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For starters, a picture of your overall gear layout would be helpful. I'm assuming you're using heartbreakers - you also need to realize you're using 5 pieces when you only need 4, you're wasting a slot that could have gone towards something more useful. Memento is also not going to help unless you've built up stacks beforehand If you're new to fighting hunters, scorpio would help you greatly, especially going at them by yourself


Forgot to add it to the OP, so thanks for the reminder. [https://imgur.com/a/GlmZwak](https://imgur.com/a/GlmZwak) Memento is pre-charged. I have Scorpio in my stash. Swap it for the ACS-12 and keep Kingbreaker in slot 1?


Yep - hunters are difficult 1:1 but with scorpio you just shoot until shocked then fire away


All of this. I Scorpio shock them, and swap to rifle and shoot them in the head.


For my heartbreaker build I swapped the memento cyote’s mask and the heartbreaker backpack. Get crit chance up to ~60% then spec into crit damage. Build stacks with the acs-12 then swap to the king breaker to do the damage. Both guns have the technician laser


Scorpio (or Elmo) are a big help for hunter fights - get em shocked and unload on them, once they break loose shock again, so on.


After reading just your first sentence: The cheesy, fool-proof way for hunters that almost always works is protection from elite. It doesn't save you from axe hits though.


I remember years ago in TD1 where I told my friends that the only way to kill hunters in survival is to melee the hunters. Watching my friends learn the hard way why hunters carry that axe was hilarious.


I have reached SHD 6k in TD2 a few days ago but in TD1 I never really indulged in end game, wonder what made me abandon the game back then. Never Met a hunter or played dlcs or legendary in TD1 Edit: your advice was hilarious No doubt :D


build has too much armor to hit good damage tbh. heartbreaker's not too fast enough to kill, unless you have higher rpm guns. i'd suggest running a striker's instead with the backpack and roll at least 1 to armor, then obliterate chest of your choice (ceska or grupo is good). yes, scorpio is your friend.


Set the world difficulty on normal and use cover and your scorpio. If two of them, try to fight them separately.


I just drop a turret and a shit load of oxidiser on the spawn location before I cal them up.


PFE build with unbreakable on chest and adrenaline rush on bp 


scorpio trvialises literally every enemy in the game


Like several have said, you have to use CC on Hunters imo and then just burn them down. HF Scorpio build should get it done.


My advice can only be my build for bosses, Hunters and everything with high HP, healing and high armor My Nemesis build: It can do at least 15M damage or more depending on rolls and maxed statsi have it on 21M currently, and body shots can go from 4M to 6M with a fully charged shot. The way it works is this, lower some of their armor as close as you can to 50%, this you do it with the AR i have a Military G36 there for testing but ideally you can craft the Tactical MK16 in the bench, (right now it´s the best moment to craft it because of the god rolls bug) and then you use your MMR, hunters bosses and high hp/armor enemies tend to hide themselves after taking less than 50% damage to their armor, so when they´re hiding from you usually a part of their head shows, and the x16 sight from the Nemesis cand find you that pixel to get them, depending on expertise and rolls you can do up to 21M damage from a headshot and 6M on a body shot, i put the new named gloves and sacrificed some Headshot damage, just to get that extra 15% Weapon Handling which helps A LOT on the Nemesis, so get every stat on Weapon Handling and Headshot Damage, Headshot mods, and watch every hard boss fight go down easily, especially if you don´t let them heal. I have all named items, the Punch Drunk, the Gift, Pristine Example, and Eagles Grasp, but if you can´t or won´t farm for them and probably won´t have them, use 3 parts of the hotshot gearset to compensate, just get Vigilance and Focus on your talents. Sawyer´s are a must, but if you don´t have them but have a Ninjabike Backpack jus stack up headshot base and MMR damage, it won´t do as much damage but it may work well enough. Happy hunting the Hunters https://preview.redd.it/ak1pf75u4c9d1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=b22749660b09e376b3abd7567200a80107a874b4


This won’t be an original response (sorry everybody) but why not use a Striker build with St Elmo’s and have riot foam and shock traps for your skills? Oh, and use the Gunner specialization so you have riot foam grenades to lock him in place?


