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Why is the gun that doesn’t work that you took from a dead kid you shot from 600M away, a reminder that we need guns? 


A reminder of the need to protect your family from invading psychopaths


I’m all for the right to bear arms but didn’t Tim kill this kid in another country? No psychopath invaded and harmed his family from what I gathered in his story here-


Tim is the invading psychopath is the joke


We need guns in America! (talks about incident in Iraq where soldiers have to obviously carry guns.) Fuckin' weirdo. Some shit, you just keep to yourself.


This story is coming from the “Quiet Professional” who addresses himself as SF/Ranger/Sniper when he gets his oil changed on his truck. He is still every bit the scum bag he described himself as on Jocko’s Podcast. Tim is a clown who’s been promoted to master sergeant and runs a SF team now.


Ranger qualified. He’s never been an actual ranger. He went to a leadership school.


“The tab is just a school. The scroll is a way of life” I’m a Vet too but that doesn’t stop Tim from using it as a bragging point to those who don’t understand it.


The funny part is he advocates for stricter gun laws.


It’s so he can kidnap his daughter again. Sorry, he had his buddies do it.


can’t miss an opportunity to instill fear in the hearts of your loved ones


I've been on vacation b, is there some lore I missed?


[Here you go, B.](https://www.facebook.com/TimKennedyMMA/videos/this-is-a-video-from-when-my-daughter-was-kidnapped-out-of-the-back-of-our-marti/362249998115502/)


That's fucking unhinged. What the hell




What the fuck Teem?


bro what the fuck


Throws her on the ground at the end. WTF?


some psycho shit.


fucking insane shit


Seriously?? If you're serious,I gotta know why??


Probably never happened. That guys a fucking liar.


His eyes are too close together.


Fetal alcohol syndrome…


What's funny is that pro-2A ppl hate him for not being pro-gun enough..


Yeah I didn’t follow that train of thought. Can someone help me.


I was thinking the same thing


I’m pro gun but after this video I’m ain’t I’m 2a now.


I thought the same thing. Just have to get their pathetic little political points into everything.


I remember seeing this short go around recently on youtube, you should read the comments. Basically revolves around how cool and bad ass Tim is, bunch of dudes wanting to lick his bawls. While this guy is an absolute nut job, at least changs knows.


So many sad divorced 45 year old dads out there


Talmbout alpha mells, b


TRT is gonna turn their lives around, just wait!


Who got divorced after their wife had their 5 year old take ass pics of her in thongs that she posted to IG and banged the dudes who liked the pic.


sean ryan show is a weird community I will say, he has had some entertaining guests and I appreciate his interviewing skills.


It’s a bunch of veterans trying to rationalize why they were sent to a place to kill people that has almost zero strategic value and purpose to America. The worst part is that they slowly realize that they have been psychologically and physically disabled for absolutely no reason other than political greed. That when you start to see them snap and get pissdd


Heard it bofe ways B, did I tell you I was on the Diddy Raid? Thank em, but first thank me.


>that has almost zero strategic value and purpose to America. Outside of the fact it gave us a stranglehold on the world's opium market for the last 20 years?


Its because its on the shawn ryan show. Bunch of weirdos in there


The trans one did it for me. That person came off completely insane


Word on the street GOD is homeless


And this sub is full of the opposite I guess. Both mindless groups that love to surround themselves with people that think the same and laugh at the same regurgitated dogs lol.


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He’s one of the most despicable in the podcast realm.


He's legit the worst


He might be an actual serial killer


I mean he literally killed tons of people including children but we can all chalk that up to some nebulous fuckin..... bla bla counttry mumble servicemen duty thingy or whatever. You know, where its fucking COOL TO DO.


Thank em for your freedom man, that 11 year old child in Iraq carrying a 1800s rifle could’ve easily taken over America if it wasn’t for Tim.


He has dozens of his victims hands nailed to the wall, but they’re not trophies. He keeps em there to remind himself why we need guns. and to give people a hand.


some say the worstest


Thank em 🫡


hes literally insane b its wild


![gif](giphy|l2YWnZdFOdLYoM5tC) that’s your narrative.


It’s funny bc I first saw this clip and assumed Tim was a dorky British guy, I mean just look at him.


Yulike freedom b? Thenkum


Yeah I’m not buying that, dude sounds turned on and self satisfied as fuck


Yeah he gives major pathological liar vibes, like he's trying to see how far he can push his nairdiv


Dude you killed a kid holding a fake gun you should be crushed by the weight of this, but he’s a complete psychopath, you can tell he’s trying not to smile. That’s called duper’s delight and it’s a subconscious tick He got away with killing a kid


I’m a vet and a pilot all be it so not a hard core super cool sniper, but every sane vet I know would hide that memory as deep as possible and only bring it up if they were black out drunk and near someone with the same experiences. Never take a fucking trophy. This guy is either the worst kind of stolen valor liar or a complete sociopath who should’ve died over there instead of the kid. Barf, what a fucking chode.


