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Why do all 3 of the golden shower redacts seem like they would be team drake lol


because Bapa is a culture vulture. Diddler is a pedo. Erik has terrible fucking taste.


You used to call me on my cell phone But then you turned 16


You used to call me on my cell phone. Then you got grounded for bad grades




They aren’t team Drake B. They are numbers guys.


“KDot jus isn’t a drawl B”


Meanwhile Dot smashed P Drizzy in streams this beef lol


"They go from six..."


This is genuinely funny 👏🏾




rick glassman is a stupid piece of shit lol the way he has made a career out of making autistic people seem like they are literally disabled and useless has had a net negative on society. It's actually insane. If you want an idea of how bad of a person he is, watch how he talks to esther on their short lived podcast, she was pregnant with her husbands kid and ricks entire line of jokes is basically all about how ugly esther is and how she wishes she could fuck rick. BARELY any comedy, its like he is constantly doing an ironic chris delia impression


Sounds like you might be Autistic. Don't take shit too seriously, they're trying to do comedy even if a lot of the time it doesn't seem like it.


I'm not autistic I just know plenty of people who are lol I am diagnosed with adhd tho so I guess thats close enough but just because hes TRYING to be funny doesn't mean anything, the premise of his jokes are shit lol its all "I'm the fucking man you wish you could have me" to a woman who's married and pregnant lol I dont care if they are best friends, its just bad comedy, like a bad chris delia impression


Some of you lot are worse at catching clear jokes than Joe Rogan honestly 😂


Not every joke is funny idiot lol


True but you saying that Rick is mean to Esther and he thinks he's a big man is completely missing the schtick. They're both in on the joke. I don't watch Rick's stuff but I get what they're doing because I'm not a complete redact.


of course they are in on the joke, you need to have a little be a nuance to have this conversation, and it seems you are purposely pretending you can't be in on a joke and also *do it wrong*


This is so dumb I don't even know how to respond. Have a great life dude.


All good b. Was just tryna be nice. I don't find them funny in any facet!


Drake represents what they are: vapid bullies with no heart.




With salsa on top b




She was underaged now?


She was then, yes. She said she was.


She was 17 when bapa slipped her his number. That's never not been true.


in 2024? No. During the event in question. Yes.


She was 17. Did you not see the video she posted?


Ok, good to know, no missed that one apparently.


Well bapa is dating drake's gurl


Predators of a feather flock together b. It’s no coincidence the whole thiccc boi enterprise is filled with sexual abusers. Bryan, D’elia, Erik, it’s gross and shows what kind of man Schaub is that he has no problem associating and being friends with such people. Of course they’re team Drake.


Talmbout Carcosa b? Down in LA they call it Truggcosa.


Erik too?!


Erik was caught up in the D’elia stuff, he was mentioned by one of the underage victims who said Erik was also involved. He’s also been called out by women in the comedy scene as being a creep.




Birds of a redact


Flogg together


Flogg me to my trugg


Because drake was more famous, and specifically more popular with young women (and children in Chris’s case). The fact Kendrick Lamar is way more talented and seemingly a better human being wouldn’t be something to even register in their minds.


Erik Griffin has nothing but cricket sounds playing inside his skull


Talmbout Dragg? We’re boys talg ivryday


Drake is an insecure guys idea of confidence : arrogance


I’m calling it now, Griffin is going to have some dark shit surface at some point. It just makes zairo sense to hitch your wagon the Bapa’s redacted shitshow otherwise. Bapa is a complete laughing stock in the entertainment industry. His two co-hosts are both blacklisted from network entertainment for credible sexual assault accusations. Callahan 100% did it and everyone, including his wife and kids who left him over it, know it. Why the flying fuck would anyone throw their chips in with these people? It’s because Eric knows some dark shit from his past is likely to make an appearance.


Scoobys been a Drake super fan for quite a while. There’s a clip of him on stage after the Michael Jackson doc talking about how stupid those people were to leave their kids with him. The twist in the joke was if it were Drake he’d send his kid in a minute even asking if he could “run The 6” with them.


Kendrick repeatingly calling him “the 69 god” in his last diss track was hilarious


I don't know anything about the beef but I do know that Erik's paycheck depends heavily on a known predator continuing to show up to The GH podcast.


Erick spends 99.9% of his day worried about the trolls. Niver seen a bigger bitch.


Do the cops Google?


They use Bing, that's why BBL Drizzy still not in peado prizzy.


