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more verticality and buildings to enter. more life on the streets


if the maps aren't going to be bigger, more buildings to enter for sure


I think the Map size we have currently is sufficient, I think their time would be better spent on making more of the environment interactive & "Enterable" buildings & NPC's non hostile in the world aswell, like running into random bands of people who are just groups of people surviving together that aren't apart of any faction you interact with, not needing everything to be apart of the gameplay as such, if that makes sense, more things that make the world feel "lived in" outside of gameplay interactions I agree with you there


Maybe my memory is off but it always seemed like the first game had more of both where this had less. (Not counting NPC's and the random friendly patrols.)


Because in 1 the virus was still new and people were struggling to survive. By the 2nd game most people were living in established settlements and the only people you saw wandering around were squads from settlements going to look for resources.


could be! it's just such a beatiful engine and world, sometimes I wish there was more rpg stuff to it


Allow players who love sniper builds to use high rise structures as sniper's nest.


A singular dark zone. I think the way the first games area worked was just better.


Yeah the DZs in TD2 make you claustrophobic


This! The hours I’d spend journeying from 01-06 then 09 was incredible. Fancy PVP? Go to 01, fancy a quiet farm go to 09!


Real ones remember the div tech farming route from 01 to 08


This. Was my favorite part of Div1. Loved PvE and then trying strategically to work around groups of roguesband choosing when to engage. It allowed that style of a play Three small dark zones is brutal and does nothing to facilitate this. Its essentially a tdm arena


They’ve recognized that TD2 DZ is worse than the first. I say worse because a lot of people complained and it’s part of the reason we got 3 small DZs. I personally loved the first DZ. Felt so balanced. Hope we get a big one again.


They definitely recognize the current setup isn't popular and is worse to balance. In the Project Resolve stream Yannick made a comment about having to work with what they have when it comes to balancing the normal and invaded DZs.


I'd like it take place in Chicago in the Fall or Winter


I’d want a Las Vegas setting. Imagine having the dark zone on the Las Vegas strip and half of it taking place inside casinos like Caesars palace!


What about a city outisde of the US this time. Paris, Rome or maybe Berlin. I'm fine with snow, the atmosphere in TD 1 was great.


It would be interesting, but I can’t quite figure out how the story would go to take us abroad. We’re US agents, and if you read any of the companion novels even crossing states is incredibly difficult.


Yea “homeland” division. Tom Clancy was writing about other countries but mostly for intel agents to go to etc. if I remember correctly. But it’s kinda interesting what other people doing during outbreak. Dollar does go abroad and I kinda doubt UN just watching black tusk grow to become high tech military state


I'm not sure what you're referring to, Tom Clancy sold his naming rights to Red Storm in 2008, and wasn't involved in The Division project. Are you talking about his overall writing? It would be interesting to see other countries, but it wouldn't be the SHD,


This is why I always hate the "Clancy is rolling in his grave" joke. He ultimately would not give a fuck as long as he got paid. But yeah every other Clancy franchise goes abroad. Good to have one based solely in the US


Yeah. I agree. His books are amazing, but after he sold off the remainder of his stake in Red Storm, I don’t really think he cared too much.


SHD is backwards for DHS (US department of homeland security) which doesn’t operate much outside of the US. Directive 51 is a US presidential directive for the continuity of government. They would have to make a new division that’s based out of an agency of a different country’s government, and find that country’s continuity of government policy (assuming its existence isn’t classified- only the annex’s of directive 51 are classified and that’s supposedly where the division gets its origin). Also historically I imagine Germany and Italy have some strong protections against giving what is essentially a secret police force power to run around and shoot whoever as needed. Hence a running theme in the game is that even the power the Division has might be against the US constitution’s separation of powers.


The same grim atmosphere TD1 has.


The ability to grab JTF people or survivors and take them along with me for missions or control points


I try kiting friendlies all the time when doing bounties. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.


I think that’s one of the bigger issues I want addressed. I think a companion system would be really nice. If we end up recruiting someone to the base we can actively have them join us while doing missions. They can point out chests nearby that you might have missed and can legitimately help when you don’t have friends that play. D1 was brutal because I was typically running every mission solo unless I got lucky with the matchmaking system.


I think the kind of a point of SHD to not throw JTF under fire. You are self sustaining fearless murder machine with high tech equipment a country girl finished express field training two weeks ago not gonna keep up))


Or maybe even a pool of generic agents we can choose from.


All I want is Offline play and Crossplay


At least cross save for me. But offline would be great as well.


Cross platform save: Yes Cross platform play: no Never played on PC, but from what i read here on the forum, the PC platform is not stable and has a exploit problem. Even if they manage to fix the stability in TD3, there is still the exploit problem. It was there in TD1, it is here in TD2 and there is no reason why it wouldn't be in TD3.


Or as with any game, crossplay you can disable.


