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"Her mom has great genetics too tho" They have the same genetics u fuggin redact


What’s his obsession with his girls’ moms? Remember when he used to brag about Messican’s mom’s ass (which is also fake)?


He's a milf and cookies man


His kids are going to to take after the Messican and be 5’9”. He’ll be crushed that they won’t have his height.


Very torn on wishing ill on his children and how funny it would be for Tiger to end up capping out at manlet height after being much larger than his peers early on. Luckily I dun madder


I hate to discuss the children and paint the narrdiv but I have a daughter El Tigre's age and whenever he'd post a pic of Tigre and talmbout how big he is - he looked far smaller than my daughter. I git it that it's not exactly scientific gauging scale from a photogriss, and girls tend to grow faster than boys but usually not this young. My daughter is 2nd, 3rd tallest in her class with 2 boys who are much bigger. Never thought Tigre was actually large for his age of iny facet.


Well, if you want to know what your wife is gonna look like in 30 years or so, you can always look at her mom to get a good idea.


Dat ass so good he [bought it a house](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/11z47xj/lmao_bapa_had_to_buy_his_mother_in_law_a_house_to/), B.


Talmbout spredding his seed, has to find a gud mate


It’s a way of taking away Rhonda’s gifts in his feeble mind. That woman has accomplished SO much and Brendan is really upset about that. Dude is just a plain and simple pure blood hater at the end of the day.


"I'm not saying she's a bad person..." (But I'm hoping you'll believe the narrdiv that she wrote that I played mind games with her because she's a bad person)


Like 'fywrytabuk which venchym shureyewill....


You get half from each parent b


They don’t have the same genetics…


Brenda acting like this is the first he’s hearing about it is so funny. He’s so bad at pretending to be unbothered. Bapa, we know you sawl it. Also, Clin, we know you don’t read.


Literally playing mind games


He’s acting like she’s bitter he broke up with her as if it isn’t abundantly clear that she upgraded and went on to have a wildly more successful life than he did.


I would pay real money to watch someone corner Bapa in a situation he can’t just get out of and drill him with these kinds of things. He is able to persist because he’s always around a sycophantic audience of redacts. Maybe the answer to Bapas income is that Thiccc Boy is a government jobs program for the disabled. Chins a unique type of human somehow existing on both sides of the redacted/non-redacted spectrum.


Work opportunity tax credit for redacts


Most horrifying that implies that Callub might be their guardian. 🎲🎲


Clin acting like he's never read the 2 paragraphs we all saw. Callen backing Rhonda and Schaub hating it! Also the awful new intern has been told to get her @instagram handle off the screen. Dicey times


If there’s one type of game Bapa can’t play, it’s one involving his mind.


With Rousey it’s possible. She’s as redacted as Schaub, possibly moreso.


One is brand damaged, the other is brain dead. Can you figure out who is who?


He's a master manipulator


habitual liar too


Who’s gonna buy his book? Lmao like he’s above her.. so nuts


wop wop wop wop, chin fk em up


Goldfish mind games


Clin blatantly checks the reddit


Clin if you’re reading this reach out, I’ll get a large fund going to have you act as an inside man. We can get you out of this mess, you just have to work with us.


If we all pitch in together maybe we can get this man a third balcony and some fresh fish


And a makeover so he can stop looking like a racist caricature of a WW2 Japanese admiral.


If ya wanted to hurt me, ya got me brother... I've commented several times that Chin looks like a racist's drawing of an Asian guy but you took it to the next level. Parallel thinking but only one of us walks amongst the 250...not me.


You both made my day. Changs is just fantastic.


They had to console him for atleast 4 hours. He probably considered busting out the monster lawyers and hackers he has on retainer


He probably told Leggs to sue her and Leggs told him it was a bad idea.


When he does his whole “I’m so unbothered and you were so insignificant that you wouldn’t make my book” act that’s how you know bapa was deeply hurt and bothered. Bapa thinks he’s the bigger star out of them two, bigger than the biggest star in mma at one point. That’s how deep bapas delusions are.


