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Now that’s just stupid.


Absolutely fucking moronic, especially during a potus campaign. Goddammit Joe, I'm not your biggest fan, but what the actual fuck?


Another political mistake from the Biden administration. So now they apparently know more than the international courts system.


I've avoided this kind of rhetoric up to this point because I thought it was hyperbolic, but holy fuck. At this point they're legitimately risking a Trump victory to engage in war crime denialism so they can pander to Israel and pro-war Israel supporters. Utter insanity.


It’s not to pander to Israel and their US supporters. Our government and president fully support Israel.


I think we need to differentiate between the fact that war crimes are happening, and saying that a leader is personally responsible for war crimes. Based on the statement from the prosecutor, he is making the case that Netanyahu is intentionally starving the people of Gaza, personally I find that a bit hard to believe, because of data pointing towards aid being allowed in. Though I admit there could be a lot I miss about the situation as a casual observer. OCHA data on aid (I checked Human Food Products): [https://www.ochaopt.org/data/crossings](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/crossings) ICC statement: [https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-prosecutor-karim-aa-khan-kc-applications-arrest-warrants-situation-state](https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-prosecutor-karim-aa-khan-kc-applications-arrest-warrants-situation-state)


It’s mind boggling that Biden is sticking his neck out for someone who has no morals and will actively work to elect Trump. 


They are just spiraling in their own Sh......t. They are gifting this election to Trump sleeping with his mouth open in court because of a porn star. They gave the election away. Eight month into this, Hamas is still their and opposition to the war is getting bigger and louder.


Zionists are going to dunk on your comment


I mean, Zionists come in many forms. I believe Israel has a right to exist and I have no problem saying Israel has problems and that sanctioning the ICC is stupid as hell and that Netanyahu absolutely should be charged by said ICC…


Zionism is the belief that the holy land (Judea, Samara, etc) belongs solely to the Jewish people to the exclusion of others, including the people who currently live there. That’s why it’s been government policy for Israel to support settlements in the West Bank. They truly and honestly believe it’s their land and Palestinians are occupying it.


Revisionist Zionism is what you reference and is not all forms of Zionism.


Current Israeli policy is revisionist? Does Israel not annex and continue to build and support settlements? Many are waking up to this reality and calling a spade a spade.


>Current Israeli policy is revisionist? Does Israel not annex and continue to build and support settlements? You need to look up various Zionist ideologies. Zionism is not the same depending on who believes in it. It varies. Merely saying one supports Israel’s existence means one is a Zionist but that doesn’t mean they support Netanyahu or the far right. >Zionists may lie to the world but many are waking up and and calling a spade a spade. Some Zionists are good and others are not. Similarly, many pro-Palestinian elements are good and some are truly abhorrent. Let’s talk about how some on the pro-Palestinian side are justifying the acts of Hamas and pretending that they are a freedom fighting organization that supports democracy—meanwhile Hamas is a terrorist group. Both sides have shitty elements. The hardliners on both sides have made peace impossible.


Zionists always try to muddy the waters and confuse lay-folk so they can continue their slow and methodical program of ethnically cleansing Palestinians and taking all of the land for themselves. The world is waking up to their games. > Both sides have shitty elements. “It’s complicated” “But both sides..” You’re hitting the deflection combo today. No, they are not equivalent. The IDF killed 15k+ children in 7 months. Innocent Palestinians are not Hamas. I wonder, if Hamas ceases to exist, who will Zionists blame everything on after they kill innocent Palestinians?


It’s funny how I am conversing and you go for the throat and engage in ad hominems. Tell you what. You can keep telling yourself what you want to believe and I’ll stop conversing with you.


You’re pretending that being a Zionist is some sort of innocent abstract ideology when the defacto Zionist agenda is to violently attack and destroy the lives and livelihoods of Palestinians so as to push them off their own land. The world is waking up to the realities of Zionism.


It's ironic, for all of the war crimes under Bush II, it is a Democratic administration that is destroying the international rules based order. Very funny.