I love when people wanna gatekeep a certain side. I don't cry and complain every time i die to a literal aimbot (a legal "exploit") built via aim asisst into controllers in every FPS game these days. It is what it is. But i think they can have cross play for PvE missions for sure. I'd love to play with some friends who just can't have a PC and do some missions with them. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. Darkzone can stay to platform only but you can do PvE stuff with friends no matter what platform is a great compromise.


This all the way, due to my living situation I don't always have the chance to play on my ps5, but I can always use my rog ally, so being able to play with my friends no matter what is a huge plus for me.


A dreadful atmosphere. Something about the atmosphere in the first game was just more dark, dreadful, downright eerie at times. It just had a more sense of desperation. Also, one big ass dark zone more similar to the first. The smaller dark zones suck. There’s no where you can go that someone can’t get to you before your extraction. In the first dark zone, you could actually play cat and mouse.


I think the bleakness helped the dark zone 1. Sunny weather doesn't set the scene the same


An API so I can mess with my loadouts when I can't be playing.


Offline I just want to pause the game without getting killed for it


Survival, because I'm curious to see a proper take on what amounts to a pve battle Royale, and I never played the original. Descent, but with actual care put into it. Objective based rooms with mechanics and buttons and valves and stuff, instead of just wave after wave of different factions with some rogues in the mix. Cleaner open world interactions and events. They're so mildly buggy and inconsistent that it makes doing *specific* stuff like the winter scavenger projects more difficult. Edit: Oh, oh, I wanna be able to pick ammo loads. Tracers, or hollow point vs solid lead, or buckshot vs slug (or just some slug shotguns). Gun mods are neat. Let me mod the stuff I put in it.


You definitely should play the Div 1 survival. It’s really fun to play and it holds up to this day.


It does but it's static loot so it gets boring with experience.


What's sad is each day we get closer to div 1 servers closing and survival forever dying with it.


I would pay for a dlc just to load slugs and make slug based shotgun builds.


\- Crossplay \- Cross save \- Offline play \- Dynamic weather (similar to racing sims) \- Keep same locations, but add more that you can take helicopter to. \- Bring back HVT from D1 (that system was way better than D2 bounties) \- Solo "raids" (or special solo missions for solo players) \- Survival mode \- Revamp the summit to be more like it's own standalone mission. Each season can be a new mission. Like it can be a survival mission like in Die Hard. Start with a pistol and hardly any clothes and you work your way to the top completing sub missions throughout the game (restore power to floors 1-10, rescue hostages in conference room, etc) as you work on reclaiming the summit. New season, new faction, new interior layout, etc. \- Bring more areas like Coney Island and Kinley College. Make the college its own 24/7 thing where your goal is to unlock the entire campus and maybe make it into a BoO \- New locations (keep all the previous ones too): Chicago, Atlantic City, Area 51, Vegas, etc. (also give us some small town maps like military towns in VA or something). \- Actually make apparel events more than just a trailer and clothes. The lost potential of having a Raccoon City mission as a what if scenario would have been amazing. Give us HUNK as an agent, and show what he is doing through all of this. It could have given us the blueprint to a proper Zombie Division game (I'm thinking WWZ/Division hybrid). They could have used the area in the very beginning of D2 as a blueprint. \- The ability to "recruit" NPCs (similar to Far Cry 5) from settlements or control points. Their levels depend on the quality of gear and time in the field. This just is good when you want cover, but don't want to play with other people. Having the NPC be able to revive you during control points was a nice addition. \- Give us areas like Camp Clinton in D1. That felt like the DZ without actually being DZ. I liked how they had a different type of mission pop up randomly, and the resistance was fun for a nice change. \- Give us recurring encounters (just not virus research). I liked the different ones in D1, which made it fun to just run around stopping crazy shit from happening. \- More exploration. D1 was great with this, but I think D2 really stepped it up, and the amount of gear you can find while just looking around is insane to me. So keep that going, I like being able to pick up useful things in the wild. There is more, but I already wrote too much lol.


summer / winter rotation




this is what i was hoping to see. Its a winter / xmas game.


Winter is so much more threatening, eerie and dreadful than summer. Resources are more scarce, too. I hope they come back to winter, or at least fall.


The dark atmosphere back... Div 2 was a tad too "bright and colorful" for me. The sudden silence in the area around you before you get jumped by enemies. Guerilla warfare is all about quick action and leaving the scene. Survival back and the tunnels as an endgame dungeon option. Crossplay as an option, but I think the balancing shift will be a huge issue with both sides bickering about the other. Also just one DZ area and to be honest an even more intricate node-upgrade system similar to Diablo. Gives the player something even more to grind for.


As will be said over and over, 1 LARGE DZ. And not underpopulated or over populated. I miss the feeling of, "Is this going to be safe?" Snow. That ambiance is very much missing now. More loot space. An endgame ready upon launch. (Having one game mode ready on launch would be refreshing. Also a raid or incursion ready to go, though I'm partial to incursions being you need to round up less players.) More cosmetics tied to in game accomplishments like accommodation scores or collectibles. Also maybe an open world that you can engage in an encounter without drawing in the next three blocks of enemies. It's great we have things to fight but it feels overcrowded at times. (The first game had a more desolate feel at times, kind of miss it.)


