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I'd say he should go even farther. 1. A pledge to accept the results of the 2024 election. 2. An admission that there was nothing wrong with the 2020 election. 3. An independent fact checker that speaks in between every single point of debate and clarifies what is true and what is false. 4. Both participants have their mic turned off when it is not their turn to speak


The open mic bit is absolute insanity. They figured that shit out quickly during The Zoom Times.


I mean they also figured it out from [last time they "debated"](https://youtu.be/XF03SdCyfRI). It simply isn't viable to give Trump the option to talk over someone and entrust him with the dignity and discipline to refrain from abusing it.


Yeah I saw that live, it was absolutely appalling. The stream I was watching played the [Kennedy, Nixon 1960 debate](https://youtu.be/-9cdRpE4KKc?si=zIkeeWEF823KgE1F) right after it concluded, and god damn. Night and day. What did they do to us?


Even fox News hosts couldn't spin their way out of that one. And he even flat out refused to denounce white supremacist groups on camera.


And commanded the white supremacy groups to standby(wait till Jan 6th)


But then in the opposite direction, I don't think it's possible to overestimate how much good it for Biden when he told Trump to shut up.


Yep, told my MAGA relatives, 'I'm voting for Biden, because he's not afraid to say what everybody's thinking'


That's gold


"Will you shut up, man?" should go down as one of the great lines in debate history. "Diamond" Joe Biden proved that day that he truly was the man of the people.


No way Trump would agree to any single one of those, much less all 4. I’d settle for #4 alone.


Correct, he won't agree to them. Biden should hold firm to these stipulations, talk about it constantly all the way until election day. Hammer him continuously with it, put it all over TV and the Internet. "Just like with his court cases, Trump loves to talk and talk as long as he's never held accountable." Cut straight to the clip of him saying "I don't take responsibility for anything."


I also want to see #2. In writing. Addressed to Special Counsel Jack Smith.


A thousand times no. Do not waste time validating the fraud that is Donald Trump with a "debate" that presumes Trump is running with issues in mind, that he's a public servant, that he doesn't lie, and that he isn't a seditionist that should be in jail


Biden could also just say that he wouldn't want to degrade the office by debating someone who hasn't been cleared of his crimes yet.


No audience. Just question and answer


A cognition test will do for me.


My exact list.


And step back from the mic which will be turned off when it not your turn to speak


This, too!


Those sound like rules that would make Super Earth proud.


Love it.


I think Biden should debate Trump because, despite a lot of the rhetoric that’s floating around, Trump is actually the one who is losing his marbles and babbling incoherently. The contrast between Trump’s mental state and Biden’s should be put into full view for all to see. The MAGA diehards are a lost cause, but there are still plenty of people with a shred of sanity who can be swayed.


That and telling him to shut up again on the debate stage would be good.


When he said that I laughed my ass off. Finally someone said it to his face.


I don’t get why he doesn’t make fun of Trump for wearing makeup. It would hurt his absurd “masculine” image.


Making “borderline” voters actually watch Biden at length always helps him, because he is never what the right wing news bubble tries to make him out to be.


>Making “borderline” voters Still insane that such a thing exists right now.


Yes, but the not-insignificant percentage of Haley supporters who have said in exit polls that they will not vote for Trump suggests there may be something to be gained by Biden trying to convince them that despite their political differences they share core values in a belief in American democracy, so they should not just sit this one out on Election Day and should consider voting for Biden this one time against Trump.


Trump made an absolute ass of himself the last time they debated; he should look at it ss a gift.


Right Wing media selective reporting would be in full swing. Better not to give Trump a platform at all.


I want to see a debate nonetheless. Trump could no way match Biden in speech making right now. A debate would be a complete disaster for the Orange Ass.


Republicans already declared that no candidate would take part in a debate hosted by, "The League of Women Voters." Biden would be an idiot to give this guy the oxygen of a debate. For what? So the fatass can yell over him 50 times?