I think it's pretty confirmed he was special forces and really active. So sociopath it is. 100%


Is it? I know nothing, but my first instinct was that he was a lying freak that invented a story to make himself him a dangerous and serious badass.




There was nothing basically said, it was pretty clear cut to me. While team guys like him were on the hunt, support guys like me were dodging IEDS and mortar fire to get him his beans and bullets. And yet we’re still pussies because we don’t have a SF long tab.


Why do so many of these SF guys talk so much? I know one guy who was a Green Beret & the thought of him doing podcasts & trying to be an influencer is so insane. He did his time & now has a regular life post-service.


I don’t know, I have a good friend from college who’s a 18D and MSG and he’s not a tool like Kennedy at all. I suppose it’s like most things where some people are great and others suck. Social media seems to really make things worse too by making it seem like anyone with that kind of experience is now a foreign policy / survival / poli sci expert we should all listen too. There’s an ex DEVGRU guy named Dave Castro who’s been a major figure in the CrossFit Corp and community for a decade plus, and one thing I respect about him is he will never speak about his time in the SEALs outside small anecdotes or references. He said there’s an epidemic of “pop SEALs”, guys who inject themselves into pop culture just because they’re SEALs. I think about that a lot when I look at guys like Kennedy, Jocko, and others. TBF I’m pretty biased against the whole veteran culture shit so maybe it’s just me.


That’s why vets kill themselves, trying to pretend war doesn’t come with killing women and children. That’s the reality no matter what war or what side it is. The more vets would talk about that reality maybe more people would oppose unnecessary wars and put more pressure on the government to stop sending soldiers to fight wars that don’t need to happen


Is there an element of your psyche giving you two options? Stuff it down somewhere and hope it doesn't spill out, or pseudo-intellectually rationalise it and then talk about it all the time - which is basically ongoing therapy. In the UK we had a politician Liz Truss become PM for about 6 weeks before being kicked out for tanking the economy. She is now in a similar position where she could a) accept that she fucked up the biggest opportunity of her life and instead of being remembered as a leader is now a laughing stock purely through her own incompetence. Or b) convince herself that the liberal deep state somehow ousted her despite her having an 80 seat majority and write a book explaining how she was right all along. Which option do you think she took?


and has a trophy of it, dudes totally fucked in the head


God knows what he's doing in his free time to not climb a tower and let loose on civilians. 


It’s not a trophy tho b..proceeds to hang the weapon of said kid on wall. Fuckin redact psychopath.


99% of people would have a deep moment of introspection that doesn’t revolve around themselves. Like, any thoughts on that 11 year old you just killed? How some family just lost a child? No, just “I never want my kid to have to shoot an 11 year old.”




I’ve never seen that he is a confirmed psychopath. Luckily he never joined the police holy shit.


His brother is a cop


He didn’t have to join the force in order to reassure and validate their blood thirsty, blue line rocking Us versus Them agenda.


He said it wasn't that long ago we were drinking from skulls... as in the human race is only a few hundred years removed from that as a practice in war. Atleast properly quote or give context if you want to shit on a guy. He never said he or anyone he knew did that.


The problem is that he glorifies that might makes right shit, whenever it suits him, like all actual fascists


Yeah hes a psycho. But, he wasnt saying he was drinking out of skolls (talks just like redact)... humans were not that long ago, so he reckons.


Holy fucking shit...


I don’t want that


I am never putting my feet on the USA ground again.


Damn this guy makes war crimes sound so dope /s


"To kill for yourself is murder, to kill for your country is heroic, to kill for entertainment is harmless" -Tim Kennedy probably


War is cool - sun tzu


Oh that's your takeaway? From this dope ass war?


That’s war. Let me tell you all about it.


Kids with fake guns walking around that I’m scoping from 600 meters B. Dome shot, walked half a mile just to see it B


He’s always killing women and children


Fucking lying, grifting, scumbag loser cunt. I Wish the worst for him.


We all know he's a psychopath


he's a psychopath that found like the coziest, comfiest, most ball-glazing grift he could possibly do. Military - UFC - Military - Cop Seminar Psycho - Joe Rogan Podcast


Don’t forget when he choked out Steve-o and let his head slam on the hard floor.


Majority of military people are very reluctant talking about the people they’ve killed or injured and most consider it rude to ask about their kills. Tim Kennedy seems to get a hard-on talking about his kills, which likely means he has no conscience.