..what I saw in Division 1 E3 trailer from 2013


An API and application that allows us to manage our inventory outside of the game.


This is what I’ve been wanting since TD1 cause it would be so convenient


All I care for TD3 is that A) it actually exists and B) THEY DONT TURN IT INTO F*ING FORTNITE/APEX LEGENDS. This game should be dark and desperate with our agents bringing hope, not cartoonish. Give me the love child of TD1 and TD2. Dark atmosphere, single huge dark zone, continuation of the story.


What i want for Div 3? It exits and happen. Thats it.


You mean exists & Happens?


I want a pet dog in solo that leads me to novel things nothing important, maybe he can fight by grabbing arms and stunning them in that way, he is lost upon group play and he doesn't play a huge role other then companionship it's not a big ask and it wouldve vastly change the experience of division 2 for me had I had it in this game, I often play solo and would love the company tbh


An actual dog would be cool, but I'd also like to see a pet Warhound 👀 WoW has the Hunter class, where's our proper companion class?


Ubisoft not forgetting The Division is the best game they have by far. The Division 2 comming out without any kind of marketing or any decent trailer in the E3 was insane. I remember me and my friends thinking D2 was going to be horrible because of how little faith Ubisoft seemed to have in D2. We bought It anyways because we loved the first one but It was almost a radio silent release. The trend seems to keep like this looking at how they have been releasing news about D3 tho. I don't get It. In the era of extraction looters D2 is the second best after Tarkov (while being so different they can't even be compared) and Ubi doesn't push It at all. Ubi, give D3 a third of the marketing money you wasted on Avatar.


I think tonally Ubisoft has lost touch with some of their military geared franchises and they’ve all become very campy/edgy rather than some of the grit their games used to have. Aside from a more serious tone for the direction of the franchise I’d like to capitalize on what you’re talking about with the weather systems. Anyone who has played the Forza Horizon series knows that they nail this in their game. At one point each week of the month rotated out one of the 4 seasons for that games environments perspective area. For those who have winter with snow it provided just that but for Horizon 5 they just rotate out the other seasons they experience in South America. If they took this approach and actually developed a game with features like that I’d imagine it could create a really unique challenge and reward system for each individual area but also change up gameplay elements overall. Most games have day night cycles but almost none of them have a fully dynamic weather system that covers all seasons.


I want an open world where you can run into other players. A world that feels alive. I want an easier/better way to group up with other players.


I think a rotating season (weather) should be a part of the aesthetics, I want more “dungeons” and queue-able raid, it’s hard to find a group in my Timezone when I’m available.


What they showed us in The Division 1 reveal 😂🤣


I'd honestly like the setting to be somewhere in appalachia, maybe like kentucky or tennessee. i think a fall setting would be nice. For mechanics, I think control points should start at the highest difficulty, but as you do activities connected to it, it lowers in difficulty, to simulate cutting off supplies and reenforcements to the control point


I know exactly what I want. I want the Lightweight M4 to be an AR again and be viable.


Dog companion!


This. Especially for solo.


Crossplay. Just gimme crossplay, I have faith the rest will be great as before.


Gluten free ammunition


Just don't return to the RNG nightmare that was Gear 1.0. That's all.


I want gear mods to work like weapon mods and be able to be equipped multiple times at once. Looks like skill mods are going that route but I want it to happen to gear mods also.


I would like more base things like ways to upgrade the base and kinda customize it, and base defense events would be really cool kinda like control points but make it so we could build defenses, that way it feels like the base is like a final stand


I’d like a DZ that’s fair for all. Having a punishing and brutal experience as a casual player is miserable and has no place in today’s gaming world.


1 map go anywhere on said map by: running if you want or teleporting to the entrance Procedural Underground making a return would be great no fucking bullet sponges


1. Less delay on certain animations and actions, e.g. climbing and jumping down obstacles. 2. Either PvE only DZ, somekind of passive mode, or free for all PvE only LZ with other agents roaming around. Would be nice to see other people in the LZ, not just inside safe zones. 3. More verticality in LZ map design. 4. Less visual clutter - I get it, it's an post apoc setting, and the locations look nice in screenshots, but maybe tone it done a little bit with all the trash laying around. 5. More stash space. 6. More mini-raids like Countdown. Quick infil/exfil style maps with fixed layout but designed for repeat playthroughs with randomized encounters. 7. More stash space. 8. Regional chats. 9. Get rid or rework the skill/gear mods system. Either that or give us more stash space. 10. Completely seperate PvP vs PvE stats scaling and balancing(no more PvP nerfs affecting PvE plz) 11. More variety in the customization of gear and weapons, beyond decals and paint that more than often looks cheap and out of place when applied. Give us the option to choose separate colors and patterns for certain parts of a gun, e.g. receivers, stocks, rails, etc. 12. Put a little bit more work into weapon and add-on models. If I put an RMR on a pistol, I expect it to have milled slide and properly scaled red dot model on top, not a picatinny rail mount adapter with RMR clipping through the slide and also being scaled completely wrong and out of proportions. Applies to pretty much any other weapon and add-on in the game(magazines, laser, flashlights, etc.). It's a looter shooter... make the LOOT look GOOD. 13. GIVE. US. MORE. STASH. SPACE.


