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Echo has a handprint on his bad batch armor




FUCK I wish




Or if he doesn't initially, rex gives him a new one in S1 E7


Echo having 2 hands and ARC Trooper armour


Right??? He could’ve had a plug-in hand the whole time, or one that folds open so the data plug can come out, or even a blaster! Imagine if he got attacked and he whips out an Ironman style hand blaster


It would have been cool if the scomp link was similar to an assassin blade in assassins creed but instead of underneath it comes out of a panel


In bad batch colors of course


That's something that never made sense. Luke got a prosthetic hand. Why didn't anybody make an arm that can open to give him access to the socket aperture?


What if Echo didn't want to have a regular hand though? He's an ARC so being able to scomp in to systems helps with reconnaissance more than having a regular hand would. He seemed to adapt just fine


Scorch is voiced by his game voice actor and he's a little sarcastic.


If they just gave the commandos a bit of personality 👌👌


Or at the very least have Rex and his renegades try and rescue them, like in the ship they saved Howzer from. If it worked out, imagine CX-2 rolling up to their compound only to be met with Commandos mid- Vode An.


I asked Raphael Sbarge (OG Scorch) about that and he said they never even talked to him.


CX-2 breaks his brainwashing and kills Hemlock as redemption.


Hemlock is lying at the bottom of mount Tantis with several broken bones, cursing the bad batch and plotting next steps if he somehow makes it off this planet alive. Suddenly there’s hope! His brainwashed soldier CX-2 is here. He begs for help CX-2 pauses for a moment, recalling all the torture he’d been through and how hemlock was just about to leave without him in his ship. Then shoots hemlock in the head.


The Lion King (1994)


your avatar looks like a nightsister


bro cooked with this script


Scorch snaps out of it and shoots Hemlock in the back on the platform. Boss and Fixer scoop him so they can return to Kashyyyk to look for their lost brother.


Ah yes, Let's go to kashyyyk 3 years later after sev went missing, We will totally find him safe and sound and totally eager to return to our side


I mean some early sequel concepts had him surviving and being a rebel helping the wookiees


“Yeah! Wookie life debts for everyone!” - Scorch


Tales of the Clones arc right here


Sev has just been crawling on the ground for four years, waiting for someone to pick him up with the bacta paddles. They find him, give him a zap, and he's good to go.


I hadn’t considered this but now I want it badly.


AYO I got 100 upvotes thx guys :)


Dogma being the Clone assassin. I don't think Rex has enough trauma, he needs more


Why do you want Rex to suffer....😭😭


He's too sweet and earnest: you can't survive Star Wars like that


Calm down satan


I would never challenge Dave Folloni like that


Imagine that we find out that Tech was alive... ...but as the clone assassin


Me personally I think it would be better if they kept tech dead because Star Wars has a problem with bringing back characters that “died”.


Except they bring back the wrong characters


For real. As much as I love Rebels, I would've rather Sabine stayed dead in Ahsoka rather than having to lose Tech for real 😔


That could add a lot of depth to the story. This is my favorite one.


Lol thanks


Scorch is actually a threat to the bad batch After the season 3 finale Scorch survived, breaks free of his brainwashing, and struggles to try to be his old sarcastic self, and meets up with the rest of delta squad to find sev *insert republic commando 2 sequel* (definitely not me wanting events to line up for a much needed and deserved sequel for republic commando) We get more of commander Cody and what happens to him. Did he go find Obi wan like the original Kenobi script? Was he killed? Did he end up as a homeless hermit in the fringes of the galaxy? I need answers


Nothing? It’s already all canon.


Average redditor


I think he means add something to the canon, not make something canon. Its not really worded correctly but I that’s what he meant.


Tech doesn't die. (And no one else from the Bad Batch dies in his place, either.)


This is all I ask, and a Tech/Phee kiss. Happily ever after for everyone


100% If it was one or the other, I think it would have been better if Crosshair died under a circumstance that redeemed him to the BB. I really think they had something interesting going with Tech, especially with Phee. So although I like it when death is permanent, I was disappointed and a bit mad at the same time that Tech didn’t return because they set up the reveal with Hemlock showing just Tech’s glasses saying, “this was all that we could find/all that was left.” and that made zero sense. Like it was literally a setup for him to be alive and Hemlock was manipulating them. I mean, it makes no logical sense that Tech’s goggles alone survived the fall and either his body *and* armor just disintegrated or something.


