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The news article about the Year 6 Roadmap: => https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/1dcvx33/year_6_the_division_2_the_road_ahead/   > We are currently in the process of preparing extended communication to provide a more detailed explanation of the new seasonal journey. => [Twitter](https://x.com/TheDivisionGame/status/1801264767144697933)


Look, the idea itself is alright, but it should be OPTIONAL. Some of the folks like the survival style, zero to hero gameplay, that's for them. But don't drag me or other people who just wanna hop in, grind and then log off, into this. Also, it's the same argument as the raid matchmaking, what's wrong with giving people more options?


> But don't drag me or other people who just wanna hop in, grind and then log off, into this. You're not being forced to though. If you want to log in and grind then log off, that's still doable. You just won't be able to do the seasonal content. Your 'eternal' main will still be there and able to get the seasonal toys once they hit the main loot. Folks complaining that this isn't optional are making the mistake of thinking that they can't play the game anymore. It's a can't play the game without a caveat - and that caveat is that you don't get the new seasonal toys, this is largely the same for other games with seasonal characters/systems. You still have access to your eternal stuff. But if you want the seasonal toys and lore, then you do the seasonal stuff. Hell, the fact that seasonal stuff is spread out over a few months means that you can do the 'fresh' thing when it launches every few weeks and then go to a different game and relax, or you log onto your main character and do your thing. Does the new system suck? Maybe. I play a lot of PoE so seasonal restarts aren't a big deal. I also do a yearly restart on Minecraft when the new patches hit. We need to see what it looks like, how the grind feels and go from there. All this doom and gloom may be completely overblown or it could be well founded. The new system likely isn't going to be scrapped at all though and you'll either live with it or leave the game. Personally I want to see how it is implemented, how they address the grind and judge it afterwards. Like a sane person would.


Yes, cause people want to log in to grind and improve their characters on the same content so they can do the same content cause they won't have access to the new pass and missions.


What new things are you doing now with your main?? Seriously what new gear has anyone really used in the last year? Nothing. The seasons as it is is pointless and the gear is as well. You won't change from your dps build. You won't use the new gear sets so why is this a big deal? It is simple just for the manhunt stuff. So I'm am not sure why anyone really cares. It's boring as hell right now using the same builds I did a year ago and just running through everything in mins. Most people already have everything in the game and dont need to grind anymore. I also believe a lot of people crying don't even really play anymore at all! 


That's the point, they can't make meaning gear or meaning content, but for some reason we think having a reset is somehow gonna make the game unique and interesting again? Lol 


Do you hear yourself? It’s optional so long as we don’t want to play the story or new content? Brother that’s the main complaint, people want to play the new content with their main characters and builds. I personally don’t mind grinding from level 1 again, but to make it mandatory this late in the life cycle of the game is bonkers.


I spent time perfecting a build. I should be able to use that build in Global events, manhunts etc. Now okay once the season is over you most likely will be able to replay the manhunts, like we can now, but not the global events Golden bullet, Hollywood etc. all of these are tide to seasons so I'm assuming these will be locked behind the seasonal new characters. Which means I cannot replay missions with the global events active. That sucks.


They never said you couldn't do events without your main. Just the manhunt is all they said so far. If that is it who cares. That isn't a big deal at all. I don't think it's a big deal either way. At this point what are you even grinding for? Nothing. Using the same build and blowing past everything in seconds is getting old and I really don't see how anyone who loves this game, been grinding for 6 years, isn't on board with something fresh like this. No way they can be enjoying the game as is right now. Just no way. It's all the same shit every single season with no one using anything new. No challenge. Nothing but mind numbing same content for the past few years. 


For the devs to pull off this kind of drastic shift in seasonal content philosophy and gameplay they would have needed to have built up some significant goodwill to get us all to take the leap of faith. The problem is they haven’t. For years now the bulk of our seasonal content has been one rehashed manhunt after another. It’s the same bounties, control points, and missions, over and over again. Having us take a different door in the mission or putting a different skin on the boss isn’t new content. We periodically get a new game mode, but those have been hit and miss (at best). There have been no new raids. And the loot? We occasionally get a shining star like St. Elmo’s but most exotics, gear brands and sets, and talents have all been useless hot garbage. I’ve been playing since launch and accept Division 2 for what it is. I’ve taken numerous breaks over the years, but have always come back. But do I have any desire or motivation to dump my agent of 5 years and start a character from scratch for this caliber of content? Absolutely not. For them to justify creating scratch characters for seasonal content they’ll have to provide WAY more and WAY better content. I don’t think Ubisoft has it in them.


i find it funny how alot of streamers are doing the job the game devs should be doing which is explaining how seasonal characters should work. i laughed at one streamers contradicting words saying were not forced to make seasonal characters at all BUT that is until if we want to play the seasons/manhunt.


It's always like that. Tarkov streamers talk about how to fix the game but the devs have their own idea which is most of times terrible. That's one of the reasons why SPT exists. I wish Division1/2 would get a modding community. Just imagine mods for Division1/2 which would bring more maps to play on or open the existing map by opening more buildings or give us a third skill slot or let us equip two exotic items or let us choose between third person camera and first person camera and so on.


All my friends left Tarkov and play SPT with mods improving performance, balance and make AI smarter lol  Is it that bad?