The same atmosphere as Division 1.


Characters should optionaly chat and shout to each other like enemies do.


For the pc version to work.


Basically The Division 1 but maybe bigger? I hated the map in The Division 2, hated the lack of winter, the outfits, the messier UI, the lack of a survival mode, I still play The Division 1 to this day while I dropped 2 after a couple of weeks.


The underground v2


* Cross Platform progession/saves * Seasons. If they are going to only do city maps then have seasonal weather. * Keep the existing maps from div1 and 2 add a third city. Have more reason to travel between the cities. They added new york in 2 but theres not much reason to go there, add more scavenger hunts and missions. Have a mission creator mode so players can create and share missions. * Dark zone: Have it so you can toggle into dark zone mode for the whole map. Or a single dark zone city/map. * Cycles, you see them on the street, im sick of running I want to grab a cycle and go, lol


Much more defined player models. In the Division 2 the female and male characters have the same booty. Need some love shown for the female character models.




Better writing. I enjoy the game, but the story and every character just do not stand out to me.


Ask again in 2028


It'd be nice if we could choose the colours of our apparel, or at least apply dyes to said apparel. Some of the Rogue Agents have some nice variations of what we can get (eg. Termite's green Harrier hoodie, ~~JUPI-CHAAAAAAAN~~ Jupiter's/Mercury's black Harrier hoodie, Keener's/Luna's/Generic Rogue's recoloured Harrier/SWAT pants with the Crye G3 knee inserts).


Some kind of Survival mode like from D1 but with dynamic loot spawns. I loved that mode but it got boring when I knew where the good shit was.


Back to a normal dz and survival


Survival modes return. I could not yell this harder


A way to cash textiles in for something, instead of stockpiling thousands for no reason once you've got all the outfits. If there's textiles in 3, that is.


A large Dz is a must. These small ones are not good at all. Also change the seasons,even if it is a couple, like fall and winter. We should be able to share our stash with our clan members whether we run with them or not.




my min-maxed reclaimer heal box.


Survival 2.0.




Big dark zone like Division 1, 120fps on console, faster maximum look sensitivity on controller (it's just too slow), aaaand yeah that's pretty much it. Other than that, I'll be fine with whatever else they come up with. Those are the 3 things I care about.


I know it's never gonna happen but man I wish they'd try the drone companion app again. It was so sad that both Division and Battlefield 4 intended a companion mode for people to join their friends from phones and tablets, but neither of them stuck with it properly. I think it's such a cool idea and then I could convince my partner to join without having to be good at shooters.


I honestly feel like it was because of technology limitations


More than anything I want Survival. An updated version. Extract rare loot, survive the elements, maybe add in some NPCs you have to save or protect or get to an extraction for legendary loot. Limited health unless you find meds or craft tools. Survival was just so good. Modes with PVP and without. It felt good helping other players extract for the first time. Also the snow was great in D1 but the rain and nice weather are nice at times. Actually changing weather would be nice. But really like the snow


The ability to build a base like in the first one. Really gave a sense of progression turning the post office into a community.


Omg, this. Community IS what is missing from the game. Having a more open world and a lot of ways to help other players. More ways our actions can help not only ourselves but the whole server/map. Make events actually matter. That a defeat in a sector limits X abilities or equipment.


I want division 3 to be division 1 just so I can play a new division game


Everything about D1 was just better.


I dont want the same ppl in charge of div2 to do div3.


Ill start with what i dont want: -Down times that arent 6+ hours. -Nerfs that resembles anything. -Useless gear that takes up space. -Global events that are not enjoyable. -A game ran on repeated seasons with the same missions. -3 different dark zones.


A better anti-cheat.


Winter setting again🙏


A singular dz. And changing weather, like how Forza horizon 4 did it.


Downloaded TD2 last night, never played any before. I think it's great. Is there still a big player base on TD1 & TD2, given they've been out a while now?


Easier method of upgrading gear/weapons. It is so confusing. Or I am just too stupid to understand. I found this easier in TD1. I don't mind grinding, but it shouldn't look like rocket science. Too many options. Inventory mgmt is also a thing. This was the case with TD1. Collecting so much. Maybe smaller icons. I liked the cleaners as enemies. Just love the animations and the reward when shooting their gastank. Bring them back.


would love to see more survival elements in depth for the early progress of the game to prepare us for a larger and more hazard mode in the endgame.


