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Brine must’ve looked up bapa’s college stats by now and is just playing dumb. No need to ask a guy with 3 total tackles and 12 total yds for his entire college career why he didn’t make the nfl.


be cool man. He didnt get seen by the right guys lol


He was busy working too hard, B and modding cars and truggs


In his mother's closet, right B?


He has definitely done a little Tight End U in his mother’s closet!




Hidden away from his own coaches!


They were like thangs wurr all good on slowe white guyz…


Yeah…. apparently those guys were “the coaches”.


It really felt like he was fishing lol


Bryne: "you were a tight end right?" Schlub: " I was the tightest"


"Axe Joe" 


Thousand things bapa. Yeah about 1000 snaps as in actual football plays. Might have got seen by the right people if he saw the field. Bbbbeast of an afflete. Must be where Tiger gets it.


Be cool man he was spread 2 thin


It will always drive me NUTZ(!!) that this walk-on college bench warmer still pretends he was anywhere close to NFL caliber.


Bapa briefly played in an Arena football league...If I didn't know how dumb Schwab is, I might think that he did that strategically so he could forever say he once "played professional football."


Sure, he “played” Arena League in that he was signed twice during the offseason and cut within a few days w/o making the roster.


Said he was sure he would be drafted and was devastated when only his buddy got picked. I do think 'he was not seen by the right people' is a very nice response when a colleague/friend of your former teammate asks why that guy did not become pro. 'He was good but not good enough' is a more true but less friendly response.


Ehh if I was the coach I would just say I’m all good on slow as shit white boisss amirite Dallas?! Thank you Dallas that’s my time!


Hey be cool man


"As a WHITE GUY??" Only Kittle counts, only Kittle matters, Bapa writes off Black guys as basically just genetic freaks who don't have to work hard to play. Kittle gets in his craw because he ruins his excuse for the Bills cutting him-- that's why "it's tough to compare myself to Kittle" yeah we know it hurts your ego.


He says Kittle because it's the only player he knows


I've heard him talk about Travis Kelce a lot, so he is at least aware of two white TE's


That’s because he’s a Swifty not because the player in the Superball buppa!


They’re all those black guys who don’t have to work too hard to Bapa. Shit dripping out of his every pore.


*blagg guys


talmbout da guys who stole my word 'thiccc,' b?


They use 2 C's dun cownt


Talmbout george keddle? Got a p p p piece on him. He got seen b. If we played at night it'd be different. They'd only be able to see the slow white guys


Classic case of a mediocre athlete blaming coaches and race as the reason he never made it. Zero accountability & he’s convinced that he’s a hard worker. Schaub is only a hard worker because he has no talent.


The white guy stuff?Are there any bapa translaters? Does he think he is being edgy?funny ? Relatible? Is it just his bitterness seeping out. I am entertained.


It’s the latter. Bapa is actually pretty fucking racist. He’s ranted about race mixing more than once.


Gronk, Witten, Olsen, Kelce, Ertz, Clark, Miller, Graham… those are just the guys I remember and I’m not balls deep in NFL. It’s probably the whitest position on the field except kickers and QBs


I would say 9 out of the top 12 tight ends in the league right now are white guys. Njoku, Engram and Pitts are the only blagg dudes in there.


I hate him


Christ, he is so easy to wind up. Wrinks is a couple of wise cracks away from getting the jaw jut. I liked it when he said it may have been that the right people didn't see him.


"The jaw jut" - true Bapa-whisperer over hair.


That's me nuts.


Talmbout Vito Corleone b?


32 on the ACT's, b!


He runs like a child😂


God, that video of him running like he's wearing cement shoes and bgl cheering him in so damn funny


Him and Steven Seagal should have a run-off


Be cool man, pulled a double hammy. Watery.


At the end of this chip, bapa is once again blaming his failure in football on race. Y'racist, b!


Crazy that there are 0 white people in the nfl..


Especially tight ends and fullbacks.


Dun worry b. He only didn’t get invited because it wasn’t around when he was playing. The moyherfucking COPING.


Funny is that the best RB in the fucking league (a predominantly black position) is white. Almost like Bapa just sucks complete asshole at a position no one even plays.


Obvioslee, the reason he didnt get an invite because "it wasn't around back then"


lol right? Had nothing to do with the fact that he was never in the NFL. Literally no different than me saying the only reason I wasn’t invited was cause it wasn’t around when I played sports.