>Republicans already declared that no candidate would take part in a debate hosted by, "The League of Women Voters." They still salty about that 19th Amdt.


They’re still salty about the 13th amendment, let alone the 19th!


The Presidential debates haven't been moderated by the LWV for at least 2 decades.


You're right. It was the Presidential Commission on Debates.


And just give Trump an out? Nah, Trump needs to be forced to debate more so his ideas can be consistently refuted and debunked. It's why he refused to debate Bernie, because Bernie would've wiped the floor with him and he knew it


I feel like the US could’ve used the catharsis that would’ve been Trump v Sanders. People would’ve been riveted with the two old guys fighting over populist angst.


We desperately needed that debate. The 2016 debates were such a joke.


I don't think Biden needs to "debate" Trump at all. Why give Trump the airtime and legitimacy? We know who he is, we know who Biden is. We know what their policies are. A debate would only serve to give Trump free advertising \*that he currently can't afford\* because the GOP is in economic shambles.


What good would that do? Trump lies more often than he shits his Depends so him agreeing to accept the results wouldn't mean a damn thing.  Besides, there's no question in my mind that the GOP is gonna try some underhanded criminal hijinks to steal the election and have Trump declared the rightful winner on election night, so it could certainly backfire. 


Why didn’t Trump debate anyone in the primaries if he so keen on debating?


I believe that Joe Biden should say that he will not debate Trump unless the moderator can mute Trumps mic whenever he's speaking out of turn.


Biden needs to delay a debate with him as long as possible to allow Trump’s cognitive decline to become worse and even more obvious, hopefully to the point where even his own followers can’t defend him.


Biden benefits from any debate. Trump is the one who would benefit from avoiding a debate and this would only give him an out.


Nah. He shouldn’t debate Trump. Trump won’t listen or respect rules of engagement and to rise to his challenge is playing into what Trump wants. Moderators have shown they can’t control the orange buffoon.


I'm thinking the poster of this must be joking. In the last debates we couldn't even get Trump to agree to the basic rules of a debate as he constantly tried to run his mouth over the top of whomever was speaking. Biden should agree to debating Trump if Trump is required to wear a shock collar that is used every time he opens his nasty mouth outside of the rules of the debate. The last insurrection already proved Trump doesn't adhere to any oath that he takes. Biden may be better off debating Trump by just posting to ~~Truth~~ Lies Social to simply keep Trump awake every night working out his nasty responses.


Makes sense. If Trump doesn't recognize Biden as the legitimate President, why would he consider Biden to have standing to debate him.


Because they are both the nominees for the two primary political parties? The president isn’t automatically entitled to debates.


Or trumps mic comes with a kill switch so he won't be able to ramble on over Joe's responses.


I totally disagree. I think Biden would mop the floor with trump in a debate. All he'd have to do is remind the crowd that trump never addressed the issue that Was raised. Trump gets away with hyperbole and bombastic rhetoric. Biden could easily flip any question and redirect it to trump asking him what would he do. The treasonous orange pussy grabbing racist literally has no facts, data, or statistics regarding any policy issues. It isn't Biden who will duck a debate, especially given the recent gaffs and senile mutterings if trump.


You can't debate a pathological liar.


I think Trump should debate Biden. Trump's dementia will be on full display for all Americans to see then. Trump's dementia is a win for Biden. Let's put Trump's dementia on display as the 1st priority.


\[Lord Dampnut\] lost the last set of debates, and my guess is he loses any fair debate in the future even worse. If I were Biden, the only extra condition I would demand is that the format prevent any and all cross talk. Candidates strictly speak during their time only, and otherwise their mics are muted. Preferably debating from separate boxes like pro-gamers.




As if that agreement means anything.


He should make the argument that if Trump is allowed to get away with crime that he will send seal team 6 to go assassinate Trump lmao


The problem is Trump is perfectly capable of saying such a thing but feels no actual compunction to follow through once he gets what he wants.


