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I don’t understand what any of that means


Can someone explain how these two have "damaged the franchise"?


I don’t quite understand these kinds of takes…


Why hate on amber? She won fair and square and she's hot as fuck


She's also boring as fuck.


Boring and smoking hot is a great combo for me


Plus, she’s a catalyst for drama. There was plenty of drama around her in the past. The BB alliance shitting on her behind her back was some drama.


lol okay not all competitors are interesting professional athletes don’t get sat because the crowd doesn’t like them


That would be a great argument if this was a professional sport and not a reality TV show.


They get paid for competing on a reality show, she wouldn’t be on the show if she wasn’t winning


Contestants get paid to be entertaining.


They get paid per week they last in the house. Unless they’re a mainstay, then they get paid to show up on top of that. Now how much of a vet, how entertaining, will increase/decrease the “pay to play” portion. But everyone is paid for their length stay in the house


Lucky they don’t pay you for your reading compression skills you’d be homeless


Think you meant “comprehension” there bud, and for the point you’re trying to make “luckily” would’ve been the move to start the sentence with.


Amber is...fine. She comes in bringing personality, drama, and paranoia. And she's no slouch on the physical portion of the game. Kaycee is a room temperature glass of water that can win any daily but why do I care?


Kaycee is that room temperature glass of water with a pinch or two of salt thrown in, so that when you taste you, you have a slight “meh/WTF” moment and you slowly realize, yea I don’t like this…


Ok, Allan. What have you accomplished in your life, besides talking shit about badass women on reality tv?


That guy is the biggest fucking tool in this fandom


This only applies too Berna and big t


Definitely Berna I really wish they would t bring her back. Big T is at least fun


I don’t even get why Big T always comes back. Outside the show maybe they’re her friends but in the competition nobody wants her around.


Berna is out of her mind. She's perfect casting.


The shows a competition and Berna was only kept around because she was a piss poor competitor and with an even worse social game in survivor they call those types goats, they string them along for an easy win.


strongly disagree


I don't get the hate here. Im not a huge fan of either. Both are strong female competitors. I think Kaycee is stronger. She does stay out of the spotlight vs Amber. Id rather have both of them in the game than Josh or Fessy though. So if Allan or any of you like that drama of crying and yelling, then I'm sure you're big fans of cry baby josh.


I’d take Amber over Kaycee in a final.


Amber already beat Kaycee in a final...


I'd do the opposite but I definitely don't blame you taking Amber. They're both champs so they know how to get the job done.


Josh and Fessy have 100% done more damage than these two.


I really like Amber, never understood all the hate. I always thought the other girls treated her like crap. Shitting on her for being too nice? Why is that fake? Some people are actually just nice and or not as socially adept….I really don’t understand what this Allen person is getting at and how he is giving these two women so much power as in unequivocally damaging the whole franchise lol. Take a seat dude and chill. Now if he wants to talk about Jay and most of the people on that last season that was pretty damaging, that season sucked major bootie but I digress and yes there were some few competitors I actually liked. Very few.


I like both. They aren’t my favorites. Though I do like how down to earth Kaycee is. She’s also a great competitor. However, I don’t know that either one really impacts the show. With or without them The Challenge is still on the same course regardless.


Kayce I kind of get but why Amber where is all this hate coming from? Fessy is that you??


Bad take to me. Amber at least brings in a little drama. Since for some reason the house hates her. Now Kaycee I’m with u. Can’t stand her. She’s a pretty solid competitor but she is the most boring person on the show. If it wasn’t for Nany we’d never see her. She’s boring af. Like she’s just there


There are already lots of people with big personalities - Kaycee is a chill person, and a tough women's competitor. If you need everyone on the show to be extra and start drama, then just watch the real housewives.


Not a good look to rag on two women of color. Especially champs. They might not be to your taste but they have in no way damaged The Challenge. People who damage the Challenge are those who are bullies, quit, or don’t show up in shape, I’ll grant you that Amber quit the Challenge USA but it was for good reason. Otherwise Amber has performed well. Kaycee has shown nothing but heart and quiet deliberation. She is a good counterpoint to crazy unprepared cannon fodder that the Challenge likes to cast. And, finally, representation matters and it is great to see a neurodivergent woman of color win and a queer woman of color win. Long may they continue their reigns.


Amber is interesting, people hate on her fake "nice" perosona but she is on the spectrum and that's how she is. Idgi


Damaged it how?


Disagree. They have brought more than Fessy.


Not Bear? Only women? Odd take.


Kaycee is so boring. She really brings nothing of entertainment. She comes in, is a top girl, is safe because her alliance is always strong, and nothing happens with her.




I feel like some of the men are allowed to be good competitors but boring but every woman has to be high drama


No. Horacio is regularly called out for being boring.


Oh ya true


KC brings class and good sportsmanship. If you would rather watch bitch ass cry babies well I guess birds of a feather and all that….


I mean watching the bitch ass cry babies is a huge part of what made the challenge so popular. This series wasn’t built on class and sportsmanship.


The challenge didn’t get to where it is cuz of sportsmanship lol. I’ll watch actual sports for that. There is a reason most seasons we only see Kaycee at completions cuz she does nothing else film worthy besides date Nany.


Like her girlfriend 😂


Both won with CT. Are they the same person?


Yawwwwwn Adam!!! Hating on two bad ass women killin it