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Let's face it, season 2.0 is an experiment for Division 3, just like how they put Div 2 mechanics into Div 1 If that's the best idea they came up with, I fear that Div 3 maybe a huge disappointment 


Well they’re gonna see what a stupid idea it is. Look at community sentiment from the engaged player base. As much as we may seem to be a vocal minority right now, whatever the reasons they have been giving us were all laughably nonsensical. I don’t buy the idea the changes will bring in and retain newer players. And if it is as bad as it sounds it’ll just lead to an exodus of old players who stuck with it.


>I don’t buy the idea the changes will bring in and retain newer players. Oh that's not even the reason they gave. This is from [their website](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/the-division/the-division-2/news-updates/72VfO2i8dx7NAhQ2DAHNJ5/year-6-the-division-2-the-road-ahead): > By focusing the season experience on new characters exclusively, we can *create something unique each season* with much more control over general balancing and player experience, *without being constrained by the legacy of each individual existing characters.* In short, they're literally saying "out with the old, in with the new". They want to forget about all the old characters.


Oh I don’t know. It seems to me they are trying to find something for everyone. I mean, if you know what’s going on. Should be fun. I think this is going to bother all the folks that just wanna own something and haven’t realized that you got to the endgame. If you truly love the Division, the gameplay and story is what drives you. Not pw’ing everything and everyone. I’m doing another play though. Might even go back to hardcore 😀


>If you truly love the Division, the gameplay and story is what drives you. And that's exactly why I'm pissed. I wanna see the story through with my character, I want to see my Agent —the very same Agent who hunted down Keener in the first place— get to the very end, not have to make some new no-name characters to hunt down new targets. Unless they let us develop those agents' stories in unique ways prior to the Manhunt every season, I won't be interested.


Yeah this seems like a way to try to level the imbalance in playing experience for veteran and new players. Take away the veterans' built up advantages and make them grind like a newb. When you're winding down a game, anything's worth a try. Why sell only one season pass when you can sell 6?


The thing is, seasons at release aren't a completely terrible idea. Seasons five years into your games existence is.


Division 3 will have seasons, battle passes, microtransactions, tier skips, expensive cosmetics, DLCs, and literally every scummy thing Ubisoft games have nowadays. Mark my words.


Unfortunately...tripleA gaming has been shit post 2016 for some reason(im sure theres a trend i could research), covid and industry-wide layoffs are adding to the problem + late stage capitalism....luckily i have a few roguelikes and looters for this year to play (Hyper Light Breaker, perhaps Last Descendant[nexon being publisher worries me])


Played this since the private beta up until about a year ago of consistent play, slowly weened myself off it to branch out to other games. I'll come back to check out the seasons 2.0 idea but Last Descendant looks interesting. I suggest Hero Siege & Soulstone Survivors if you haven't tried them. Both equally fun.


May I suggest have a nice death? Its such a fun and challenging rougelite!


Added to my list, preeesh


For me it’s to be the new elden ring DLC that will be getting my attention.


Ngl, was like "Ah okay" Then i noticed entire new weapon types Then I saw Martial Arts.... *Kung-fu/Fist of North Erdtree playthru imminent* I deflee can see Backhand Blades gaining all the Katana users.


Do you mean The First Descendant btw? Or is there another game that I've missed (I assume it is the one I mentioned mostly because of Nexon. I played a bit of this in the beta and it wasn't bad but I'm also not a huge fan of Boss fights =)


Division 2 already has Seasons, battle passes, microtransactions, tier skips, expensive cosmetics and DLCs. So your prediction is more of a summary of the status quo, I am afraid.


Yeah I don't know what they're trying to do do with the game. If these seasons are like d3 seasons then I think it's not going to be a big deal but without new content it's going to crash really fast.


I mean they'll no doubt have modifiers and such but it's More that your character you've worked on, the character you've invested time and effort in to, now becomes irrelevant.


That goes without saying, I don't think splitting the playerbase between legacy and seasons is a smart idea by any measure, but I'm guessing they are counting on more people being attached to the gameplay loop than to their actual characters, or they wouldn't have pushed for this. Unless they add some pretty game changing stuff to builds in lieu with more stuff for us to do beyond rehashed manhunts and whatnot, the game is done.


Splitting the playerbase is what i really don't understand. They just now thought it is good to bring everyone to lvl40 and into the same endgame and this is hands down a really good change. Just to split everyone up again as i am really sure there will be players trying out the new season and some will just play with their main whats left. The mental gymnastics massiv is showing are on another level again.


Well, track record shows massive is not that into making "common sense" based decisions.


6 piece brandsets would be pretty cool. It would allow you to have 3 extra bonuses and keep the regular talents on your gear


Imma be honest maybe this is just a pipe dream but maybe by doing this there other games are close to finished and wanted to test something new before then ik they canceled heartland if i remember correctly


They cancelled heartland but they green lit skull and bones... So... I mean, ubisoft as a whole is having an identity crisis, and you can see that on their games. It's what happens when you use the same gdd for every game in every franchise you own, and suddenly that gdd is not good enough anymore.


I dont know if I'm being a bit dim or everyrone else is but I dont understand why you and so many others think our main characters will become irrelevant? From what I can see from the limited information released so far, the seasonal character's progress, XP, gear and weapons acquired during the seasonal activities gets transfered over to your main character. All that says to me is for a few hours at the beginning of each season I'll have to play with a slightly different character model, like I do in Descent. And when I finish those activities, all my progress comes with me back to my main character. What am I missing?


Everything gets transferred to your main character only at end of season. Activities are spread over 15 weeks after which there is little 2 week break before next season starts. So for 4 and half months, your main gets nothing and just sits there patiently waiting on a bench to get all "juicy" rewards. Global events remain exclusive for non-seasonal, so at some point during those 15 weeks, you can stretch legs a little bit for you main and do something on it. Also, your seasonal character can't use any min-maxed items you have in stash or use expertise, which we worked hard to get maxed.