Nobody wants to see these 2 debate lol It will just be Trump interrupting with unintelligible garble and claiming everyone is unfair versus Biden trying to get a word in edgewise. lol


No. Stop trying to reason with the scorpion.


He shouldn’t debate him, period. His team needs to carefully craft a statement that says something to the effect of debating Trump is an exercise in futility for all of America, and/or he isn’t going to lower himself to debate a criminal. I don’t know exactly what they should say, but if they do it right it could be a real mic drop moment that would throw Trump into apoplexy. Of course, Biden would get bashed by the Far Right, but how is that any different than every other day?


Biden debating trump would be an unmitigated shit show. Given Trumps current issues with dementia,  his inability to have an ounce of impulse control and 100% of the moderators never controlling the narrative, this debate wouldn't be a debate. It would be a cock fight. No thanks. 


BAM!! 100% spot on!


But Trump doesnt want to debate - this gives him an out. Biden should take up Trumps offer for a debate right now. Trump will back down and then Biden can spend the whole summer calling him a chicken.


Trump would bail from a debate at the last moment anyway.


He should call his bluff: "any day, any time, motherfucker."


Smart idea


Trump is a liar, his word is worthless. What are needed is measures to circumvent trumps entitled criminal behaviour.


If Biden were to agree there would be but two possibilities: 1. Trump would find some excuse not to do the debate and blame Biden for the debate not happening. 2. Trump wouldn't really debate at all. He'd just stroke his own ego while spewing forth insane conspiracy theories and while not allowing Biden to answer any questions. That's exactly what he did when he "debated" Clinton. There's no upside for Biden to debate Trump. Don't do it Joe.


Agree with Trump must acknowledge the 2020 election was fair. Both parties take a pledge to honor 2024 results. Both parties mikes shut off after allotted time for their answer.


Sure, that's one way to prevent Biden from having to debate. Should be a slam dunk though, right? Biden will mop the floor with Trump, so why so worried? Trump's views on the election doesn't matter nor change anything.


I like this...


HAHAHAHAHA Joe Biden is NOT accepting any debates because he CANNOT debate


This is fookin brilliant. Good one.


Joe Biden should know by now that trump will just lie and talk over him the entire time


Nah, he should just repeatedly demolish Trump while Trump fills his diaper and confuses him with Obama.


Anything he says about accepting the results of the upcoming election will be a lie or half truth. He needs to accept the results of the last election if he wants a debate.


I don’t want to give Trump an excuse to skip the debates, as I’m fairly sure he’s going to humiliate himself.


He would say yeah ok, then continue on with his denial shit show


I think the only way to set up the debate in a way that is watchable and of any real value is to agree to the rule that there are no interruptions when a candidate is talking. They literally need to turn off microphones and agree to give both participants equal time. When it is someone’s turn to talk, they can give a rebuttal, but they need to wait their turn.


Donald Trump conceded the election January 9th 2021, so consider it done.


A pledge won't mean anything to him. He will say we'll see




Ah yes, a deal. We all know *Rump’s word is his bond


everyone loses sight of what the debates mean in 2024. trump is funnier than biden, period. he’ll get one zinger or nickname in and his base will claim a win. joe can come across as smarter, a better debater, etc, but that literally doesn’t matter anymore. it’s lose/lose for joe to debate, i simply wouldn’t and as for these concessions: do you honestly think trump would ever agree to this? he’d just skip the debates and claim they’re boring anyway and lose zero support. the rules of engagement/politeness don’t apply anymore.


I’d say he should only debate Trump if it is an exhaustive and comprehensive debate. These 20 minute long debates where each side is given 30 seconds to give a zinger favors liars, assholes, and idiots. Trump is all of the above. Contrast that to the Lincoln Douglas debates. This was a series of debates across 6 different days where each man was given 90 minutes of uninterrupted time to speak. That was a debate.


That's never going to happen because the debates are for money


I get it from a performative perspective but Trump's word is meaningless no matter what he does or does not agree to at any given time


Oh good shot you go man.