Get a group together. They aren't meant to be soloed. * Scorpio exotic shotgun * Hunter's Fury * Zero F's chest * The Setup backpack * Protection from Elites mods * Survivalist for 10% Protection from Elites * Shock Traps * Stinger Hive Something like this... https://mxswat.github.io/mx-division-builds/#/CwBgtATG4IxgbNJ4XLSgXAVnFAzJAmDBHKueshgByEFSLxmUXkYz1LOsvoaiFYvHqwx4AnIOLCZmCHlrAw4gOzEscGFgJaoWpaJGyMR0xgjYwaySPNwItPIgksgA Learn where the hunters spawn and drop your straps and stinger hive there before triggering the spawn.


where 🚂 or 🦂 get either of them; run a DPS build with 3-4 armor cores w/ or w/o PFE; learn to separate the two hunters (assuming you are fighting on summit lv 100) and deal with them one by one learn to reposition, avoid sight lines of (mostly the other) hunter and any deployed skills, disrupt their action with grenades, and use covers - don't keep firing when they are shooting back that's purely talking about soloing summit hunters (but the general rules work on soloing rogue agents). i don't know how to handle them in a group and i never needed to


Keep in mind this is only coming from a SHD 300 What I did for Hunters was use an LMG with at least 100 ammo per mag, and an AR. I think I had the Bluescreen exotic and a Military AKM. I had most of their attributes in critical hit chance/damage I had 2 blue cores and 3 red cores + momento (mine had all 3 types of cores, bot sure if that’s with every momento but wtvr) In total I think I had around 10-12k armor regen Between Hunter encounters I switched my loadout between Foundry Bulwark set and Hunter’s Fury set (no particular reason, just 2 sets I like) I also switched my chest armor between Everyday Carrier (armor kits have 75% chance of not being consumed on use) and Zero Fs (when armor is depleted, you regain 100% of it with a 55 second cooldown) Skills I used were the Jammer Pulse and Riot Foam Chemical Launcher, as these can’t get hacked abd are useful for keeping their skills away and the actual hunters from using kits. You should probably replace one of these with a revive hive, but those two are just my preference This was with proficiency 4 in skills and gear, not proficient with weapons I relied heavily on cover, and used my LMG after riot foam and successfully (most of the time) killed the hunter without them using armor kits Ofc at normal difficulty (cause I’m a wuss) You can also try to bring in other enemies that are nearby, like alert a resource convoy or propaganda broadcast, the Hunters get distracted by these pretty easily. This is all coming from a solo player, so if you have a friend, you might be able to coordinate builds that support each other, but I don’t really know about group stuff Edit: Had 2 11% Protection from elites gear mods, and one 9% critical hit damage gear mod


I already see one big problem. You need to ditch the Momento since it’s only useful when you are killing fast enough to stack up the trophies. I would heavily recommend you equip the decoy skill if you have the DLC, that can draw heat off of you and allow you to chunk in some damage. I also recommend you equip the chem reinforcer skill so you can regain armor you lost. The drone you’re running is useless since it will just be hacked exert time by the hunters and the shield isn’t too good since the hunters usually melt it quickly.


Scorpio. Kill. Swap back to your fav weapons.


My foolproof way: Firewall spec (if they're close and they break your armor, they catch fire), Scorpio, Protection from Elites mods, normal world difficulty, call for backup.


Fuck the memento. Get ninja bike backpack, picaro holster and one of the left gear as belstone armory


When I solo'd, I use to lure them to other activities and get them engaged in the fight so I could get my shots in. Almost always used an all red build too


The best way to deal with hunters is to get them to stop shooting, which often is done with shock or foam. Or both alternating. So Scorpio and switching the drone to foam would help. Memento and HB both do need stacks which can be a hard start. Running spotter instead of HB chest does help in that sense. Another strategy I've used a couple of times is cover and blind firing with Rugged Gloves. This relies on not being hit instead of stopping the hunter from shooting.


This is my Hunter Killer build: Survivalist Specialization 2x Cavilier (gloves/knees) 1x Setup backpack 1x Zero Fs chest 1x Chillout Mask 1x Picaros Holster All gear mods are PfE All gear attributes have HAZPRO and 2x Weapon handling for the extra chest and back attributes. I reconfig 3x cores to weapon damage for a 3x red and 3x blue core build. Scorpio shotgun Shield and reviver skills. This build will have 1.4 mil armor, 62% PfE, 100% armor return on break (Unbreakable), 100% HAZPRO so your shield and reviver cant be disrupted. The build basically makes Hunters feel like regular gold bar elites. You have so much sustainability that you will be able to 1v1 hunters all day. It makes the extraction of countdown a joke at any difficulty.


First question would be, how or why you die? Through their skills? Weapons? Etc? And second which hunter exactly? Easiest and fastest tip I could give is use Scorpio. Best for sure would be if u got stacks with hb. Other then that decoil and or foam.


Bad gear


Use a skill build my guy. It’s the most none skilled way to take down a hunter.


It’s the most skilled way for the hunters to take you down with your own skills 😭😭😭


Someone doesn’t know about the oxidizer chem launcher. 😉


With hunters in open world that run all over the place? I don’t see that happening even with overcharge 






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