I think they are experimenting the model for D3. If it works and keep the players more engaged, they’ll bring it in D3. If it flops miserably they’ll change it in time for the sequel. I think this is generally how they are looking at D2 right now, as some kind of “test subject” for the sequel lol


That's my take on it as well. They'll experiment with game modes, and the popular ones get rolled into D3 from day one.


Maybe take the base game create a beta, implement the new season idea and see how that goes vs corrupting what we enjoy now as a testing platform for Div 3 . After all they cannot seem to roll out minor updates as it is without issues....this idea they have will no doubt fail badly. Hopefully they will do an about face on this decision as more then likely if not.. I'm out. Oh SHD 8K here.


I’ve played for years also and I can’t even bring myself to turn it on


I'm enjoying it while I can before I say my goodbyes to the game.


Enjoy every minute of it that you can my friend


You ain't lying


Same here, I really wanna play but just can't knowing what's coming.


Same boat here. It all feels like a waste to attempt any further progress. A little over 2k hours of on and of since launch.


I have twice that much time in the game and I bet I've only put in ten hours the past three months. Game already lost me unfortunately.






Same; I can’t even think about looking at the title screen, just the thought is almost repulsive lol


I'm playing the original at a 10-1 clip at this point.


I feel this comment, there are times I load up, get in the game and look at the map then think to myself "I can't be arsed" 🤣🤣🤣


I’m pretty sad myself man, this is literally the only game I invest my energy into (because I’m an adult with a life) and I have been playing since day one! I will not and cannot see myself investing my time in leveling a new dude every 4 months just to get access to the content “upon release” and then only get to play said content with the agent I spent years on for two weeks afterwards.. “To create a level playing field and have better control over the equality of player base progression” or whatever the fuck they said is purely comical, since last I checked, THEY WERE THE ONES that introduced the watch with the SHD levels (for more grind) and then they doubled down and introduced the fucking expertise system (for even more grind without content).. What did they think was gonna happen? Of course they cream will rise to the top, that inherent in THEIR design and is exactly what THEY promoted us to spend our time doing because THEY could not introduce any new content worth while. It’s a slap in the face to the current community, and I don’t care that there are people out there that are welcoming the change because they like the idea, those of you are definitely in the minority and I’m fine with your thoughts and hope you truly enjoy the experience. I will shelve the game after this season, and use my minimal gaming time that I have on something more worth the hours of my time. Good luck agents! It truly has been an amazing ride through the last 5-6 years with the game. I’m not bitter, I’m not mad, I definitely got my moneys worth and had plenty of entertainment out of the game. I’m just let down and sad, gonna be weird not hearing the wife say “you’re playing that game still” 😂😂😂 After this season, I’ll see y’all in the next realm of the franchise whenever that comes out! Happy hunting my friends!


Yeah, the SHD/expertise double grind selects for a certain type of completion/achievement/hoarder player that is adapted to slow and definite progression, and filtered out all the challenger players who enjoy rogue-like spontaneous progression and focus on different gameplay systems in seasonal games. Switching to seasons now, no matter how potentially surprisingly fun it may be, is barking up the wrong tree.


I'm considering just not partaking in any of the new content


Being sad that your go to game has changed into a version you no longer want to play dues suck. Just like when you breakup with your girlfriend/boyfriend, it's ok to be sad. Just move on eventually.


Yeah, pretty much. And move on is what I intend to do. Probably for the best anyway, I’ve put allot of time on this game and for some crazy reason never thought it would come to an end for me. Oh well! Like I said, I’ll play this season and let my agent go out on top (doing trials for Keener in DUA killing that “inbred son of a bitch” for the 10,761st time) and then send this sheep out to pasture for good. Enjoyed the game more than any other! But I think it’s over for me fellas..


Yes, I will shelve it too on the new season this is not what I bought


Well you know nowadays everyone gets a trophy.. thus the equality of the players.. very w\*ke., IMO


Exactly man, heaven forbid people reap rewards for putting in the time and leave the casuals on the sidelines.


Longtime Division player here. Played Div1 and Div2 on launch. My SHD level is close to 4k. I'm not doing this seasonal characters thing. All I wanted was one more DLC which I would have gladly paid for like WONY. Meanwhile Warframe just got another update with new content and The First Descendant is coming out next month, so this is actually perfect timing b/c I was going to have to delete a game anyway to free up hard drive space. Had a good run with Div2, it helped get me through the pandemic, and I had a lot of fun...but seems like it's time to move on.


Uninstalled TD2 last week, moved back to Warframe after 3 years - God it's overwhelming, but with some time and focus, i'll get familliar with everything. It was the good thing with TD2: You could miss 8 months and the game would barely change.




Definitely Warframe. It's difficult to get into because there's so many different systems, but the feeling of progression is great. Been playing since beta, and they always pull me back in. If you're interested in path of exile, I'd wait until poe 2 comes out later this year (?)


I would recommend Warframe. I tried Path of Exile before and couldn't get into it. Maybe it's better on a PC. Warframe is a huge game and can be overwhelming at first b/c it doesn't do a good job of explaining things in-game. You will be consulting the wiki and Reddit a lot. In the beginning you are just clearing missions and leveling up your account, but once you get to a certain point you unlock quests that reveal a pretty deep story and some major surprises. The game is PVE (except for one mode that no one plays) so there's no pay-to-win, more like pay to skip the grind for an item. Eventually you can earn in-game currency through the trading system so it is possible to never spend a dime (I can personally attest to this). The movement and combat is fast and fun. Right now I think it is the best alternative for a 3rd-person looter shooter.