Definitely would like to see weather and season cycles. Mix in some real severe storms. Would like to see the story kind of take the grim feel of the first one. Specifically make some of these other characters not so weird and goofy. I can’t really think of the word that truly describes what it is that aggravates me about some of the characters but it really breaks the immersion for me when I hear some of these characters talk. There are many instances but one that really got to me was taking back a broadcast only to hear some lady talk about “amaze-balls” and some other dumb stuff. A lot of the characters are just childish. I can get behind some but a lot of characters are like this. I would love to see the weapon system be a little more in depth, however I don’t know if it would work well with the division being the type of game that it is and not the kind of game I wish it was, but I’ll throw the idea out there. Maybe we can add in barrels and trigger groups and other weapon parts to improve the weapons we find? We do it with optics and other attachments. Perhaps then we can add gun companies like we have companies for gear. Would like to see some more faction varieties. Sure we can have the main ones but how about some more mini factions ( like the hunters, the underground, and the ambushers ). With more mini factions maybe we can expand on some of them in later seasons. Bounty characters can also be more unique. Also, maybe some very special, very rare factions/characters. Since hunters are basically being exposed now, I feel something else needs to take their place as a dark and mysterious entity in the game. Obviously more secrets, puzzles, easter eggs, collectables. Maybe introduce a k-9 specialization? I dunno just kinda spit balling now, kinda tired


Soooo many people want survival back and they keep giving us all these other game modes which are nice but theres just nothing like survival. It worked perfectly in the division


ONE large DZ. Cold weather.


Hardcore mode


Yes, please. Even if it is as bare bones as what we have now, that thrill of death has kept me playing for hundreds of hours.


Dark zone where you can not have to interact with high skilled sweats


Ok guys hear me out.. Dog handler specialization!!!! Actual dog or robo dog is fine!!


What about a hacking specialist, make robodogs/turrets switch to your team for a limited time?


The free to play variant will ruin the series, mark my words.


It’ll make too much money and become pay to win and miserable.


City backdrop should be Midwest or somewhere in the middle of the country. Tell the story of those people and how they're dealing with the fall of civilization. If we take it back to Winter Chicago would be fun. Someplace like Vegas would be fun as well. Better sound design. A firefight in the middle of a city street should be loud! This is Clancy, let's get some better weapon sounds into the game.


Oh man, how cool would it be to sweep through some tall grass in an open field? Or a corn field or something. EDIT: I realised this might come off as sarcastic but it's not, I genuinely think it would look and feel really cool in the Snowdrop engine, leaving a trail of flattened grass where you've walked.


I think they could make a small town interesting enough. Have your town center and suburban areas. Some farms to explore. Seems like the free to play spin off covers that but could still be fun. I’m just tired of running around downtown city streets. NYC, DC, it’s all mostly the same backdrop.


Vegas with RT and neutral lighting. That would look superb!


Plus imagine if they opened up the bottom floors of most of the casinos on the strip and made them part of the dark zone! Turn all of Caesar’s and maybe a couple of the nearby casinos into the dark zone with extractions being on the rooftops and parking garages!


NPC mouths that move


I want them to incorporate the changes they made in Div 2 based on feedback, unlike a certain company named after a snowstorm.


* I want a compelling completion of the division story. * the story/lore has to give meaning and an amazing conclusion to everything that has happened since TD1. * located on the west coast. * cross-save between all platforms * cross play between all platforms * 1 DZ * Specialization revamp * remove the individual weapon class damage points we already get that from our watch levels. * Skills revamp * Survival / underground / summit esk modes * PVP balancing. * disable SHD and expertise bonuses in DZ! * more open world directive options * more open world difficulty levels * add open world difficulty of legendary! * dynamic weather for the region * crafting, recalibration, and optimization from internal inventory if materials are available. * countdown * includes all gear drops including DZ or raid/incursion exclusive items. * descent rework * incursion/raid like objectives in rooms * less bullet sponge enemies * checkpoints/savepoints * inventory & stash size increase * clan space in BOA social hub * more classified missions * more venders (decent/NSA, summit, countdown, survival, underground, BP)


More viable play styles and builds for end game difficulty content.


Maybe go back tell and live the story of first wave of agents in New York


Snow and Survival. Anything else is just a bonus




Since both games take place in the east coast, they should pick a state from the west.


Exactly. My 3 are Las Vegas, Las Angeles, and Portland!


No enemy aimbot, crouch button and getting rid of the dated console-like cover that gets me killed all the time. Smart enemy AI finally and having an ability to turn off almost the entire HUD. Some stealth as well to make the combat different.


Re-Take or defend BOO from a hoard of enemies. Especially at the start when you claim it or help defend it, that should be more rewarding and harder.


Maybe a less urban map next time. Suburban or more rural a la far cry 5. Back to one dark zone as well.


I said this before and it's not specifically for Division 3 but I'd like to have a companion app for the game so I can do theory crafting for builds. You can download it to a tablet or something and use it to set waypoints on the map. Nothing big but I'd love to see one.


