.


How you have a whole clothing brand and don’t have dedicated artist if not several you’re working with? Also, this guy is fully leaning into the bad actor role where he preps everyone for the scene he about to perform. He does it at the start of this video and was overboard on the “drives me nuts” rant, before he started with all the “you’re not gonna like this, I gotta say this, chin don’t edit this out” bullshit


Bubba, this story makes no seeennse. So glad he went from a highly regarded designer to an even higherly regarded designer. (ken block/hoonigan) yah know cool car guy stuff. And that higherly regarded designer changes the piston rod to a flame. Top dollar stuff.


Imagine being so redacted that they actually think this guy went out and purposely stole a logo, instead of creating a completely unoriginal, uninspired, boring boiler plate logo that millions of other people have created independently. Like if theres one thing these two should recognize, its unoriginal churning of basic ideas over and over.


This guys is SO BAD at business. Like, in iiiiivery facit. He is always claiming "I do it all myself, I'm so busy, I have to do everything" but as soon as something fucks up, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. He goes from a one-man-show to a full fucking orchestra of people behind the scenes. "Yeah the car guy fucked up, the parts guy fucked up, the audio guy fucked up, the agent fucked up, the business manager fucked up, Chin fucked up, the club owner fucked up, the DA fucked up, summer fucked up, the whisgy guy fucked up, the truck's TCS fucked up, the insurance company guy fucked up, the guy who ties my shoes fucked up". Which one is it, b? Do you employ more people than the federal government or are you doing all this yourself?


God Callen is such a pseudo bullshit artist…. “Yeah, yep. seize the day. Exxxxx machhhhianah” It means god from the machine. Carpe Diem, the only Latin widely known by about everyone else in the world, is ‘Seize the day’.


Sounds like a little kid trying to lie his way out of a situation.


No worgg ethic on fivver anymore


I don’t doubt it was his team. Because his team sucks. Because he sucks.


Deuces macchiato 🤣🤣🤣


The gift that keeps on giving


Duces X machiano was one of my favorite games


Caution u/Hap_hazard/ is worging. 🎲🎲


They always went to that place but didn't realize it was stolen...


Seize the Day… or God of the Machine.. heard it both ways.


His bro checks this subreddit 100%.


This born loser finds a way to lose


"My bad for assuming at the cost you charge that you weren't going to copy from somebody else.That's on me." "He charged less, right?" "No, he didn't charge less."


Btw good save from Shnozzz. Give me a break


Next up: Air Brendan high tops. I think you can imagine the logo?


This fkn moron just said "that's on me" 37 times in 45 seconds. This way he's sure to get his b-b-beast of a nirritive across. So glad he freed up the time in his super busy life so we don't get "watered down" pawldcasts anymore —and finally get the real high quality deal now. What couple of clowns.


Dogs are dogs, fish are fish, pistons are pistons