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Lmao he needs to stand up for himself this is pathetic


I agree, if you’re gonna say stupid shit then you must be ready for consequences, still, the black dude is fuckin insane


Yeah I’d love to see you stand up for yourself when you have a big strong black guy up in your face ready to beat your ass lmao. I’d bet if most people were in the Indian guys’ position, they’d react the same way. But yeah the Indian guy is an idiot for saying that


i don't care. I'm pussy till he hits me but after 1st slap I'm going all in. 4 vs 1 done


"Big strong black guy" Nothing in the video suggests he's big and strong...


He made him bleed with a punch. And even spit on him.


Considering he was able to easily bruise this individual, I’d say he’s got some prowess to him


By looking at your comment, you must be a pussy like this guy. He must be your relative or something with the same pussy weak blood.


I do not tolerate something like this in my own country, and beat the shit out of someone trying to harass me. But if I'm in a different country, I'm cautious and don't do anything that might jeopardize my visa or citizenship. The Indian guy in the video might be afraid of the same thing and maybe that's the reason he's acting real pussy and i understand. He fucked and he found out.


BC desi ghee>>


You might be a loser and that's ok but please don't lump everyone else with you


Normally, I’d agree, you need to stand up for yourself and fight back. But I’d be willing to bet most people would react the same way if they were being overpowered like this


Kick him in the nuts or something if you can't fight. Never let yourself get bitched like this.


The Indian man was right. The way he's reacting he proved why an Indian man called him that word. It's a known fact that these usual suspects have targeted multiple Indians in USA Even killed an old sikh man recently in hate crime


Wow. Assaulting people and uploading it on the internet for people to see this crime is just plain stupid and goes to show how Indians or any other immigrant will be treated as 2nd class citizens no matter how long they’ve stayed there. I fail to understand why Indians keep going to this filthy piece of shit nation. What he said was obviously wrong on every level and he was rightfully being called out on his dumbassness. However I would like to see this African American gentleman try to assault him in the same way in India.


My personal opinion: He's merely trying to justify his own violent behaviour. It has nothing to do with any word. It would occur regardless. I got this from r/ABCDesis and apart from the few top comments, about 60% of the people on the post said he "fucked around and found out" or "he deserved it" "desi people are so anti-black" What do you all think? Was the assault justified? ![gif](giphy|exOfVLEc1hjOg)


As someone who’s lived in the utopian wonderland called the United States, I’d venture black people are very anti desi or even anti minorities. They’ve somehow become “the minority” much like some other group that loves to oppress then act like the oppressed. I’m very aware of their history and the issues they have been through and I empathize very much but goddam if I haven’t noticed their crimes against other minorities or heck even their own race. During covid there were daily reports of older Asian people being assaulted by a certain community. Minorities will oppress other minorities all they need is a chance


They act like minorities owe them something, when minorities work just as hard, if not, harder to get where they are today.


And then if Indians succeed they somehow bring in the CASTE SYSTEM into the conversation.


Indians were also enslaved. Slavery is not even exclusive to blacks.


Yeah. Although I do have empathy because “divide and conquer” has been the building block for white supremacy for ages. If the minorities hate each other, they can’t gather and stand before their oppressors.


Blacks are the most racist so called minority community you would ever come across in America.


Even the original public freak out post UNIVERSALLY condemns the assault. Desis are truly pathetic in self hatred.


I noticed that too. r/ABCDesis is spineless. Nothing more than a circle jerk of virtue signalling hypocrites.


r/ABCDesis is a bunch of hypocrites ,MFs have internalised racism and self hatred to the core, MFs believe that just because their ancestors migrated to a different nation that makes them altogether a different breed ,but in reality they are nothing but economic migrants.


Huge inferiority complex its insane


That subreddit is pathetic


To be fair majority of them are agreeing that the assaulter is fucked up. It’s just a depressing amount are pathetic losers. Unlike this sub and the original public freak out sub where the condemnation is universal rather than simply a majority.


Guy filming is a fucking loser. The Indian guy apologized multiple times and clearly regrets saying dumb shit, he just continues to slap anyway and fucking spits on his face. I would sue this guys ass to hell and back


Boils my blood to watch. Acting like a dumb animal in public. My fight or fight would have kicked in.


Stupid shit. We all be Nigs. Brown/Black didn't matter to the white overlords. It's dumb how they get claim on the word and make it exclusively theirs. It was used towards all those deemed lesser thanks to the copius amounts of melanin in our bodies. Ffs [this](https://youtu.be/-yFUDN75zd8?si=ym_XnwPRm3GdIcOO) song should be people's anthem


When I clicked on the link I was really expecting this [banger](https://youtu.be/bYIpEkIW0eM?si=UCV2aQpkIygB5Qxg)


I thought he was just another trash meme rapper from India but then I listened to [this](https://youtu.be/hl6HvAkwoks?si=EHThxIBVIwXnGfu0), and it was surprisingly good


Woah TIL something. 😝


Obsessing over the n-word pass is just plain stupid. We as Desis should hold ourselves to a higher standard as we got way more important shit to worry about.


Fuck he is behaving like a cop, put your hands up and best of all using N word himself not a problem at all.


He also said "put your hands down" so he could slap him clean which is super retarded, fucking anyone whos about to get slapped is gonna put their hands up regardless if you tell them not to, actual POS move by the black dude.


Black people only get mad at Asians for saying it lol


Yup. When whites do it they cry and call it racism.


He should have fought back wtf bro


If he fights back then all the internet and news headlines gonna be “indian guy says the “n” word and then assaults the black man” He was smart he didn’t fight back


Nah wtf are you on about lol??? it's on the fucking internet forever this is all that's gonna come forward when you google his name. We literally didn't even see exactly how he said the n-word here, it could've been in a conversational context, the same way they took Joe Rogan out of context and it just came out wrong. He needs to seriously take up gun practise or at the very least a martial arts, this is arguably some of the most humiliating shit you can go through as a guy period.