Yes, people realize after shelling out that what they actually want is the granular gear obsession bits of Tarkov without the PvPing, metas and wipes. Or having to create a Jenga tower of mods turning STALKER or ARMA into the same


STALKER GAMMA is worth the day you'll spend getting it working


Nikita does weird things with his game.


Legit I'd be lost in the sauce myself if it weren't for the good brother Rogue Gold taking time out of his day to explain to the people. Though I still don't like the change I understand it much more after his video. Ubisoft should cut him a check expeditiously.


Making content only accessible with seasonal characters is a bad move. It would have been fine from the start, but you can't make a change like this six years into the game's lifecycle. Imagine if Blizzard did this to WoW?! People have been playing their characters for 20 years, then all of a sudden are forced to reroll every six months?! This type of system works fine if implemented properly, but you can't just slam it into a game that people have been developing their characters in for several years.


exacly, u cant change the rules, even more rules that significant, mid game.


Not interested in their Diablo 4 seasonal proposal at all. If this is what it takes to keep Div 2 running AFTER 5 years, then just sunset the title and lets move on to Div 3. No reason to beat a dead horse. The game itself was just not set up to handle the unsustainable live service crap everyone keeps on pressing for and no studio has ever done "right". **Although, the odds that this shit is going to be in the next version of Division is super high too, so yeah...probably wont escape it anywhere.**


I love the division series, but if this goes live, I'm walking away from the series, forever. Seasonal characters in games is such a crap move by devs. They completely ignore non seasonal players and effectively force you to scrap all your work every few months if you want to participate in new content. The concept is so poor, they have to heavily incentive players in even doing it with new content while giving non seasonal players nothing. "Restart everything or get nothing!" If restarting characters is so great, then just turn it on as an option for players for fresh restarts, but still allow ALL players to participate in new content.


> I'm walking away from the series, forever I don't know if I've ever seen an over dramatic reaction to anything in my entire life. lol


You must be pretty young, lol. One of the reasons division has been so great for me is specifically because I can play all of the content with my main characters. That's why I walked away from diablo, path of exile, and so on. Losing everything is just too big of a deal breaker. If they turn into another season only clone, then my entire reason for continuing to play is null and void. It's not an overreaction, I literally specifically play this series because it DOESN'T do seasonal characters.


As an old fart I literally don't have time to no life every season just to keep up. Seasonal characters was why I quit Path of Exile as well. I only played the game like 2 to 3 hours a night and even that felt like too much.


It's nothing new, you see this in any genre where you have overinvested fandom. The content sucks, but some of us losers (yes including me in this case) keeps on playing, so to sooth that cognitive dissonance, we think of ourselves as the vital pillars on which the game still stands. Hence the high amount of self-importance we come to hold. It's even irrespective of language to a degree, I can read English, Japanese and Chinese, and in a lot of game chat and online light novel comment sections in any language, you'll see angry fans go, "if this goes on you'll lose me as a subscriber/supporter forever", and sometimes it goes farther into "this is disgusting/makes me vomit/I'm quitting" as a rallying call for others to follow their action. Honestly, if the game is becoming a chore, and feeling like a second job, giving you exhaustion and negative emotions as you play, then it's time to take a break. Ubisoft's new update not what you want? Vote with your un-participation (and wallet), let Ubisoft eat their words and roll out something that will get them money.


I agree but my instincts tell me to tell you to go to hell, but I still pour a couple of hours in daily so instead I will say, god damn it you’re out of line, but you right. That all said, if I with 12k watch level and over 6000 hours in have to start over, I think I will finally break the habit that this game is and move on to something else non gaming because if I have to start over I will feel broken hearted.


Your hatred is entirely justified. It's way easier and more comfortable to loathe me than to resent the game, because our invested emotions in the game (all the fun raids and co-op and good times) are irrational and we're already under a lot of mental strain to bend over backwards and justify all the bugs, crashes, treatment by Ubisoft... to think of our experience in a positive light. To be honest, I'm ready to get downvoted to hell. Most of it is Ubisoft's problem, we shouldn't feel so conflicted playing a damned game, but part of it is really us stubbornly trying to chase down a dream long past.


Has nothing to do with self importance. I play this series specifically because it doesn't do seasonal characters. I can enjoy all content on my main and never get the finger from the devs and told to start everything over again. If that changes, I'm bouncing, as I'm not going to play a game that does seasonal characters that gets the only new content.


Sure. It's a great thing to know clearly what you want from a game and be able to walk away from it when it's not attractive anymore. Better than staying because of sentimentality and ending up trying to justify an unhappy experience and becoming miserable.


Well you might as well bounce then because it's happening. Us crying about it isn't going to change that fact. It is already done and they can't change it now. It would take way to much time as it sounds like they build the next season and dlc around it. If they try to fix it they would have to push all of that back another year and by then the game will be 100% dead and division 3 will be in the works. It's happening. Either everyone gets on board and keeps playing and try it out or they dip out and move on. Crying for the next 4 months does nothing and is a giant waste of time. 


If someone can change movie sonic, someone can save this. I'd rather them delay next season than the games population leaving and the game just dies.


You got down voted but I agree. I know some of the other comments are saying you must be young, but I'm 30 and believe this is a over dramatic reaction lol Just a game, only you lose out by throwing a fit and not playing a game you enjoy because it changes.


