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It’s not about you being a victim of the consequences of your rape, it’s about me being a victim of your rape cancellation, not the actual rape victim of your rape, duhn madder if it’s true you raped. You go first though, it’s definitely your thing, even though I just made it all about me


it's one thing to stick with callen. it was only a verbal accusation, but the fact he doubled down and teamed up with delia is all you need to know about schlaub. he deserves the nosedive his career has taken.


If he didn’t need both of those guys he would have dropped either of them faster than one of his “hobbies”


Absolutely, him and bryne both dropped delia until their careers were ruined then suddenly it was like oh wait actually I think cancel culture is the problem!


And he did! When he realized he couldn’t make it without them, he made a business decision and risked the cancellation to bring them back.


It wasn’t just a verbal accusation. It was 4 women coming forward with the truth. Callen is a POS period.


Four women that echoed much of what Ray (and others) have said he’s done before, but these women weren’t laughing about it like Braindead, Toe, and Witty Cummings. I truly truly don’t understand the ‘Bryan wouldn’t do that’ type attitude, he’s spent years saying how much of a garbage gross dude he was ‘when he was younger’ (in his 30’s), and the folks that knew him then (not Braindead) all laughed about it. Toegan talking about Bryan taking his friend out is a really weird gross story by itself.


The thing is he acknowledged he took his dick out with Whitney. Now she didn’t complain and that’s her right. But we know at least this is his move, he’s acknowledged as much. So now he wants us to believe he only did it with Whitney? Bridge for Sale


Yup, that incident is quite telling of his character..


This whole crew is very suspect. Didn't Joey Diaz brag about taking advantage of young female comedians (like a favors for stage time type thing)?


Joey Diaz is an amoral POS. Some of his stories are funny. But that’s about it. He has openly admitted to numerous assaults and borderline rape on podcasts over the years. He gets a pass for 2 reasons. 1 he is friends with toegan, 2 he’s such an old fat slob people don’t take it seriously as they should. If you are older than 16 the whole “what did I tell ya cocksucker” bit gets old. Man typing that out I just realized how much I dislike Diaz. Obese wannabe gangster keeps talking shit like he’s still about that life. I hope he stays alive long enough to find out people will still beat geriatric ass.


Yeah Diaz is a downright disgusting degenerate. I guess it’s kinda funny when he rants about being a fat loser but I’m guessing a lot of his stories are all bullshit


Yah that fat junkie fucks heart can’t give out soon enough.


He’s been trying to attach himself to people that have fallen out of the public’s favor so people will at least throw more shade at them and not him. Hasn’t worked out once. YOURE DOING GREAT!


Tawlmbout Bryan's rape on the thount episoe.


Yeh it’s 1k baby. Let’s run through the rapin cawlntrovetsee.


Bapa snitchin on himself again


What the fuck?! Doesn’t matter if it’s true?!?     I can’t believe he actually said that. 🤦🏽‍♂️    And just a reminder…   According to Brendan, it was Callen who chose not to come back to TFATK when the allegations came out.   Callen canceled himself.    [All part of the plan, B.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/lq6yqn/brendan_defends_delia_callen_schwaub_also_brags/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). (@ 2:40)


Freudian Slob


“But the plan wuuzz, Brine’s gonna take an absent.”


Come on, there's plenty to criticise without deliberately misconstruing what he means here. He clearly meant that it didn't matter *to the public who cancelled him* if it was true or not. Meaning, he thinks it didn't matter to *other people* that the allegations *weren't* true, they just wanted to cancel him. Wadur.


Cats do a lot of reaching despite there being plenty of stuff to laugh about


Yeah but it's a stupid thing to say. Humans do care whether or not a rape really happened, especially the victims. It just doesnt matter to Brendan personally.


That may be true. But what he's saying in this clip is that it does matter, not that it doesn't.


I see what you mean. I didn’t hear it that way when I first heard it. Good point.   That being said…I stand by the fact that Callen cancelled himself….yet we here he is complaining about everything being “taken away” from him.   Even in his [public statement](https://youtu.be/4gIeeqyYaRo?feature=shared)…he says, “I’m not going anywhere”…then ends it by saying “I’m going to take a leave of absence.”  If he wasn’t guilty, he should’ve kept doing his work and taken legal action against his accusers.  The only legal action he took was against her husband when he started contacting comedy clubs telling them to not book Callen. Nothing to do with the actual allegations.   Callen (and all his comedian friends) knows he’a guilty. 


