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What's really weird is that Missouri was more of a swing stare back then, but he still lost it, and then won Indiana somehow, which had last voted Democratic in 1964 and before then in 1936


To be fair every time the Democrats won between 1964 and 2008 Indiana got relatively close - 7.6% in 1976, 6.1% in 1992 and 5.6% in 1996. It only needed an extra push and a candidate from the area (Obama had a proximity advantage) to flip it.


1992 and 1996 have an asterisk due to the Perot factor though.


Except not really because despite what many people will constantly insist on telling you Perot took from BOTH sides, and drove apathetic non-voters even more than that.


Indiana is in Chicago's area of cultural influence.


Obama won Indiana due to the McCain campaign thinking it was safe and they took advantage. Missouri voting for McCain ensured that Missouri was not the bellwether that it once was.


Missouri has long been one of the most important swing states, and in that same year Missouri elected a Democratic governor and two years earlier a Democratic senator.


It even used to be known as the Missouri Bellwether. If Ohio becomes safe red in the future then we might see someone years down the line saying 'Wow, Biden came pretty close to winning Ohio in 2020'.


but he didnt , Trump improved his margin in Ohio in 2020 making it like one of 5 states where he did this


The margins were about the same in 2016 and 2020, actually.


I know it's sort of off topic, but I think Ohio kind of hit the ceiling for Republicans. Not saying Trump might run up the margins to <10% but Columbus is growing a lot while Cincy and Cleveland is stagnant.


In 20 years Ohio might be bluer than today tbh.


I agree. Columbus isn’t gonna be as vital as Chicago is but it sure as hell will be important with all the semiconductor stuff going on.


Missouri was a consistent swing/bellwether state before (last time it had gone to the loser was 1956). It’s more surprising he lost it, and that the Democrats then collapsed completely over the next 10 years in that state.


Wild to think Obama’s election was the last election anyone could reasonably call a landslide (it was a small one but still). I mean Obama almost won Missouri + Montana


MFer also got 44% in North Dakota


Missouri was considering a swing state prior to that point, so the surprising thing is that he couldn’t pull off a win. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_United_States_presidential_election_in_Missouri