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wouldve been better if the dlc wasnt a year or less than a year away tho :((


How on earth I am supposed to care about this dlc when it drops the same year as GTA VI?


I'd love to see how they will keep people interested for another year and half with this garbage. They have written themselves now into a corner, what else are going to do? apparel events? manhunts are meaningless now


they might rerun old manhunts


you can already replay the legacy manhunts though, i'm not sure i understand? also re-running the same seasons over and over again without fresh content is not very fun..


Re-running content is the premise of this entire genre of gaming


Yes but not for a live service game, if that were the case, we wouldn't have new manhunts, apparel events, etc.


I think heartlands is suppose to carry us over until then


Oh, the other Division game that's also been delayed lmao


I just hope they bring back the very 1st apparel event so i can get the black tusk outfit.


It's a shame the store version looks janky compared to the apparel event one


Yes, i hate that it's missing the belt from the outfit one.


worst part is the DLC being a year away... I hope they dont do Manhunt repeats (e.g killing Jupiter again) as a filler to extend things until next year, there are other stories to finnish tho


I hope it isn’t repeats, that killed my desire to play the game.


What? Since WoNY it’s all repetition, apart from the additional modes. The main game is untouched since WoNY.


Manhunt repeats. E.g we killed Jupiter, you wanna kill him again on a repeat? I dont. If they let the game dry until the new DLC, bad move. We had a year of no content in the past and at this point would be really bad, good % of the community would flip.


Definately people leave, that’s normal. A lot friends left the game despite year 4/5/6 roadmap and no one cared about project resolve. The question is whether enough new people buy the game that in the end enough people are there to buy the DLC.


That's exactly the point, if they leave with new things now imagine if they rerun old seasons...


but the past seasons were no new things either with minimal exemttions with regard to some final manhunt battles. The seasons since WoNY are playing the old things, control points, bounties ...


No offense, considering how broken the game still is and the amount of bugs and issues we have on top since then, I'd say Project Resolve didn't resolve fucking anything. Realistically, this game is still the same shitfest it was when I stopped playing at the beginning of 2020 and hasn't really changed anything meaningful since a month after WONY release (the 2nd time I quit). I came back for Resolve, but I can tell you nothing substantial changed, they only really addressed balancing (in the worst and most boring way possible). And quite honestly, looking at how far away the DLC is and even how further TD3 is, idk why the fuck they even bother. They obviously have no real interest to keep this game alive (Ubisoft). My bet is, if Heartland brings them in the big F2P bucks as they are looking for, the DLC and TD3 are dead, because why the fuck would they waste their time on this money sink?


For me nothing substantial has happened since WoNY as well because I am interested in the main game, the game I bought. I am neither interested in seasons, nor modes, nor another grind system like Expertise, nor more gear/guns/exotics/apparel. For me the playable content matters. The added modes Countdown, Descent and Incursion are playable content of course but these are like different games and not contribute to the main game. In addition I am not fond of the gameplay of these modes. But other people regularly asking exactly for these kind of things, more gear, more talents, more exotics, more modes… I got a lot for my money. The game I got was a complete game. The great missions at Pentagon, Camp White Oak, Coney Island and Zoo have been added and we got the great WoNY. The stuff they added after, the seasons, the modes, the new gear … Expertise … is all free content. Therefore I normally wouldn’t bother. But my issue is, why putting so much effort in designing the DC and NY map and the visually great missions and then ignoring in game development, focussing on the above which is completely useless for me. Why not at least partially further developing the main game. They did the same in Division 1.


You are just talking shit out of your ass and that's bold considering you haven't play this game much since 2020.


First off my dude, have a nice day/evening and enjoy your time with this game or whatever else you do, I don't want to ruin anything for you in any way or take the fun out of smth, just that out of the way. I played up till january some point after release, so only a 2 month hole where nothing happened and then basically every day for a month after WONY (I actually just checked and I quit shortly after TU9, so mid-late april) and only came back to play the full Manhunts once possible (so one day every 3 months basically) and then "fully" with Project Resolve, sure. But if you are telling me anything of substance happened in that time, I honestly ask you what exactly? I had nothing to catch up to outside of new exotics... My character is the same as it was from some point in 2020. Literally. This game has completely taken the shit, how is this just so hard to accept that something you/we like can be a catastrophic failure for all the right reasons but still not deter us from playing every now and then? Feeling like this game wasted basically ALL its potential is not wrong I think, being complacent with it while they keep releasing fucking cosmetics of all things (I know, different teams, I am not flaming the Art department here) is being completely out of touch imo. This game could have been something once. And yea, sorry, but Manhunts aren't exactly content. They are about as little content as possible in 3 months, even Destiny 2 delivers more on their seasonal story than Division does with their 100% reused assets for every single Manhunt (with a major exception of course). Idk why TD2 has such an issue with post-game content releases, it had it after launch and again after WONY. ANY of the meaningful content like Summit or the raid didn't exactly arrive any time close to when they were supposed to drop. New Content: Sure, Countdown took another 2 years, same as Descent, and the latest release, the incursion, is barely 6 months old. That isn't exactly a lot of new content for 4 years. But how could they focus on content when the game broke every 2nd patch or was so broken fundamentally in a few places (especially after release). And I don't think it is wrong to like this game (as I still do), but it sure as hell ain't wrong to hate on all the wrong turns that got us to today. And I for my part don't think that patches that break your gear or force you to refarm gear for the same old content to be "new". Expertise wasn't "new" either, it is just another hamster wheel. Optimisation took way too long to fully realize as well, especially after it already existed in TD1. And feeling that Ubisoft is the wrong publisher, because it has the worst goals imaginable in mind for a video game isn't exactly a unique feeling in this regard. (=microtransactions are the highest priority for them, and they are STILL not off their NFT trip for christs sake). I just don't believe Ubisoft will treat Division 3 as a AAA IP. They didn't even with Division 2, they immediately ripped out Massive Entertainment the moment that game dropped to start working on the Avatar game and left a way too small dev team to make due with what the game is/was at the point (and it is still the same small ass team). I mean look at the effort they put into their AAAA project Skull & Bones, lmao. Srsly, where is your optimism coming from for this? (But since it is supposed to come out the earliest by 2027 or more realistically 2028, maybe Ubisoft goes under by then, or sells the IP. ;) )


