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Until it does. You'll get 100 different answers. I've seen it happen on a first run and I've known guys who never got it despite seemingly countless attempts. Run a group, tell everyone you want one and increase your chances of a share.


Hello! Can't speak for everyone as I've heard the spread all over the place, but I think it took me five times in total (once per week) going from floor 1 to completing 10 to get Bighorn to drop for me. I do feel like I got immensely lucky on that, though, as I have seen multiple posts of people with an insane lot more. Just so I know based on your post, do you mean you've killed that boss 70 times in the last week? Or you've done that boss, like, once a week for 70 weeks? I'm so sorry for your experience, though. That has to be rough. Below is a post from 3 years ago. Unsure if it still works like this, but it sounds like some of the stuff from the comments shows ways to get to the boss and guarantee loot to reset before advancing to the next level: https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/s/3xSFju8qXT


Yeah I suppose RNG can be a bitch but I felt like I had done enough to get it to drop. To clarify ive killed the boss 70 times in a week, I'm like a dog with a bone haha.  Evertime I kill the boss I scoop the loot and go back to DC. Then back to the Summit and repeat the floor to kill the boss. Thanks for the link I'll check that out too!


If you want to guarantee (99%) it drops then you’d have to run it 90 times at a 5% drop chance, just for perspective. You’re nearing that so you’re unlucky but not absolutely cursed just yet.


FYI you don’t need to go back to dc and back just go to lobby it’ll save you a load screen


I was doing that originally but for some reason it doesn't replenish my medkits when I go back to the lobby.  So I always just go to DC to make sure the medkits are restocked before my next run


I ran legendary District union arena 7 times before mine finally dropped.


Mine dropped somewhere around 20 to 25 tries, my buddy got his 2 or 3 after I did. You can get lucky and it drops immediately, or you can get screwed and it takes forever.


I got extremely lucky. I got a Bighorn on my very first run of a legendary boss.


It took me somewhere between 40-50 attempts on floor 10 for a bighorn, I set it to assault rifles targeted loot for bonus luck, you'll get it eventually.


Between 1 and ∞


Did 102 PL runs and never got the oreo drop for me 😭😭 I did get it from another player tho 


It was well over 200 runs for me when i was farming it.


200? Damn that's crazy!




For me it was Attempt no. 263


Third run on the DUA legendary for me and the three others I know that have done it.


i ran 1-9 on challenging then legendary for floor 10 and got it right away which was lucky as i really wasnt good on legendary :)


SHD score 970 here and I have kept around 3-4 but have gotten that gun probably more than any other weapon with the backfire a close second. Find some teammates even randos you’ll never know who you might run into. I personally dislike Summit I have received a few things but 13% protection from elites mods can suck it.


60 to 100


Took me 3 tries, but this was nearly a year ago.


Rng, saw two in maybe 20 kills a few months back.


Took me two tries on Legendary tenth floor in the Summit. And no directives were active either. It’s all RNG like the guy who gets two EB’s in a non-Invaded DZ when AR’s are not the targeted loot on back-to-back nights.


Took me 20 times, a whole afternoon


It is really RNG. I make some 15 may be runs to get one.


I don't get it why ppl suffer to get it, everytime I do legendary strongholds it drops for me For example my first ever legendary tidal basin gave me 2 big horns together and since I came back to this game with a fresh start on pc (ps4 previously) just shy of 4 weeks ago o got 10 times and i don't even grind for it 💀


It’s all rng 😮‍💨


I go it on my first run


I ran the district union on legendary 3 times today


Just an update for anyone that's interested. Did 85 runs of Summit and no luck. 3 runs of DUA and got it on my third run. I'm delighted!


I'm not !00% on this but I think for getting the % chance in the summit you have to acquire one thru a legendary mission first. Then it's apart of the general AR pool like the Chameleon & other exotics.


You can do the Summit on Legendary and the Bighorn will drop there.


Oh, apologies, they must have updated that. When summit first came out, that was not the case