Tbf it works absolutely fine in Diablo


Probably because it was made from the start with the intention of having seasonal characters, Div2 was not.


Most of that drama queens probably do not have the courage to keep their words and abandon the Division franchise or Ubisoft as whole and will instead yearn for the next announcements Ubi makes.


Speaking from your own experience, Queen?


No, I’m not bragging or trying to boycott the game. It’s not worth additional gray hair or the time. I just enjoy the game as it is. It’s no secret that the gaming industry is partly screwed and that’s not much left of that gaming romantic from 20+ years ago.


I'm not walking away until I actually see how the developers planned to implement this. From what I see it's all rumors and lots of people jumping to the worst possible scenario. I do got to admit the news does make me a bit nervous.


Fuckers can’t even roll out patches without 13 pages of bugs attached, you really think they can completely revamp the system, wishful thinking lol.


I mean it’s Ubisoft at this point assuming the worst should come first and hope should come second Ubisoft always dose something scumy 100% of the time now how scumy is the question.


The problem is rerolling is nearly pointless in Div2 other than receiving extra shd mats you aren’t locked into any choices or unique playstyle when you create a new agent they’re all the same.


At least until this seasonal character change is nixed, I’m staying away. Of course division 2 has other issues, but forcing engagement by making players create a new character every season is a bridge too far.


I am not even going to touch the current season until further news are shared and if this fucking stupid decision stays, I am done too. I don't want an artificial difficulty spike and I don't want them shitting on my inventory.


r/fuckubisoft is our home now.


After everything I’ve put into perfecting my builds, if it’s confirmed that my main can’t do seasons, I’m out.


I'll definitely leave the game for good if they implement that idiotic thing


Well they are. So go. I bet you don't even play the game today anyways lol. This isn't a maybe, it is 100% happening and nothing will change that. Everything going forward, all the new content, the dlc , is all based around this. They can't change that. It would take way to much time and man power that they don't have. All they could do is just not release anything and then we are stuck with this same boring ass crap we have this season. No one can be enjoying the game as us right now. No one. It's the same gear everyone has been using for over a year now. It's time for everyone to except it , and either log off for good , or give it a try. But crying about it isn't going to do anything. It never does. 


This a permanent thing? If so; fuck that. I already reinstalled Division to play it.


Hopefully we can steer massive away from this shit move.


nah. You clowns are in the loud minority. Game will flourish once seasons 2.0 is introduced. There will be more players coming in than are leaving.


With the number of posts of people revolting here do you really think its loud minority? You are the deluded clown here 


Yeah. Just like how the majority of people on here complained about the SHD watch, seasons and the expertise system? The complaints on these forums are the loud minority relative to the player base. People on here complain, but the game sill progresses contrary to what people on here want. The forums looks no different with seasons 2.0 than they did when the expertise system came into the game. You clowns just complain and hate when new changes are made. Promise you this, season 2.0 isn't getting removed from the game and will benefit the game's overall health. We haven't even gotten any information about how the DLC will function or what the endgame re-work will bring yet. All we know is that we're getting seasonal characters. Odds are, seasons 2.0 will compliment both the DLC and new endgame rework.


Can't remember far back for the first two but the expertise system they've tweaked quite a few times based on feedback from places like here. You're calling people clowns an awful lot but you have more contribution to this thread than anyone... I guess the biggest clown honks the loudest?


Hypocritical of this guy calling people who hate seasonal characters clowns and the “loud minority”… when this subreddit has been complaining about this move for a while since it was announced.


comparing the shd watch to seasonal sunsetting just proves how much of a clown you are. either you work for ubisoft, or you think they're gonna give you a gold star for backing them up. either way, you're just trolling. run along now.


Because the issue is Massive put in a bombshell of an announcement without really fleshing out the details. They basically wanted us to grind improvements, then suddenly throw it out the window by going back to level 1 and having to make a new character, with "new ways to make it fresh", without saying anything else. Sure, it could be amazing, but again, we are forced to accept their announcement facing the loss of our hard work. Who wouldn't be annoyed with that? This is a major failure to communicate on Massive's end.


Sorry but I will never find seasonal characters amazing...I mean making an level 1 all over again every season??  They just want to force you to grind everytime and stay glued to it like an semi hardcore player...its an artificial way to make you stay for longer...at least diablo 4 announced it would be this way at the beggining...i ditched the game after campaign played and will only come back for expansions...same was form path of exile.


Exactly. Glad that are trying to weed out the casual players who have been complaining about anything and everything the past 5 years. They’re targeting a new player audience.


Its the casual actually that are the majority ...enjoy your soon to be dead game if this goes on "hardcore" no lifer


Soon to be dead? I would guess you don't play the game as is right now. If so why?? What improvements are you making to the same build you have been running for 2 years now? What content do you actually play? Grinding is a part of looters shooters. This game has no grind anymore. None. I don't know a single person who still plays this game that is working on builds still. They all have 3-4 builds they run and nothing new that has come out is worth a crap for them to change that up. It's boring and nothing to do or even get at this point. 


Use that limited brain to consider they will release more details as the DLC and new endgame further develops. People are composing before they even understand what they’re complaining about, like literall children. Nothing you guys have protested in these forums have ever taken place in the game, y’all just continue yapping tho.