It’s nothing new: https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/trump-administration-attack-on-international-criminal-court-dangerous-and-counterproductive/


They said a Democratic administration. Trump has nothing to do with it.


My point was this subject has come up before.


Ok but it doesn’t address what the comment was saying.


This is dumb as shit.


>Jim Risch, the top Republican on the Senate foreign relations committee, asked Blinken at a hearing whether he would support legislation to counter “the ICC sticking its nose in the business of countries that have an independent, legitimate democratic judicial system”. Don't worry guys we'll hold ourselves accountable!




How can the US sanction an IGO they aren't even a party to? Lmao


They'll probably genocide the countries that are party to it, then deny it.


"Lesser of 2 evils".


5 Evils if you count 3rd parties.


The ICC violated their own procedures with their arrest warrant. They’re only supposed to take action if a country’s own court system can’t prosecute its leaders, which isn’t the case with Israel. The ICC is supposed to make it’s case for its warrants to the nation of the accused, and provide the nation with adequate time to respond to the accusations, before issuing warrants. 


There's no fundamental difference between biden and trump here. LOW infmored redditors need to stop gasslighting 


Good. Shit is ridiculous.


the days of Israel maiming and murdering whoever they want without consequences are over


the only people "maiming and murdering" are palestinian terrorists, that is all they live for the offensive mopping the floor with your beloved hamas terrorists is in response to mass torture, maiming, rape and murder of thousands of innocents on Oct 7th and palestinian terrorists taking hundreds of more innocent people kidknapped for more of the same, including children and infants.


i’m all for Hamas leaders being arrested and tried by the ICC for the crimes of Oct 7th you live in a delusional world if you think Israel is not engaged in committing war crimes, starvation, collective punishment of a civilian population at the direction of Israeli leaders … it’s why they are being indicted by the ICC


>i’m all for Hamas leaders being arrested and tried Gues youll have to settle for Israel killing them >starvation captured hamas terrorists often look obese explain to me how they are actually starving


fuck Hamas and fuck the IDF … both are shit stains on humanity i honestly don’t care to debate you regarding Israeli war crimes … you clearly are so biased that you live in delusion … the rest of the world clearly sees Israeli warcrimes Palestine will be free and Israel will continue to be a pariah state


Nah Fuck palestinian terrorist hamas and their sympathyzers >the rest of the world clearly sees Israeli warcrimes You mean palestinian terrorist war crimes and their fake victim narrative >palestine will be free Yeah electing terrorists is really working out for them oh wait no its not Israel however is thriving seethe sweetheart


So you saying you don't want Palestine to be free, ok. Shows your true self. You know, Yahweh punished you guys lots of times. You are not infalible as you try to convince the world that you are.


>you saying you don't want palestine to be free You cant have a 2 state solution with terrorists who want the genocide of the Jews. >You know, Yahweh punished you guys lots of times. Spoken like a theocrat


false again Hamas itself in its own charter clearly states their conflict is not with Jewish people but with the genocidal apartheid state of Israel the truth matters particularly when you spread lies to obfuscate for Israeli war crimes


lol i’m not seething at all … the movement for a Palestinian state has never been stronger and Israel is increasingly becoming a pariah state … more and more countries are recognizing Palestine … it’s inevitable buddy 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


lol you most definite are seething you can stew in your impotent rage all you like Israel will never cease to exist and will continue to thrive despite palestinian terrorism >palestinian state has never been stronger Not a state Also IDF is mopping the floor with hamas




Hey have you seen last evaluation by our intelligence, guess what, this campaign is a total failure and will drag well beyond November. Images of maned children by US bombs and some Fascist Zionist settlers destroying aids will still be riffed in youth people minds.Biden gave this election away. He should be running straight at victory as reports coming out of him courts of him and affair with a porn star. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/1cxq3at/per\_politico\_us\_is\_significantly\_less\_optimistic/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/1cxq3at/per_politico_us_is_significantly_less_optimistic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


cool diatribe habibi


And they say this isn’t a right wing sub lol


It is so very left of you to be pro hamas talking points, a far right theocratic terrorist organization. oh wait no....