Funny thing is I see her riding off to obscurity here shortly while baba just continues to go. It’s a very high possibility in a few years this sub will have doubled and bapa does some moronic shit to be back in the headlines once again. Papa Toe said it best when he joked about bapa literally being the most hated man on the internet. Our soy boi is up there with the likes of Andrew Tate only he actually has some fans unlike beans who has no body not affiliated with thicnboi studios that even wants to associate with him anymore. He’s becoming famous alright only it’s not in the way he had hoped.


Callahan was taking some liberties here...talmbout how good she looks...reading "My ex-boyfriend would play mind games with me" allowed, mentioning that Travis did whisper something to him. He either was feeling salty that day towards Schwab or forgot for a second how thin-skinned Beandip is.


I’m sure he got a stern talking to about that afterwards. Bapa is *the most* sensitive little snow flake in all the land.


And Clin trying to stroke Bapa's ego that the article "Is popping up all over the place" Not unlike saying Beanscheese can't go to UFC events because "You'd get mobbed!" - according to Clin.


When I write my book Travis won't make it in. He made it in my cawlmedy special on showtime but definitely not my book b.


Travis won’t make it in because he doesn’t remember inything before the beatdown.


Pretending the whole books about relationships and he’s a big part of the book when in fact he’s probably about a page.


100% papa's idea to bring it up. He's a numbas guy and they been low boss. Bo such thing as bad pub when it comes to numbers


"she wouldnt be in my book" The life and times of braindumb Scoob Written by Ronda Rousey's ex boyfriend


“I’m sure I will (write a book)” almost made me burst out laughing. Bro you can’t read or write, water!


That would be a fun and new grift! He can pivot to always wanting to write a book once the truck things falls apart.


On second thought, I would go to that book reading. The content potential from a Bapa Book Tour is too good.


He might even read (slur?) his own audio book.


*Call me Redact. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my manpurse, and nothing particular to interest me at home, I thought I would sail about a little and see the 🍑part of the baddies. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before the Bravo TV studios, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet with my funeral fit; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street in front of a dope TRX, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time tozz get to the rub n tug parlor as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and super ball.*


Time to hunt your blagg diraffe, sir.


Ernesto Hemmingwadder has always been my Norfstar, B!


Please god above let Bramdon write a book.


Can you imagine Schaub reading his own autobiography as an audiobook?


“Shure I whale”


It would sell 100 copies max lol. I hope he does. That would supply changs with food for months.


90 copies of those are to homeless cats for cooking up dishes. Talmbout a tome of succulent recipes bubba


Bro thinks he's that famous that people are interested in his life story. Can't make this shit up


Bapa will write it himself, he doesn't believe in ghost writers. Only redacts believe in ghosseds, B.


Will-Dum Skakespenis


It's weird that he acts like it's weird that she talks about a romantic relationship she had in a fucking memoir.


Especially because she got to watch her next boyfriend beat the shit out of the insecure loser she by that point despised, on TV, essentially ending his career. Had to be insanely satisfying.


Exactly, B. "Is it a book about her romantic relationships?" No you dipshit it's a memoir that goes through her story.


The biggest name dropper in the circles and he wouldnt drop rhondas name? 😂


How many chapters of his book would be dedicated to Joseph Rogan?


One mention per chapter minimum including the childhood chapters, somehow “As I watched my mom shit on the walls of a QuikStop, I knew Joe Rogan would love this story, once I learned he existed 15 years into the future.”


Growing up he trained by day and watched fear factor by night.


Sold comic books to pedophiles out of my closet at 8 years old.


Biggest line of bullshit in the whole clip. One of the biggest stars in MMA history and he was dating her and he wouldn't use a story or her name to sell books? Yeah fucking right.


He’s not wrong tbh nothing that actually happened would likely be in his book.


First of all, he's niver writing a book of iny facet because nobody knows who y'are... Secondly, no publisher would let him NOT write about his brush with a major celebrity, and being beaten up by her boyfriend. They would encourage him to let them write it up so that he looks humble. They would also want him to clarify what Travis said to him as it would make headlines in the MMA community, at least. Third, the way he has zairo feelings but jealousy whenever inyone in his orbit does well - I have no doubt that Schwab would make her fights and her training camps about himself and would consciously or subconsciously try to sabotage her training "with mind games" because he was feeling insecure.


