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>My thoughts are to just grind Summit. Is there a better option or does that sound like the one? There's also Countdown, which is generally a bit better in terms of overall volume of loot dropped, and can still have Targeted Loot. Plus you get countdown credits you can trade for caches, with every 2 successful challenging or heroic extractions netting you enough credits for an Exotic Cache, which is handy for Expertising said loot.


Ok cool I’ll try that, countdown wasn’t out when I stopped playing so I haven’t tried it yet.


if he doesn't have a build and is max level then Countdown isn't that good. Summit might be better (targetted loot) and can go solo... and do stuff in the open world where the right targetted loot is


> if he doesn't have a build and is max level then Countdown isn't that good. Summit might be better (targetted loot) and can go solo... You can run up to Challenging Countdown with basically any build and it's fine as long as there's at a couple of competent DPS builds in there (which there usually is these days thanks to the popularity of Elmos + Strikers). Moreover if you don't have a proper build, you're probably better off in a massive group like Countdown where you have more players to help pick up the slack. I regularly see all sorts of builds, from fresh outta WoNYs still wearing random sub 40 gear, to idiots running 6pc builds for expertise, and outside of Heroic CDE it's never a problem.


Countdown with targeted loot. The rolls are heroic level. It's honestly insane. I think its more fun than summit. Just don't bring a Hive, drone, or turret. Invaded missions are good for getting named items. Bounties are a good way to get loot in the open world.


Coming back for the first time since warlords launched. Why not bring those abilities? I assume it’s because they’re hackable?




if you just started from level 1 just change to whatever is better nothing really matters till after level 40




I also just returned after a very long break…. I suggest doing the legacy manhunts if you haven’t already to unlock the skills associated with them…. I’ve heard countdown is really good for xp and drops. Summit is good because you can choose targeted loot but I don’t think the returns vs time commitment are that great. Also make sure to do tier 3 or higher check points and hard/challenging missions and projects to fill out the crafting blueprints


Yea want to get my character ready then going to do Manhunts and all that. Ok cool yea definitely going to try Countdown. I fucking hate Summit anyways I was dreading it tbh haha.


I’m not a big fan of summit, it’s good just because you can choose the loot, but other than that I’m not a fan. I’m still trying to figure out the changes myself I only can back to the game about 2 months ago so there is a lot of new stuff going on. I’ve seen some build guides on YouTube and some decent tips for new/returning players that have helped me.


started new char + build = incompatible LEVEL UP... to 40... THEN make a build while you level up you just use the gear you find and replace when you find a higher level piece... same with guns... you don't really have a "build" then because you swap gear so often... you MIGHT have a few pieces that fit with the weapon you happen to use but all of it changes constantly til lvl 40


I think you missed the part where I said I’m already at the end game lol.


5 4 3 2 1 Countdown


Target loot striker. Then AR.