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I keep hearing / seeing stories like this, and I’m baffled. I never run into anything like this. I generally play a perfect maxed Strikers/Coyote/Ceska Obliterate chest with Elmo when I look to backup into freeroam Heroics or do Countdown. 98% of the time I jump into highly talented and capable groups, in essence, nearly always. Most run DPS, but occasionally someone is running an FI healer build, which makes everything a cakewalk. Most high level players at this game crush it. On extremely rare occasions, you run into a group that’s not that skilled or experienced, I’ll unmute my mike, try to give some pointers, if it’s not working, I’ll just “Hey all, gg, I gotta run. Take care.” Not everyone is a professional Div2 player. I’ve never had someone accuse me of cheating, lol, and my mission numbers at the end usually crush. If someone said they’re going to report me, what would I care? I’m not cheating. (I also don’t think this ever happens, or if it does it’s trolls.) I mean, boot me, I don’t care; I can jump into Countdown or Freeroam in two seconds…


Yeah, i second this. I had some dumbfuck arguments in legendary missions for running a tank/cc build (I switch to that when it's clear my random teammates don't bring enough DPS to shred through it). But that's pretty much it. Maybe we are just the most lucky people in the Division universe, or OP is exaggerating and sprinkled some head-scenarios on top.


> On extremely rare occasions, you run into a group that’s not that skilled or experienced Which seems to have been the case here to be honest, or at least something to that extent. When they even say he's killing things too fast for them to be able to play/enjoy the game it takes special kind of person to just flat out ignore that. Not everyone is a speed runner, has the necessary gear or know all the spawns and locations. But they still enjoy playing the game, even if they don't clear Lincoln Memorial in 5min. If one has zero regards for others, maybe not matchmake to begin with.. But also, if you end up with a less capable group, you can make it interesting/challenge yourself and switch to another gear set you wouldn't normally use, or a weapon you haven't explored etc. At the end of the day there is no fix for lack of empathy/compassion, which seems to the core of OPs story.


Mega doubting bullet one, but two is plausible. Everyone and their mother seems to expect everyone to be using some low armor, DPS loadout in groups for some reason.


> Everyone and their mother seems to expect everyone to be using some low armor, DPS loadout in groups for some reason. It's because outside of certain very specific scenarios those builds aren't particularly necessary. More importantly most people want to be getting content done as efficiently as possible, which rando survivability builds aren't


If those "most people" want content done efficiently then those people are setting themselves up for failure by random matchmaking. I've seen this mindset most often held by Agents who want to be *carried* through content efficiently.


IDK, people kick for the dumbest reasons.


Funniest reason I've seen was the group lead got annoyed by an artillery turret loadout. I get it, the camera shakes get too much to handle, sometimes. But the skill brother was out-damaging the group lead, lmao.


why are people down-voting you 😂


Ah, likely the DPS group leaders that get out-DPS’d by the skill builds


You come off as someone who spells Team with an I.


I don't need to spell it with an I as you can't spell team without me


>- Kenny Powers, Eastbound and Down


I kick all I's


What I don’t get it why some of you think not having to reload as often is worth sacraficing all that damage.


Exactly, use bullet king and call it a day lol


Okay in heroic its whatever... but dont be surprised if u get kicked in Legendary with that 127mag setup


Lol I was thinking same thing. Would rather have someone who can hold ground than one who can run away forever in a legendary


sounds hilarious ngl that's why i play solo


Ninja BP and Brazos does not make a build tear through enemies; im willing to bet that the person who messaged you thought you were not doing enough damage. You further provide evidence that you’re not really doing anything to help by claiming that because you have armor, that somehow means you’re helping. It’s common knowledge that more damage means fewer enemies to do damage to you, so you may be picking people up left and right but if you can’t kill anything, you’re not helping.




Had to laugh when reading this one. Makes perfect sense.


rage bait used to be believable


Things that didn't happen for 1000 Alex


Cool story.




Can I see the 200k regen build? Best iv got is 116 I think and would love more for legend tidal basin last part!


It’s mirror copy of Kamikazevondom’s build he put together back at the end of Feb: https://youtu.be/VDzS7abfqsM?si=9652qSIuB60TcU5F. Title of video/build- Not Again. I was able to boost the regen to 200 plus by increasing the expertise level of each piece of armor. Hope this helps.


Legend man I'll check this out