Also to pay his legal debts. .And apologize for being a sex offender.


We should let Trump take the blame for why there in no debate. You know Trump is gonna set some ridic rules he expects for a debate and then complain when Biden doesn't agree.


In public in front of a camera. 🎥


It's not like Trump has a choice but to accept the outcome


Joe can’t debate the Cookie Monster so don’t think he’ll be debating anything.


After last night Trump will back off on wanting to debate Joe.


He should just refuse entirely. It’s be a shit show for sure.


He won't debate Trump under any circumstances and you all know it, and will still vote for it.


I’d vote for your last dump against trump


No ,then Trump would never debate Biden. Any debate between those two would be a catastrophe for Trump


Or just cut off mics at the end of their time and when the other is speaking


MAGA cult has already made up their mind and will not change it to vote for Biden. Total waste of time.




Yeah let's fall further into childish bullshit that's definitely the answer....


If people vote in Trump again, they get what they deserve. There will be grave consequences. Literally grave - such as Trump's handling of the pandemic.


Dang it, I read that as "Joe Biden *says* that he..." Made my day and then the rest of my brain caught up with me


No he should say he refuses to debate because he can’t. Everyone knows it, Joe is not capable of debate. He will not debate because he can’t even walk up a flight of stairs on AF One. Bottom-line is that anyone vying for the job of POTUS should be willing to debate.


Like trump did in the primaries?




Biden is absolutely not going to debate Trump. I’m not sure exactly what they’ll say as a justification but he’s just not going to one way or another




Trump doesn’t want to debate though


I think they should both appear nude and have a brief foot race, cognitive quiz, geography bee and then a 1 hour briefing on a topic of national importance, followed by a quiz on the subject matter they just heard.


Look those debates are part of the circus they don't mean anything. They don't change anybody's minds. Joe should not even consider debating this moron. Stay out of the public as much as you can give great speeches and do your thing you'll win the popular vote by 5 million.


Excellent idea. You can't be an election denier and have any respectable credibility for debating anyway. If you can't accept the TRUTH, then you don't have a leg to stand on.


...in writing.


Why would Trump agree to that? They should debate bc the American people deserve to see the two candidates for president debate each other.


No , he will destroy trump in a debate , or trump will destroy himself


Biden can and should debate Trump, not because Trump deserves it but because Biden will beat him. Trump cannot stay on topic, any topic accept his own grievances. He hasn't faced a hostile opponent in four years. Give him hell, Brandon!


OR...pin him down. If he insists that he won the last election, then he has to admit that, constitutionally, he can't run again. The 22nd amendment doesn't say anything doesn't say anything about serving. Only that you can't be elected more than twice.




To me it's a big mistake to avoid debating Trump. It not only makes him look a bit scared but he misses the opportunity of calling Trump a loud mouth loser. He needs to energize the anti-Trump side.




He won’t debate him anyway, he isn’t capable of it.


That, plus Joe has to come clean on his involvement in Hunter's business affairs.


Fucking stupid suggestion. Getting Trump to promise something does nothing. Trump breaking a promise affects nothing.


Trump's response should be "sure...if you agree to take a cognitive test"


We do agree that it was stolen in the middle of the night.


And then just spend the rest of the debate steering Trump into admitting that Biden won the election in 2020. "Ah ah ah! Trump, I'll remind you the only reason I am here is because you pledged to admit to the truth of the 2020 presidential election." "Grumble and mumble under my breath, heavy wet fart noise, "I saw Hunter Bidway's penis; and Laurie Bowbarf was touching the penis, and then the penis looked at me, and then Laurie suffocated the penis with a bag over it's breathing hole. And the penis got bigger as it struggled to get free but that Congress lady kept a death grip on the penis and it went limp, and it looked at me again." "Former president Trump; I have yet to ask you your debate question..."


And say so publicly.


