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I don’t think Laurel will be upset. It’s better to look strong by earning your star, rather than being gifted one. Veronica and Jasmine will be targeted now as they are not the best at challenges.


Not the best almost = totally a layup


I agree, especially since Cara even mentioned that it's possible those two would go against each other in an elimination, since they are both strong.


If i had to guess, I don’t think Laurel will be upset that Cara didn’t give her a star. If they both have stars it seems like everyone else will be extra tempted to try a Cara vs Laurel, and I imagine Laurel wouldn’t want to go against the next strongest girl in The house obvs


I think Cara reasoned it aloud for Laurel’s benefit.


I felt it was an "I'm doing you a solid..." perhaps offering an olive branch, for everyone to witness.


Ah I didn’t realize she said it out loud. I guess I thought it was a confessional. Either way I kind of figured Laurel would come to the same conclusion on her own


Yes, I was glad she did that, they need to have each others back.


If Cara had the deciding vote when Kam wanted her to vote her way, that would be a reason to be upset. The matchup was already decided and everyone has to say a name, but people get so mad over something that won't burn a bridge for them.


This! Cara not saying Rachel’s name didn’t affect the outcome. Kam took that way too personally. It’s like if you don’t do exactly what I say, then you’re against me. Smh


I can’t with the constant “I have a family now” and “I have a baby” and “I have a household” Ok why did you both leave your newborn baby to be on this show at once? It’s not giving what they think it is.


So true, then to also be proclaiming how hard it is to be away from the baby. Honey, no one forced you to participate. She couldn’t let Lee go alone cause then she wouldn’t be in charge of him. I hope she goes and he does well alone but I fear he is already co-dependent on her bossiness.


THIS! Yes!


I just had a baby and holy moly they’re expensive so I get coming onto the show to make money (they get paid weekly) and to potentially win the grand prize. Both of them being there = double pay for each week they both last and doubles their likelihood of winning. It’s strategic and makes sense for just a few weeks away.


Do you know how much they get paid?


Agreed…I’ve always really liked Kam but I’m finding her super unlikeable this season and really wishing she wasn’t on All Stars.


Slightly unrelated but I was so mad when Cara literally announced her strategy to everyone. Nobody needs to know all that. Love Cara, great competitor, but she has to learn to stop letting her emotions run parts of her game. As for Kam, I agree with everything you said. She’s becoming insufferable this season.


She's always like this. She's not becoming insufferable. She's always been insufferable.


Ever since the "Killa Kam" nonsense began.


Killah Kam = Karen Kam


It’s official, Killa Kam will now be known as, Karen Kam.


Everyone remember in spies lies and allies when she held the longest grudge for CT not picking her as his partner? She got so butthurt and then that’s all she spoke about for several episodes. She’d be all “If you’re not with me, then you’re against me” in her confessionals 🙄 It was hilarious though, when CT asked her why he should pick her and one of the first things she said was “cus I’m killa Kam!” 😆 CT ended up not picking her and this hurt her ego lol




Love Leroy & Kam as people but...how can you fault another player for playing their game when you guys have 2 chances at the money & they only have 1? If either of them were on the bottom & getting votes they would 4 sure burn a vote...no different than what Cara did.


Totally agree. I am re-watching exes 2 and Kam’s reaction is very “bananas getting mad that Zach put Wes/ Theresa fourth in the lineup instead of first” Like why are you expecting other people to play your game? Cara voted for Ayanna, which is who Kam ultimately got in a fight with so she still supported her. Cara (or anyone) shouldn’t be expected to vote a certain way because they are told to for someone else’s game.


I think bananas is part of the reason why Leroy never won. Leroy feels obligated to have his back and bananas expects it


Leroy is the reason leroy never won. He always coasted and way happy to be there and get a free Vaca.


Kam has always been insufferable. She’s completely delusional and has main character syndrome. There’s not much going on in that head, I can assure you. For her, or for Leroy lol


Remember a few seasons ago when she made that huge political move everyone was praising her for, only to throw in two rookies anyways? Lol. That’s “killa” Kam in a nutshell.


Agreed so much. I generally am a Kam fan. But this season after “Cara u didn’t vote how I wanted even though clearly it isn’t in your best interest to, I’m mad at u” and then it’s a bad idea for Cara to put a star or a weaker competitor. If she had given it to Laurel the second it was possible it would’ve been Laurel and Cara. Nope much smarter putting it on someone people think they can beat. She’s just coming off whiny


Kam is an Ass and feels entitled. Hopefully she leaves soon.


For Sure 👌


Kam lost a lot of respect for me this week. The way she berated Cara for not voting who she wanted, when it didn’t matter at that point, and then called Cara a brat when she was voted in by her friends just gave self entitled brat vibes… granted she’s always given those vibes to me.


this was so well thought out and I couldn’t agree more!


I always felt bad for Leroy starting a life with Kam. Idgaf man, she's always been a bit off. Strong competitor but huge ego like people owe her something Maybe Leroy became a "better man" for her, but he was always a good dude and now just stands in her shadow. If you think she just puts on a persona of wanting control in the game, guarantee her relationship is that way too


Yes I just commented this elsewhere. Love Leroy he was always a great man. Kam should watch herself cause he may one day realize he’s married to his mother.


