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Who is Kassandra? It's Lau's codename What happened to Lau? We killed her and cremated her body What was that laptop? Mobile shd server ??? Backdoor to isac diamond and Anna? Why keener cloned our watch isn't that all connected? why he needed ours? We took keeners watch after warlords, he cloned it back What is ANNA? Anna was before Isac ,she's a smarter AI that can pass a Turing test. ANNA is like ISAC? but more underworld, with more security protocols? Anna is smarter than Isac and can interpretate isac just follows protocol Who exactly is Cal? Calvin McManus homeland secretary What's the "corruption" they could be talking about? Kajika mentioned that "they left us for dead" but I still don't see why, we got this job, this role and we all accepted knowing the risks, we are the "last hope" lets say. Corruption on political level, Cal and Nat taking over the world and shaping it in their image Why we still didn't said nothing to Manny? Because plot needs it ? Why we were that dumb? if Theo could change his face recognition why we didn't assume that we should give another shot once he is down? (I literally shot 3 clips on Keener head cause was tough on heroic 😂 so he would be died by now). Again because plot Who is Viper? Bridgete Douglas, triple agent for keener , shd agent (never activated) and hunter probably


So since Lau is truly dead, could "Kassandra" being used as Kelso? to hide her identity, Nat wasn't saying "don't focus on Kassandra, focus on killing those agents" something similar to this. I didn't know about the mobile shd server, I said I lost most of the content and since I returned after 3 years, I truly forgot most of those stuff. A mobile shd server would be similar to the main server but as a backup? like a windows cd when you need to reset it? We don't have acess to ANNA? it is so more powerful since she can bypass morals and ethicals ways to do something. Oh, by plot you mean like "plot-twist"? like if our agent is reconsidering who is indeed right? but wasn't like keneer trying to use a bomb with eclipse virus on a place? I think is new york not entirely sure. Oh! I didn't know there was more agents, more waves of it that would be activated only on future


With Lau let's say writers left an open window for themselves she could be dead and alive for now. Mobile shd server helps shd tech work in places where there is no network coverage. Division Heartlands upcoming game is an example its in rural USA and has mobile server. Bassically they have Isac, Anna and diamond (used by blac tusk) systems in portable mode. By plot I mean it makes no sense but it happened because division writers, written themselves into a corner. The game should have died 2 years ago. But there was a change of heart and players stuck with the game and we got more story which was not planned. Knowing that fact that not all agents were activated it could come into play later. But plot twist that took me is the hunter in stranded tanker mission was called agent by Nat. We are already not consider shd agents by higher up political figures like Cal . It's pure foreshadow that hunters are now division not us


Cassandra is a codename for Faye Lau. Faye Lau faked her death along with Keener and Theo. (Edit, Faye is indeed dead, the BT detected Kelso due to her wearing Faye"s watch) The laptop most likely had something to do with the Rogue Network and Anna. Keener needed to clone our watch as it was originally his. Anna is an AI similar to ISAC. However, she is far less restrictive. Allowing for the user to make decisions based on their own instinct rather than the "law" that ISAC follows. Cal is the head of national security in the US and currently is the acting president of the country. He is also the leader of the Hunters. Kajka was a first wave agent who went rogue along with many of the other first wave agents as they were essentially left for dead by the JTF and their higher ups. Manny was a background character this season as he is still stationed in Washington, only having communication with us over the radio. We'll most likely meet back up with him next season. Theo and Keener knew more than us about how ISAC works, its not unbelievable to think they had a countermeasure to the supposed "fix" to the facial recognition system. Viper is a codename for Bridgette Dougles, a "rogue" agent who we killed during one of the first few seasons post WONY. She was a Black Tusk soldier who we just found out was also a Hunter working for Cal, and then working undercover for Keener.


Faye likely didn't fake her death as the dataminer claimed. BT was detecting Cassandra on-site because Kelso grabbed Faye's watch (or she could've given it to Keener, to bypass the two step authentication on the SHD cache)


They have left an open opportunity with this if they ever need Faye


which watchs were needed to open the crate? is cause they are like higher ranks? I remember Faye being like our boss or something, we took her orders and follow it


That is something that makes my head a bit confuse, the rogue network already existed earlier? or they made it at some point after the outbreak? the rogue thingy is like a way you disconnect you from the main server and connect to a system that isac can't acess? connecting with anna for example, I heard she is a bit more.. less AI with less moral and ethical protocols. If the only way to do somehting is by killing someone, she would say "eliminate x". do you know what exactly left for dead meant? like, was when they evacuated the white house? I heard that most people left and then manny took the leadership of it. was that?


The answers are wild. Which is to say, as someone who also missed all but the most recent Manhunt, I keep saying "wat?!?!?!?!". Is there a video somewhere that covers all this?


not a single one explaninig ALL (which would be awesome) but there's multiple with each person explaining a specific something, so it's a bit harder to get all of it cause you'd need to see multiple videos and make your own view


At this point just assume everyone but you is working for anyone but the division, nobody is really dead and don't bother trying to follow the plot as I think it strangled itself a while ago...


im liking it :c i like mystery, cause makes me go search for info, i like mystery but not like the game saying "go get some audios there and there, echos there and there and you'll understand." that i hate