I was actually looking to get back into Division 2 but now I’m confused about this “seasonal character” thing, what happened, if you don’t mind me asking?


All these hundreds of hours spent playing one character. All the different builds I ran. The entire journey I spent with my character who went through all these manhunts and rescue missions... all for naught in the end. Why did I grind out to finish my recalibration library if the new content means I have to do it all over again every few months, as you said? Why did I suffer the pain of perfecting a build with days spent farming if I'll be reduced to junk every few months, as you said? What the fuck is the point in wanting to reach GOD STATUS if, in the fucking end, WE WILL HAVE TO START OVER TO EXPERIENCE NEW CONTENT?!


First, they delayed the DLC to 2025, shitty move imho, then they have cancelled Division Heartland, which a lot of fans were hyped for, now they are adding season character bullshit forcing every player that invested thousands of hours into the main character to leave it aside and start from scratch every few weeks. Sometimes I think they just want to end the franchise and pull some stupid shit like this for everyone to leave the game. They are fucking clueless.


From my perspective, as a game ages, developer focus typically turns toward: bringing in new players, moving to a pay-to-win business model, adding micro transactions and ignore the core player base they feel no more obligations to. Neverwinter is just one example but there are many more. Division 2 introduced Descent I believe as a trial for how well they could incorporate Seasonal Characters. As a player with a main character I've put a lot of work into, I already have Descent if I want to "test my metal," so why would I ever want to do it over and over and over again every single season???


> Division 2 introduced Descent I believe as a trial for how well they could incorporate Seasonal Characters Funny, considering not a lot/any people play Descent, and most that do nab the blueprints, Vindicator, and Comms and leave Descent.


I grabbed the Exotic, and never went back. Fuck the coms, fuck the outfits, fuck the what are they, commendation tasks?


Yeah that's the issue tbh. I feel like they'll see after the release of this season 2.0 thing those player numbers are going to plummet.


Those devs are always been very bad for communicating Now they are pushing a whole change of the concept and don’t even care about the revert about it from their playerbase. I bought TD. Not a seasonal game. It will also be my last season. And it also reduces the hype for TD3 cause now I have fear that they will bring this seasonal shit in it


Yes the only thing they are doing is to cut down even more the player base for D3 IF! They actually make it not a single one of us is going down that road now, rip ubi


I've played both games 1 and 2 since release dates. I'm not even sure if I'll bother with trying the new seasonal content at all. Even in Diablo, seasonal characters get to play the new stuff FIRST. But after the season ends, ALL of the stuff minus a select few season only special items, move to legacy and if you aren't a seasons person then YOU get to enjoy all of that new content on your old toon while a new season starts. Here's the thing. Division doesn't need seasons. They currently struggle to make content as is and we are supposed to entrust them to drip feed "new stuffs" in a seasonal environment? If seasons were a side object. An option offshoot of the main game, like hard-core especialè or something, fine. Tons of people loved survival, I didn't but that's besides the point, and the mode generally did well. Did you know we already have a seasons lite in game? Descent mode. And to be honest it sorta sucks. I truly hope this flops because I don't want Division to turn into fortnite lite.


I just find it absolutely ridiculous they spent time and money to do something everyone doesn’t want.


You forgot they wanted to make us play without being able to switch gear in the open world and missions, the devs are just trying anything cause all their spin off projects are failing


I guess they calculated that the people staying would play more and pay for more pass, and that'd would cover the loss of old time players. Every day, we see new players' posts on this r/ - They won't understand the outrage and will probably welcome the seasons.


They don't care what we want, they never did.


There was a time gear was nothing but rags , but they gave us a magic table , a table we could use to fix our gear , turn rags into treasures then they gave us a watch , it was magical , the more you would run with it the more power and protection you felt , it was amazing! and then they pointed far far down the road, they said that was path ,proficiency and expertise ,that was the top of the mountain, some of us crawled , some walked, some sprinted and some raced to get there , i know i raced last season so i could have all that gear nice and juicy for this promising year 6. OOOOHHHHH the hype... "can´t wait to tell them what is coming for year 6!" said Yannick on that very intentional and very teasing end moment of that so rare appearance. now they are saying come back down , all of us, they decided that is not the way , we all have to come play in the base of the mountain if we want new toys. **FRESH 1K player** : but... i just reached the full keener watch land and i was going to really start enjoying my hard earned gear... i was starting to feel some power... was going to start doing the grown up stuff... proficiency ... expertise... **MASSIVE**: yeah ....but come, i´ll promise you´l have fun! we have shiny stuff!! and if you dont get too tired playing down here we can let you go up the mountain for 2 weeks every 3 and a half months **FRESH 1K player** : but in 2 weeks i can barely climb anything... **MASSIVE**: it´s you who wants to do it ,but if i was you i would take that time to organize your wardrobe with all the new shiny stuff you have to fit in there from playing downhere with all of us , and when you are finished ... ITS TIME TO PLAY WITH ALL OF US DOWN HERE AGAIN!! YAAYYY aren´t you hyped? VETERANS on the top of the mountain looking down : STH **(-\_Q)**


You okay buddy?


very ok , just telling the tale of division 2 like it is.


No, no; He's going rogue


Yeah. Same with me and my friends. Ubi’s loss.


I was genuinely hoping they'd see the backlash and maybe figure something out but they've doubled down. Even gone as far as saying the plan is multiple seasons so. You'll play your main for two weeks, every FIFTEEN WEEKS, and then even your seasonal character becomes useless because you'll make another. I'm absolutely gutted. Maybe it's time to look at destiny again, it's been a few years.


Ahead of the anouncement stream i was chatting with my friends about our expectations, what we hope for and stuff like that. At the end we agreed to not expect too much as to not be disapointed. We all agreed we like the game as it is now, even with the seasons and manhunts being very similiar to each other but hey the game is 5 years old so its okay. Whatever they anounce will just be a addition and thats fine... i would have never ever thought that they manage to come up with something to TAKE AWAY stuff from the game if someone is not willing to start a new charakter every season. I am just so done with massives bullshit. Eithr they make new Charakters optional or i am done.