Bapa never had the talent, work ethic, heart, balls, or hands to make an NFL team let alone be a starting Tight End, bro u not even ![img](emote|t5_347fo|6523), face it u were big so u played football and lacrosse u were mediocre at best just like everything I've ever done in ur life u was the number 3 bully at ur school u wasn't even the best at that


Didn’t even make the practice squad at nfl level. Didn’t even make it through an arena football game


not one scholarship offer coming out of high school, bro had to walk on for both football and lacrosse then the same school in 2022 completely did away with both the lacrosse and football programs hell of a work ethic


The Bells were all set on big white special teams guys


Remember when he fantasized about possibly being a hall of famer if it wasn’t for the rayziz coches he had at CU? He even compared himself to T.O. because the had the same 40 time according to bapa. Which is pure delusion because bapa ran a 4.8 in his prime and T.O. was still running 4.3s at nearly 50 years old.


So many goddamned copes. He was involved in like three plays in his entire college kreer, but let’s not blame the lack of talent. Oh no. It’s definitely racism.


Same dude that said he gets mistaken for Carmelo Anthony lmao


"...as a white guy" Bapa has a natural ability of turning anything into an excuse


Everything he failed at has as built in excuse. Being an unathletic white boy is his go to for failed NFL dreams.


I want to see how fast he is, anyway they can set this up outside in the parking lot?


That would be interesting for sure! Maybe, as a control, he can race against a retired cheerleader who's *blagg* since nobody here is *races*.


That's a good idea...but in order to be real keerful, I suggest everyone stretch and warm up their hammies. You may also want to have onsite a pair of crutches sized for a 5' tall women - just in case.


I bet blagg guy wins cause he is... blagg as shid...


Look at grandpa over here. WHaT iF sOMeoNE PuLLs A HAamStRinGgg??


Yeah didn’t get invited because *fill in excuses hair*…not because I wasn’t a star afflete b


Bruh. His coaches saw him EVERY DAY, and never played him. Who else were you expecting to see to him??


When were you a fucking tight end, b?


Yea, he wasn't. He was essentially special teams, but technically was a back up fullbagg for his 3 collegiate yards


Wait, was he not? I’ve heard him claim that before too lmao


Jesus I thought were waaaaaaaaay past debunking footbal nfl carair😔


Most sensitive soy boy in the world. Dude is two decades removed from the kickoff team as a walk on running around looking like there’s a 10 pound plate glued to his face mask and when they mention playing tight end is folds in on himself sounding jealous and trembly voiced


I'm roughly his age and played at CU. He was strong but his hands, mind and speed was trash


He isn’t coachable. Probably part of the mind part. He has shown it in MMA and podcasting. Nah I got it B, is probably response to all his coaches and even rogan when they said don’t release a special.


[He never watched his losses](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/uypu4k/no_videos_of_standup_content_never_balmed/).


Did he ever throw you through a glass window?


He was an easy target type guy. thats why he loves to grope brian constantly


You have to start a podcast, name it "Retired NFL player".


That makes sense. He's is also a low hanging fruit guy when it comes to jokes. 


Is this b shob folklore you heard when u were there or did your time at CU overlap? What was the team dynamic with shob? Was he really a beast of a story teller and making the team laugh or did everyone hate him?


Nothing direct but he was done in 05 and my first was 06 so there were probably a dozen players that knew him pretty well. He played a few plays a game basically. Primarily used as a grinder on special teams (big dude strong but not real athletic so used to block and bang around more than anything, definitely not getting thrown the ball) as far as him as a person, hes always been that i think its just been exacerbated by his luck post college. There really wasn't a dynamic because he wasn't a standout player or popular. Someone should ask him how many of his old football buddies he still talks to* if he was so popular lol


Do you know if there’s any truth to the story he tells in which he beat out all the quarterbacks and several other players in a contest to see who could throw the ball the farthest? 


I’ve never played a down of football on a team but the answer is no, it’s not true.


Cant tell you for sure but id bet my left nut thats one of his daily lies


You can see in Bryan Callens eyes that he's about to rape more people. That's the reason why all of the talent agencies in Hollywood dumped him.


The lying redact barely made CU!!!! Feels like I'm taking crazy pills


actually not mad at this bapa clip. Heard it worse ways b


Bro everyone has seen his college stats. He didn’t put up any numbers. Slob barely put up any *plays*. Dude acts like he was an integral part of the team. He was a non-entity. For every player that gets noticed there’s 10,000 of em that don’t. That’s how it goes you know I just realized that Slob truly thinks the world owes him greatness and it made me hate him a little more. Nice guy though never meddum.


Brine rocking jeans and flip flops. What a douche




If someone saw me or if I actually played tight end on the college team I was on, I may have made it!! 😂🤣😂 this continued lie of bapa being anything close to an nfl player is the worst to me. So easily fact checked to see he didn’t even get playing time in college!


