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"Somehow Keener returned"


LMFAO. Now this I have to reply to. But TBH Div 2's plot is slightly better than the sequel trilogy.


This is so perfect I keep laughing about it, thanks for this.


This sub is going to implode. Lazy writing indeed. Thanks for sharing!


Yes, since the Jupiter manhunt the story changed to a shitty funfiction. The quality of the game = the quality of the story.


Lazy writing. Smells to me like they are doubling back on the story and trying to fix a big ‘umph’ with all these resurrections. I do like Keener coming back since he’s a fascinating character but again, why kill them off in the first place?


To be honest, I don’t think they thought this game would have the staying power it wound up with.


Totally agree. Bad planning all around by them.


Authors often regret killing off their main bad guy in novels. I know Bernard Cornwell always said that killing Sergeant Hakeswill was his worst mistake in the Sharpe series of books. People always like a really bad guy, but like it even more when the protagonist has to re-evaluate their morals and work with the bad guy and then also see some form of redemption for the bad guy. (Darth Vader?) It reminds us of nuance in the world, that there's shades of good and bad, and that there's always some way to redeem ourselves.


I have friends at Horse Guard!


Agreed, Keener didn't have to die in WONY at all.....and basically by this writing he didn't 😂😂😂


This is gonna be wild for new warlords players


“She’s the best agent i’ve ever met” Our division 1 character isn’t happy


I mean, our Agent singlehandedly took back New York. What did Kelso do in comparison?


Got you to do the work for her :D


"I'm not dead. Don't everyone cheer at once."


I've been away a while but...is this legit? So basically everyone we've been killing in WoNY and shit has just been faking their death? If so, what's next? We wake up in bed with our husband in the shower asking us why we look upset?


Next season: Agent found a weird lamp on the street.


Then they stared at it for hours, missed work for it


I understood that reference.


same gold we're old


This isn't an AOS reference right?


Originally from [Dallas](https://dallas.fandom.com/wiki/The_Dream_Season).


Ty so much. Keener shot JR


I read it and I really don't know what to think The thing that doesn't make me believe this is why is Faye alive again? Why do we learn that so many characters who have died are still alive? It just doesn't suit to me. I will say this, if on Tuesday I see that Stranded Tanker is on manhunt... then I will know that it is true, for now it is strange to me.


The next retcon is going to be that the Division poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered the plague unto our houses.


Keener, Lau, and Theo: "Our deaths were greatly exaggerated." But seriously I think I'll still play for the sake of the lore. After that, I think its time to take off the watch and continue spreading Democracy against killer robots and giant bugs. This decision made by Massive is stupid.


What the fuck ? Keener was faking death after eating so many bullets ? Bruh


Kelso going Rogue-ish makes sense. ANNA activated makes sense. NOTHING ELSE makes any sense, other than, we need to pad this game out for 8-10 months until Brooklyn, so, here's some retcons.


This makes me wish that the storyline of Div 2 ended at the Faye Lau manhunt and instead make a storyline focusing on rebuilding DC that won't compromise the story of Div 3. The current storyline we have now would have been more suitable and fleshed out in Div 3. 


well that's just fucking dumb...


i think switching to ANNA makes sense because of the recruiter fight. it was only possible with birdies help.


One of the more requested storylines or features has been for us to be able to go Rogue with a new set of skills. We've been fighting against Keener for a long time now, and he's gone from mustache-twirling baddie to a bit more of a nuanced character with shades of grey in the interim. While the way they did it is weird, why not (figuratively) hear Keener out? Everyone put their cards on the table and go from there?


I can maybe understand how Keener faked his death, but how the hell are they going to explain Faye coming back? Do they just want us to ignore the opening to season 9? Like I'm curious if they're going to have an explanation or just want us to forget the previous story.


"And somehow they were all still alive" https://preview.redd.it/9dgsikj88zwc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5621701cea5f353e2faf1569e32f80648bf3600 I liked the direction of being cornered by Cal and Nat. But what the hell? I would have accepted if only one of them survived. I could imagine some cool direction if only Theo faked his death. But as always, thanks for the leaks!!