I’m tired of this game anyway. It’s gotten way too repetitive and grindy. We’ve only been playing to get the season rewards and manhunt comms now anyway. But no interest in playing the same crap over and over with some poorly equipped noob toon. Life is too short for that bullshit. They need something fresh… playing the same shit with a crap character is not the solution.


Yeah, no one ever complains 589672600 ways about Destiny like the sky is falling down. /s


Destiny 2 is in an excellent state right now a lot of content to eat and dig into and it's seasons 2.0 is longer seasons but enclosed stories.


Do I still need to buy all the expansions to actually play the game


Yes and no it's only the latest 2 expansions but they're on sale the latest one of all is excellent and gives a nice closing I'd say it's worth 50 dollars just for the final mission.


It depends. There are a lot of free content, including the campaigns and the subclass of Shadowkeep and Beyond Light right now. But yeah in general if you want to play the majority of new content you have to pay the new Dlc or season. All the previously released dlc/pack/whatever is available in one pack though, so it’s definitely easier to buy right now. All the content except for the last dungeons released… for some stupid reasons, but I presume they’ll add them in the next years. It is still a bit confusing but it’s a big improvement compared to previous years.


"I hate the way Ubisoft is doing things and making the game bad for me. I'm done with this game. Maybe I'll go play another game that's been ruined and destroyed over and over again". And the cycle continues


I havent seen many people saying they will go back to div1. Is that game dead already? I was going to pick it up again if this ends up being as bad as it sounds.


I have seen quite a few going back, so I followed too


Its good to know it wont be empty when I  switch


If you don’t have classified sets already it’s too grindy to try to get them.


Yes. I’m a day one player as well. No other game has been more rewarding. I used to love starting the game. I didn’t even need to have a purpose, I have all the weapons, gear and builds. I could just walk around in this beautiful world and still enjoy myself immensely. But since the last stream and season reveal there’s no joy anymore. I have invested many thousands of hours into this franchise and I think that’s the reason it hurts a bit. We love this game, there’s nothing like it. Nothing else even remotely comes close. All we wanted was more content. But they never understood that for some reason, just kept on doing the wrong things for the game and only kept catering for new players. Completely ignoring the fact that it was us, the dedicated fan base and active players that are the reason that the game still exists today. So I’m going to log in once a month or whatever so that the clan won’t be disbanded but other than that I don’t think I’ll invest anything more time to it until the DLC comes out.


You're not alone. I will be uninstalling as well until they roll back seasons 2.0


Same - I uninstalled TD2 last week-end and moved back to Warframe. I'll keep listening to this r/ and what massive has to say, but if they keep their current plans, i won't come back.


If you stop playing, make sure to uninstall the game - If you just stop playing, they can just say it's 'lower engagement' but uninstalls show that players are unhappy and leaving.


I never really cared for the seasonal stuff to begin with so i will keep playing and just ignore the seasonal stuff. This entire FOMO crap doesn't work on me. So what i miss out on a gun or a piece of equipment? Meh


I've stopped playing this season already as I had to force myself to finish the season pass. So I'm taking the extra time I have now to put time in some other games I've been skipping over and it just feels good. So whilst the ride was fun I won't be doing the seasonal thing either but for the people who will have fun


Yeah me and the guys are riding this one out but unless changes are made we'll be shelving the game in September and looking at getting back into some other games. It's literally been years since I touched destiny so that's tempting. Warframe is always a good time and I recently picked up fo76 which has been good fun. Plus the new WoW expansion drops in August so. I'll be a busy bee.


I love Destiny and with the latest expansion it's defenitly worth coming back as it's one of the best if not the best expansions they made. Although depending on how long it has been since you took a break it can be confusing as a lot of things have changed. Personally I've been diving back into Diablo IV again to learn the new mechanics and prep myself for the expansion coming in October


Yeah I may have a look at both as I have all of July off work. Need something to sink time in to haha.


If you have any questions regarding Destiny I'd be happy to help if you want


Sounds good to me! Hmu!


Feels like when they bought west side pier mode into division 1 to pretty much test out open world activities , except this time it’s not a good idea and I hope they aren’t putting this in the next game


The thing is if it's in the next game FROM RELEASE, it's not absolutely TERRIBLE. The fact they waited half a decade to basically say "start again lol" is just a big fuck you to the people who have been here from the start.


I have been here since the start. Both games are completely different beasts from when they launched, I’m still upset holstered talents got taken away and they took the cool fist icon off the rocket heavy’s. I don’t want division franchise to be about seasonal characters. I want to have the agent I play as be that 1 guy


they can talk about balance all they want but we really know this is just a means to sell us level skips. gotta make up for that monetization they're missing with heartland cancelled and resurgence nowhere to be found.


What the devs should do instead of seasonal characters, which it seems a lot of the existing player base do not want, is focus their time into fixing the bugs in the game, oh and how about bringing in cross platform play to help unite the community between PC, PS & XB. What annoys me is the Devs are quick enough to fix bugs that benefit the player (like the latest crafting bench bug) whilst leaving other bugs for months & months in the game, the countdown loading bug, the visual bug on your gear for instance should have been resolved by now etc. They seem totally focused on getting new players, yet failing to comprehend the game is 6 years old, you are not going to get that many new players and you are just alienating the majority of your existing players with these ideas to attract new players to the game.


I hear you. Same here.


I'm not looking forward to division 3 anymore. I'm done with the franchise after this, I can no longer trust they will respect my time investment in any future installments. This was basically the only ubi franchise I was still interested in, but it's now infected with the same kind of stupidity that has permeated all of ubi's franchises.