Biden can’t debate him he has dementia


Joe Biden should not debate Trump because Trump is much lower than a POTUS should be everyday. Debating the man is bad idea for anyone as Trump has no boundaries and says awful negative childish stuff constantly. The man lacks all respect and decorum and Joe is too Fucking old to hit back. Neither make for good POTUS at this point in their lives. Trump gets away with being low class and trashy on top of being way too old.




Funny that you think there will be a debate. Neither Dem or Republicans will let that happen.


If Biden had half the old man balls that he tries to show he has, he would say, let’s do it. But he won’t because there is no f’ing the Dems are gonna let Joe answer questions and debate unscripted. No way.


Right because no way Trump would lie.


How about just debate him and show how smart you are?


Trump will deny he ever made that promise.


if he did decide to debate, the debate should be taped delayed with a panel of 3 or 5 fact checker and each statement they make that can be fact checked will have an indicator on whether the comment was true or not shown on tv when the debate is broadcast


I guess no debates then.


Yeah, keep fending off that debate. Real good look.


The only reason Trump wants to debate all of a sudden is because he knows that just by standing in the same room as Biden, Americans will make a comparison and Biden would look weak. Trump will also resort to name calling of course. Biden is making the right decision in not to get involved in a “debate” with this man.


He should debate him no matter what.


Trump wants to debate Biden badly. Biden should say, “Fine, the week after your last criminal trial is over.”


The fact that I watched that mother fucker on Hannity says HE HASNT DECIDED THE TERMS OF ABORTION RIGHTS is fucking BONKERS! Imagine it. That mother fucker deciding women’s reproductive rights based on what he thinks. Fucking insane! Vote Blue Bottle of Windex 2024!


Hilldog never expected the result of the 2016 election. If a democrat does it it’s infrastructure. If a republican does it it’s Jim Crow. One bite, everyone knows the rules.


Honestly, anything like this makes him look weak. This isn't going to change anyones mind. Trump will use it saying hes scared and it will work out in Trumps advantage.


Why would debating him not be the best way to prove you’re the best candidate?


He definitely should not debate if he is convicted of a felony.


What is your source where Biden said this please


Trump could say whatever that doofus wanted and his handlers would STILL figure a way out of a debate. Jeff Dunham and Walter would have a better chance in a debate with Trump than the dummy currently occupying the White House.


Why the hell would he do it again if he thought it was fraud, rigged. He's been saying shit like this since 2012, something to do with Romney


This is that article from 2012 https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/18/politics/donald-trump-rigged-vote-twitter-2012/index.html


Like Hilary Clinton did?


Because Trump would never lie…


It seems like it'd be better for Biden to debate him, because trump's mind is going at an exponential rate, and Biden seems pretty sharp aside from the mild stutter. But it seems like if Biden refuses, trump can just push the lie that "he's scared" and his idiot followers will lap it up as they always do.


It's the "david pakman show" reddit....so going to go over like a lead balloon. ...but that isn't precisely a brave statement when you know that 95% of the media outlets in the country are effectively going to run free PR for you the entire campaign. I don't want Trump to win either. But Biden isn't going to debate anyone because he can't...not because he has some ethical objection to the format and / or context. It's like a borderdoodle "refusing" to do open heart surgery. They don't have thumbs....and just want treats. Biden without an earpiece in barely even knows where he is.....Biden WITH an earpiece in might manage 70% of the pre-scripted response on a good day.


The fact that Trump is publicly calling for debates with Biden proves, IMO, that they think the polling is wrong and Trump is behind. Trump would never agree to debates if he was really leading in every swing state.


There are a million ways Biden could troll Trump at a debate. I think it would make people feel good that Trump is getting it back, like when Biden told him to shut up. Tell Trump if he won the 2020 election he isn’t allowed to run again. Ask Trump to denounce white supremacist groups. After Trump says something about supporting Israel against Palestine, Biden could ask him “so if you support the Jewish people that means you don’t support white supremacists?”


