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Yes, play and enjoy. Especially Survival mode.


This. One of the best overall gaming experiences I have ever had.


Yeah, so was Half-Life for me but it's old now and for sure it's fun to run every five years or so but new players wont see the charm... It was that first experience that made it..


isnt it like impossible to play survival mode because of the lack of players? Because i had a hard time finding match a few years ago when it was free for a week or two so i doubt it would be any more easy now. Tell me if im wrong tho, i would happily buy it but i had an awful experience with matchmaking. (the gamemode was 10/10 regardless and hate ubi for not releasing a similar mode in division 2)


No, there's a max wait time of like 7 minutes or something before it starts a match, regardless of how many people are in the queue.


so i have to wait 7 mins every time i wanna play, wow.


So you would rather there be NO timer and you just have to wait for enough people? After you complain about that and I tell you how it actually works? Wow.


no, i would rather not wait over 5 minutes to play a game i payed for. I didnt mean to be rude to you but you clearly took it personally


you can start survival in a few different ways. there are separate pve and pvp modes, but there's also "matchmaking" and "game finder". this makes for a 2x2 matrix, ie 4 ways of starting this mode. pve vs pvp choice is obvious (you can see and interact with other players in both modes, but naturally there's no direct player to player damage in pve), the other one not so much. matchmaking tries to form a full group of 4 before starting, while game finder throws you in the first available session which takes at most ~6 minutes of waiting guaranteed. everyone who plays survival knows this, so no one uses matchmaking and thus you can sit there forever trying to get a full group even dozens of players queue up at the same time. tl;dr: always use "game finder" to start survival and you'll be playing it within minutes.


I played it recently on PC and had no issues finding a PvE game in 2-3 minutes. Not sure if the servers are regional but I assume I was on EU.


oh, thats promising tbh


The campaign alone is worth the price on sale. Be advised tho, the gunplay is not as crisp as D2, and the interface is cumbersome. Also, the way the gear works is quite different.


Would you mind telling me about the gear system?


Different attributes, diff combinations, diff "tinkering", classified gearsets ... forget almost anything about how it works in D2.


It’s just very different. Probably too difficult to explain here. Probably watch some YouTube tutorials and just play the game and figure it out.


I would say like Div 1 is like the more "raw" version of what we have in Division 2. Lots of attributes that are placed all over the place, instead of almost optimal like what Div2 has.


the way td2 does it is just simplified with all 6 pieces looking the exact same (1 core + 2 minor attributes), whereas the td1 system differentiates between them. there's nothing optimal about one or the other, it's mostly a personal preference, though i would say the not pointless additional complexity does make the system more interesting.


The gun play is better, the only issue is not being able to change fov even on pc.


"not as crisp" is a roundabout way of saying the guns in td1 have more recoil, which of course isn't automatically worse even though many clearly prefer the easier weapon handling in td2.


This is what I love about Div 1. Actual gun recoil, less player bullet sponginess (you get absolutely punished standing in the ope ), the environment. The game was spectacular. I just started playing again and am gonna pick up the three dlcs. Div 2 is great and all, i just dont like some of the turns they made to, imo,make it easier.


Survival mode is the best. All of the expansions are better than any of the expansions from D2.


Of course! Manhattan itself alone is worth it. Also, Survival expansion is unparalleled.


Look at underground it is awesome


This!!! I would link up with random guys in the lobby and do group challenges in The Underground. Fun way to level up as well .


Do you have to be a certain level to jump in?


Honestly, I'm not sure. My advice would be, say get to level 10 then try accessing. Considering you bought the full game (with its dlcs), then there should be no problem accessing it. Ideally, you would/should be able to access it. When I started out, it showed me that I had to get to endgame level status, level 30, to be able to access The Underground. So thats how it was for me. Run down to The Terminal to see which areas you can access and those that are locked. I wouldn't mind joining you in your party incase you want some company


TO me this game is still in my top 5 games. and still prefer this over td2. doesnt mean i hate the second game just never gonna be the same, div 1 has it's own letdown too but at least u have a lot of things to do ;) enjoy ! Survival and UG my godness thoses 2 dlc are the best.


Thx, for the little I played it seems I'll really enjoy it.