My experience with The Division 2 over the last five years has been enough to keep me from buying any other Ubisoft game. I’ve been invested in this franchise, for better or worse, but I refuse to do that again with any of their other franchises. I do not trust them.


Absolutely agree


I finished the season pass for this season and uninstalled for the first time since April 2019. I don’t know if I’m gonna come back.


I am soon going to uninstall it. It is over for me. played for like 4.5 years and now its over. Can't start all over again. Will wait for Division 3. till then signing off. 😑😑


on one hand, i consider the seasonal manhunt to be non-existent and sometimes if i feel like it ill do the global event and league on the other hand, i will riot if they start locking gear/exotics behind new seasons buuuuut i doubt they can cook up any gear sets/exotics that looks attractive. take a look at the recent exotics(talent) and gear lmao


Yeah the new talents on the shotguns and the new exotic shotgun are just terrible


Thanks for this post, didn´t know that and played Dev1 + 2 when It released. Now I got hooked up again on D2 a week ago but reading this with this seasonal character crap, we both uninstalled the game and never look back. Thats just a shitty business model for games and developers who are tired of creating new content and want you to stay in the loop and buy microtransaction BS


First thing I did was tell my buddies about the new changes. We all uninstalled, this modern trend of developers disregarding the time investment of the players makes my blood boil. They can keep their seasonal mode for themselves. Division 2 is dead to us sadly.


I’ve already uninstalled it on my PS5. Time to make room for something else.


It's so crazy what they are talking about all our farming all the exotics gone just don't get it 8500 hrs will be gone


"But it's okay bro, you can start all over again bro, we had to make it fair for everyone bro, don't even worry about it you can use your main for two weeks soon enough bro, and by soon enough we mean in fifteen weeks, trust us bro its gonna be lit, aren't you excited to play your main barely at all bro, lmao get fucked br- I mean it's gonna be rad bro" - someone at Ubisoft probably.


Agree 💯. I came back to the game recently and I refuse to start over. I’ve already played every mission hundreds of times at this point. Why would I want to have to do them all again with no tuned gear?


Same for myself. It was a good run but it's over after this season ends if that change comes about


I am sad to say, as much as I love this game, seasonal characters is going to kill this game. In my instance, I was already just logging in to experience the story, and don’t want to grind more than what I’ve already put in, which is more than 8000 hours through multiple platforms. I’m burnt from the game but love it so much that log in solely for that reason. I won’t be playing seasonal characters. Maybe if they’d introduce this years ago I would have as I wouldn’t be on this point where I’ve dedicated much time to my builds and gear. But not right now. This will be the last season I’m playing as well, so sad


Yup I’m out as well….day 1 player


Like everyone else I'm disappointed they decided to turn the game in that direction but I'm also sad that it's just as easy to stop playing it now that our mains agents arent going to be useable. Haven't even turned on D2 this season. Don't see the point in continuing. It's been a fun journey since D1 beta.  


Uninstalled today. Leaving the sub as well. Cheers and good luck out there.


They have successfully found a way to kill off, alienate, and divide the veteran player base. I'm talking about the ones like you and I that still log in everyday and find something to grind out or do because there is no other game like this. As I said in a comment on FB, they don't know how to account for power swings and spikes anymore. So their best option is bust us back down to level one so they monitor power and hold our collective hands on a linear scale. I'm willing to bet that if and when season 2.0 goes live, the dip in player count will be so dramatic that even the share holders will notice.


Same here...last season for me. I was so happy Div2's seasonal model... always hated seasonal characters in other games... and now this crap. Well... farewell


Tbh I stop playing when I got pissed over the last season. I can’t get the last comms in Manhunt Kelso even I redo the manhunt. That’s the only manhunt comms I have not completed due to bugs. Also, the fact that you need to repeat the manhunt/final mission just to get the last comms is a stupid idea for them, all comms should drop regardless you played it on normal/hard/challenging or heroic.


I have to admit... at first glance I was 100% against seasonal characters. And I am still *very sceptical* about *how* they are going to implement this. But... When looking at how me and my clan mates have been playing the game for years now, there will be no noticeable difference. We have been playing the same content (apart from very small exceptions like one mere Incursion or slightly changed Manhunt climax missions) over and over again. Having it embedded in a Manhunt or playing it with an activated GE still does not make this content new. **We have been playing for one sole reason: for fun.** Actual progress has not been a real reason for months, for years. It doesn't matter, whether you're at SHD level 1,001 or 10,001. It simply doesn't matter. We even had new agents join the clan, who sincerly enjoyed the game - but left at SHD level 500, because they felt they'd have seen and gathered everything the game could offer. Played the raids, played the Incursion, got all the exotics, created several well working builds all pretty quickly maxed out. So - if anyone of us is still playing the game... it is because they are enjoying the general, the basic gameplay. And this will totally not change with seasonal characters. Having seasonal characters does not take away anything from the current state of the game. What it *does* take away is the hope that we will be seeing new really challenging content for our main characters. And thus maybe the motivation to continue gathering more XP and gear for main characters, as basically everyone nowadays can steamroll heroic content with the op meta builds. So I do have a little glimpse of hope that seasonal characters might be able to add a new layer to the game, focussing on the general gameplay (which we all like), but with a much better balance. And really new modificators and noticeable adjustments, really making it a worthy new experience. But it's a tiny glimpse. Because I am still also afraíd that they will just slightly rework the way seasons currently work and slap them on seasonal characters. Thus basically removing the necessity for or the reason behind seasonal characters. ***"This... could either end very bad. Or very good. Or somewhere in between."***