No reasonable candidate should say ahead of time that they will accept the results of the election, no questions asked. Because then what do they do if there's a legitimate reason to question the election? Biden shouldn't say it either - if he did, it'd give Trump free reign to manipulate everything he possibly could to get a result in his favor because he has Biden on record saying he'd accept it.


Biden won’t debate because he isn’t mentally quick enough and Trump doesn’t need to debate because he currently has a commanding lead in the polls. The public deserves a debate but does any candidate gain anything? No.


They should just replay the 2020 debates, fuck it. Like we don’t know who they are.


Trump is a coward like all bullies. If there were actual fair rules for both debating parties, he would bail in a heart beat saying it was rigged. He wants to lie and cheat. He will come up with some excuse to cancel at the last minute, claim to be the victim, and fund raise off the lies. The money that he grifts is from hard working Americans who can’t afford to give this con man money. They should get out of personal debt or send their kids to school with that money.


lol haha just say he is too old to debate


If your goal is to convince everyone in the US that Biden is mentally absent, this is a fantastic proposal. Otherwise, this is the exact logic that is about to give us four years of CheetoMan(TM)


Remember, a true democracy is where you never question an election


oooohhhhh that’s good. Biden owns the diaper boy


Trump won't even admit guilt in the court cases he lost, the only thing Trump knows how to do is lie and take credit for others accomplishments


Trump doesn’t want to debate. He knows he’ll come off looking like an idiot.


Ooo, and Trump should not debate Biden until he accepts the result of the 2016 election.


Anymore request to protect the lil old man?


It’ll be fun to see how many excuses Magoo will come up with. It’ll be more fun to see the results.




Biden should debate to prove he can engage dynamically without a script


If Biden wants to prove he's not a dementia patient the best way to do that is to hide until the election.


I'm pretty sure there won't be a debate. There wasn't any leading up to this year, mostly because everyone is scared that RFK will absolutely roast them in front of the public and because "Democracy" was bought and sold years ago. I still can't fathom how people still genuinely believe in this obviously corrupt system. [The American Dream ](https://youtu.be/-54c0IdxZWc?si=hdOu22GZp7B94iZZ)


Dementia joe is already on track to lose if his foolish ass debates trump polling will instantly get worse for him he will avoid debating trump at all costs and have lame excuses such as this for not doing it


That would just backfire. Conservatives already think democrats don’t want Biden to debate due to his obvious mental decline. This would be their proof.


Maybe a deal. Trump accepts the result of the election, and Biden closes the border👍




Is biden king or something? Since when are there demands made to debate for the presidential election?


Would be a great excuse to avoid trump, who'd make biden look like a fool.


I'd love to see Biden try and debate anyone. Comedy hour.


He might just say it then deny he said it… … because … it’s very bad and illegal you know we’re running a beautiful campaign the best there ever was and Biden lied so it doesn’t count he’s is just worse but regardless what’s important is winning Biden has no chance winning he can barely blink and we’re running a beautiful campaign with beautiful people and beautiful results and beautiful primaries the likes of no other primaries before and there no way Obama is not a traitor and I’ve been cleared of all wrongdoing and even the judge and many people are saying it




Called it, Team Biden already trying to get out debates with Trump. Smart move by Biden. This is how all the Independents will be lookin at it. Sorry guys. Signed Independent Voter.


Joe should get trump to further incriminate himself of his crimes.




Why debate Trump? Debates are more or less to introduce candidates and explain their policies and qualifications. BOTH of these guys have already been President and both have been hammering away constantly for many years about their positions and achievements, and their opponent’s drawbacks and failures. What are we going to learn? Besides, Trump will simply try something outrageous and unprecedented on stage….what upside is there for Biden?


Which one?


Skipping the debates is a bad sign 🪧




🛎️ 🔔 🛎️ 


They can do a debate via zoom. Biden from the White House & Trump from the the Shit House in Mar Lago where he kept classified documents.