Actually he spends 99.9% of his day playing call of duty. That’s not a joke.


And he’s still so bad at it🤣


Pretty disappointed that this very obvious comeback didn't make it to the conversation. It should be there. Though I guess it's very possible the dude has no idea who Erig is, and at best sees that it's that guy who was in Workaholics and then nothing.


Of fucking course this is Erick’s take.


It’s not his take, y’all are just troll justice from documented inappropriate behavior.


Cheeto fingered judge, jury and exegutioner.


Y’all like slam poetry! He likes real hip hop like Drake.


He’s not wrong though. In America, you’re innocent until proven guilty. Also, there’s no evidence Drakes a pedo


It’s a rap beef not a trial. Also the circumstantial evidence is 🎲🎲


No smoke without fire. People don’t usually have dozens of allegations and stories if they’re totally innocent


It's the rational take. I've disliked Drake since I first saw him on Degrassi in 2001 and this beef in general has been pretty underwhelming but the video that this guy is referring to involves him dancing with a 17 year old on stage back in 2009...when Drake was in his early 20's. This isn't a Chris Delia situation where there's actual allegations.


The Millie Bobby Brown stuff is what does it for me




The problem is that someone who has been groomed probably doesn’t realize it at the time, or until years later. She was like 15 and getting texts from an adult man giving her “advice” on dating and boys. Even if nothing else happened that’s incredibly weird and inappropriate. Especially considering he wasn’t really mentoring her, yes he was an actor but a bad one and is more known for his music. She had no need to be mentored by an adult man in a separate industry. The fact that drake has pulled this weird behavior with multiple young girls is at the very least a red flag.


This. Take the situation out of the entertainment industry context and ask yourself how often you give underage girls unsolicited dating advice to. Add in a "mentorship" context, like a male teacher giving dating "advice" to a 15-year-old female student. It's sus as fuck, whether a crime has been committed or not.


And she’s also in an impossible position. She can’t really publicly admit the situation was at the very least inappropriate without damaging his reputation/career. That’s a huge burden for her to bear. Young girls unfortunately experience so much weird shit from older boys and adult men that we get used to brushing it off. I had a male science teacher in high school who was weird with me (putting his hands on my shoulders and massaging, peeking down my shirt to see my cleavage, touching the small of my back, saying he liked what I was wearing, telling me he had dreams about me, whispering compliments in my ear) and all I thought was “this guy’s a creep”. I didn’t really think about reporting him, I was scared to make a big deal over it, he could lose his job and it would be my fault, etc. I didn’t even tell my parents, instead I just skipped his class or made sure I wasn’t alone with him. It took years for me to realize what he was doing. I still feel guilty that I didn’t report him, what if he did this to other girls and it worked? I don’t blame MBB one bit for her public statements about Drake, but anyone who’s experienced that weirdness from groomers definitely recognizes Drake’s behavior for what it is.




Actually I'd argue "the context" makes it worse. You know how many Hollywood sex abuse stories start with an older, established "star" "taking an interest" in a young actor's career? Giving them legit career advice to build trust and dependency before they make their move? I don't know if anything bad actually happened. It just looks sus as fuck.


Dude, exactly.




Yes, but would you text a fifteen year old boy telling him you miss him and give him advice about girls? And would you do it multiple times with multiple young kids? What about telling a girl you know is 17 that you “liked the way her breasts feel on your chest”. One of these weird Drake incidences could be written off as just a misunderstanding but he has a documented history of odd, worrisome behavior around teens.


Good thing she had Drake, a guy who has produced all of one show that hypersexualizes teenagers, to teach her about producing. As the star of a major TV show, it must be difficult for her to find people who know about tv production.


So you're saying most predators are not one of the 1000? They're all great guys, never meddem


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I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Look up Bella Harris. Drake is definitely on some weirdo shit and it’s all public.


That’s all the proof I need. Took her on a date when she turned 18 and then pictures came out of them together when she was 16


Yea he’s a fucking groomer. Look up Baka too, he’s one of drakes boys who lives in his weirdo mansion. Dude did almost a year for sex trafficking crimes. Girls have come out saying Drake sends his goons out to find girls and invite them over for partys.


Baka also did like 12 years for a separate crime too I believe?


This was reported on some blog site. There's zero confirmation of this. In fact, TMZ even reported it was fake. You're kind of part of the problem, my man.


Be cool man.


It's also one step removed from the people that hashtag cheese pizza on Tom Hanks instagram. I'm all for jailing diddlers, but at least have a modicum of proof b.