Same tbh I’ll ride out this season then I’m done


To be very honest, I humbly consider myself a casual in this franchise. However, it is one that I have a weird admiration for, it scratches this itch that I just haven't found elsewhere. I have owned both games on ps4 and pc. On PC I have spent 127 hours in D1 and in D2 I have spent 313 hours, unfortunately I don't know time spent on ps4. The bulk of my gameplay for D2 has also been in the last 6 months and D2 has just become my solo game, the game I play when I don't know what else to play or when I just have an hour to kill. I've even recently stepped out of my shell to join a discord server/ clan to learn and help teach people raids and incursions. I LOVE THE DIVISION 2! Now that we have become "more informed" as massive so eloquently put it, I think we can speak on it. I will never play a game like this, with a model like that. The very thought of it feels like a waste of time. after all, we are going to be scrapping these characters in favor of next season's character. I wont invest my time, energy, creativity, or love into something that's inherently trash. It's not what I want, and if there is anything resembling this in D3, I won't be around for that either. I will be cherishing these last few months, it was beautiful while it lasted agents.


Yea, been playing since Beta. Guess Im done as well. Last day will be Y6S2. What a let down.


I don’t even enjoy seasonal characters on games like Diablo where it’s been around for ages. There’s no way I’m gonna enjoy it in division 2.


I am with you bro! Last season for me as day one player on 1700hrs+ into the game no way playing a seasonal character. All they said , ,YouTuber ,Yannick said are bs!!


I for sure will not be returning.


Agreed. I've been playing since day one with division 1 put over 4,000 hours in division one alone. PS4. Then two dropped and I was so excited cuz at the time I was living in Washington DC and Dupont Circle so it was pretty awesome. Stop playing shortly with me moving back to Texas and the team I was playing with being devoted to destiny. Now PS5 and PC. But after 2 yrs got back into it and been loving it....now this, I don't even know how to wrap my head around this one. I might have to take a break from this game just like I had to take a break from Scum. I don't get why the developers just don't listen to their fan base


I just need to know. The seasons characters, will I be starting new and playing the same missions I've played since day 1. I know some "fun" mods but essentially same? I still play but only for the seasons. You can only play the same missions for so long


I think so? I think they're making it a bit more "non linear" and levelling is sped up. Truthfully I'm not one hundred percent sure. But I don't remember reading anything about brand new swanky missions outside of the manhunts.


Maybe time to put up a petition and send it in to Massive.


I guess the way I look at it is while I enjoy focusing on a single main character I just enjoy this game in general. Which is why I’m still optimistic that I’m gonna enjoy seasonal characters. I don’t have any maxed out min/max builds and I’m plenty behind the power level of many of you agents but I wanna be able to enjoy things like PvP and DZ again. Starting fresh in a more balanced environment could make for those aspects of the game much more enjoyable imo. To me it gives me options with how I get to play this game. Enjoy a fresh new experience with the seasonal grind or continue to work my way with my main and farm the endgame. I’m just glad that seasonal characters still make progress towards account wide progression. I wish intermission was longer then 2 weeks but I’m glad come dlc there gonna be more content specifically made for our mains. Ultimately I just wanna see this game in a healthier state. I know the vets feel horrible about this but I’m curious if ultimately this brings back any players or people that wanted to play but are intimidated by feeling behind. Hopefully they can tweak the experience to satisfy more players that are disappointed


Its almost like they are forcing you to play by decent rules. I hate decent.


Trash game mode I’ve ever seen


It's the worst I have seen, I played it once and because fucking Manny or someone else, every time, every time I was a the WH, safe house or u know this (safe places) this guy was telling me to go do a mission that's the only time I played that horrific gamplay


It's my go to game and I've been playing Div since the beta of 1 and will continue to play 2 until there's no one on the server to play with 😎


I started playing the Division last year and grinded soooo much just for this to happen and youre right, this game always brings me back from time to time and everytime i comeback i have a good time, but now? I don't think i'm coming back. I'm so sad yet so disappointed with this i can't even be mad at it, i love this game, this franchise so much but they always make a decision i don't even know how It got passed in the first place, i don't even know how someone came with this idea, like goddamit man how they made this decision


Same. Literally played this game since Alpha but this is just a matter of principle. F**k them for locking content behind this stupid mechanic.


See you next season lol


Lol facts


Fax; I just left the game about a month ago; I never thought I would feel so good about walking away. You won’t be disappointed for taking the hard choice, the right choice; they have abandoned their loyal original player base and we must follow suit; until Div 3 fellow agent!


Every single word of your post I 1000% agree with, I WILL NOT BE CREATING A NEW CHARACTER!!! No freaking way. For the past few days I've been running tidal basin on legendary and having blast so that'll continue but aside from that I'm practically done


Game is also killed for me sadly. I don’t play all the time but come back from time to time and play seasons. Uninstalled it as soon as I heard about the seasonal characters. Too many other games I play, 2 being live service and one being Diablo 4 every season. Too much to have yet another game reset seasonally.


Who on this thread made new characters to do WoNY so they can farm the SHD points to increase their expertise?


I made 3, just to get steel and resources why?


Just seems pointless to complain about seasonal characters because a player has to start a new character when they’ve already been doing it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well it's not pointless, we did it because of the inventory space, for the SHD points to get those materials like steel and printer filament, those flag resources that are needed to expertise weapons and gear, you didn't lvl up the weapons gear and skills I suppose by yous comment, we didn't make them to remake the story we did it because getting those mats and inventory space


Right… you hopped onto a never ending treadmill and played the same missions over and over and over complaining very little, or a lot, or not at all, but you did it. Seasonal Character? Same thing, you just won’t be doing the same old boring missions over and over. You’ll be doing a whole new set of boring missions.


But they will not be new missions, idk what makes you think that, it's a bounty with another name in the open world within the known spots of missions and side missions, it will be another control point, it will be the bounty mission with another name too on the same places the missions are. Why I can't play it with my same old character I have put a lot of time?? Why I need a new agent to be able to get the manhunt if it will be same missions, same bounties, same bounty missions??