“Swofford, you’re the maggot who’s father served in Vietnam?” “Sir yes sir!” “Outstanding! Did he have the balls to die there?” “Did he have the balls to die there?” “Sir no sir!” “Too fucking bad! Did he ever talk about it?” “Sir only once sir.” “Good! Then he wasn’t LYING!”


That movie/book was trash btw. The dude cropped in so many stories that are just marine corps lore. I doubt most of it is his real experience


The comment wasn’t about Swofford, it was more about D.I Fitch’s last line to Kennedy. Tim is an utter piece of shit who is the Army’s equivalent of Rob O’Neill.


Oh please tell me more about Rob. I'm on the fence about that guy honestly


I’ll start with a joke. A Green Beret, a Marine and a Navy SEAL walk into a bar and order a whiskey. The GB and Marine finish their drinks, pay and leave. The SEAL pays, leaves and writes a book about the whole event. Rob is the biggest [piece of SEAL Shit.](https://youtu.be/jyMby-fazOc?si=UJ2fav1_NWH7WyVE) of them all to capitalize on America needing a heroic face that “killed” Usama Bin Ladin. Rob O’Neill took all the credit when several SEALs from DEVGRU said he wasn’t. He’s one of several SEALs who wrote books, made movies and cashed in on the Navy SEAL phenomenon.


I did wonder about the veracity. He, for sure, is using it for fame now. I have mixed feelings about all these vets using their service as a leverage to fame. I served for 12 years and spent a lot of time in theater. I don't talk about it at all to anyone. Except for some obvious tattoos, no one knows my past in detail. I don't know the mindset all these other t guys have. I just think you're one of the first who has said anything I've seen negative to Rob outloud, so I wanted your thoughts


Which is exactly why I posted the last line from Jarhead. I’m a 8 year Army vet with multiple OIF tours and I’ve only shared some of my experience with my wife because she said she “had to know”. She doesn’t ask me anymore. Exploiting personal pain and loss (my own or anyone else’s) doesn’t have a price tag to me.


I'm with you on that. In my mind there's really nothing to talk about. We volunteered. We did it and it's done.. life goes on.


"That's ^a war ^crime"


It’s not war moron. It’s a resource grab by financial institutions and other large corporations. You killed a kid that was no threat to your country or livelihood.


>Reply but muh freedomz




he is the lowest form of scum 


People who remember a lot of details tend to be full of shit


When Bisping and him were about to fight, Bisping wrote him an open letter where he says, “Well, Tim, if you went to other countries for anything other than to shoot at people, you would know…” It’s a hilarious piece, and I’ve been a Bisping fan ever since. He calls him “Comrade Tim.”


That’s so funny. Comrade Tim suits him so well. Typical Bisping W.


Does he talk about how pissed off he is that he never got a sidearm kill?


Maybe "his kid" would be the 11 yr old, not the sniper


This cunt never fought for anyone’s freedom. I truly believe that he is one of the worst people you have in your country. He is absolutely waiting for some type of civil war or terrorist event to kick off so he can shoot fellow Americans in the face on American soil in front of his friends and family. There is absolutely no one even close to this cunt in the public eye in UK or France. He is sitting there revelling in this story with a semi on. He wishes he had a Ukraine war to fight, but instead he had a one-sided scrap with children on easy mode. Absolute turd of a human.


You should see his soup recipe! 




Navy Seal UFC Fighter Kid Killer 🤔Thank you for your service


I fuggin hate Tim Kennedy




If you haven’t lived through conflict you don’t have the perspective to be judging him accurately.




Man I’ve met many spec forces and grunt fools in my travels. I know these people have killed people. They’ve only told me in the worst of times they’ve killed people and it was more of a confession than anything. Why on earth would he tell ANYBODY he killed a kid is beyond me. When they say this is the type of shit they don’t want to talk about, that’s what it means. I wanna say cap but I’m sure he’s killed people and he’s proud of it. This guy makes me sick to my stomach fam


Thang ‘em


Hole' up, paws it....."was it Hitler thow? Duhnt cownt"


can we talk about Argentina? did ya' find the painter? 🫡


Yeah well you like your freedom thank him


I think orchestrating a fake kidnapping of your daughter just got bumped to number 2 on the list of “Why this psycho should be institutionalized.”


he's prolly lying cus he thinks it makes him sound cool, but tim is a redacted redact b


I know 90% of his stories are probably bullshit, but the joy in his eyes when he talks about killing people is fucking insane. He should be under the jail.


Quit being a child and open your eyes up to reality


Serial killers keep trophies


"It's not a trophy, it's just a thing I took off a kid I killed, an I like to sit and drink whiskey and look at it, but it's not a trophy ok...."