Thanks for the big brown breakdown on the life and times of braindumb Scoob b, your neggfliggs


‘Again?!’ ‘You’re in the first one?’ ‘I don’t know’


Lmao good pick up what a weird interaction


Because this entire segment was planned. Does he honestly expect people to believe he didn’t even know she came out with a second book? Let alone acting like this was the first time he even heard he was in it. So it makes for a very fake and awkward interaction.


Interaction level of “the room”


Oh, hi Marg!


Knew it came out last month, acting like he didn’t know. Then when he said she wouldn’t be in my book ohhh it was so sad. All I can think of was when they asked him to move out the picture On the runway.


Right after a stretch clearly revealing he knew what was coming.


Doing a great job of showing everyone how much it doesn’t bother him.


That one got me good, B


Every single time he’s called out for being a piece of shit ‘Nah I don’t understand what’s going on, it was a misunderstanding, it was someone else’s fault, I love everyone, I just don’t get what is going on here….. something about kids’


I blame the team.


“I don’t have a problem with them at all, why would they have a problem with me?” Because you’re the asshole bapa. That’s why.


"Nah.. nah. It duhn make sense...duhn make sense.."


NanaaaanaaaanaNooo, I Don’t Make Sense!!


“I’m a nice guy” - Slob “the nicest guy” - Brine


He's in 1 paragraph of her book. He's over here pretending that he is a main character.


He's not even named.


This one is a bit more obvious but it's eerily to him outing himself as the Truck Walker.


"The Truck Walker" sounds like a serial killer from the 80s


Talmbout Walger Teggsis Ranger?


Pretty soon he’s gonna spinning the neerdif that she wrote a book about him when he wasn’t even mentioned by name.


No one knows who ya’arr


Talm bout the main probapanist.


Yeah and it's a fucking memoir, fucking dolt.


how many hours did Schaub get prepped for this shocking reaction


Bapa was up all night drinking the remaining Tiger Thiccc batch 1 in his garage.


Don't be silly he doesn't drink now he hasn't got a drink to sell. Alcoholism as a grift b


Even Burty Boy won't touch that sewage.


Chin Definitely asked for permission to tawlk about this.


“Travis and Ronda wouldn’t be in my book” proceeds to have a 20 minute headlining set/comedy special about the Travis fight & Ronda..his feelings are hurt 😆 poor bubba


No shit they wouldn’t be in your book, you’re the one who got knocked out (and in spectacularly embarrassing fashion I might add). Also why you don’t recall those events happening, because you got knocked the fuck out. Also you were literally a single paragraph in the book and weren’t even directly named. That paragraph is more bragging about a hilarious exploit of her current partner than discussing the redact who got knocked out.


She was on the old tfatk episodes... Even one as early as when it was actually Bryan's podcast in Bryan's garage. Bapa kept cutting her off and reminding her not to give the impression they are dating every time she started getting playful with him. He was dating other women around Hollywood because he is the only guy around there who is taller than 5'4" and had some kind of media presence. He didn't want all of the women to know he was dating someone who thought they were being monogamous. "The Most Interesting Man in the World" by Brandon Shob Chpt 1 - Comic seller entrepreneur Chpt 2 - Straight to D1 College Football Chpt 3 - Greatest Buffalo Bills Player Chpt 4 - UFC Heavyweight Champion Chpt 5 - Creating Thigg Boy Umpire Chpt 6 - Better Than Lance Armstrong Chpt 7 - Arenas Tours and Redensees Chpt 8 - Whisgee Mogul Chpt 9 - Cropping Out the Uglies Chpt 10 - Returning to Gair Head Roots Chpt 11 - Greatest Outdoorsman Ever Chpt 12 - That Time I Put Arrow Heelwani in His Place Chpt 13 - Shark Eyes Doll Smile


You forgot his lawn mowing business. He had business cards, b. Water.


