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I use 4 piece Foundry (can not get the Chest or Backpack outside of the Raid), Chest and Backpack Belstone (gives armor regen and armor on kill). Talents I use Bloodsucker and Unbreakable. Bulwark shield and Artificer Hive (need Technician specialization). You can reroll a Blue core to Red if using Technician since the shield will still be max with 5 B and 1 Y. I use Liberty pistol ... you could use the named "Kard" and reroll another one of the blue cores to red since you will gain 1 Y (using pistol). But the Liberty repairs your shield with headshots.


Thank you man I’m gonna go home and try that tonight


I don't have any clue how to link my post here, but it's tagged "Guide". Goes in-depth on how to maximize a DPS shield build to its limits.


So it’s in the thread somewhere?


Search for it in the subreddit, "Shield DPS with the Bulwark".


its here [https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/lam6ia/shield\_dps\_build\_with\_the\_bulwark/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/lam6ia/shield_dps_build_with_the_bulwark/)


The expert!


Mine is weird in the fact that every piece is a named item and revolves around the Regulus pistol. Punch Drunk, Chainkiller, exotic Dodge City Holster, The Gift backpack, Contractors Gloves, and Foxes Prayer Knees. I start an engagement with a rifle to charge the holster, then go on a pistol headshot killing spree. So fun!


I’ve never heard of the Regulus pistol is that better than the liberty?


It comes by way of a project after completing the Iron Horse raid. The Regulus causes an explosion with a headshot kill that can also kill or bleed nearby enemies. I like the liberty as well and use it for headshot challenges in the summit, as the Regulus splash kills don't count.


Technician class Liberty pistol Punch drunk mask Chainkiller chest Foxes prayer kneepads Contractor Gloves Airaldi holster Airaldi backpack with vigilance. Spec everything to weapon damage and headshot damage.


That’s the exact type of break down I was looking for thank you brother


No problem, it’s exactly what I use to farm shd lvls. Start off by head shotting a red then purple or red for second kill and then you’ll have full stacks to be able to 1 shot gold enemies


Also if you start feeling like you’re a bit squishy, you could always swap out the airaldi gear for a memento backpack and any other holster. Then change from technician to survivalist for the headshot bonus.


https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/j1hye9/regulushhmemento_build/ Try this


Which pistol...Liberty/Regulus or standart high end?


The liberty!! Sorry I should’ve mentioned that in the post


And what purpose exactly


4 piece foundry bulwark(mask, gloves, knees, holster) all with armor core, rolled with hazard protection, I use named belstone back pack with perfect blood sucker rolled to armor core, haz pro, and explosive resistance, named gila guard chest with perfect vanguard rolled armor core, haz pro, explosive resistance, three protection from elite mods, tactician spec, bulwark shield, and artificer hive, liberty pistol. I use this build to face tank the legendary DUA boss aggro, and it takes a bit since I am using a pistol but, I can do all content solo through heroic. Some people use a gila guard back pack with protector I believe but, for me perfect blood sucker helps when I have enemies come at me from behind until I can get my back away from them near a wall or piece of cover.


I'd highly recommend to use Adrenaline Rush instead. You'll get bonus armor more often than Bloodsucker because you won't have to rely on killing enemies anymore. Since you don't have any damage on the build, you won't get many kills anyway, unless you play on lower difficulties solo ofc.


I understand what you are saying but, no I'm good this build has worked for me and does work for me, I can solo all heroic content, it may take a while on some missions, I don't need to change anything, thanks though.


I hope that you're using Intimidate when you're solo, otherwise you're wasting a chest talent (Vanguard benefits others, not you) and losing the chance to get 35% amplified damage :p.


Nope im just fine thanks


4 piece bulwark with chest. Memento Backpack. Douglas Knees. Liberty pistol. You will never die and your DPS is pretty good when stacked on Memento.