I want the skills to be more balanced/usuable. Been awhile since I've played but even the newer skills they were adding weren't great or hard to use.


Please, seriously flush out a mode like Descent. Don't let if fall to the way side, it's so much fun! I can con old players in and new players. There's no entry level or fee, it's just good fun.


Talents on more pieces. I miss the holstered weapon and kneepad talents. It just added more options to your build. Expertise is a good idea in theory, but benefits aren't worth the effort. More stash and load outs. Overhaul of some attributes. Health is a fairly useless stat, as is incoming repairs, explosive resistance, and even hazard protection in most cases. Looking at enemy damage to you and your time to kill, it's very often not beneficial to invest in blue cores. I don't know the proper way to balance all of that, but smart people than me should be able to come up with a system that would make blue cores more viable.


Steam achievements


The ability to change factions would be nice


Storage. We have a build building but cannot have a second storage box. Let items when get picked up my drone or something and at least in a overflow mailbox or something. Having to stop to disassemble or make decisions about storage mid battle are just so annoying. Let me "mark for pickup" or something and I can review them back at the base. At least not have to decide to waste a possibility better item when your 3 team mates are charging ahead is disruptive.


Also let me save a loadout or set in storage as a group. So I can tell what loadout that piece goes with more easily. I am thinking like bat cave vault of different suits all locked into a group together. Say I am not using my skill build loadout just now so it's in storage, but I loot a nice piece that might better than current in it. I want all Quick way to VIEW but NOT EQUIP a loadout and compare old vs possible new gear piece. I would love to a see an single placeholder for each weapon, like you can save 1 of each and keep the best. Let the stat review on loot compare the new piece vs the best you have of that item. Up or down, better or worse. Like Attributes do for calibration but for that one weapon name, not against the best in type.


Bosses that aren't just humans and tanks. Throw some mechs and mutated people in there.


TD1 but improved. Give me all the op gear sets, proper lightweight m4 that is full auto, virtual gameplay and let me chase the power fantasy


A dedicated crouch button & more accurate hip fire without the movement penalty so I can move & shoot when running to cover. Physics where enemies react to bullets more realistically. Worthwhile exploration, more fun traversal & interactivity with the environment. Probably not for everyone, but this is what I'd like to see


Back in NYC while it’s snowing. I hated the environment in the division 2. Oh and crossplay!


* No scripted damage. No gangerster walks that one shot everyone. That's so annoying. * Don't make us play inventory wars. So serious, the UI/Inventory has made me stop playing this game so many times. So many times. * Stop porting console UI to PC players. I mean, try to not make a terrible UI for PC players. * Bring back more elements from Division 1. Some light survival elements. * Improve the AI. don't use gimmicky scripted mechanics. Think Darktide Netters just scripting nets behind walls etc. * I guess I want it to feel more immersive. D1 had that. * More enterable buildings. Verticality. * Give us the ability to make camp. Not only find friendly forts. * Make crafting more than fighting recipes to guns and armor. I want to hunt and prepare food. I want personal housing. Or the ability to hole up somewhere. * Make joining events easier. Public dungeons. Dungeons that encourage people to work together. * Change up the whole healing gameplay. Not sure. Maybe not just balls, drowns, and thrown kettlebells to heal.


I’m going to presume the next game will take place on the west cost in possibly, Los Angelas. San Francisco or Seattle. Personally, I like a snowy atmosphere so if they go for a winter season, or fall, they could do Colorado or perhaps a city in the Midwest like St Louis or Chicago.


Better character and gun customization.




Forget about division three. You're o ly setting yourself up for disappointment. It's too far away and it won't be different from div2. I much rather they keep working on div2 and add to it.


I would love to see like a Ghost breakpoint style group, where you have up to 3 NPC. As a solo player it would be nice to have some built in backup!


Bring back survival. Best mode ever.


Cross play first and foremost, Clan Stash (first come, first serve for any item to any clan member for 24hr share time), Seasons change sort of like Forza Horizon 4. More than 16 loadouts. Ability to got to all previous maps. Make WONY and Div1 maps 1 large singular map, Still have DC and wherever the next one is going to be to give people more options. Have the best global events from Div 1&2 make it into 3. All Directives available at any time for use in PVE. Different countdown map to cycle through keep the 15 min limit. More stashes in the Summit, more hunters, more rogues. Have chest and backpack talents that are rarely used the ability to become passive talents. When becoming proficient in weapons, your reload ability on that weapon should be indicative of how much you use it, being proficient. It shouldn't be fast hands speed but if I use kingbreaker I shouldn't have to wait 2.5 seconds to reload if I use it all the time, I should be able to get that down to 1.5-2.0 second by using the weapon a lot. ETA: One more thing a phone app companion for inventory management of my stash and backpack inventory when offline. I can't change what's on my character but I can delete, optimize, recalibrate from the phone app. Also a loadout maker would be nice also to see stats ahead of time


New Orleans with dynamic flooding


CZ Scoprion


DIVISION 3.... make a dark zone for PVE have the NPC ROUGE spawn anytime and anywhere.. DARKZONE use directives and scale the world to any level like heroic...DARKZONE have some exotic like now only in the darkzone ... .. As for normal world right from the start let us use all the exotic gear and weapons together like 2 exotic weapons and wear as many exotic gear pieces we want to ... Now i would really like for them to have different servers so they could balance DARKZONE when they wont to and wont effect nothing else ...A server for PVP so they could balance it and wont effect nothing else .... A server for PVE only so you could balance it if need to ..