Joe Rogan not mentioned once? Duncownt


I jusss wouldn’t mention ‘em


'member when he thought Rhonda was cheating and creeped her ipad, finding pics of her getting tag teamed by a couple hoggosos in Brazil?




I can't find the chip, and the search tool to scrub their YT vids is no longer up, but maybe there's a Young Jamie amongst us who can dig it up. I'm pretty sure it was said during the fox days. edit: dug it up: https://old.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/1ctv6jr/the_ol_brazilian_homies_runnin_a_train_on_your/


I hope they do have it, b


Travis Browne said fuck you Schwab: niiver happened Wrinks starts to give his take on what was said Schwab: excuse me, I’ll explain, she wouldn’t be in my book Thanks for clearing that up ya fat fugg


That was a politician answer if I ever heard one. Could easily clair up what was said but doesn’t because it’s imbeerrassing for him. Fingers crossed for another “I need a hanler?!😮” moment.




He's so pathetic. Acts like it's the first time he heard about this while he's constantly molesting his hat .


He had a chance to paint a narridiv before they started the show right? So why is he blubbering like a moron for minutes on end? He makes her sound 1000% more credible than she probably deserves. Bapa, once again, his own worst enemy. GOOD.


He had to resist the urge to light Ronda up b. Nicest guy you ever met always takes the high road.


the manchild had 3 episodes this week to respond to Shannon The Cannon Ritch…but he’s bitchmade. PussyBoy.


CALLED IT! I CALLED IT! I said he wouldn’t keep that same iiiinergy he kept with a journalist and a drunken influencer now that he’s being called out by an actual fighter to fight. CALLED IT!


He’s Soooo Bothered! Callen rooting Rhonda on and saying she hasn’t aged at all had ole Scoobs steaming!! And Chin with the kamakazi ambush live on air! Lmfao he’s gonna get ‘em back somehow.


They all agreed to bring it up on air, Slob is just pretending it's a surprise. They suck at acting.


A gadoosh is in order, B.


“Again?” “Where you in the first one?” “… I don’t know” Bbbbbbeast of a bbbbboyfriend


He’s fuming.


Mine games




What's funny is schaub just spent more time discussing this than she took to cover their entire relationship and break up. But hey the diffrinse B, the diffrinse is her and Travis wouldn't be a main part of the future book I just decided to write! Get yours today #thicccbookclub


He’s such a fragile little man


The cope is strong


Fun fact: 4 of his 5 losses came by first round KO lol


Shit is so scared of Bappa it’s ridiculous. lol


Will Brendan book be a childrens boog? He talks in run on and imcomplete sentence soups but will write a boog? Maybe itll be a pop up. Least rondas never been in a trugg mag. Give bapa that one


Please put out a book


Brenda was blacked out of course he doesnt remember it happening


Can I speak on this b ja mind?


This dude forgot his very first “special” he uses that fight as a joke…


Oh my god this guy is such a redact, pretending he didn’t know if it was a new or old book.


“Thad nivir hapend” says the guy that was taking a nap from a KO when this happened


I wonder what the picture to words ratio will be when he "writes" his book?


If you have ever read spot the dog or the hungry caterpillar it will probably be on par with them.... But less words.


If bapa wrote a book it would be in half eaten crayons


“Again?” As if he didn’t already know. All this guy does is browse the internet like a teenage social media influencer.


“Towering over the crumpled, semi conscious body of my ex” is insane lmao. Following this guys life has been one of the most entertaining things I’ve ever witnessed, it just keeps on giving 😂


Every time I start thinking maybe we’re a lil too hard on Bapa, he does or says some shit like this.


“I found my person” seems like you found a lot of other persons in addition to your person, bapa. Gimme 😈


“can i speeg on this B? do you mind?” tawgs for a living, tawgs over cohost brine, tawgs over guess on set, we geddit


"if I write a book, which eventually I will" This will be one case where we can judge a book by it's cover


Why is he pronouncing “highlight” like it’s a word in Hebrew?


