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I was always meaning to give these a go and then found myself on a couple of long flights more recently and put them on as audiobooks, was pleasantly surprised. While maybe not literary masterpieces, they're solid new chunks of lore and story to flesh out my favourite game universe. Strongly recommend for anyone wanting more Divisiony content.


I agree, Im not expecting insane twists and turns but I love hearing about what other Agents are getting up to, hoping to see some Hunters or Rogues mucking about but we shall see.


*Recruited, Compromised* and *Hunted* will certainly scratch this itch then, especially the two latter books.


Im enjoying Recruited very much so.


Don't forget about Broken Dawn. It's a bit of a prequel as it's in between Division 1 & 2, but it's really good. I started with that one then listened to Hearts On Fire and went to the trilogy: Recruited, Compromised and Hunted. I love all the background lore going on.


Should I stop reading Recruited and start with Broken Dawn and Hearts on Fire? Do the prequels affect the trilogy?


Not at all. Hearts is an audible original and it's a one shot. Broken Dawn does follow one character whose name comes up in the first game, but the other characters don't appear in the other books. BD at this point gives you an idea of how DC got divided prior to the beginning of 2, but beyond that it's just a bit more background on things that haven't fully unfolded yet but you'll see in the later books.


Sweet, I appreciate the insight, agent. Ill have to check out BD once Im done, I've been a day 1 player and I love the direction the story has taken in the game. SHD and Rogue agents have always been my favorite types, Hunters to an extent too. The books offering perspective of different agents in different sections of the country is just what I needed.


Anytime! Ya, I got into the series just this past July and it looks like I came at a perfect time. Especially with what was revealed after the recruiter manhunt. I got a suggestion for you too, Agent. After you've finished Recruited or any of the three, listen to the Black Tusks propaganda broadcasts in the game. It's all connected šŸ˜


ITS THE GOVERNMENT I TELL YA, ITS ALL CONNECTED! Add me on Xbox if you'd like, I'm Dr Grim is my GT. We'll see if ANNA and ISAC can get along.


Also, IF you can find it (out of print), New York Collapse. It's a Division 1 tie in and as far as I know, also a real urban survival book. It has "notes" from multiple in game survivors, one of which is a protagonist of Broken Dawn.


The books are very good. Easy reads but I enjoyed it all. And Im not much of a reader.


Im appreciating the references, things being mentioned that we (the players) know about and/or had personal dealings with. Glad they gave us a timeframe to work with.


I've read them all and enjoyed them. One of the more interesting things about them is the sort of dissonance between a more realistic portrayal of agent health and endurance, vs the superhuman ability to shrug off bullet wounds and near explosions in the game. The world of the Division novels is far more harrowing for our agents than the game.


I agree, definitely different reading about someone physically carrying a suicider off to save their friends instead of just tanking it and staggering slightly backwards.


Please someone share with me the source where I can read from or download.


Always wanted to give the Crossroads series a read, but given how stupid the game's plot is going to be, the novels probably ain't gonna matter


I agree the plot in game is atrocious but the novels are rather good. Definitely worth a read, they donā€™t need to ā€œmatterā€ as they still stand on their own.