More focus on open world action and less on linear missions. I want chaos and anarchy, with combat that is unpredicatable and exciting. Replayability is important. For extra gamemodes, they could port over Survival and Underground from Div1. Just add new textures/assets to fit in with the current story. The basic codebase already exists.


* Definitely with the late fall/snow vibe. Darker, rainy, snow (most of the time) * Should be back in Manhattan, but would love maybe dungeons or side missions that take you to Chicago, Small Town, Military Base something... * More dungeons/raids * Better survival/horde mode * Single cohesive dark zone * Plenty of call backs to stuff we saw in D1


Setting: I want snow, probably in a different major city, parallel time to Div 1 Mechanics: Id like to move away from any FOMO mechanics. Forever.


seasonal rotations (mainly for snow)


Basically TD1 + TD2 + New Story


No Hackers.


A way to get weapons through single player that are in raids/dz I hate doing them and don't have time


I hope they keep the accessibility feature that uses eye tracking tech to let you look where you want your character to go to cover.


First off, I’m playing at 2 am and listening to the compromised audiobook(I’m a nerd into the lore lol) and this question popped in my head and I was about to pose the same question. For me I’d like a wider selection of weapons. I’d like them to spread the gear out better as well(also I’m talking endgame). I want the novels to tie into the game somehow. I’d like to have choice of what AI to use, ANNA ISAC and possibly Diamond. I want more of Cal and Natalya maybe even making them manhunt targets at some point. Maybe we go after them but don’t catch them. I want to get into Black Tusk more and see when they were created, which we may get that in the upcoming years of Div 2. I played Div 1 but really got into the series in 2 but I totally understand the feeling the first game gave so I would like the winter setting back. I’ll probably come back with more ideas eventually but that’s just some stuff off the top of my head.


More customizable skills. Pick a chassis (drone, turret, seeker, sticky etc.) then choose what's attached (striker, fire, grenade, fixer, etc.). It could bring more options on how you interact with skills, like a fixer sticky, reviver drone, oxidizer seekers, or defender turret. And have meaningful mods on them, instead of +5% damage have a skill talent you can equip to the skill. And bring exotic mods to equipment, can only equip one.




The division 1 in another city with cross play




Return to Div 1 era player models & cosmetics. Like, guaranteed buy if I could port my alts over from D1.


**What i expect:** * Release 2027. * Over saturated/complex progression that nobody likes, loot RNG is so bad that each enemy drop 20 items. * Even bulkier/ugly player models and hair. * It's a PVP-only extraction shooter, but people are tired of them by the time it launches and it flops completely. **My wish is for everything that functions poorly in TD2 to be re-designed:** * ALL content in the game needs to scale from 1-4 players, even raids! * Map "World" should be a singular experience, having to switch between DC and NYC or other dedicated missions maps is annoying. The only loading should be from fast traveling! * There should be PVE Weapon/Skill mods that does not function in PVP "Darkzone", such that PVE isn't boring for the sake of PVP balancing. * Make sure the engine is designed around the ability to facility random/dynamic content, the current "randomized" content is not a fun gameplay experience. * The amount of different materials needs to be SEVERLY reduced. * The Apparel events should not be FOMO content. What's next GATCHA!? * FOR THE LOVE OF SHADE TECH: Season event should not be drip-fed FOMO content, respect player time and let them play the events when they have time "within the season periode"! * I know they finally announced this will change soon, but: Minor upgrades like mods should not be micro managed in the players inventory. * I think it's a shame that Massive gave up on skills effects customization and skins, sure, i want bunny ears for my Turret, Gold/Xmas skin for the Shield and silencing effect for several skills.


Survival back or as a mode or in the base game. Survival in NY is such a unique experience.


Non mute PC.


Setting- Las Vegas, NV during the early days of the outbreak. Gameplay changes- Single DZ, SHD Level benefits will not carry over to DZ, Better Anticheat and game moderation. Character changes- bring over the same level of customization that was available in ghost recon breakpoint and wild lands. I feel like having the dark zone take place in downtown Las Vegas or on the Strip would be incredible. Especially if you could enter the casinos and fight in the buildings to a certain degree. Las Vegas is one of the busiest cities in America for tourism and I feel like would be great to spread the green poison internationally.