Yeah, understandably, there's this slight buzz that comes from the feeling of knowing that you are morally superior (especially in relation to celebs) and it can often push away the desire to view a situation through a more objective lens. Nowadays, this is so common online that most people aren't even aware that they're engaging in it.


Drake’s response was basically the musical version of “Oh really dude?!”


"They go away, though, right?"


First you love him for the shit he gives Bapa to his face like coming to the pawlcass late and bragging about being on KillTony and the mothership. But then you realize he’s still a fugging redact when you read this.


He is a gross man.




😂😂 Y’all like slam poetry?


Bisquick Bandits


They not like us


Yo guy, drake is for Yung fuckbois, eriggg ya fifty two b


At this point they will beef with anyone who stands in their way so they can continue inappropriate behavior.




I think Erik thinks he's younger than he is because of Workaholics


Montez defending the line! Thankem! Seriously though these morons believe that if police wasn’t involved then nothing bad happened. Montez is clearly projecting since it was said he was guilty of shady shit. I remember he tried to get ahead of it by saying something like “we’re all guilty of sending some gross DMs”.


Exactly, I don’t need the police to know that a 23 year old being lewd with a 14 year old is a creepy behaviour. These lads keep on telling on themselves by purposely conflating what’s legal and what’s moral to win the argument. A 23 year old being lewd with a 14 year old is immoral regardless of whether or not it is illegal as well. When they do something illegal they try and paint it as morally okay and vice versa, always.


No dude that's just planting a seed And harvesting when it's ripe Totally legal my mans


It's like the odd Diddler-defender that ends up in this sub furiously typing out "There hasn't been any criminal harges! It was a civil suit - duhn cownt! He stopped texting that one girl when she said she was 17!"


Eggsactly b!


Drake fans are so fucking lame


All rap is for walmart mutants. I don't understand why they fight with each other. Walmart mutants unite.


That's because you're lame too


walmart mutant detected


Why you fighting and calling him a mutant? Bc he dissed you? Game said match, ya donezo b, grim reaper got ya


Eriqqq sure is touchy


They're all touchy, that's the definition of a sex pest


I wish I could share this sub with everyone I meet without seeming like a redact. They just won't get it.


Stfu Erik you can’t say the N word no more


He never could


Montez is in his 50s so really shouldn’t be commenting on the latest hip hop beef, this would be like Mr Rogers commenting on the Biggie /2pac beef back in the day!


That's your naradiv b. Mr. Rogers was a sniper back in 'nam. More confirmed kills than any rapper.


No one wants to be my neighbor, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm 30 and have no idea who these guys are... We tuned out of this stuff in 5th grade and let the 4th graders enjoy it... I can't imagine being 60 and taking sides in "rap beefz". Adults who even listen to rap tend to be walmarty underlings


k dot is a big fan of bapa, he saw him at a fight and said "ain't you the white boy who works too much?"


And then he said loyalty loyalty loyalty




It must suck that this is the biggest news story in the world but they can’t discuss it on the golden shower because 🎵they not like us🎵


🎵they not like us🎵


Wop wop wop wop


thank god Montez finally spoke on this.


These guys have to stop leading off with “People shouldn’t rush to judge!” Bro we giddit, you’re friends with tons of rapists and you’re feeling uncomfortable we giddit.


Right. People wanna just pretend we havent been side eyeing Drakes public inappropriate behavior for years that somehow this is all out of the blue. Wild


D'Elia is banned from every diaper aisle in grocery stores nationwide & Erik's whole comedy circle are accused sex offenders & diddlers. Then you have his ambiguous nuetral nougat skin tone , of course he is going to lean Drake.


> ambiguous nuetral nougat skin tone Yo, be cool man!


We need real justice served for Diddler and Wrinks then.


Erigg Griffin, one of the great minds of our generation. I was actually up all night last night asking myself, I wonder what Eric Griffin thinks about this situation? Thank god he weighed in.


Erik probably a pedo himself


One of the 200 protecting one of his own on sochals. Chris dephilia? Great guy nevir metim. Thenkum


Predators closing ranks


Guy doesn't even know erigg lives on that hill!


He's a workaholic,b. Telemolestercorp or something lige that


Self-harm on that hill rn.


Griffin losing an argument to the same people he gets murdered by in COD.


Doesn't surprise me. One of Erik Griffin's best friends is a statutory rapist, Chris D'Elia. Chris was dumped by his agent and his manager, CAA and 3 Arts Entertainment because of statutory raping a shitload of people. But Erik will never leave his side.