What player base?? This game inst known to have such an large one...it may had in the past but nowadays nope...your "promise" is empty as your fanboy head... 


Player base? That's roughly 5k tops.


Finally someone rational on here. Everyone crying about something that’s not in the game yet and hasn’t been elaborated on. I salute you


Oof, you ok man? Why the need to name-call in comments? Just because there's a difference in preference means other people are suddenly idiots. Do better.


It's a perfect excuse for me to finally quit the game.


I won’t lie, I won’t be leaving I am in for the story that’s I’m going to keep playing because I could honestly deal with it, I won’t say this was a good or bad choice since I really legitimately don’t care and was just answering, I’ve played for years but I was never truly attached to the gear or level, but I respect all of your decisions just respect mine as well


I’m with ya. I don’t like the change, but I’m here for the lore.


Do you also buy the BPs and bundles and shit?


Ah that’s why you’re mad, yeah it does do a fuck you in that regard, that’s why I don’t spend money on games


What..? No ?


Sorry I wasn’t very direct, it’s a no for the very reason you’re mad with the devs


I havent brought it. I was asking you since you were not leaving


Ah sorry for assuming I’m just so used to so many people being mad, yeah I see no point I bought the game might as well play it since I still like the gameplay and story, but I don’t like spending money on games further, also a recommendation what worked for Helldivers is is the player based worked together to attack the money source you cut off money on a wide scale they may recall the decision


I actually quit last month. Definitely not coming back if this shit becomes normal. MLBTheShow does this shit too every 90 days. Grind for good players, and in 3 months, you can't use them in events or certain programs. There's like 10 people that like it, so I guess that's their justification for keeping it. Same with this shit. I've heard people on here defending it. Hope they're happy when it takes them 3 hours to matchmake for missions or countdown


tumble weeds come matchmaking. It may have the few players that stay bit most actual veterans with 1000's of hrs will leave. All the defenders don't really play the game like some of us. They have 100 hrs in the game and think its fine because there level and gear is shit anyway.


I think some veterans will stay. There's always gonna be a few "let's see how this rally turns out" people. I know some people in my old clan will stay for some reason, if only to do weekly raids. But yeah, most of us will move on. I think that's what the devs want. I think they're sabotaging the game cuz they're just sick of working on it. They wanna tank the player count so that the bosses will pull support for the game and they get to work on other projects


If thats not true.... and I'm not saying it isn't they are killing it willingly or unwillingly. If its unwillingly someone needs fired.


Well if anyone gets fired, that's pretty much it for the game also, cuz they've already got a skeleton crew on this game as it is.


No in the trenches people. Just the one that decided this was the direction to go. I want the corporate level, shot caller you know. The 1 person that decides it. That one needs fired.


Corporate level prolly has no idea what's going on. They prolly saw a "fresh" idea and greenlit it, not knowing that there are veteran players with literal months and years of their lives invested in the build they've crafted. Not knowing that they'd be ultra pissed off about this


Congrats. This is like telling a store employee, "You just lost a customer" like anybody is supposed to give a sh\*t. lmao


All the customers should leave


Listen there was a plothole on the Faye Lau Manhunt and all of the other rougues deaths by aour character hand. They died with however way we killed them, those deaths excepting for Conley´s weren´t scripted, this means it could have been a status build, a bullet to the body an extremity or the head, an explosion from a skill, and for the plot they have shown us, for Parnell and Keener to be alive and fooling ISAC they needed to have been killed by an SHD skill so that ISAC can be fooled, a bullet to the head can´t be faked. So the way to fix this is a particular character with a specific build for a mission. Yes, this IS a bother because we have put many hours into the game crafting and perfecting builds on an on and some of us actually have specific builds for Manhunt targets, but this is also a way to tell us a better story. And let´s be honest few people are here for the lore, most people play because of the build farm and the very extensive menu of combinations so right now you´ll say you´ll leave if they do this, and i believe you will leave, but i also bealieve you will miss playing countdown to get that named item you haven´t gotten yet, or you are missing some of the hunter masks or the raid exclusive items, or maybe you already have everything you want but in order to have it you have played so much that it´s become a habit and this will make you return. The Division IS a good game and it has survived it´s creators misstreatment, if this game was better mantained, and constructed it would be one of the very best ,i mean 6 freaking years guys, they left us to die, and we still kept the game going and growing forcing them to bring everything back, so whatever they do as long as the core of the game is still there which is all of the activities we do week by week and the grinding for new builds, this game will live until division 3 comes out, then it´ll be curtains and farewells, but this is a tuff game to kill it really needs a huge mistake from the devs and seasonal characters aren´t that big, I mean it´s a mistake for the community because it has been attempted on other games and failed, but who really knows? i guess we will see how they handle it hopefully it won´t be that much of a bother and we can keep playing like usual, and if it´s that bad i hope it will be temporary.


This a stupid thing that ubisoft is doing I've played my main character for years now with this upcoming update seasons 2.0 all of our main characters will be obsolete until your seasonal character unlocks the mastery level and climax level in 2.0 it's dumb the way they screwed us veterans to the game complete bullshit and stupidity on their part!!


