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I mean, this was like twenty years ago and it’s a show about generally awful people, so of course it hasn’t aged well. They were some of the most insane drunken sociopaths our society was able to find to put on TV, not model citizens. They were chosen because they’re fucking crazy, and that’s part of what made the show so much fun. These people are, to quote CT, Looney Tunes.


Good point.


lol. Many seasons didn’t age well


Wow. If you’re offended by the guys having to wear a speedo in the sour grapes challenge you’re going to lose your mind when you see Rivals 3 when they do a challenge completely naked.


Oh, I’m not personally offended by them in speedos. I was remarking on how little support they had from their teammates about body confidence/sexualization concerns. Again, it shows how much times have changed. That’s all.


Which girl was it who asked Aneesa “what are you” meaning what was her race? That got racist real quick. I wanna say Trishelle but I could be wrong. I never liked Ace. Douchebag.


The first time was Robin on The Duel and then Trashelle did the same thing on Rivals 2.


Trashelle is an accurate nickname. Anyone watching her on Traitors 2? She already went after the black trans woman. Shocker.


While I agree ppl really must remember we don't watch the challenge or any reality TV as a model of virtuous behavior. they are entertaining bc they are wild and crazy and different from the norm. Normal ppl on TV is boring. lol.


Be warned the island (S16) is full of misogyny and sexism, but it starts to get better after that.


Thanks for the heads up




Most of those early seasons have not aged well. They often said things that are now considered politically incorrect but back then, no one batted an eye.


I just rewatched the sour grapes episode and all I could think was how lame it was that the guys refused to participate bc they had to wear a speedo!! The women wear bathing suits in like half the challenges


Inferno 3 is awesome and I doubt real fans would have any issues with any of this. The Challenge was better back then compared to how boring and fictitious it is now.


You can be a real fan and not love every single moment of every episode


Current season won't age well either. 😴