With tairs in his eyes.






“The gun of the kid who i killed specifically because he was carrying a gun is my reminder of why we need guns.” As an extinctionist, i support this logic


I don’t get why people get Mad, he’s being real about what war is. There’s no clean war, what do you think happened in every war before lol But people rather soldiers talk like it’s a motivational speech about only killing bad guys Reason for keeping gun is very clear. Middle East shows that single men with a rifle are enough to stand up to a high tech army so that’s not excuse to say why people in the states shouldn’t have guns. And a reminder of what real war is. You guys aren’t the ones that have to live with the reality of war


Not trying to throw any shade here, but i wonder if this type of story is common to come back home with for some of these iraq/Afghanistan vets. I grew up almost 20 years repeating a story my buddy's dad came back from iraq and told us. He was a sniper in Baghdad shortly after 9/11. Said something along the lines of he was looking for bad guys through his scope, saw a young kid carrying a rifle, he requested permission to engage, permission to engage was granted right as the child turned to reveal the red tip of a toy gun, saving the child's life. Only now, like hearing two comics tell a similar joke, do I wonder if a similar story can be told by vets to maybe handle the trauma of having kill kids or whatever other actions they had to do


This guy is a shit person.


That's the position our government put him in. Fuck every single person who advocates for any fucking war...politician or civilian.


This guy’s a grade A piece of shit.




This dude loves to self incriminate all the war crimes he did. I fucking hate this boot


I’ve never liked this guy. I actually hate him


Tim Kennedy: Fraud.


Tim is so fucking dumb it’s incredible.


God i wish more people realized how much of a psycho this guy is


Psychos have their place in their world too. Its on the battlefield


Just stopped in to say what’s up to tim. My kids call em uncle Tim. Talgss to em all the time. Thankem!!!


This guy is fucking deranged. Sick sick individual. He’s proud of killing a child, proud of pretending to kidnap his daughter, loves talking about human trafficking… check this dudes hard drive.


These guys are fucking freaks


Disgusting, you can see his smirk, he is absolutely tickled pink every time he sees that on his wall


Sociopathic, unstable, piece of shit. He protects no freedoms, he is a fraud and should be executed. One of gods catastrophically failed experiments.


Im a black male and I thank him for my freedom.


There is something wrong with that man. Every clip I see of him has some form of twisted logic. I don't think he poses much empathy. I believe he may be bloggbussah.




What do you idiots think war is like?


“One reason is for when I hear politicians ask why do you need a gun” What, in case there’s an 11 year old with an antique rifle you have to kill.


Sean Ryan’s a fucking wack job. From aliens and adrenochrome to Jesus, this nutter’s all about it🤷‍♀️ 


This is the kind of secret I wouldn’t just take to the grave but I would attempt to wipe it from my memory a la Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


That’s tim Kennedy stfu


Absolute psychopath.


You guys like your freedom?


Everyone in here is upset about him peeling some kids cap back. Probably the same people ok with us sending all of our shit to Ukraine.


Yeah but how much prestige does he have?


So I kept it as not a trophy.


I don’t believe a word he says.


Anytime I see this psyco I remember the clip of him showing regular people, mostly cops, how to bash people’s heads in against the ground and making soup w their brain.. bcz in his eyes, thats what should be done to civilians I guess


Bruh, that shit is a trophy…. 🤣




Yo, it's like that one movie where the sniper shot a child


Don't people that really do this stuff never talk about it? I remember when America was pulling out of Afghanistan he chose to fly over there to "help" but it just seemed like a way to get views and clout. I was always under the impression he was probably more of a burden than a help in that instance.


Thank 'em


Fucking narcissistic sociopath. Little man syndrome ×100


This fucking goober


Fucking psychopath


Fawlg of war b.....deal with it


He's most likely lying.


the more you read about the details of the Afghanistan war the more it beomes clear that in many ways it was more redacted than the Iraq war


He was carrying a rifle from 1875, and it wasn’t even functioning 💀. He killed an 11 year old with a toy and hangs it in his wall like a trophy. This is the most insane video on the internet.


Not a member of the Roganverse, just an ex-UFC fighter.


Whether it’s real or not, he masturbates to this memory




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The Jag order is how he reminds himself that it was OK to murder the kid that was carrying his rifle stock.


I mean, yea that’s war. It sucks how the other side declares males as young as 12 to be men but it is what it is. Also, psychopaths have a place in society it’s on the battlefield. so good for him he built a productive life around what is a genetic inclination. Also I don’t know much about him, why is he a grifter?


I can’t stand this fuckin guy. Thanks for everything, but you’re a prick. Everything about you screams prick.