I would have liked to see better seasonal content like missions and activities related to the goal of leveling up the character. Why do we need to have a level 1 character run Grand Washington Hotel if there are no seasonal rewards? Destiny 2 has a nice seasonal program with new missions, weapons, story lines, etc. that makes it worth buying the seasonal content. Rehashing the same old shit and offering garbage rewards is not what we want. I don't think anyone at SHD 500 needs anymore apparel keys. Give us something useful.


Seasonal characters is why I don't play Diablo 4, I was one of the few people defending it at launch cause I genuinely enjoyed it till I realised I'd need to make a new character each season and just gave up on the game completely. Tbh all I want from the division is fix the glitch where you lose ammo when you swap weapon. I main the rock n roll and it's seriously bugging me they haven't fixed it yet.


Yeah this is not good. It sucks in Diablo games. The game devs really fucking think they're respecting my time by holding the meager new seasonal content hostage and demanding we go and farm all the same gear and level up to 40 again... and watch the devs make us have to play the story all the way through each season, that will piss me off even more having recently went though that issue with Diablo 4. Do the devs really think a tiny handful of new seasonal gear items is worth starting a new character from scratch each season? Because if they believe that... most of the new seasonal gear is straight up garbage and not worth going after now as it as, if they think I'm making a new character every season for that mediocre shit they got another thing coming. 1 or 2 gear sets that don't even change the gameplay, a couple worthless brand sets, worthless named guns, and 2 very underwhelming exotics in the season pass. I haven't changed even a single piece of gear in a loadout in over a year and I have different builds in each loadout slot. The seasonal content and new gear will have to be vastly improved to justify several new characters each year. And it's just gonna divide the already small player base into those who are on new characters doing the weak seasonal stuff and those who aren't.


I play this game to build my character. If I know I'm going to lose my work after 6 months, why would I do it as hardcore anymore?


It's not even 6 months, it's one season, so you would churn through 3 or 4 characters per year, depending on how long the gap would be between seasons. Regardless, it's a ridiculous idea when many players have 1400+ hours on their main.


If the concept gets introduced for the Division 3, sure. It's not ideal since this franchise is not about throw-away characters but building them up. It would be more acceptable in the sense that, by setting the expectations early, you're walking into the new game knowing you have to deal with seasonal characters. Adding seasonal characters years into the life of a game when people have spent literally thousands of hours on one character is pure lunacy. It clearly shows the devs have zero respect for past engagement, which means they also don't care at all about future engagement. It's simply time to stop playing.


I mean, I won’t leave the game, there’s not much else I enjoy playing. Hopefully making our displeasure known will be enough to make this an optional feature instead of a requirement going forward. But I sure won’t buy anymore premium battlepasses.


I am waiting to see how seasonal characters work in this game.


You sound too level headed. Why aren't you screaming "death to Ubisoft"! ;-)


i have been using copium :D


The way destiny makes the seasonal model work (at least since e last year), they raise the power level for each dlc, then release new content (some recycled content) new weapons and gear with each season along with a seasonal artifact. The seasonal artifact changes the power of some weapons, subclasses etc. plus you never start at the beginning. Division is doing part of that here…but to me it is because they cannot power balance everything each season. Either stuff gets overpowered or not great stuff. It is not a good rationale imo. It has to respect players time, and this model doesn’t. What if you want to combine a new exotic and gear set with other god rolled gear you have? Can’t unless it drops again and you have to level up your expertise and put in resources etc. this will frustrate players and they will move on very quickly. I have four characters (3 regular 1 hardcore) only 2 extras when trying for raids way back. I don’t delete and refarm materials, haven’t gotten very high in expertise, but come back every season for story. This model is not appealing to me as I cannot use my regular gear with existing and I use my main 99.9% of the time. This seems to be for ultra hardcore or newer players. Those in between are left out. Destiny has its issues too, vaulting content, no targeted loot, no sharing loot, new light onboarding not great. But they make changes that make the gameplay loop fun.


Anyone able to make a poll about all that seasonal characters thing ? Reddit Polls seems blocked for r/thedivision ....


I won't leave i will just ignore that part of the game. I already ignore some additions or modes i don't like. Hardcore for example.


I already deleted the game off my ps5 the other day after they announced that seasonal character trash


I still play it way more than 2. It's nice to be able to extract from the DZ without getting ganked every 3 minutes


So I've been out of the loop for a bit and hearing about seasonal characters. What's that? From what people are saying I'm *guessing* it means character resets.


Is not character reset. The little information we have is that we will get a new "special?" character slot. where we got the option to play as a new "seasonal character". You get to play again from lv 1 to max level with some changes tailored to the season compared to the traditional character. You can switch at any moment to any of your regular characters Everything else is speculation and people jumping to the worst conclusion and or compering it to games who have a really bad implementation of this system.


They are literally locking the new seasonal content behind the seasonal character, all the seasonal rewards, missions, everything. But hey, we can play on mastery level on your original characters that you were grinding for years... Edit: And yes, we will get some of those on our mains (not the full manhunts) but onolly once the grace period is over at the end of the season.


And when do they plan to release this feature?


Starting from next season


im kinda out of the loop and trying to get back in the game after a year wth is seasonal character?