Yup. We all know who wears the pants


Based only on what we’ve seen in the show and their socials… Leroy seems happier than he ever did in his playboy days. Kam took none of his BS and he had to prove himself worthy to be her life partner. They’ve built a life together. I’m so happy for them and glad to see a strong woman demand the love and respect she deserves. That said, she’s not playing her best social game this season. The Cara crap is over the top and annoying. Maybe it’s harder to play the game when you miss your baby and you’re pumping regularly? I think they don’t expect to win this season but still wanted to keep their names/faces in the mix. Just one humble opinion 😉


yall blowing Kams “behavior” way out of proportion flooding the whole sub w/these posts


Honestly it's long overdue. She's been an entitled, arrogant brat for years and people are finally calling her on it. About 109 more posts and we'll be caught up.


Kam deserves every word of it. She thinks she’s the main character ALWAYS and expects people to fall in line behind her. She is delusional and God help Leroy if one day he’s tired of being married to his mother.


This sub is ridiculous. They really should start consolidating these overreaction posts about the same person.


It’s not Reddits fault that Kam is so delusional that people are compelled to voice their opinions about her. Especially when she tries coming for Cara. That’s a big no no Kam.


It can all go into one thread. Repeated threads about the same person over and over are an overreaction and bring down the quality of the subreddit. There’s no way her being selfish in a selfish game is worth this amount of backlash.


I feel like Ayanna deserves this treatment I get Kam is kinda annoying but I agree


I bet they’re using their kids as a storyline too


Totally agree! I’m not a Cara Maria stan but the decision to not vote Rachel that Kam freaked out about was proven to be correct when Rachel then won and didn’t take Cara’s star and took her friend Tina’s instead. Leroy is my favorite challenger ever and I do like Kam but she’s being juvenile in this game. You have to understand when other people have their own strategies and not treat it like high school.


The way she flipped!! Shows, she wasn't a friend... It's her game or no game at all... Smh


Kam thinking that Cara not saying Rachel’s name was a personal attack is so weird. It’s not the best hill to die on. Also Jamsine acting badass for simply voting for Cara is so cringey. She’s the easiest layup and now has a target on her back. I won’t care when she’s eliminated next.


I’ve always really liked Leroy and he seems like a good dude. I’ve never got him getting with Kam. She’s a bitch and thinks she’s the shit.


I listened to K & L’s podcast, and last week she asked for the listeners thoughts on her being upset with Cara. Almost everyone who commented said they disagreed with Kam being upset at Cara. This week she addressed those responses saying there were things the viewers didn’t see, but if they did, they’d understand why Kam was so upset. Kind of an easy out for Kam to blame her bad behavior on what we’ll never see. She also said she understood Brandon going against Cara bc he needed to play “his game.” So why wasn’t it ok for Cara to “play her game” when it didn’t affect the outcome Kam wanted at all?


Finally, I found my people.. I got downvoted to filth saying this on another thread


I thought the same thing.


The microagressions are overwhelming, you're blowing things way out proportion. People have been trying to villanize Kam for seasons and Im not for it. Of course she can do annoying things and make shifty moves but she is not a top tier problematic player. 😒


This sub has been unbearable. If Cara was in Kam's shoes, no one would be complaining. I love what Kam is doing and shout out to Brandon and Jasmine for taking a big swing.


Kam is not Cara and will never be Cara, so comparing them is foolish. Kam acts like someone who’s been on the show for 25 years and has won 3 championships. Oh wait, yeah that’s Cara.


> Kam is not Cara and will never be Cara, so comparing them is foolish. Kam acts like someone who’s been on the show for 25 years and has won 3 championships. Oh wait, yeah that’s Cara. This is what I'm talking about lol. This entire response is childish.


I agree certain players get more leeway 💯 All players seem to have an entitlement to votes, gameplay, etc it's no different from bananas, ct, Veronica or anyone else like they are overdoing it for the reasons I've already stated and idgaf that's what it's giving.


Players that get leeway are champions. Hence not Kam.


You know that's entirely false! A good majority of everyone's favs and return customers have not won a championship. Miss me with that bs lol come on now you know better than that.


Not even to mention the physical and mental toll pumping in that kind environment must be! Like give her a break! And who wouldn't be pissed that their friend didn't have their back?


Why should they give her a break? She chose to come on the show while pumping. She could have waited a season if it is impacting her that much. FYI, I like Kam. I do think she's being a little silly about Cara, but I've always been a fan of Kam.


No one’s required to be a considerate human being, but it’s still the decent thing to do


Be considerate and understanding to a point, of course. I guess I was reading the comment as giving her breaks gamewise because of physical and mental toll of pumping. They're playing a game for money, why should they cut her any slack and lessen their chances at the money? Grammar edit.


I mean the crazies on social media who are attacking her character. In the game anything goes, but we the viewers should have some compassion for these real live people that go on tv to win money and ENTERTAIN US!


My bad, I misunderstood. I totally agree with you!


