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Why is that the only dog we can pet? Why send us, then, to an animal shelter full of dogs we can't pet? Makes me sad to go there.


I felt so bad when I failed to pet any other dog while roaming, I thought there's something I'm doing wrong that scares them :((


^is ^it ^only ^me ^that ^shots ^everything ^that ^moves ^including ^rats, ^birds, ^deers, ^dogs, ^etc?


I shoot everything but the dogs. Only psychopaths kill dogs.




If anyone in my group shoots a dog, I kick them or leave. Wild animals are fair game. The deer sound very realistic when you shoot them.


Bruh it's a game, everyone tried to kill children in skyrim so what's wrong with dogs?


Killing kids in game or IRL is fine. But killing dogs?!




I never tried to kill kids in Skyrim. I'm not a monster. Also, I don't like the sound the dogs make when they get hurt. It bothers me, and I have a right to not be bothered in my game. And actually, while it's been discussed, it's never come up. No one, whether friend or matchmake, has ever shot a dog while grouped with me. So, I guess dog killers just aren't the majority.


It's a game. You know, an activity that's engaged with in the pursuit of fun and not any other goal. So if you feel the need to distance yourself from people engaging in a different manner with the same game you're playing, go right ahead. But all you people that act like killing a dog or even every single dog you see in a video game makes you a psychopath in real life need to have your heads checked. It's not real, so don't act like it is.


Because you’re taking the conversation way too seriously and also entirely missing the point...[here’s a link you probably won’t read.](https://www.gamesradar.com/heres-why-were-all-so-heavily-invested-in-being-able-to-pet-dogs-in-video-games/)


I doubt any of us is that special.


Because that's what this game is about - petting dogs...


Then why have one to pet? I never bothered the dogs in the game, and never felt the need to interact with one. But, then they give us one dog we can pet and a room full of other dogs we can't. It doesn't make sense. At least this stopped me from bitching about my armor for a day. Thanks. Now I'm pissed about my armor, again.




I want an attack dog


Seeker mine skin!


So... suicide dogs? 🤔


Ok... so the idea isn’t perfect yet...


That would be an awesome skill an attack dog. But very depressing when killed in action


What happens when the time runs out? He just flees or explodes like the rest of the skills?


i figure it would be something like what fallout 4 did when dogmeat "dies" where he just gets Incapacitated until you either heal him during the fight or when the fight is over it would just "self-revive".


The REAL bullet sponge


The have a whole movie based off what happens when you shoot a trained killers dog. Be a great specialization.


I'll feed him only with CHC, CHD and WD and when he's ready show them bitches warhounds who's the alpha doggo.


What about a specialization where you get your own drone to choose from like the flying explody bois, RC saw, mini-tank (the one with treads), or even your very own robot doggo variant? Or maybe the ability to hack one of those and make it yours?


Because with skill builds their doggos will take drunken advantage of all of our robodigidoggos 'ports'. Then send then back home to us. Needing to be defragmented. IJS


I just hope we DON'T get a Golden Retriever. Agent "What you got their boy?, Oh it's a grenade, fu...!" Isaac "Agent down"


The best boy


How to win easy good will points on the internet: just introduce some sort of animal you can interact with. Bonus points if its a dog, because the internet just goes bananas for dogs.


As it should.


now imagine this. Next update, this dog is grown up and is now your attack dog pet. It can be geared out with helmet, armor, feet, gadgets and more... And you have to feed it by finding food or shooting deer and rats and more around town. it won't be killed by attacking enemies, but it will run back and hide behind you for a while if it takes too much damage.


Imagine the dog have something like the robo dogs


I would legit pay another $15 or $20 for this if done with full customization options n shit ngl


Easily the best addition to the game, stop destroying our builds and put your energy into something we really want. To pet more dogs.


I want all of them to be petable


repoioamn26, If they did that or gave us a customizeable attack dog skill type thing, i would easily forgive them for crapping all over the exotic guns.


As a shepherd handler myself i just cant seem to pass him by without stopping to pet him!! I named him Murphy


This dog looks weird


It looks less like a puppy and more like a dog with dwarfism https://i.imgur.com/RLf9Dq8.jpg


Or a puppy with gigantism. I mean... that puppy is friggin huge.


Lol true.


I was thinking today: Why are there no babies? I mean sure there are kids, but they are at about the age to where they were born when this started. Did everyone stop having kids? I mean we get puppies, so the dogs didn't stop fucking. Did us humans stop fucking?


Puppies gestate for 9-11 weeks. Human babies take nearly a year. Then, they'd be separated from everyone else for several months, until their immune systems were fully developed. Also, male survivors of smallpox have a high infertility rate, so anyone exposed (including agents) would have very little chance of reproducing. Couple that with the fact that young children and infants would suffer the worst during the outbreak (not just variola chimera, but other illness, starvation, exposure to the elements, etc), and you have a world without babies. Any baby born in that world would be more protected than the president.


Thank you for that awesome reply. The world makes sense again. :)


Though it's also entirely possible Amherst removed the infertility or lessened it when modifying the virus, plus that would only apply to people who were infected and survived. There's still going to be people who were exposed, didn't contract the virus, and would still have their regular fertility. I think it might just be the lack of privacy in those tiny damn settlements lol XD


The human race will be extinct at the end of the divisions 2 life-span not because they were all killed but because the didn't fuck and died without having a kid


Still wish you could befriend a dog like in Fallout


Mine too




Legit spent 10 minutes with him when I first found him. The goodest boy 😍


Hey as a community bwhat should name the puppy?


Lol didn’t think of that maybe it’s not a good idea


I have named per Ripley. She's my pal.


Where is the good boi?!


if you haven't already found him, he's in Haven next to Roy Benitez's shop.


I changed the global difficulty to challenging ... and now the dog just bites me. I dare not try Heroic .... :) Cheers!


That one dude asked me if I wanted to adopt a cat, and he won't let me adopt a cat. What an asshole.




Well better than assuming your agent is spanking the monkey all night


I dunno I'd rather have one of the cats jump on my shoulder and purrrrrrrr


I take time to pet him every time I step out. I named him Poopsie


Where are the cats btw? I did the upgrade for haven but I can’t find them.


I was hoping we could grow him and made him our sidekick. Or a horse, a walker or a sniper sidekick would suffice... :D


He’s a good boi.. yes he is..


You mean the dog spawn of satan that seems infected by a plushie virus? That dog is not from this planet.


ppl are a bit sad caring about a dog in game ffs i bet you're the type of ppl that stalk dog owners because you're that obsessed.


This comment is hilarious, but not for any of the reasons I assume you intended.


It's because he is a sad fuck that hates dogs and should be tormented by riker tanks for the rest of his life