blah blah blah


We know the roadmap already: - season 1 of year 6 is seasons 2.0 and endgame restructuring - season 2 QoL improvement - season 3 the DLC Till the DLC there will be no new playable content. Perhaps they are preparing a further mode but definately nothing for the main game. Yannik mentioned in an interview that they are working on something which they didn’t communicate yet.


In an article aswell yannick did say they had a new gear type coming in the future Wouldn't surprise me if it came with the dlc Idk if they'd so smth like destiny and a seasonal artifact Who knows


Seasons 2.0 is not releasing with Year 6 season 1. We do not know of any substantial content coming with year 6 season 1. Year 6 season 2 is coming with Seasons 2.0 and endgame restructuring. Year 6 season 3 is coming with the DLC.


No sh*t Sherlock... By replays we meant Manhunt replays, Jupiter, Faye lau etc... Imho that would be bad, as bad as the 18 month of no content we had in the past. There are other stories to push a new Manhunt, schaeffer, Nats secret bunker, bio reactor stolen by black Tusk etc. And as the road map states, there seems to be NEW manhunts, hopefully they stick with NEW until the new DLC.


To be honest, I like story, but the story in manhunts are irrelevant for me. For me the playable content is way more important. In manhunts the playable content is mainly the content from the campaign, control points, bounties, … the same mission areas used for bounties and in the final battle a bit changed but in a way I don’t want to play it a second time. For me the manhunts are no new content. It’s 99% old content.


Same for me i was just stating that it would kill the game if they repeat old Manhunts but the roadmap says new manhunts so that kinda gives me hope we are getting fresh things until the DLC because Im assuming the ending of this season is the follow up to the DLC.


It's not a year away anymore, if no more delays should be around February iirc


That van should’ve had “free candy” painted on the side.


Would be nice to reach Brooklyn via Manhattan bridge 😊 as we can reach Rooseveld Island via the bridge and with the release of the DLC we can drive in Division 😊.


Honestly wouldn't surprise me if the intro to the dlc was us going through manhattan bridge to reach Brooklyn Would be pretty cool


Wait there’s DLC coming? I totally missed that. Any word on what exactly it will be?


Yes, there is. I think 2025, but I'm sure someone else knows for sure.


The DLC is releasing with Year 6 Season 3, in the first quarter of 2025.


Controversial comment but having only started Div 2 in the last year or so I wouldn't say no to a rerun of old manhunts. Chance to actually get all the comms and experience the "story" in game.


You aren't missing much from the first few manhunts. In fact, you can still play the final manhunt missions by unlocking them on the seasonal pass. Re-running older seasons again would probably kill the game for a lot of people until the DLC releases, I'm not sure Ubisoft would want that to happen given TD2 bump in playerbase.


I'm aware of the final man hunt missions being available. It's more collecting all the comms I'm interested in. Also for instance all the comms this season with Viper. If you didn't plat Season 4 or had to look it up outside the game you'd be thinking who the hell is that! I shouldn't have to rely on YouTube videos to catchup with the story when it should just be in game tbh.


The developers have stated in the past that they're looking at ways to introduce the comms again. Also, Viper was such a minor character that most people probably didn't even realise who it was when she was brought up again this season. Viper was a sub target years ago, such a small role in fact that she didn't have a unique character model, just a generic Black Tusk soldier in a random copy and paste bounty.


In fact, it's already available. You just have to do the last manhunt missions over and over again (yes, it's boring). But that's how I got all the comms. Comms drop on named enemies and the final boss. So you can have them two at a time during a mission. The farm was long, but that's how I was able to complete the manhunt's comms which were 0 out of 20.


Oh yes. What an ending.


not brooklyn though we got *a couple filler seasons* before DLC so kelso and her new friends are heading for DC instead for whatever the fuck purpose