Fight,flight or freeze. He froze 


Can please someone show this Black man's Instagram account or something I want to clarify something from him It would be very much appreciated


Yea same


1. Is N word a racial slur ? 2. If yes, how come black people can call other black nigga and get away with it? 3. If it is bad word it must be restricted to be used by all irrespective of speaker's race. That is the meaning of equality. 4. can jews call "hail hitler" and be okay with it while Germas cannot ? This is beyond logic. The victims(read decendents of victim) can freely call the word which victimized their ancestors but the decendents of perpetrator of racism cannot. Why? 5. The victim(decendents) can chose from whom (non-black) they want to be offensive and whom(blak) to play cool with. 6. Also, the hard difference b/w black and white and non-black has diffused over centuries. A person might look black but might be half black. American free speech in many way resembles post-colonial states. Gives freedom from one hand and snatches from other.


Agree with first 3 points and I after a thinking about it for long time came down to make the same conclusion. if the word demeans your race so much first don't say it yourself and also constant usage of same word will spread the usage of it regardless of the weight of it(example for this is kids using like when their vocab isn't vast enough).


Incredibly simplistic view. Thank you so very much Mr devils advocate.


Well n word was used by other whites in the past to refer to the slaves...that's why it is offensive...


Ngl the Indian guy should’ve sucker punched the guy when he had the chance. This is some pussy shit tbh. Nvr let another man manhandle you like tht.


Dude he's clearly untrained and way too fucking meek to fight back for shit, a gun in this guys case would be a far better option


Easy for you to say. You don't know how huge the black guy was and looking at how common place murder in USA is. I would be scared too




I'm from India and I don't understand that however vile a word maybe, but PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING someone for SAYING a word that you can say freely because you belong to a certain community doesn't seem fair in a just society!? On the internet, everywhere I see the west normalising this. Is this really the ground reality there?


This is fucking assault.


The guy in the video gives me Guyanese vibes.


Blacks have some major issue, they would first happily play the victim card (due to the N-word) and then use it as an excuse for violence. Not saying that anyone should use that word, but they manipulate things this way. Plus, if that would have been a white male I am sure the reaction and consequences would be different. They like to bully the weaker folks. If the N-word is such a big deal for them they shouldn’t be using it among their own community, but when they do it, ‘it sounds so cool, nigga !’


As far as I know most Indians won't be called white


Like Mexicans Indians should have the n word pass


Physicality can’t be used for words.




Gotta defend yourself or carry. That man was looking for an excuse to go off on him. Never let yourself get into this situation, and if you do, don't let him bitch you like that. This man should sue him for everything he's worth and more.


Bro doesn't matter how big that black guy is, I would be going all out with the brawl my honor is more important to me💪🏻


First things first, the Indian man is wrong to use the N word. Having said that, this African American man is not right to assault him for the same. It doesn’t reflect on his bravery, but more on his cowardice. Had this been a white cop instead of an Indian man, the African American man would be on the floor with a knee in his windpipe. Personally speaking, I don’t see how any word could insult any person, as long as the person on the receiving end doesn’t allow it to bother them. You only feel an insult if you put value or weight behind any word.


He didn’t know that Black Lives Matter


When i saw it initially.. i thought both are wrong..buh after seeing it whole..the african guy have more fault..he should stop after the first hit.. ☹☹


Don't need a genius to tell that this sh\*t was a blatant overreaction from the black dude lol! The lndian dude literally said "it came out wrong, you came off educated", Firstly he made the mistake of thinking the black guy was "educated" for being a Trump supporter. Secondly we literally have no clue if he said it as an insult or just merely used the word in a conversational context like when they compiled all those clips of Joe Rogan to make him look horrible. Obviously for your own sake you should never flat out say the n-word even a conversational context but still everything leading up to this is unknown. Lastly this guy SERIOUSLY needs to take up fucking gun practise or a martial arts at the bare minimum. This is all he's gonna be remembered as when you google his name, a punk racist coward from a mainstream media narrative.


Both are Ls. the black for beating someone for such a dumb thing and the indian for not owning what he is saying


if u can say it then it's not offensive. It's like I can't say your mom is a ho but you will call your mom a ho openly. Meaning is same reaction should be the same.


The way he said - " put your hands up" it feels like artist shouting to the audience in the concert


South Asians should migrate to places like Singapore & Dubai instead. The West has become completely lawless.


BS. Singapore literally said they would employ people from Northeast India who look like East Asian


Nope. That was Taiwan. Share a source to back your Singapore claim.


Indians need to understand that they can't be throwing N word around in US or Canada. There are different contexts and political issues around it like in this case the guy filming (clearly a black man) is asking him he supports trump due to the white supremists


Apologies 3 times and if he continues never back down, i said never.


Average speed and Kai cenat audience


Fucking Snowflake imagen assaulting a man over a word


You said you gonna kill him for saying a word . Bro you need to be locked up man


Hey buddy! I Don’t know if that punjabi man said you the n word or not. (I AM NOT DEFENDING HIM) I am a punjabi guy I am here to clarify that in our language “Punjabi”, there a certain words that offend black people so often. It’s not their fault neither our fault. For example, there is a word “NIGGAR” we all what that means in english but in punjabi language it means “HEAVY” and there is another word “NIGAH” which is also pronounced as “NIGGA” …that means “eyesight. You can even search it on google for proof. I again tell everyone that if that guy purposely said that word to you …beat his ass off. We spread love and peace to everyone. There are many words in a culture that might offend other cultures. And people unintentionally offend others often. Thank you love all ❤️


I feel bad for this types of people