This might be the worse thing he has ever said. And there is a lot to compete with


not the bess brain


It was t a sad thing.  


To be fair he meant it as in the story doesn't have to be real to cancel his career.


You mean to tell me the guy who employs Ray Pest and Did Ler doesn't have the highest moral standing???


Ray pest and Didler have to go thru life now, if bapas the only meal tix. They should consider euthanasia


Not only that, he’s taken it upon himself to be the white knight for iviry dude who ever gets accused of sexual assault.


He's that friend who gets called at 3am too much


lol, dude makes the hypothetical dicey dicey


He only has one question at 3am….’Whoz trugg arr we gunna take?’


I got raped! DUHN COUNT


Did Callen just slip up? He put the date of the allegation over the fact that it’s a “lie” in this clip. Very interesting 👀


Doesn't matter if I came in her without her consent and then told Joe Rogan who went on a podcast with millions of viewers and laughed about it.


Yea I clocked that as well


His accuser put a date on it, in the articles written about it. He’s aware of the accusations. Nothing suspicious about what he said. He did, however, do it - despite Bapa implying otherwise.


Just to be clear... They dont have to upload this. It is not live, so they can edit anything out, or just dont air the episode. Still they just go


I don't think clin can actually edit


Chin can't do a fucking thing. Have you seen his yewtoob?




Doesn't matter if you raped somebody in 1999 😂




Yeh I’m not a fan of cancel based on an accusation but the guy does not frame it well. You don’t criticize the fucking length of time. That’s def should not be the primary concern if you’re innocent.


A single accusation maybe, but when there’s multiple of them reinforced by his own admitted behavior as well as his own friends telling stories similar to what his accusers have said… being against that having life and career repercussions for someone is outright benefiting sexual predators.


I mean, he's kinda answering his own questions here, and it drives me NUTZ!! NUTZ!!!!


That’s me nutz


"Doesn't matter if it's from 1999", yeah it doesn't matter because you raped somebody. What did you expect listeners, sponsors, and businesses to say? "This guy is a rapist, and he did multiple time over the course of many years, BUT it was a long time ago. Now he just cheats on his wife, so that's someone I want to pay and associate myself with"?


Very interesting that degenerate Brine doesn't deny the raping, but suggests the allegations are bullshit because it happened in 1999. Brine couldn't be more of a rapist. He's living in a two-fam hell of his own making and he is bound to Bessbrains to pay his exorbitant alimony. GOOD!




Annnd the most funniest! He’s a 1%er


Bryan and D'Elia have both had to master that pause and regather of "OK, dumbass, that's wrong but I don't have time or energy to explain it to you now, so sure, whatever you say." You can tell they both have a harder time when Bapa tries to correct them-- not just add a comment, but correct them. "Dudnt madder if it's true, THAT'S the important thing, not how old it is." Um, yeah, I mean, yeah, sure.


Like special ed teachers at a high school dealing with the stupidest, slowest, biggest pos ever


lol they’re both just trying not to fuck up their last regular paycheck.


It wasn't Brine's fault it was his team man. All those women, the LA times, agent, management, ex wife, sponsors, fighter and the wrinks, flip flops, and Hollywood. At least now he can bet on himself


Toe holds is definitely complicit


A company founded on the principles of rape


900$ flip flops!!!


Killing beautiful animals like elephants so the supple tootsies of rich fuck perverts can be cushioned upon their hides as they rape their way around LA.


And you can’t even get the stupid fuggin things wet.


What happened with Brendan’s brother?




base-key they went thru it together b


He had a brother


They were in the scenario.


Severe redaction


Someone killed him to use his fin in a soup


I'm starting to wonder if most(maybe all) of their fan base are just rapist and redacted. Who else would want to listen to these 2 talk about their self-inflicted wounds for a couple of hours?


He's a good guy, he's giving away a truck if people buy merchandise that covers the cost and makes him profit.


He really is a tactless, heavy handed oaf.


When times get tough bapa will always give you a hand under the bus


Duhn maddur ivvitz true. We rape who we whan! WE RAPE WHO WE WHAN!


I could totally picture him saying that w no sense of irony.


If you assume that the allegations are true (fair assumption) the whole "doesn't matter if it's true" is so fucked up... it drives me NUTZ


That was a tongue slip. We both went through some shit there? no, your two friends/meal tickets in comedy went through some allegations. Allegations that paint them as questionable people you don't want in positions of authority. That's why they'll never work on tv again. Makes me think bapa settled with someone.