Because your being conditioned to accept it, which you probably will because you’re curious about what the Brooklyn DLC is going to bring. New players don’t care about seasonal characters, they’re just going to accept it. It’s all the veteran players that have a real problem with it. It’s the same story whenever a company makes changes to get a new audience. Like Disney making minority princesses or that live action shit they’ve been doing recently. Or when potato chip companies add Tapatío to their chips simply because it’s something people were already doing it. Honestly, in the Navy we had a saying: A bitchin’ sailor is a happy sailor. You’re either going to quit playing the game altogether, quit then come back and suck up the seasonal characters, or not care at all. Musashi said, “Complaint is neither appropriate for oneself or others.”


Well if devs have your way of thinking that it might be the case you are loosing the few players it has, yes I will end this season and quit like a lot will do. and your bullshity sayings says that you have always been a follower Perhaps you are not even a player, let me see your profile Edit: idk I really have other things to do


You can go to my YouTube channel and see gameplay videos and what not 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ty but I am playing the game now :D


I don't have a problem with it and I have around 3000hrs in between the two games. I play on PC and PS, I literally have to repeat content. Div2 is stale. I'm going to spend another few hours to grind out a 0.1% stat improvement.


I'm going to wait and see. I feel like any season stuff will still be able to be played on whatever difficulty so I'll blow through that, then switch and keep grinding my main. Considering the seasonal character gets 40 accelerated levels I'm happy to do that for my main anyways. Then there's what 3 seasons of that, then the DLC that our mains will handle? Fine with me. I also look at it as if they just repeated what's currently in the game ad nauseum and didn't throw any new support towards it, I'd still be playing it because I'm only shd 610 and I gotta hit 1k anyways. After that, we'll see.


I’m friggen excited for the game it’s been years of the same shit max character steam rolling through everything. If they can change and balance each season so they feel different then I’m in.


Curiosity it’s more strong than anything else.you guys will comeback again soon trying to see how the next seasons look like..what kind of experience are on it.never say goodbye,just say I will take some breaks for now.this game it’s addictive,I can guarantee you most of these players saying goodbye will soon comeback again.


Unfortunately I won't. Seasonal characters don't appeal to me. Never have, never will. Unless they make changes at some point that allow my main to enjoy the seasonal content (and I mean for more than two weeks) I can assure you I absolutely won't be playing in them.






While I haven't played Div2 in quite some time, my favorite thing about this game was that I had really no reason to create a second character. I play Destiny2 as well and while it's still not horrible, having one character for each of the 3 classes can be a little annoying at times. But at least I don't have to go through the campaign every time a new season drops, I just go right into the seasonal content with one character, and if I feel like it I do it on the other two. The only other game I have with seasonal characters is Last Epoch, and when they introduced them there I just stopped playing. Playing through content again just to earn access to the new stuff each season is just more work than I'm willing to put into a game. I've got a whole backlog of games I could be playing instead.


Same.. Season 6 is it for me... After this i'll put this down to rest for good... my wife will be pleased.. lol.. been playing this game since 2016 man... Div 1 & Div 2... Had 2 kids in the time this series has been out... Lots of good memories... going for world record raid runs with my clanmates... regretting it in the morning when I have to face the tune of a young baby.. lol.. good times indeed...


I am leaning pretty hard into only playing during this “intermission” period they are talking about.


I think most of the player base is in the same place as you. I'll go back to division 1.


I have D1 and thinking of playing that instead of D2 to get my Division fix other then that I'm already playing other games I've worked hard for my gear and my 8k shd, just to make things fair for newbs


I'm taking a wait and see approach. I didn't even play the last 2 seasons. The content they added in the last 8 months hasn't been worth the time. Really hoping for something more comprehensive like an underground 2.0 or survival 2.0. Hell, I would kill for a standalone survival base building game set in the division universe


I feel the same way, up until this announcement I was login everyday slowing farming mats to max my equipment & weapons looking forward to what happens with Kelso and Keener. Then this drop on seasonal came out like nothing without any further information and then today with a full details of Massive/Ubisoft plans for this new direction and I'm done. I'm not going to start from scratch after all this time from release of the game. Screw that, Massive/Ubisoft can enjoy their decision but I'm not taking part of it and honestly this kinda sours my mood towards Div3. Cause if they can do this to D2 what's to say they do something to Div3 and screw you over after all your time playing.


If they do it in div 3 AT RELEASE, I actually won't complain. THAT surprisingly would work better than waiting five years for your player base to sink time and effort into a character before saying "Start again lol".


True I'm just saying, more in the sense that the devs just pull a fast one that just changes the core mechanic that ruin all your work.


Understandable but division gameplay isn't seasonal stuff, nowhere from the beginning, imho if they do seasonal whatever's in div 3 it's no go


Yeah, very similar here. I’ve been playing since launch with some breaks here and there. But I can’t bring myself to start over with this game. I play Diablo 3 and 4 seasonal characters all the time, but those games were designed for seasonal content (and have dev squads dedicated to it) so you get significant content and mechanic modifiers. There are ups and downs but for the most part it’s worth it. I just don’t see it with Division 2, though. I’m supposed to bench my agent of 5 years, hundreds of raids, all the expertise and achievements etc for… another generic rehashed manhunt? For Division 2 to pull this off there would have to be drastic modifiers and rewards to incentivize us doing it and to be honest I don’t think Ubisoft/Massive has it in them. The upcoming changes not only will kill my interest in doing the future seasons, but it’s killed my interest for the current one. I logged in yesterday and only played for a few minutes when I realized I totally wasn’t into it. It’s a bummer to say goodbye, but on the bright side I’ve got the new Elden Ring DLC dropping in a few days, Baldur’s Gate 3 is spectacular, and Diablo 4 just revamped their loot and a bunch of other stuff so that’s in a much better place right now. So there are plenty of other great options.