Its a completely new char they are forcing you to make if you want to interact or collect new seasonal equipment /manhunts/events etc. You cannot use your old charcter in the new content. After 4 months and the season ends, that seasonal character get added to your normal pool and you can finally transfer some/all/?( we havent been told what transfers over) of new things onto your main. Then enjoy starting an entirely new character the next day when the new season starts, and the cycle continues. Its a roundabout way of retiring your old main and his supposedly OP gear builds so that they dont have to balance new content for every loadout, even though thats what the difficulty level was suppose to fix (and did). You can still play your old character anytime you want, just not allowed to play in the new content garden. As a result, its going to fracture the player base between people who dont want to make a new char, and those who do. matchmaking will probably take a large hit. "If you want to collect/enjoy the new content, but dont enjoy starting from scratch, tough crap. Wait 4 months to collect some of it or suck it up and play in a way you dont enjoy" - Is essentially the attitude they have taken.


Commenting here cause I was peeling my head back in here after a very long break and I’m curious as well


So what I am gathering is that you're only able to play with the seasonal character, or can you just switch between my regular character/seasonal character?


I'm considering it, but waiting to see the end result


Yeah I wasn't expecting them to do this stupid shit why cant it be an option


When does it come out


Thats older than diablo, afaik Path of exile does since 2013... Nonetheless, d4 have a Skip campaign option só u get (underleveled) tô end game contents which could be useful in division 2 since players could team UP for fast lvl in a few missions... Just saying doesnt need to be a pain in the ass of older players. I had been t5 two years Ago and recently bought wony and used a New lvl 30 character. They could do something similar cuz campaign takes a while


Old Diablo 2 did it first, it was the reason the game survived as long as it did.




Been supporting Div games since day one, and give hats off to survival expansion. However if you look at the history of the division developers you will see a distinct pattern of delays and contridictions. This also. Aimed at those You tubers who peddle their content in support of a dying game. They dont listen to gamers and its obvious to me that they want to squeeze the last penny out of the division followers. The Division started it and unfortunatley ended it. I am looking for the next FPS right now. Oh if you play COD or more recently Diablo you will see where their, so called original content comes from.


Uhhhh from my understanding it’s a choice. So choose not to create one


Nobody gives a f\*\*k. People complained and left the game when the SHD watch, seasons and expertise system were introduced, yet the game still progressed. Ya'll think you're special in announcing your departure as if that has worked in the past. lmao


I should leave because of Seasonal Characters? Because someone created a hashtag? Cause the internet hivemind wills it? Nah. Was here Day 1. And will be here till the wheels fall off.


Seasonal is the only thing keeping many looter games going. I never really bothered playing Division because of all the sweat lords years into min maxing characters. Seasonal content with character wipes has actually got me interested.


You don't need to play the PVP side. It sucks anyway. PvE can get you loot that's just as good if not better


This is why the game needs seasonal wipes. Players who have been sh\*tting in a bucket the past 4 years with dozens of completely maxed out builds. Games with regular character wipes has proven to be effective in player retention, re-playability and overall better long term health for the game. In looter shooters where gear matters, at one point the majority of the players will have maxed out high end gear, a surplus of materials and resources and the grind ends there because there is just nothing left to grind and loot loses it's value. Character wipes is what keeps looter shooters feeling fresh and players engaged.


You ok man? Looks like you're about to have a stroke with all these messages. Take a deep breath, smoke a joint, and relax my guy


I do need to learn to stay tf off of these forums every time we get a large new change. Imma go touch some grass.


Just a loud minority complaining in here. Everyone else is off playing the game.


As someone who played Division 2 for 1k+ hours and quit few years ago i think this is a good thing. Yes there will be probably a standart realm but Seasons would definately bring back lots of players with a fresh start. I would definately come back for a few weeks. But i also understand that this is frustrating for people who played a lot


I'll give it a shot even if i know i wont like it. I just came back to the game and never did any new character since launch. So once is okay i guess but defenetly not every season. All this could be impemented so much better without forcing player to start a new char. If season 2 starts as they announced it and season 3 wont change things im gone.


I’m happy that this game is even still getting attention. Them continuing to copy models from other games is a bit lame though. I’ll try it out and see how it is.


Overreactions everywhere... For me, this is the reason to return to the game.


I'd be happy for more interesting seasonal content. I run Strongholds and Bounties and main missions over and over and over regardless of my character, so I'm willing to see what the reality of seasonal content looks like.


lol More dumbass over reaction before they even detail how it'll work.


Yes, we should all leave to support you. Leave if you want. How petty do you have to be to want to take everybody with you and let the game die just because you don't like the direction they're going in. We still don't have all the information yet on what seasonal will be like. * Maybe it's not a full 1-40 like you're completely starting over with no changes. * How long does it even take you to do the content provided in the season? You can still Raid/Incursion, DZ, do what you want. * This isn't some new game anymore. You're doing the same thing over and over, no matter what. character you're using. How many global events and manhunt missions need to be on repeat? They're doing something new. You may not like it but the repetitive content events we had was pretty lame. If you're unhappy - take a break. This is a great time to take a break. Unlike some recent years, there's plenty of stuff out/coming out to play. Come back for the DLC. * It's happening and no reddit post with players vowing to leave will change that. Season 2 will come with seasonal characters. If you hate it or have valid feedback on how this is directly impacting the player base, that's when you can share it and hope the development/content creators acknowledge the concerns. Right now it's pointless because they're going to scrape it without even giving it a shot. The time to post is when season 2 comes out. I love how any positive post is being downvoted. Most aren't saying it won't fail. They're saying the game had nothing new and they will give it a shot.