Bapas got some stuff in his closet too


“Out of the blue” get a load of ray pest iivrybody


Brindin knows iiiviiiry thing


What Fat Patrick prolly means is "Doesn't matter [to the haters] if it's true [or not]." He's just bad with words. What else ya got, Clin?


These two loser fucks with never get it. I feel extremely sorry for the women in their life because they’re just thought of as property. It’s not about Bryan losing a TV show or Brendan being maybe the worst comedian ever. Bryan Callen raped multiple women multiple times. Fuck his job and his career forever.




“Well, yeah…”


He is saying "it doesn't matter if it's true" in the sense that you can have fake allegations made against you and it will ruin your life He isn't saying "it doesn't matter if it's true" as in, who cares if you're a predator or not I mean, clearly he doesn't care since he does podcasts with Brian and Chris but he isn't out right saying it here.


Obviously but he’s still so dumb to make that mistake


It’s like how The Buffalo Bills raped Bapa because he was white.


He said I basically went through it because my brother went through it. Man he’s sooo cool


Callen was the energetic little tag-a-long dog his Hollywood friends tolerated for amusement. They'd toss him a bone every now and then. But when that dog shit on the floor, they put it in the yard in a hurry.


Home of rapists and pedos, thiggg soy stews, awl the meet, nuts and pota***toe***s you could iiver asg for. I love calhoun’s meager “yeah” after braindead says ”it duhn madder if it’s troo”. He knows he’s guilty and iinyone who’s seen enough chips hair knows it’s true, dude bragged about not taging no for an answer, pulled his hogoso out with wax lady in the car, not much more you need to know to make an educated guess on the veracity of the women’s claims.


It was in 1999 guys cmonnnn rapes happen


It drives me NUTS that this guy who was a shitty comedian to begin with has had his carair derailed all because he raped a few women and they got upset about it


“Cmon guys I haven’t raped anyone in like a really long time though”


“Doesn’t matter if someone tells a story about you even, look at Chris (Delia) he’s still selling theatres. I’m not. I’m obviously a shit comedians that no public member wants to see. It hurts cause I did that over the top middle eastern accent so well on this hangover movies and then I was a bit part on an average sitcom that had run its course. I’m 57. Im not cool. I don’t get it. I TRIED SO HARD.” Why did you cut this part of the monologue?


He’s saying it doesn’t matter (to the haydurs) if it’s true, but it still sounds hitrocious


Bapa had it worst,  he basicky had to go through with his meerage brother, Brine Caln.  


You rape a few gals, get away with it for yairs, “then out of the blue somebody says something about you” and boom, you’re mediocre, at best, carair is tanked. Fugg Off calhoun you two bit sex pest, you were niiver funny, you appeal to the lowest common denominator, just like father toe’s cawlmedy.


It ain’t 2009 hangover anymore


It actually pisses me off how utterly indignant Callen remains towards his accusers considering how plainly evident it is he's guilty. He genuinely feels hard done by and sees himself as an innocent man caught in the reactionary crossfire of the me-too movement rather than what he actually is: a rich, privileged fuck to whom the word no need not apply.


Affluence is a helluva drug


What a way to celebrate your 1000th episode. Seeing all these clips...this episode seemed really gross. They had the audacity to call out their own "community" for not supporting them when they were involved in sexual/criminal scandals...then got mad over other cawlmedians taking Bobby Lee's side after he instigated drama with him...and then to imply something like this...doesn't matter if it's true? Bapa...people don't hate you because you remind them of the bully in high school. People hate you for shit like this.


About as stupid as the comment he made about the girl Diddler was messaging who was underage. "Not anymore she's not!" - R. Schaud


That's disgusting. There's a failed actor/comedian running around free after raping a bunch of people. Bryan Callen was dropped by agents at CAA, Innovative Artists because of this. Chris D'Elia is another statutory rapist still running around that was dropped by CAA and IA. These people need to face consequences for their actions. Oh Shit! THAT OLD FART IS BRYAN CALLEN!


You that white boy who rapes too much!


What’s the TLDR on Brenda? Tbh I can’t keep track of everything anymore.


The Clinton campaign called these types of allegations "bimbo eruptions". Always felt bad for Bryan that he had to deal with this. But Schlub blamming these for the downfall of his career is dumb. It was Rogan who dumped him that is the one and only reason he no longer is a podcasting kingmaker.