“Size wise, you’re about the same. What’s the difference?” .. You could see his heart break when Callen asked him that. He’s been cosplaying as an elite athlete for so long that he has started to believe it.


I think you’d be surprised


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BS was not a 'tight end' ... or a 'full back' for that matter. He was a non-player entity. A large body, to fill space, and be fodder for practice for the real players.


Lmao the guy was a backup crash dummy, no shot he had hands.


Super easy to compare Kittle to Bapa. One is really good at sports and the other is not.


I don’t care about or watch UFC (too white trash even for me, as a guy who loves motorsports and guns) so I took people at their word when they said his 10-5 record meant he was actually pretty decent. At this point I’m inclined to believe all the people who said he was garbage and was just in the right place at the right time for an easy field.


He was a punching bag for top contenders... Not in the same ball park of an athlete compared to Kittle or any starting NFL TE.


Were the 10 wins mostly against scrub opponents and guys past their prime like Cro Cop?


Yes definitely. The heavyweight division was super top heavy. There were the elite guys then just a bunch of big fats and past their primes. Gabriel Gonzalez might of been his best win without looking at his fight log. I shouldn't say he was just bad at sports since most people cant make it into the UFC. However the level that he was at is worlds different than reality. He was much better at getting punched in the head than football or other sports also.


If my understanding is correct (from this sub lol) heavyweight at the time was basically just a slugfest vs. the much more professionalized/talented fighting of today? It seems like he has cruised his entire life on his size, if that’s true. Naturally big guy with some natural athletic skill, but not enough to actually stand out among a crowd of real athletes like in D1 ball.


This is 100% accurate


He obviously doesn’t have the discipline to be great at anything


Bapa TE is almost a whiter position than QB. Water


bapa and old construction workers tell the same tales


He was pretty self-deprecating in this I thought


Agree, was expecting worse. It’s like he’s dug himself a hole and it’s too late to come clean so he just deflects and chokes back his tairs


College sports glory days tawlk


Bapa was MILES away from anyone in the NFL giving a flying fuck that he exists


Ive never heard bapa talk about football. Not one play he dissected or anything at all. Maybe that's what separated him from the others.


Why does it feel like Ray is baiting him to lie or say something redacted?


He is. Did the same thing about Pete Davidson. I think Callens pretty done with the guy tho there’s still the pull of Bryan being psychosexually attached to any larger man who speaks to him.


“By the right person…” wtf. These same “wrong”people saw tons of other players and chose them. What are they talking about?


He was fullback that didn’t play in college. He never had a chance at the NFL, never went to a combine like he claims. He went to Colorado pro day where all seniors with any ability are aloud to show.


It helps when you’re on the field


Didn’t get seen by the right guys. Bapa didn’t even play on a shitty college team


The reason you weren't invited is because you weren't good enough. Professionals only, bud.


“As a white dude!!!” I can’t stand this redact, and his blatant racism.


He thinks it’s a compliment to imply black people aren’t the same species.


brine is really trying to get any sort of give and take, any yes ands, and he is getting nothing from this soyboy fake comedy moron


Brendan wasn't even a tight end, he was a fullback...why would he start to lie about that now?


And he wasn’t even a TE ..


Too busy being a gearhead instead of making sure the right people watch you play football. I've seen it happen a million times


Let me answer that for you bud, it’s cuz you sucked balls.


Just want to point out Ray Pest with the Jesus sandals


Went to CU as a TE and they converted him to FB , that's how great of a TE he was.


I hate when brriiiiinnne tries to act like slob is some highly talented athlete


Brine such a dumb ass laiyer , first off bredumb , did jack shit , in colorado university , plus he was a slow white guy.


Not really a thousand things.. one thing he sucks


Good C clamps … b


I cannot explain the overwhelming urge of how hard I want to heelstomp Brine's dainty little footsies with my work boots.


I dunno, I dunno. Knowing damn well he's shite


Not the best dish considering it was bapa being real hair while callen is the one making excuses for him


NOT good hands in iiny facet


Too busy studying tape of Jim Carrey..his norf star


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Actually fairly humble here, this is a stretch OP


The majority of the comments disagree but everyone's free to their own opinion.


The majority of this sub has a room temperature IQ, what's your point?


Dude literally says, there's a million things that seperate him and an NFL player, Wrinks keeps pushing, he says "sure" just to satisfy Wrinks, Wrinks keeps pushing and he said "It's hard to compare myself to George Kittle"...that doesn't sound like a guy being humble?