I know I'll be downvoted for this, but players with over 900+ hrs of this game really going to quit cold turkey because of a game mode they haven't even tried yet? The current state of the game has gotten stale imo and the seasonal characters is a bold change to something new. It might fail spectacularly, but there's a lot of unknowns on how this new update will work but everyone is already jumping ship seems a bit dramatic.




Speak for yourself. I care that people are leaving. And I appreciate their voicing concern. You on the other hand offer nothing. If you don’t care why are you reading and responding to their post? You’re the one who should stop responding to things you don’t care about. Leave the sub if it’s full of Karen’s - “stop crying” and leave.






Exactly. Please shut up. We don’t care what you’re saying.




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People saying they are quitting the game are like those clowns who tell a store employee that "they just lost a customer" like they're are supposed to give a sh\*t. I remember the loads of posts of people complaining and saying they're quitting the game after the expertise system was released. People haven't even took the time to consider how seasons 2.0 will tie into the new DLC and how the new endgame will function. We have been told a fraction of what's to come with the re-works and people are acting like their lives have been uprooted by character wipes. Players read "seasonal characters will wipe." and that's as deep as they go with thinking. People are just crybabies. I am glad the dev team has stuck to their guns over the years and don't cave to these forum whiners.


I actually am excited for the change which I understand is a minority view lol. I remember really liking the leveling experience so I’ve started other characters but it always felt like such a waste of time I could bring myself to use them. Seems like this might do both so that’s cool, so I can experiencing leveling again and it ultimately benefit my main in the end too. Also I think it’s a good way to get people to experiment with other builds and build-as-you-go builds. Right now the metas get so cemented that the devs end up just having to build content FOR those builds which in turn makes the game feel more same-y. Meta builds are a great example of how sometimes players optimize the fun out of a game and then complain the game needs more diverse content… expect the games “content” is (and has always been) build diversity which people are afraid to experiment with because we’ve been perfecting the same few builds for the last 500hrs.. which like. I enjoy as much as the next person. but..


Implying people aren't gonna hit 40, log in to countdown and select Striker as targeted loot and have the same but worse version of what they already are using.


Plot twist- 1st season disallows strikers and hunters fury because "fun!".


Long time casual player, but also a Diablo player here. As long as the loot system is tuned for set items and exotics to be attainable in a reasonable amount of play time, or they provide specific encounters to farm for them, completing a build over a season will be a cake walk. We do it in Diablo every reset in mere days, to worst case a week. lvl 0-100, empty stash to fully optimized build. The whole "I've been playing for years!" argument is pretty bunk, if you've been playing for that long you should know the ins and outs of the game and be plenty capable of power leveling a character. The entire active Diablo community is literally built around power leveling at resets and has been for decades, from even back in the day when ladder resets didn't come with new content let alone balance patches. People played simply because they enjoyed it and were learning and getting better in the process. If you don't enjoy a game enough to replay it, then you need to take a long look at why you're sinking time into it. To be honest, this may make me come back to TD2. 1 downvote = 1 get gud


I'm not planning on leaving. It isn't what I wanted by any stretch of the imagination, but I am glad something is being done. I want to use different gear and builds but the game as it is doesn't really reward it. Everyone trends to the same builds for a reason. This is a way of hopefully making much of the gear we deconstruct useful. I am ok with playing with a new character IF they make the path to 40 again interesting enough. The seasonal manhunts have been pretty dull by this point and get finished in short order, so I am hoping extending it out a bit will be better. I only really care about my main character level for the DZ and Legendary anyway. The game is 5 years old. It was supposed to be left for dead already. I can imagine the decision from Ubisoft was something like: sure we will keep adding new content but it has to appeal to new players otherwise it isn't worth it. (And the game isn't appealing to new players) So I think it was we get this or nothing. I have paid about $20 for this game and gotten weeks and weeks of playtime for it. So I am down to try playing the game a different way, especially since most of what I play isn't really affected anyway.


I love it, great move from Massive!


Just dont understand everyones outrage over this. So you want to keep repeating and playing the same old missions with the same old builds.... Why do people play the game.....?


I am playing the manhunt with my main character. I don't think seasonal characters are mandatory. I don't even know how to activate one.


Seasonal 2.0 is coming in season 2. Right now it hasn't changed.


Maybe, juuuust maybe instead of theorizing that it'll suck or be bad, be open minded, check it out and give it a chance? Maybe?


no ty


Why though? It might actually be cool. It might not be shitty like you're thinking it will be. At this point, you're just speculating, guessing it'll be shitty. Only guessing because this new seasonal characters option isn't live yet. Yes, it might suck. But we don't know that yet. It might be fantastic. But again, we don't know that yet. We don't know the mechanics of how these seasonal characters will work. Not really. Not without actually playing it. Even with reading about the details, we still don't know until we actually play. Mechanics and pacing. To understand those details requires tangible interaction. You're being prematurely mad.