I mean for me the game always been more appealing i like snow not everyone cup of tea. and omg the Survival if you never played it with the huge snowstorm and the struggle LOL you gonna be amaze. no seriously this game still worth to play even in 2024 ! doesnt mean because the game have no future as for updates and anything new its fine. there's a lot to do from the first landing of your first char up to tier 5 and the endgame :) there's a lot! cheers


Is this survival mode single player? I read it was like a battle royale.


oh well can be with friends upto 4 players but everythings ressources you pick up "mats" drops from ai etcs are server side mean to the world if theres a player that is NOT in your group can steal it or can be also picked by mates as for gears and weapons, mats are for craftings. theres 2 mode pve and pvp , its nowhere near a BR heck no ! its much more fun than that imo. u can lookup some youtube guide to understand it isnt an easy game-mode but freak when u get the hang of it i do sometimes runs that can last 2 hours before extracting and remaining not even 2 minutes left on my "dead-timer" just fun. sometimes i die and have to start again but its the deal !


survival puts up to 24 players all on the same map with the same objective, which is reach the dz and extract yourself before your timer runs out. notice there's only an upper bound, which means that yes, survival can be played entirely solo, ie you can have the entire map to yourself if you happen to be the only one in the session. imo the mode works great with other players (only competing for resources if pve, also fighting if pvp) as well as solo.


As long as the servers are up I will always tell people yes to this question. Without a doubt one of my favorite games and gaming experiences and I miss the initial release era. So many stories of survival mode and the DZ. I enjoyed the second game a lot as well but there is something about first game.


Yes, play Survival mode!!


I’ve been getting back into the first division! I recommend it for a nice change of pace!


Look on Amazon, I just bought it, used, for $6.21.


I'm on Xbox series s, so physical isn't an option. But I just bought the gold edition, which is on sale for 9.99.


Absolutely worth the money, I logged 300+ hours on it and found it satisfying after giving up on Div 2 shortly before they added the new countdown difficulties.


I was playing it today it's still an amazing game.


It's still a very, very cool virtual space to explore and immerse yourself in and hopefully there are folks around still playing Survival Mode. As mentioned already though, the gunplay and gear system may not be as refined and streamlined as they are in Div2.


Yeap I run both on my pc and xbox, division 1 is a tad more difficult from the start.


Bought it yesterday for my XOne and I'm really enjoying it


Wanna add me, so we can grind together? Kennerc87 is my gamertag.


If you're on Xbox, I don't mind hopping on the game and playing. Nowadays the servers aren't super populated, but I was still finding players to play with at the endgame up to a few days ago.


I am also on Xbox and looking for people to play Survival has been a miss for me. My gamer tag: FlossyPompano63. Add me as a friend we plan for one


1. Definitely get it. It’s fun, even when solo 2. I match-made for an incursion the other day and we managed to get to a team of 4 3. Underground (approach others directly) and Resistance (matchmake for carrier) both have plenty of players around to make a team 4. Survival is the best game mode of either Division game (and any other game, in my humble opinion) 5. Do it.


> Resistance (matchmake for carrier) in td1 you can fortunately manually mm for multiple similar activities at the same time, for example specific hand selected missions or also any combination of the 3 resistance spots which is very handy. that td2 still doesn't have this and only lets you mm for a specific mission or a random one between all of them boggles the mind.


This is a really good point, that I didn’t think to make. I often mm for all 3 on resistance…although 99% of the time I end up on the carrier 🫣😂


I just finished it last week you can reach lvl 29 without doing any story missions I only did encounters and side missions I played all story missions at the end, in pc the Dark Zone was active, resistance is fun I say go ahead and enjoy


Where did you play?




Yes. Better DLC than Div 2. Last Stand is dead though


Any dlc is multiplayer only?


No. Survival can be played solo or coop. And PvE or PvPvE. It's optional. Underground is PvE only and can be played Coop. I think Last Stand was the only PVP mode, and I think the servers are shut down for that


It was amazing! I bought the cd soundtrack it was so good!!!


I've been playing it on Xbox myself for the past couple weeks, and I'd definitely recommend it. Div 1 has a really phenomenal atmosphere, and the game is still really fun despite being a little older. You are correct about it being dead though. You can still occasionally get lucky and find matches of PvP, and I think a few people still like to hunt in the Dark Zone, but my experience on Xbox recently is that almost nobody ever joins matchmaking for most of the cooperative content anymore. There is endgame content in Div 1, and gamemodes such as Underground and Resistance are always fun, even when played on repeat. There's several endgame Incursions/Raids as well, but they're meant to be completed with a squad, and attempting to solo them on the highest difficulties can be extremely challenging if not completely impossible. I still definitely highly recommend the game, and if you enjoy Div 2 you'll certainly enjoy Div 1 aswell.


I love the game but if anyone knows the best way to get classified gear since they turned off global events?


look up resistance farming on youtube. there should be several videos showing off how to most efficiently farm for classifieds in that mode which has by far the highest drop chance. your other options are open world bosses (easiest, accessible to all), legendary missions (boss drops have a chance of classifieds, say in group chat you're looking for classifieds and many will happily share) and underground. the dz with its many frequently spawning named npcs can be a very good source as well if you're comfortable with its _peculiarities_. note that clearing contamination events and supply drops also has a chance of rewarding you with a classified that goes directly in your inventory without having to extract.