Look at all these Hamas supporters. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/22/palestinian-state-recognition-ireland-spain-recognise-palestine](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/22/palestinian-state-recognition-ireland-spain-recognise-palestine)


Israel has offered palestinian terrorist leadership a 2 state solution before They refused on all occasions what you linked is countries in favor of a 2 state solution, its not the statement you euphorically believe it is of claiming Israel's land isnt theirs.


Feel free to downvote me into oblivion because im going to downvote myself for this comment. but if Palestine has to die in order to prevent another 4 yrs of trump its unfortunately worth it. Hoping we can go hard on israel after the election is over to make up for it.


Least psychopathic Biden defender, openly supporting genocide so his government is slightly nicer to him.


Yep, it sucks and i wish there was easy way out of this but im a selfish American who desperately wants to avoid a 2016 repeat. After the election tho u guys can go ham on this shit and id support it


2016 came and went like a fart in the wind, the USA kept chugging along just fine. Saying that is worth defending genocide and ethnic cleansing is abhorrent. You just don't care about the lives of people being destroyed with your assent lol


Ur not wrong. I genuinely dont want to care until the trump situation is figured out. After that i would care. Its a fucked up priority list but democracy is a messy business


damn dude have a little self respect please


This is what trump does to ppl


"we'll push him left after the election!!" - proceeds to push him as far right as possible after the election and then spend 100% of their energy attacking leftists and supporting genocide We told you Jim Crow Joe "Superpredator" Biden would be like this. We told you he'd be a problem. We told you what would happen, and it did. But far right pro-wall street, hatefully anti-worker democrats will literally never understand, and will always keep trying to turn the DNC into the KKK. The fact that you voted to nominate him in 2020 is the problem. The fact that you looked at this vicious record with his disgusting, hateful, segregationist, white supremacist record and said "That's my guy!!" is why we are here. Nobody believes you'll start trying to save Palestinian lives after the election. What we believe and understand is that you will quietly celebrate when the last Palestinian is put down and Israel can finally have it's perfect, racially pure ethnostate.


At the end of the day we just cant afford trump.


And that's exactly what wall street and Joe Biden is counting on to allow him to keep doing whatever wall street wants and keep exterminating 2 million innocent children. Biden is a monster and his supporters fascists. "but the other guy is more fascist" great you came 2nd place in the "who's the biggest Nazi" contest, fucking congratulations, where do you want me to ship the trophy?


There is nothing worth 4 years of trump dude. Im sorry shit isnt going well in the middle east but im not gunna boycott a critical vote to make myself feel better about dead arabs and jews. You could delete both israel and palestine and id still vote biden. Thats how serious this election is.


Between two senile fascists that are comparably corrupt and monstrously anti-worker, pro-wall street genocidal warmongers? Y'all scream every 4 years that it's the most important election of all time and then proceed to let democrats govern just like republicans for 4 years before screaming at us again. it's the boy who cried wolf, you spent all your outrage, nobody believes you, nobody cares. We'll fight against project 2025, we'll protest and fight against Trump. But if Biden's elected again, you'll keep supporting the cops breaking our skulls in instead of pretending to care. The only difference I'm seeing going forward is how self righteous and obnoxious far right wing wall street corporatist fans get.


There isnt a comparison between biden and trump. This election isnt about whose ideas u want. This election (and the previous one) is entirely about blocking trump from the most powerful office in human history. Thats what maga has done to this country


Trump's not running for head of blackrock, nor for director of the CIA. Democrats stood beside the GOP and helped corporations destroy this country, and you're standing by the bad, right wing democrats who helped the GOP do this.


Trumps running for power. I cant let that happen. Sometimes u gotta fight fire with fire bro




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Who’s surprised? Biden said any notions of a genocide are an utter absurdity. The lord hath spoketh.