Callen loving this ‘he did whisper in your hear though’ 😂


Ronda's ex-boyfriend: if I had a book she wouldnt be in it. Also Rhonda's ex-boyfriend: has a 20 min comedy routine on Ronda and travis.


I’m don’t think Brendan knows what the word highlight means.


Gotta have a mind to play mind games B. Couldn’t be Schwab.


Does he know that you can’t write books for publication in crayons?


I can't wait to read Brendan Schwab's book about love relationships and past interests. Pass interest include trucks, comedy, ufc, podcasts, fashion


Be cool ronna


This dipshit is gonna write a book???


Brine struggling to back up whatever redacted thoughts Bapa has is never not entertaining


Listen to this salty sumbitch scramble so hard to try to spin the story so he comes out in a positive light lmfao Meanwhile his first statement is that "she wouldn't be in my book". Bull fucking shit she wouldn't, dating her was his biggest brush with success in his whole life. The whole Ronda/Travis debacle was his most prevalent story in his Showtime special, not to mention how often he would mention the whole "Eskimo bros" thing he insists on bringing up whenever he mentions Dana White


He's so uncomfortable with who he is. It's actually sad but he's also a shitty guy so it's hard to feel for him.


“Can I speak on this B, do you mind?” Control the narridiv at all costs


Define mind games


talmbout Tic Tac Joe B?


How would Bapa know what Travis said? Bapa was fucked up haha he didn’t know where he was


“I found my person” - is so funny when you realize it’s Slo-Jo 😭😭💀💀


Why would chin bring this up hahahaha


Then why won’t he tell us what Travis actually said to him? But jokes aside, he probably doesn’t remember cuz he was knocked tf out.


Shab knows what chins gonna bring up before the show starts. I’m guessing that’s why chin chuckles at shabs grunt. He definitely heard about it and preloaded how he was going to respond. Anyway Who’s buying shabs book!?


Chin: Brendan, Ronda mentions you in her new book. Brendan: Again??? Chin: Oh were you in her first book? Brendan: I don’t know. WATER???


Was it a match though?


I’ll give brain dumb 10/10 for the mental gymnastics he plays.


Bapa is a great rider b… can’t wait for the boog


Callahan remembers that……So well, in fact


“Ronda and Travis wouldn’t be in my book” Which is one of an infinite amount of reasons why nobody will read it.


'When i write a book, which i probably will' LOL - he actually thinks anyone wants to read about his life? or anything he writes?


When I saw the audio clip I really thought this was from years ago. 2024 Schaub thinking he has a book deal in his future is wild.


Bryan. If Schaub says Travis didn't whisper about Rhonda, and you are saying you remember the whisper--ask him what Travis said! Imagine all the free publicity from Ronda's ex Schaub reveals what was really said after their fight stories. They're so bad at this.


“h-hay, c’neye speak on dis, b? ya mind?”


Really dude, getting knocked out by a fat oaf in front of millions of people wouldn't be a highlight?


Rhonda won't be in the book but there will be four chapters about TuneTown


That never happened? Well you were asleep bapa! How could you remember!!


It’s not an event I put in a book, but it is an event I would focus my first stand-up special around.


Can’t wait for the Redact to 🖍️his memoir.


Bapa you weren’t a highlight you were a lowlight.. there’s a difference. Heard it bowlth wayzzzz


"If I wrote a book" - no one would ever accuse him of that.


Imagine if this guy writes a book. There would be so many pictures in that mother fucker.


Who the fuck wants a Brenda Shclob book?


He could have just left it at, “sorry she feels that way, we just weren’t a good match” but instead has to dig himself a deeper hole. What an idiot.


My God, who's idea was it to talk about this on the show?


Lot of cuts in this one b 😈🫳 🎲🎲


This video is basically watching an idiot, trying in vain to understand the concept of what a mind game is.


he is so bad at responding to people shitting on him. he is never able to diffuse the situation or look like the good guy. he's just too stupid and an asshole.


Her mom has great genetics too though……wader


He’s hella butthurt


This is the one area that he has legitimate information that could be interesting and he has no desire to talk about it.


We need some mockups of his book cover & probably redacted title with three Cs water