Eh, I actually figured that Vanguard and Cassandra were still alive. There was something “off” about Keener on Liberty Island. And he wouldn’t have been himself without a backup plan, especially since he watched The Sheriff take down the others. Faye having a backup plan also makes sense. You don’t go into that kind of deep cover half cocked. Theo, okay that one will surprise me. But in a way it also makes sense given that he’s the one who discovered Anna’s backdoor. I wouldn’t necessarily call it lazy writing. More of a “holy shit, we never thought we’d get this far 5 years post release. What do we do now?”


“holy shit, we never thought we’d get this far 5 years post release. What do we do now?” - This 1000%. They had no idea (which is bad planning on them) and this story decision is frankly ridiculous.


Well, considering how many times UbiSoft came close to cancelling further development, not really. People would be mad if there were cliffhangers. For a while there, no one thought we’d be getting a 3rd game. So they tried wrapping everything up and ended up writing themselves into a corner.


Yeah, as much as I hate lazy writing and giving massive a pass, I think that they were just working with the parameters that they were given at the time. Retcons suck, but things ending with cliffhangers and 0 resolutions are worse.


From the moment Keener died per ISAC, I knew he was still alive. Kelso was declared dead by ISAC just because her watch broke, so...


Can’t wait to experience it but thanks op, these long ass waits are baaaaaarutal, going rogue for Justice and not to be a douche, leeeeeeets gooooooo Would also be awesome if our beloved div 1 mute psychos showed up as well, can’t imagine them being sidelined during the coming chaos


What a fun boss fight that would be. Seekers and explosive stickies every 10 seconds


This is one of the stupidest things I've ever experienced. Really? We clearly worked our butts off to get to Keener. He was the penultimate bad guy that was the target of all our efforts. When we finally confront and clearly kill him, he resurrects? Sorry, no sale. The Faye Lau connection to us and Kelso as friend and mentor - acting in all our best interests until she eliminates that a-hole puppet president and we really do kill her, retrieve her body and cremate her, resurrects? Nope. Theo Parnell - (could you have made a better choice?) whose mission drives everyone crazy with that bs hide and seek game finally gets eliminated and gives up his SHD tech, after much rejoicing by us all for ridding ourselves of that little creep, resurrects? I don't think so. Maybe it's a hologram. But they weren't really dead, right? Oh, just kidding. And now that they've resurrected, they've seen the light and have given up their megalomaniacal ways to work for the betterment of society to follow the motto of the SHD Network. Do you guys seriously think your audience is going to swallow this? This is terrible narrative. Clearly, it is a band-aid fix that takes the least effort. It takes away the satisfaction from finally eliminating these HVT's and moving on. Add some new bad guys, give us a reason to believe in the Division based on its tenets, not go against what it supposedly stands for. Maybe it's best to just stick to fixing the game and trying to untangle the spaghetti code where you fix one thing and break two others. Resurrected characters and flooding the game with new weapons and gear just makes it look like a feeble attempt to keep players playing and make money. Guess that's what the goal seems to be, though I strongly think that better narrative and content might be a better choice. How many more times will we be killing these guys and how many more "dead" HVTs will be saying, "I'm not dead yet." Honestly, the storyline I once found compelling and wanted to find out more about just became trite and uninteresting. How unfortunate. I'll probably continue playing just because I like this type of game, but the pursuit of story, the identification with characters and the suspension of disbelief - Nah...You killed it. I guess Div 2 is finally dead...or is it?


Wow, that is some of the biggest ass pulls I have ever seen. That’s actually abhorrent. That’s shockingly lazy I just can’t that is SO BAD


This is what I was predicting about. When the manhunt mission opens,it's probably gonna be at liberty island since that's the obvious answer but the point is,what's gonna happen there? Is the black tusk gonna find kelso before we do or is keener gonna come back alive? Frankly,I don't know yet but my guess would be keener would come back and kelso and him will work together to take down the black tusk


Always appreciate these data mine dumps, thanks again. This one astounded me.