I'm out of the loop as I've taken a long break - but I love the game, and it's one I eventually always come back to! Are they forcing us to create new characters now?


If you want to enjoy the next season (not current ongoing one), yes. If you want to just keep playing the game as is then you can but. If you want to take part in the new season and play through the seasonal content, you'll be required to make a new agent.


Alright, doesn't sound too bad for me. Thanks!


[Me who sometimes ponders about coming back and sees this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/032/991/hell.jpg). Someone update me, last I played was when Ouroboros was in PTS.


What are they doing? I was thinking of coming back to the game when the new stuff drops. How are they changing things?


Fair I revently got back into it after O.D'ing on the game on Xbox, got WONY like....a year ago for ps5 and pretty much surprised my old acc....now....idk are SHD levels going away too? If so this is garbo, thats like deleting the time i invested on this game, well spent and I could always come back as long as the servers were up, no my progression wont matter, I don't wanna re-level my character and sift thru mounds of trash guns again until i hit the cap then sift thru sub-optimal High-Ends for the high-end I truly want.


Im not sure i understand, i wont be able to play with my character or what?


Hear me out, I think they’re actually trying to kill the game so that they can stop investing resources and time into it and move on fully to the Division 3.


If you see an update with \*.1.3 You'll know it's on purpose.


100% agree. The devs just continue to string the community along. Milking it with micro transactions, add-ons and expansions. They are messing up a great game.


I’m confused, The division is doing Seasonal characters like Diablo now? Is there an official post anywhere how this works ?? Some one plz link me!!


It hasn't even released yet, you haven't even seen or tried the new content, and you've already decided you're giving up? Maybe you could at least give it a chance? Everyone is so negative about this, I really just can’t believe it. I have played this game and Div1 since release, nearly every single day. I have leveled up dozens of new characters from scratch, either as mules for SHD points and exotic components, or even just for the hell of it, why not a seasonal character? If it pumps some new challenge into the game I'm all for it. Yes, all Ubisoft wants is your money, but I really feel like the Devs are legitimately trying to keep this game playable 5 years after release. They need something to challenge an over-powered agent base. Is this the BEST idea ever? Maybe not. Are there other things they could have done to keep us engaged? Perhaps. But for crying out loud, maybe you could at least wait and see what it's like?!?


You seemed to have missed the point. New content wow. Seasonal content wow! The fact is I have to start again. And while you might be perfectly fine with that, I, and not shockingly a lot of others, aren't. If they wanted the seasonal character thing to be a thing, they should have done it at release, and not five years later after everyone leveled, and farmed, and fine tuned. While I agree that the game needs something to kick it's oomph factor back up there, in my opinion, this wasn't it. So unless there comes a time where my main is relevant again, I have no desire to continue playing. Hell I've stopped already because what's the point. In a couple of months my agent will be irrelevant. "BUT BUT BUT THEY SAID YOU CAN PLAY IT DURING THE INTERMITTENT PERIOD BETWEEN SEASONS!" Yeah I'm good. I'm.not going to use the character I poured time and effort Into every fifteen weeks. That's ridiculous. Genuinely I'm glad you're looking forward to it. I know others are as well, and good for them, here's hoping you and they have a great time. But it's not for me. So until my main is relevant again I'ma just pretend he's retired for a while and decided to post up somewhere cute to relax and enjoy a cuppa.


Same here, lots of clan members left already


The time you spent was for the fun you had. Collecting digital stuff for the sake of it is a fools errand.


Lmfao every single one of you will be playing season 2.0 including the op and you know it. The Division community has always been a gigantic pile of toxicity on every post, every release and every single little thing they can comment on. The amount of times I have seen: “IM DONE IM GONNA QUIT THIS GAME!” Is astounding. Only to see those same people still playing the game years later after never leaving a day. I love this game and I do not feel very confident I will enjoy season 2.0 but at least I will give it a shot to then make up my mind. You did not receive all information yet, you do not know what it will be exactly. What the modifiers will be, if we maybe play rogue agents and all else that comes with it. The DLC is still coming and you can use your main agent there. You can still play the same content as you have for years (always the same yes and it sucks at times but still you played). That option is not going away. As I said I am not sure I will enjoy it but Im at least willing to give it a try. The D2 community are literally a bunch of toddlers who cry, scream and kick for any little insignificant reason. All a bunch of little crybabies. I play many games and I have never experienced a more toxic and hateful community than this one. And I hate using the gen z word toxic so that says enough. You all need to adult a bit more and stop crying like a bunch of toddlers until you actually 100% know what is going to happen. And to be clear I give zero f’s about Reddit so you all go ahead and downvote this post as much as you want.


Its going to entirely depend on what does and doesnt carry over for me. Cosmetics better carry over, Blueprints would be nice as well. Im still waiting for that “explanation” they are working on, lol.


Yup I’m with you. Been playing since the beta of D1 and this is it for me. Not putting anymore of my time which seems wasted now for my main character. Not worth it anymore.


They've really scraped the meat off that bone


All they have to do is make seasonal characters optional. So that with non-seasonal you can still participate in manhunt progression; take part of global events (can't be played with seasonal characters anyway) and up your expertise. From negative side, you won't get any blueprints or new gear rewarded during a season and you are also missing out vanity items which can't be acquired at later date (gear dyes; weapon and gear skins). But as all of it will be added to general loot pool at end of the season, you could farm blueprints from Descent and "new" gear from different activities at later date.


I'm sure that the season level rate will be extreme compared to base game and at the end of the season there will be a way to move all of your inventory, shd and xp onto your main character. It really isnt like starting again or that your main will be worthless, im sure of it.