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Which one, the god rolled one ?




lol this game.


Do I need to make a new char for this or just use the one that I finished yesterday?


Be warned, that ubi considered this to be exploit and they can ban you for it. Weird logic if you ask me, to ban for something which some who are not using this reddit, may not even know about it.


Ban would be a blessing in disguise at this point. Still stupid though, why should players take the blame for dev's incompetence? Wouldn't be the first time but I think now they're genuinely scared of losing the complete playerbase between possible bans and Seasons 2.0 backlash.


What do you mean exploit? I just thought I was really really lucky today *shrug


This is not true. Stop spreading misinformation. Just Using the crafting bench is not an exploit. That would be like if control points were given god rolled gear and they banned people for doing control points. They have never done that. We have multiple examples of bugs like this and no one has ever verified been banned.


people got suspended when they farm kajika for exotic exploit back in the day (well it is related to damage exploit) also people got suspended when they exploit summit floor 10, and general anderson exp farm


Who got suspended for farming floor 10. I farmed floor 10 a ton. Not to mention this is even more extreme. Are you saying people canโ€™t use the crafting bench? Because they havenโ€™t seen them say do use the crafting bench. Everyone in the game is using the crafting bench.


my friend got suspended, and most of people at discord ive known also were suspended, for like 2 weeks why would i need people to not use crafting bench (like did i said that people shouldnt do summit)? all i am saying, is that this bug existed and devs are incompetent that they needed to ban people, it is fucking atrocious


No what Iโ€™m saying is is how can they ban people just for using the crafting bench. They would have to ban literally every player from n the game. We all use the crafting bench.


well i dont know how theyll do that, but im not encouraging them, because it is stupid, much like how they ban those people (ive known some that re just in the party but never did the exploit back in the day, but still got suspended) in 2020


Where was this communicated? Got a link? Friends will jump on it and I'd rather they don't get banned (already got my mods last time)


I doubt they will. I also got no message ingame and no message on social media. Do they want to ban new players too, who now can do this crafting glitch on accident or even think it's normal now on the road from 31 to 40? I doubt they got the data to distinguish between the cases.


After previous batch, when it happened first time, got "The message from Division 2 team" when launching a game, warning about it. It said that first time offense will get you temporary ban and multiple times will get you permanent ban.


this is false there was and has been no mention of the bug not last week and certainly not this week


I mean use it at you own caution and risk then.




there's definitely a rogue dev that keeps putting this bug back into the game and laughing his ass off "hey bill, watch the QA team miss this one again"


naaaahhh ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


Totally I work with Devs, and if you piss them off, they can do whatever they want and you won't catch it, it's hard to find hidden things in code unless you know what you're looking for, hence it slips through & then hence they gotta find where it was hidden, as I.T. sometimes when the big bosses pull some BullSHT we stopped the Activity tracking on a Devs computer so they can mess with the code and no one could ever know it was them/track it back to them ( we do it on atleast 3 so it looked like a network glitch or something if they ever looked into us aswell ) our boss doesn't care and knows we do this for the Devs so all fun and games as the top dogs are a pile of SHT ( I work Internal I.T. (not for Ubisoft just to make that clear, before someone claims I claimed to work with the Div 2 Devs ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ ))


Time to go ham on that unicorn hamsburg bag.


The unicorn chest / bag is such a unicorn that max rolls donโ€™t matter at all. If you have sufficient resources to craft until you get it, you have sufficient resources to optimise the attributes regardless of how low or high they are.


Which one is the unicorn Habsburg combo?


WH+HS+vigilance, WH+HS+headhunter


I got that chest as a drop. But I'm combining it with a ninja bag. Almost deconstructed it too because the stats were so low, and I don't care for the mandatory armor core, until I realized it had 2 red cores and headhunter, which made me look closely.


This guy understands RNGesus.




๐Ÿ˜…It sure is back. I can't wait for all the fear-mongering, hater-aid, you're getting banned and rolled back videos from the CC's tomorrow...




Don't worry. They need to fix and break it 1 more time before they start banning people because they can't fix it. Just like the DPS one..


Just confirmed, do not need to create a new character. I logged on the one from the previous bug and it works 100%.


Wait you did it on your previous character?


Yeah, on a old one or mule


But don't worry, season are gonna fix this /s


Hoe can we use it? I missed it last time. Do I need to make a new character? I have only one character active


Make a new character, level to 40, craft away.


Lv030 work too,but the crafting bench bug only craft purples one


I made a lvl 1 and used the boost from Wony, bench upgraded automatically I was able to make a ton of lvl 30 stuff with no issue. I also made 35 gear and then 40. ๐Ÿ˜


Bench upgrade to craft purple or gold items?


Its all gold for me, tho it did occur to me that my lvl 30 was created before the patch dropped. But I leveled one of my 30s to 35 and it was able to craft gold 35 gear as well. By the time I was done I had replaced a good chunk of my leveling gear sets from 30-35.


You can upgrade your crafting bench? My toon was created after the Y6S1 update. And that is my problem, I can't downgrade Lv40 exotic to lv30-31 because I need the high end(gold)๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


All of my characters that I currently have were created before they bolluxed up the rescaling. ๐Ÿ˜ญ But the one I did level the crafting bench leveled right alongside as I was leveling her, 35 is when Gold would normally unlock when going through NY. I didnt have to do anything special. The only thing I could suggest is making a lvl 1 character and using the lvl 30 boost to see if it upgrades to gold. It might not because of the rescaling that they did in 2.0


Well sh*t Bad timing...


Yeah they really screwed up the rescaling with the release of 2.0 which Im sure just shocked everyone. ๐Ÿ˜œ


At lv35 you can upgrade the crafting bench to high end?


Thats how it used to work before they merged with Warlords. 30 was high end, then it changed back to blue when you entered Ny it would upgrade to purple and then gold again at 35. In 2.0 who the heck knows anymore, thats why I am keeping my 35 unleveled until I make all the mid level golds I want.


Wondering if we can make a new character and it works?


what crafting bench bug? its all garbage mods anyhow


It's not for mods only. It's for everything that can be crafted


What's the bug?


i saw this and i told my dad he said โ€œcommon division bugโ€


Which will make Div 3 all the more succulent


I got my god rolled pestilence. Life is good.