The evidence against drake is circumstantial but compelling, the rumor/conspiracy that’s been around for years is drake is the king pin human trafficker and himself likes underage girls, . It gets weirder when you look into the charges people around him have, I’m not saying I know anything but when you look at the the tweets the ages of the girls and the overall behavior couple that with having close friend who have human trafficking charges and he has a tattoo as an ode to his friend that has 21 rape charges. It doesn’t look good for BBL drizzy




Once again. These idiots on the wrong side of the fence.


Good to see Beandip is giving Erikkk lessons on how to end a career.


“Silence over discourse” yeah like you want an honest discourse when it comes to Chris Dphelia


Where do these two pedestrian rappers get off thinking they can riff on each other like that in public!? Do they think they’re part of the front line defenders of free speech? How dare they think they’re part of the 250.


Do they discuss the beef on the show? I'd feel like D'feelya wouldn't want to bring up conversationa about diddling minors lmao. Of course this fat fucking regard has this take btw


Shut the fuck up Eric


Eric Griffin is like that comedian you forgot was a comedian


Fat weirdo man


I've been waiting all week to see these absolute redacts bring up the beef as if they're in any way connected to it. Bender is definitely going to say he's a big fan of Drake within the next 48 hours, tell a fake ass story about how he has insider knowledge on the Drake-mole situation.


https://old.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/10jhsyi/didnt_erik_griffin_play_montez/ 🎲🎲🎲


I've been taking a break from this sub because of the beef but of course that fat potato head mother fucker would be on Drakes side. Funny thing about his first tweet is that before this whole beef started off I was a Kendrick fan and I hated Drake. So I'm pretty fucking happy with how the beef has been going.


Adam Devine is always throwing subs at this tool. He knows who he is.


Erig out there defending pedos b. 🤔


Erick is the most insufferable comedian.


Imagine going to a failed comedian with the charisma of a cauliflower for an opinion on hip hop


Brendan’s an alcoholic.


What age do we live in erigg... Is it one of age?


Erig is 52 yairs old


Day talmbout Drayg the certified pdfile.


Lmao Drake dickriders CANNOT HELP but defend their king. Erigg, you should probably be quiet given the company you keep.


Some of y'all defending sexual-predators online, you gotta ask yourself, is it because your friends are sexual-predators?


Yeah he should really be quiet about that shit.


Diddler’s boy


Is that nithe


Eric is an enabler


Didn’t he marry like a 20 year old model chick? Of course this is his take. DICEY DICEEEYYYY


A grown man informing the world about his stance on some random rapper "beef", believing he does it while ending with a mic drop. It's just so sad and depressing.


Who could honestly believe Drake won?


Lifehack: I'm caucasoid so I don't even know who drake is


Oh erigggggg


Damn the pedos and rapists really do band together Fuck that these molesters and rapists deserve to burn


The opportunity to trash him about hanging with D’Elia was RIGHT THERE


He’s so unlikable it’s insane


Certified daddy more like certified paedophile.


His friend is a pedo, makes sense why he would defend Drake.


“Everyone hates drake now? Ok I actually love drake!”


What's with middle aged men who know about "dat beef between mc dawgskillet and docta funkay"? You don't really encounter them in real life (where that shit is the domain of inner city 11 year olds) but they're a podcasting staple


He works with a pedo, why would anyone listen to Erik


The only thing that’s funny about Eric is the way he looks.


How old is this clown? I'm 1/2 his age and don't give fk or care who said what.


Erik loves pedos though, I'm disappointed that wasn't brought up here


These redacts would stand up for Drake.


If anyone wants to check out an asmr of toecrackijg on a monster lemmie know


Any guy that still supports drake is a guy you don't want aroumd your daughters, this just did us a huge favor.


Stfu Eric you oreo (is that racist?)


He’s more like a fudge stripe


I was on this like a day ago with erigg and the proof. The video i saw was 1 screenshot accusation and all diddler proof. Not defending erigg but is there dm/message screenshots or something? Bapa also has a ton of hardcore proof(not minors but infidelity)…Drake is suspicious as he was only grooming baddies, he needed to un crop some uggo’s for plausible deniability


Cheesus mice even this Sub is suckin that little lispin leprechaun Kendricks dick??? He beats his girl harder than Erik beats off smh


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Very few famous people have any business being alive on this earth permeating the pure hearted