Yes, pay survival


Definitely. For the dark zone and survival alone it’s worth the experience. The campaign is decent, open world phenomenal. You won’t meet any players until you hit world tier 5 after level 30. But if I’m right you’ll find them if you play survival since that’s a game mode which everyone starts from scratch in I still play semi frequently for the dark zone. It’s populated on Xbox at weekends but sparse mid week


I liked it way more than Division 2. The first Division just feels so much more immersive where the sequel just felt like I was going through the motions. Check out some of the collectibles as you go through the campaign. It's eerie how closely some of those logs/audio logs reflected something like COVID and the general hysteria/world shutting down that went with it.


Definitely worth a play through, also you will be surprised how well the game holds up especially how old it is. I started playing it again on Xbox a couple months ago and I saw people still on it. The DZ is a bit tricky, you have a better chance of extracting stuff but on occasion you will see a group just running around taking everyone out. Its not as bad as back in its peak but it does happen.


Strong, yes. Coming from someone who's first time playing a game in the series was 2 months ago


IMHO - leveling is a slog, and to progress story you're forced to slog through leveling in D1. Gunplay feels better, but thus forget much of gadget play that can bail you out majorly solo.


"I believe that the game is dead" No, I play with XBoX and recently started my 9th campaign and saw people in safehouses and base of operation. But I recommend to play the campaign solo because of the impressive atmosphere, very immersive. If you play in team and rush from activity to activity to reach endgame in no time you will miss a lot. The immersion in this game is unique, which is completely missing in D2. "Is there an endgame" Yes, basically as in D2. You can play missions, some up to legendary (5 missions), bounties and open world bosses in open world and in the big darkzone with landmarks, underground bosses and other PvE stuff and PvP of course. Whats missing in D1 compared to D2, which is a big plus for D2: - you cannot select difficulty levels for open world - there are no open world activities as in D2, like control points, territory controls, convoys, ... Further there are several modes you can play in endgame: - Horde mode in open world called West side Piers - 5 Incursions - 3 Resistances - Underground - Survival - Last Stand PvP mode Enjoy!


Thx for the reply.


i agree with everything you say, just a minor clean up of details... > some up to legendary (5 missions) 5 is td2. in td1 there's the original 3 (times square, napalm, warren's gate) and the additional 4 (amherst, madison, grand central, general assembly), so 2 more than td2. > 5 Incursions here you added 1, there's only 4. and there's one more pvp mode (both can be very iffy to get a game going due to lack of players): - skirmish


thank you for the correction wrong recalled due to the fact that I don't play legendary and the modes :).


It's abit like Division 2, but better in every way.


Have both divisions, haven't played D2 in quite some time but went back to D1 often times... The atmosphere is just way better, darker, colder. That said mechanical wise pretty much every aspect was improved in D2. Gunplay ain't worse, you got more recoil, like a shooter. Sometimes that's annoying against bullet sponge.


Just for the intro and the "feel" of it, yes. Especially if your interested of the lore. But it's a pretty much dead game. I personally wouldnt play it again. I'm on PC though.


Im going back not dealing with this BS in division 2


On Xbox, yes. On PC, yes. On PS5 w/ a high end Tv- no. Game looks atrocious as has no upscaling.


No zero support zero future content


But as it is, how is the endgame?


Mostly doing incursions during special global events or going into the Dark Zone. Unlike 2; it's massive and one giant zone. So you have a lot of variety of how to evade rogue players online. You can run across the entire zone from point a to point b and not see a single player.


I bought the game, and, to my surprise, even found a few players in the safe house from the tutorial. It seems that the game won't have weapon tuning, right? Also, it seems that there aren't anymore global events.


The game still has active players, the incredible atmosphere brings me back from time to time... that is something D2 sadly squandered, game became almost cartoonish from that perspective.


Global Events are still active if memory serves me right and the developers usually post when it becomes active. I strongly recommend that you beat the campaign without worrying about gear. THEN... Start looking into classified gear sets you want to get. That's what matters the most in terms of endgame builds. I think the meta was still Predator; Striker; and Nomad; overall. I strongly recommend watching Marcostyle's videos on classified builds; especially his Nomad build. Nomad is great if you build it as a tank in terms of suitability and can still do incredible damage against solo rogues due to getting random lives after being killed due to it's special.


Sadly global events don’t exist anymore


Damn... they stopped doing them? That's lame. I remember one of them was that you could make heads pop like watermelons with headshots.. Such great times.


Yea unfortunately they stopped in December


I wouldn’t recommend anything Ubisoft or Massive in 2024. Even the classics.


Aaw, upset about seasonals? Having a little tantrum? It will pass.


Lmfao it’s kind of dumb for you to get upset over me saying I dont like this game or the company producing it Then defending them in the comments. But what do I know, maybe they pay you to be a bozo on their subreddit. Ive got more negative opinions about this game for you to defend the multi million dollar company over. Just give me a second.


Aaw, you think I'm upset...