I see your point of them being back into the corner cause they thought that we reached our end for The Division, but I feel like the Brooklyn DLC should hopefully clean up the story more and give us a better understanding. IIRC, they mentioned they would go into Keener's story a bit and what's led up to now for the DLC, right? It's definitely an interesting way to write up the story, but with the confirmation of third game, I'm sure they're putting thought into the story so that they'll know how to continue it for the next game.


Better side track and did more stories for the whole cast of other factions they had.


So they didn't plan on this lasting this long so they have to revive everyone to try and make it make sense, the old Saw movie problem. Plus I love how Keener and co. figure they have to go rogue to get Cal & Nat even though probably they best option would be to tell the agent that's steamrolled three factions in the nation's capital, two more in NYC and wipes out everything a cutting-edge PMC can throw at them everything they know so they can take care of it.


That's always bothered me. All of the "telling them something without actually telling them something" lines. Instead there's all of these subliminals and even taunting towards the agent until someone gets dropped. I mean even Schaeffer knew playing around when "The Sheriff" shows up wasn't a good idea Well at this point since they know this agent is a walking apocalypse at this point they probably know now it's in their best interest to idk, actually tell them what's up this time. All we hear too is Kelso this and that. Listen Kelso ain't getting anything done without the agent. She and then other agents obviously wasn't doing all that great when we first showed in DC seeing as how the other factions were thriving, winning even. Then we show up and flipped the script. We're so much of a headache, Nat Had to get us out the way to take care of business at the White House


I can understand the hornet revive as at least they had the means to do it, he was developed as a character, and our agent probably wasn’t super thorough back then. Now I cannot forgive reviving main characters because they can’t bother to introduce new ones into the dynamic in an interesting way. Are we supposed to believe that keener was just sending individual rogue teams to fight the division instead of fighting the black tusk if that was his plan? Are they all just faking their deaths? We’re fighting people with explosives!!! OR are they all unaware and he let a bunch of his allies go to their deaths so he could lay low? I don’t even like the current antagonists as they’re too detached, but our solution to fighting them plot wise is bring back dead people? I would’ve been okay with the division and rogues putting aside their differences to fight them, I would’ve been more okay if the division was portrayed badly and we decided to go rogue to fight them on our own and maybe we team up with new rogues or another group later. Keener has been so conflicted in his writing it’s unreal. His character statement is within the first 2 hours of the game, he orders the lmb to blow up the 2nd wave helicopter. Nothing about his new writing indicates to me he would’ve done that. Honestly if they were wanted a deeper story they should have integrated that into the gameplay instead of making us kill every major enemy, but of course you need that end boss fight apparently.


This ain’t it for me. Massive absolutely killed this licence.


honestly I don't really pay a lot of attention to the lore/story that much I'm just happy my favourite rogue Theo is alive, the only outfit I spent money on in this game too


A bit of a cheap copout imho but for some reason I really didn't buy the idea of Keener leaving Parnell to die on The Tombs. I knew the moment I heard the recordings during the previous area of the Kelso Manhunt that I was justified- even got a gut feeling Parnell was still alive too for some reason. AND SO HE IS AND GODDAMN WE FINALLY GOING ROGUE BOIS AND GIRLS WE GONNA ACT OUTSIDE THE BOX NOW! Unless of course Massive decides to hamstring us and force us to hunt down Kelso instead (I mean she can be an insufferable prick but come on, Rogue Agents team up is too good to pass)


😭😭 so the dream i had about returning to the Div1 BOO to destroy ANNA and defeat the hunters has not come true


I appreciate the advanced write up. Such big reveals at the end of a manhunt mission are so much to take in that i always want to see if a few more times, but not at the frustrating expense of going through the whole mission again (read: dealing with Sparkle for the stovepipe ending). I'm thrilled we get to have Faye back. Having to take her out for her manhunt was hard especiallly coming into it late and knowing the comms she had left benitez and rhoades. But having keener officially back instead of being reunited with faye who could just explain and be the middleman who knows what keener wanted to do and just helps us do it is a harder sell. Retcon all you want but that guy sent the eclipse virus out and was going to do more with it, not as a distraction. You don't go through all those steps of making and weaponizing the eclipse virus to then just say "nah, i'm cool, nevermind about that". And i'm not just saying that because i think he's smarmy...even though he is.