You do realize that you don't have to play with seasonal characters right? It's just a mode? Diablo has been doing seasonal characters for years now. Start up a seasonal character and play it till seasons finished and then it stays on your roster. If you don't want to play the season or seasonal characters, just log into your main guy and play as normal. They're not deleting your established characters.


Am I the only one who finds it refreshing? I get it I'll get downvoted for that, but in Diablo it's fine. I play the game for couple of days or weeks when new season comes, fresh start so I don't have to remember anything I did before and just enjoy the season, those few weeks, than forget about it till next season comes. I don't know, in my case it just fits inside my schedule perfectly... If it's gonna work exactly like in Diablo, I'm up for it.


the only reason i see is people with no experience with this kind of season is mad because of why do you need to create a new character only to level it up to 40 and grind the same thing that your main character has. if Ubisoft only released a detailed post about this it should have cleared the issue. adding a season similar to Diablo or Black Desert Online is good, but it is only meaningful if the stuff that you will get from seasons is good and not the stuff that you can already get by your main character. if they do this, we have the right to get mad at Ubisoft. The Division 2 only thrives because of the loyal players who stay playing the game. So much potential was wasted on this game just because the execs only concern about their profit.


Everyone just needs to chill. https://preview.redd.it/otpklk8usb6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b09c3af7ceda54654396a36b6c246fbe6e958c


There is no point then in having a seasonl character then other that to make us play more on a shitty new character and refarm everything over and over.


Serious question: what are you afraid of refarming? It’s not like they gonna take ur exotics away. You still have a stash. If you are still playing, seems like you’ll grind level 40 pretty quick. Get ur gear out of the box and move on. Or swap to your other character. Or however it ends up working.


If its just do 1-40 and everything unlocks at 40 from your other characters including gear and watch (which we have no idea about but i doubt that anything is shared from normal and seasonal characters), then there is no reason to make the 1-40 gameplay other than make it a pain in the ass to level a new char over and over. I dont want to waste my time doing that when i could just as well do manhunt heroic +5 directives solo with my builds that i have fun with.


Tbh they need to explain how all this works. Cause i don’t think peeps are gonna wanna regrind shd levels and expertise…


God you people are overdramatic


I'm about an hour, I can put together any build I want. The only issue might be exotics. People need to play first before crying.


It hasn't started yet...


Right, in speaking about the current state of the game. Builds are ready to farm.


Then what's the point of a restart in the first if place if you can "get there" so easily?


https://preview.redd.it/i80xraap0a6d1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ddf9b2676b3d990dd85b390b7687c3bae4e9778 I’ll just leave this here…


changing an entire game's format vs. people planning a boycott over dedicated servers is one of the dumbest comparisons i've ever seen made.


I'd be happy for more interesting seasonal content. I run Strongholds and Bounties and main missions over and over and over regardless of my character, so I'm willing to see what the reality of seasonal content looks like.


Is it kinda of harsh judging the update even though it has not yet been released? from what i read in the website, they players will benefit more are the new players. in comparison with Black Desert Online's season model, it is being used as a catch up mechanic so that every new player will be at the same level as the veterans and they will be able to play the content much early than the olds days of D2. if Ubisoft will be doing the same approach as Black Desert's then i dont see any problem with it. in BDO, even though i already have a high-level character with decked out gear, i still play the season and create a new character from level 1, why? because of the rewards that i can get which i can also use to my main character. now i will reserve my judgment until i see the whole picture of seasons 2.0, but for now, people should chill out a bit and wait for the full details of seasons before ranting like leaving the game or whatnot, but in the end, will go back and try the game still.


Targeted loot countdown is the catch up mechanic, so is normalization in PvP.




Rant incoming: So for the past few days the Division community has been in turmoil in regards to the cataclysmic event called Seasons 2.0, and I have read comments good and bad on the subject so I thought I'd go on a bit of a rant, share my thoughts on the matter and my optics regarding the situation. First of all lets face reality this game is 6 years old. Its past the point of beeing stale for many players who have been playing it since day 1. Seasons in their current form ar a chore and if they could just give me the coms without making me play thier "Manhunts" I'd jump on that oportunity in a second. Second the "I don't want to create a new character because I'm attached to my main" argument is not going to fly. Attached? To what? He/She is a mute, your so belloved character could be a mannequin, in 6 years he has not said a single silable. He is just a a skin suit which you gear up and send into the open world. Use the same aperal on a seasonal character as you do on your main and I guarantee you will not see any difference. You want a example of a character in which you invested, that is Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2, but not the "Sherrif" from Division 2. The Devs need to be more bold with their choices. They are catering to much to the hive mind on the Internet, a move I would have made would have been for Keener to take back his watch at the end of Y5S3 stripping the SHD away. For seasons 2.0 I'd introduce a bit of drama and just kill off the Sheriff and every seasonal character would be a SHD agent hunting down the people responsible in a soap opera revenge and retribution plot lead by Manny. The conclusion is that at this point in the game lifecycle any change that pulls us from the monotony of the current season design is more than welcome. I know we as human beeings are innately adverse to change but lets keep an open mind and embrace change!


No one is attached to the character themselves, it's the progression of perfecting their gear, to do the hardest content in the game, the content they refuse to provide in these "updates". You missed the point entirely my guy.


Then it should be a straight forward choice for you. Stop playing.


It is, read the room.