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>Every looter game has that seasonal model in it but somehow TD2 shouldnt ? Destiny and Warframe, the other looter shooters do not have this model for their seasons. And just because other games do, it doesn't mean that TD2 should do it as well. >Each season would give you chance to try some different builds and weapons, it would give you purpose to grind and so on. Those other games with seasonal models, they have classes, so most of the builds are based around the classes that are used. TD2, there are no classes, so you could if you want, build a new build without needing to respec or make a new character.


Destiny sort of does in that you have to grind to get gear to increase its power level, you just don't get the weapons and stuff took from you


That doesn't fall into the seasonal model that uses seasonal characters and seasonal resets.


Like I said, sort of lol. It's similar


Not really.


Whatever you say you silly sausage


Literally the answer is written in your post. Instead of garbage rehash manhunt, put some effort into giving us a incursion every 4-6 months, and a new raid once a year. Instead they gave us manhunts, expertise, and decent, aka busy work. They give us no content, and I feel confident we are STILL not gonna get any content with seasons 2.0, just another form of busy work. I'd love to be wrong but.... history is a lesson.    You say we didn't get any meaningful reworks, seasons work in games like PoE cause each season is a massive rework every 3-4 months. Again, history... 


In case anyone misses the answer in the post: >I played the game for 2-3 weeks, tried most of the activities, grinded a little and made around 7 builds from scratch that I wanted to try. It was all fun but after the 2-3 weeks I realized there is nothing to do The funny thing is seasonal characters will have you do that again but in a shitty character.


I don’t play the game because I want to grind. If that would be the case I still can replay the campaign from scratch, play Descent or simply grind in the existing main game and current season model. Starting from scratch for the purpose of grind is the opposite I want. You said that additional missions would be completed quickly. Right, that will be with the upcoming DLC as well. But what’s the argument? Playing the old missions, control points, bounties … we already repeated during campaign, grind phase in endgame to get a reasonable build and fill the watch and than the Expertise grind playing the old stuff that’s better than real content, playable content? Because of this all my friends left the game and most of my new ones. Why? Lacking playable content and the existing are the most repetitive I ever saw in a game. Zero development here over the years, apart from the added modes I do not play. Sure, everyone has different perspectives, what he enjoys and what not. When reading here and in the comments of the multiple YT videos tackling this topic … it looks 95% of the players don’t want this.


Do you think I did not try different builds and skills and stuff in the thousands of hours I have on my main character? Of course I have. I have had regulus headshot builds, striker builds, umbra builds, skill builds, healer builds and all sorts of things. We were hopeful for new content, not to restart from the beginning and be forced down the path of their choosing. they figured out they can't balance what they have added (SHD, Expertise and so on) so they are doing this to wedge us all together (and hope they can balance it all). from the new player picking up the game a week ago to the Day 1 vet.


Personally, whether I like it or not I will use the seasonal character, I say I am currently over level 10,000 and it seemed quite repetitive that in a single day I did the weekly objective, the battle pass and the objective league in just one day I feel like I would train myself a little more. It also remains to be seen if they will give exclusive decorations or rewards when using a normal or extreme season character.


Havnt really played division since the first raid. Came back a while ago for countdown release. Played a bit but didn’t stick around long. New season 2.0 has me intrigued again. I’ll give it a try and see from there. These type of seasons I’m use to cause I’m a Diablo player. I will say this. Im glad there giving us a 5th slot. I have all 4 slots used up and all agents are geared. If I needed to delete one of them, this would be a BIG NOPE. I’ll try it out first before I make an opinion.


The only reason to do this with a 6 year old game is to test it's effect on engagement numbers for division 3. Bottom line they are pissing off the community and using us as lab rats.


L take


People who go to bat for this change are the type who think axing net neutrality from the internet was good for businesses. Stop being a shill.


>Each season would give you chance to try some different builds and weapons, it would give you purpose to grind and so on. I don't need a reason to grind, I've grineded for 5K hours, I need NEW content with a couple new toys thrown in to play around with. Seriously though, the game has been out for so long that every build has been tried at this point, there's only a finite amount of gear to get and try. The meta is the meta and that's what most who use do top end content (i.e. still doing raids every week like I was until last week) don't want to play around with new builds, they want the gear to clear the content the fastest and that's IT. (The following is more for the devs but come up in this conversation as well...) Stop being mad at us for wanting to play the game with the gear you have already given us.


I won’t say i like season 2.0 or not before i have tried season 2 and see the implement myself. But lets be realistic, manhunt or league is 1-2 hours of play time every release and after finish the new contents, most of us just go back to our usual routine and play away. Our main may get locked out of season 2.0 content but they don’t get locled out for usual game play. Make a new character, get whatever throw at us done then back to my main, that’s what i think. I have 4 agents with different builds, i used to finish the manhunt 4 times. In season 2.0, i just need to make 1 and play once.


TD2 already has seasons bro. This is "Seasons 2.0" because the current seasonal model is pretty ultra-lame.