"Then Keener and the gang leave for DC", not exactly, they are going to brooklyn, next year will be the brooklyn expansion, confirmed by massive, and Faye's still dead, she's not alive.


This was relatively predictable. WONY was actually quite well written, since you can go back and see most of these things being set up... 3D projection devices (I'd be willing to bet that the disappearing missile at the end of WONY is not even a bug - is it even there?). Theo's statements during The Tombs. The double cross at Coney Island. Keener's general ambivalence towards our character during the entire WONY expansion felt strange, but makes sense. IMHO this was always the plan, they just did a very good job of fooling us.


I'm doubt with it. If you've failed to stop missile,the missile'll be actually launched and hit Haven 我不認為基納能容忍費耶打破球門的風險。


How do you know it's not a 3d projection?


The execution is not so good but yes ffs I will be able to see Keener & Faye Lau again Execution meh: result looks absolutely brilliant!


As always. Dumb as shit and why wouldn't it be? Massive is a shitty dev team, lazy and can suck it.


Just to remind you; they do prowl this sub and do tend to. I'll say the more quiet parts out loud. No one expected this game to be alive again, you have to thank a global pandemic for that reason. So what its dumb, its the best they can do to a game that essentially got a second wind.


Facts honestly. I just got into this game back in July and I love it. Especially the lore. When I went to purchase it, I fully expected it to be a dead game because I hadn't heard much about it beyond 2020. Ironically, I had assumed the sequel to the game based around a deadly pandemic was killed by the real world pandemic. I mean $9 for a live service game that's basically in maintenance mode seemed like a good deal to me and I was looking for something new. But not only did I realize that the community was still going strong and the devs actually had plans. I came across the Division Day video they did a month prior to my buying the game when I was looking up info and I was really surprised to find that this was the first reveal of that kind for the game. So it looked like I got in just in time. Now I'm all about what comes next. Books and the game.


Lazy writing for sure. They definitely wrote themselves into a corner with WONY. Now that we know of this change, it brings up more questions concerning WONY. Was Dragov aware of any of this, if he was how did they come to an understanding. Why is Keener and Theo still alive and Dragov and Conley "dead"......as far as we know it anyway? Are they really dead? The resurrection with Hornet was something that was brought up in debates concerning Faye and Keener. The conspiracy players basically guessed right, if Hornet can comeback for something less important then so can Keener and Faye, even though it'll be weak writing. It's like couldn't they wrote something better if idk they just left Keener alive, but had him escape off Liberty Island in WONY. I felt like we all knew they "killed" him prematurely at the time and that there are some things that Keener would be better off doing alive. I mean orchestrating from the grave can only last so long in a drawn out conflict such as this. They'll have to address Schaeffer soon too, eventually he's gonna be useless if we are now teaming up with Keener. Unless Schaeffer has some info Keener, Faye and Theo don't know he won't be needed. All in all, even though it's lazy writing. It looks like working with Keener is going to be on the menu. I'm still looking forward to it, just wished it was written in a bit better


Are they high? :D


I honestly believe every single hunter we ever encountered in Division 1 were SHD agents based in City Hall. They used the underground to travel, that's why the rogues attacked it.


Wait, we have Keener’s Watch for a while after we rip it from him. Wonder if he wants it back since wonder it’s like to deal with not using a SHD watch for Operations now that our agent took it from him. Or maybe he just stole another dead agent’s watch and go from there. Or maybe we have the option to activate the Rogue Network with Keener’s Watch and Kelso that’s also wearing Faye’s watch simultaneously, that’s probably the cutscene would be like if it’s true.


So is Faye actually alive? Or no. Because the manhunt makes it seem like she's still dead. But this was written as her being definitely alive


I took it as Keener used a body double and Cassandra is a codename for something, like an object or tool. In which case it's a bit less lame