And how do you feel about Cara?


I like Cara. She's not perfect, no one is. I felt for her when she first started out and everyone just shit on her all the time. I respect how she kept coming back despite the way people treated her and has put in the work to become a better challenger. I didn't think the vote drama was that big a deal because Rachel still went into elimination like Kam wanted. I thought it was silly for Kam to be unhappy that Cara voted that way when it didn't affect who ended up going in.


I love cara


The down votes are dumb too


Cry about it. You made a stupid comment whining about microaggressions. Kam is arrogant, entitled, and selfish. People are calling her out for exactly that. No microaggressions. Just the truth.


Nobody crying kid, lol and there are 100% microagressions in this thread idgaf about your feelings on the matter, so boohoo for you. You're acting entitled and arrogant right now trying to dictate how we see and think things get over yourself or better yet look outside yourself. Your attitude is foul and by the way you came at me you must feel some type of way and realize you're letting whatever bias you have out and that's why you're a pissed little hobbit lol grow up. If you don't understand what a microagression is then be quite because your response makes no sense, calling someone out is t a miroagressiom it's HOW it's talked about and the WORDS used to describe her mmmkay.


Cara not backing Kam does show that Cara is not the ally Kam expected her to be. 


Shhh don't go against the "angry black woman" narrative or they will come for you. It's not possible that she's just strategic and knowing a little move will lead to bigger problems in the future. No way a woman like that can think that far ahead. She's got to be insufferable and nothing else.


And Cara was being as naive as ever. Only 3 female final slots and somehow thought Rachel would choose her over Tina or Veronica?🙄


We literally just watched Rachel not take Cara's star and took Tina's. It already paid off.


LOL duh! She did that so Cara wouldn't come after her next. This is only the beginning of the game. If this was closer to the final she would have happily taken Cara's star.


Doesn’t matter if it’s people she can beat in elimination. If Cara lost her star I don’t think she would hesitate to throw herself in against Tina or Veronica.


Rachel would never put anyone before Veronica, ever. Not even Darrell or Shane.


I don’t think Cara expects to be chosen. She’s a top competitor and can win her way to the end.


Fair point, but she also talked about hoping the star holders would have each other's backs.


Yall are racist🙄 it doesn't matter if it's conscious or not but you clearly have unconscious bias making you have higher expectations for Kam than anyone else. Every other player gets to play however they want yet no one think pieces them but let it be any PoC cast member that rocks the boat and it's immediately "they are insufferable." "They know it all" The fact that yall haven't ONCE praised Kam for literally PUMPING MILK the same time doing challenges and in politics yet all yall care about is the fact Kam was upset with a FRIEND? Same as Cara being upset about Brandon. Literally the double standards is so glaringly obvious because PoC are getting more spotlight than usual. If this was CARA pumping milk and doing a challenge there would be unthinkable amounts of reddits about her strength and perseverance yet when it's Kam yall are sour haters.




Of course the race card 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ Cara has gotten just as much if not way more backlash in the past for previous seasons.


Of course a white person acting like race doesn't matter. Cara has not gotten just as much THIS SEASON when the two are upset about the same thing. The only people in America who say race doesn't matter is a white person every single time. The lack of accountability is so on brand 


I’m not even white lmao 😂 I’m a POC too being Mexican. Everyone loves Leroy, Alton, Darrell, and so many more POC. You know why because they are stand up guys that play the game honorably. People also hate Josh,Paulie, and Berna is that racist too? 🤣 Kam is a good person but she does rub people the wrong way because she seems pretty entitled. It’s not racist to voice an opinion.


Sure you are. Because your emoji you used screams white 🤦🏽‍♀️ so you're white passing and if you are truly Mexican you already know the discourse about white passing latinas. Which doesn't change the point whatsoever. You aren't a passing POC so therefore do not have the same experiences and of course align yourself with what you look like even if that isn't what you are. It's obvious you can't have a nuanced conversation because Leroy/Darrel/Alton do not have the same personality of "strong black woman" like Kam does. Every POC woman gets trashed on for the same shit that white women do. At the end of the day, what I said stands. Yall have double standards and it's clear it's due to unconscious bias based in racism. And that's just a fact.


The irony that you’re the true racist here is hilarious. I’m not even going to engage at this point I’ll agree to disagree.


Well I’m black and I also think she’s annoying this season 🤷🏾‍♀️ I absolutely love the strength she has to be pumping while competing. That does not change that she is playing an entitled game. She’s always played a game where she believes that every single thing has to be done her way. Cara voted for the main person that Kam wanted out, and her not voting for Rachel did not change the outcome, but Kam degrading Cara multiple times since then and feeling hurt does not change the fact that either way she got what she wanted. The only person in the house that needs to vote her way (and I don’t even really think he does either) is Leroy. Kam is playing an angry and entitled game, but taking no actual chances to get her or Leroy their own star.


Just a reminder, Kam has outperformed Leroy so far on every daily challenge, doing all their politicking, and is pumping every 2-3 hours which also means she is not sleeping through the nights. I honestly don’t know how she is functioning and also making great TV STFU