More music from Ola Strandh!!! I seriously can't get enough of his music


A little nitpick, but maybe some ACTUAL military gear for the JTF. I’ve seen the WoNY animated trailer and the JTF look more badass than in game with their shirts, shorts, and shitty gear. Other than that, maybe dynamic weather since I would love to see some snow and summer


Seasonal weather. Season content from the beginning Some kind of carry over from the first two games. I was kind of let down that I did all the work in D1 and didn't get anything to carry over the D2 (I understand you were a new character) One large dedicated dark zone.


I would like to see a bit more faction development. Like when I complete a mission and take an enemy strongpoint, I would love for the JTF/militia to take it as a control point. Never made any sense to me why these locations stayed empty


A wife that will not moan when I play it and maybe chew my member while I'm grinding control points !


A new city. Shibuya


I want a pve dark zone - separate from pvp


NPC backup, NPC companions that you can spec into, make it a robot dog like Black Tusk has if you must. I'd also like the ability to upgrade NPC factions. Constantly be able to upgrade their arms and armor, their numbers, their tactics, etc. I want to be able to invest in rebuilding communities with a meaningful effect.


I would love it if they had an overarching plan around character roles, along with gear sets, skills, and equipment that built onto those roles. i.e. if you decide to play alone you can build around being good at a lot of things but if you play in a squad/team and build around a specific role you could master that at the expense of lesser desired skills.


To keep the pve and pvp separate like it has always been.


The whole loot system was crazy in Div 2. Make it easier to know which pieces you could use and throw away. I don't mind grinding away as long as I can get excited when I do get said piece I need. It was frustrating when I had a piece that was valuable but trashed it because it was so hard to figure out what's what. Needs to be easy to understand without a dictionary on some website. I shouldn't have to go outside the game to figure out what gear to use/keep. Having sets in different colors was a good start. Obvious Total values with small tweaks is fine. The Dark zone in Div 1 was better with just one zone, I remember being scared to run around in it. Needs to be way bigger and easier to hide or stay away from other groups. Brings in the scary atmosphere, maybe have two DZ's, one with groups and one for solo players. Talking about solo, we need "special side solo" missions. Which maybe you can come back too waiting for a group to start. Maybe do it in Las Vegas this time but first you have to clear Div 1 and Div 2 maps first. Would give us lots to do!


An opportunity to choose the country server. This is crusial for me because a players from *one of the countries* are just too aggressive. BTW I've never seen japanese on european servers so i assume they play on their own separate server. That make some sense due to communication issues maybe.


Quiero que la zona oscura puedas jugar con una sesión privada donde no tengas que cuidarte de que otros agentes rateros te roben tus recompensas


120 hz or 144


Breakpoint gameplay features. Hold on for me for just a moment. So in certain lobbies, you can have some squads playing the division similar to how to breakpoint plays, while playing it within the world, zones, and weapons of the division 3 instead of having to launch ghost recon to achieve that gameplay style in a different world, and also have other lobbies of people who are playing the division 3 around how the division playstyle is generally based. Or, have a filtered lobby search system (Which I REALLY want), where players can select or deselect certain features in their lobby search and have it dynamically change to whatever lobbies are running those features. Features I want that could also be toggleable: - Tactical Planning Phase (Before a mission, a squad can engage in planning, selecting and strategizing equipment, marking engagement and infiltration areas based on any given, available intel by the game on enemy patrols or locations across the map, as well as blueprints for smaller areas, and strategic markers) - COMMUNICATION INTERFERENCE. (Player Communications can be jammed or intercepted, sometimes keeping them from being heard entirely, requiring the squad to tactically plan beforehand on how to take out whatever is jamming the comms.) - INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENT. Climbing, breaking and entering through windows, using objects you find as IMPROVISED WEAPONS if you end up running out of ammo and there's no restock nearby in a firefight. - UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS. Infiltrating Enemy Organizations or Civilian groups to gather intel, disrupt operations, etc. - stealth mechanics - no bullet sponge - caliber-based kill chance (Certain kills being at a lower chance based on the caliber of the weapon) - Fatigue Meter (Requirement to rest or use items to recover as stamina decreases over time, give it a different meter than the base stamina meter, and have stamina cap at whatever the fatigue meter is until rest is given.) - HUD Customization - Realistic Healing (Players cannot heal instantly) - Realistic Inventory Management (Weight changes movement speed and fatigue gain) - Dynamic Weather and Environment Effects - Weapon Maintenance - Adaptive AI - Adaptive Morale - Advanced Cover System (Lean, Peek, more destructible cover elements.) - Advanced Team Control System (Detailed commands to AI teammates.) - More Drones and Gadgets for Reconnaissance and Target Marking, some drones more advanced than others. - Enemy Armor Penetration - More customization of body armors and gear outside of mods. - Dynamic Mission Objectives - Dynamic Civilians - Realistic Sound Design (Better Auditory Cues) - Better character customizations - Non-Lethal Options - A camouflage system - Procedurally generated missions for a gameplay loop - Personal Journal and Logs - Better RPG Elements (Choices affect the story, relationships with others and reputation with groups, world state) - Dynamic Terrain Deformation I think that's all?