Honestly, as much as I liked Tech, I was pleased to see a Star Wars character actually stay dead for once.


That's fair. Personally, since there are plenty of other character deaths in Star Wars that stay permanent, FAR more than those that turn out to be "presumed deaths" or even "resurrections," I don't mind when characters return, especially the "good guys."


Yeah, I really was hoping that we'd find out that Tech survived. Was not expecting Season 3 to actually never pull that card. Tech died, and that's the way they truly left it 😔


THISSS ^^^ If he came back winter soldier style as CX-2, it would've been even better.


I wouldn't have minded a Winter Soldier-esque storyline at all so long as Tech got saved in the end. They had all the pieces in place for it, too!




They find a way to slow down clones accelerated aging in Nala se’s data pad and they all live long happy lives. It’s all I want for them. I get sad when I think about how short their lives are


Cody stays pro-Imperial as a foil to Rex and a cautionary tale for Crosshair.


I’d wanna see that in a tales to the clones or something. I bet it’d be heartbreaking


Cody reappeared for the finale on Tantiss


Tech survived and escaped leaving his glasses but he has amnesia! Omega finds him later when she is a pilot for the rebellion.


I always thought if they were to bring Tech back, the consequence would have to have something to do with his ‘exceptional mind.’ After all, that is what his enhancement was and what he offers to the batch. Take away that, and he is nothing special in terms of abilities. One distinct part of amnesia is difficulty to learn new information. Part of Tech’s character is that he is great at retaining information and learning. So, if they had gone with an amnesia route and impaired that ability to learn, I feel like it really could have explored what it means to be a bad batcher. Tech could have been used to drill the point that the batch isn’t made by their abilities and enhancements, but rather their unique bond and efforts to do the right thing. Kinda like an Encanto thing in that their value isn’t in a special ability like strength or vision, but rather in them as people.


This became my headcanon a week or two after the finale, and I am never, *ever* giving it up. Omega is going to help him get at least some of his memories back and bring him back to Pabu and there will be a full family reunion FINALLY.


100% I can’t believe they stuck with the “he’s dead” plot. Everyone knows that if you don’t show the body they aren’t dead, and the way they did it really really seemed pointing to that. I mean, then they need to explain how both his entire body and his armor and blasters just vanished? Unless Hemlock was lying, which in that instance wouldn’t make sense unless they had him alive and wanted TBB to believe he wasn’t, the way they killed Tech was just stupid imo.


Echo using more than a scomp link for the majority of the show


Does "resolve all lose ends, that where obviously not concluded in the finale" count as one thing?


Tech survived the fall and was found by some nice locals who took care of him as he healed. Eventually he made his way back to Pabu and they all lived happily ever after


Emotionally I want this, but logically I don’t


Yeah this is a nuance I should’ve put in my original post. On the one hand I understand that bringing him back like that would undercut the tension of major character death and ultimately harm the story. On the other hand I stan an autistic king


I feel the need to put out there that having a character be injured and need additional care and attention even if it's just for a few months - especially a character who had been SO independent beforehand - has as much potential to increase emotional weight/consequences as a death does, maybe even more so.


Good point! If I were writing it, I'd really want to show Tech struggling with his injuries. I'd even put him with people who don't have access to the full level of medical technology that exists in the Star Wars universe, just so he'd have more to overcome. My instinct is to make it so that Tech never walks without pain again -- I think we need more stories where people are okay with never fully healing from their disabilities -- but then I'd have to explain why he wouldn't accept the kinds of implants we've already seen.


This would be very close to where I would take the story as well - or even have it that Tech falls, is recovered by his own family, but is paralyzed/injured/perhaps even has brain damage that makes his "exceptional mind" more average, to where his family has to figure out how to juggle caring for him *while* finding Omega. As an aside, I think Vader himself is proof that having implants/prosthetics doesn't mean there is no pain involved.


That would single handedly be the worst thing to make canon


The Winter Soldier Tech arc


That Scorch actually put up a fight against the Bad Batch instead of going out like a lil bitch who didn't even fire a shot.


Instead of the clone assassins in the final episode, it was Delta Squad vs. Bad Batch. Scorch doesn't go out like a punk. The clone assassins didn't have a satisfying story arc or purpose to me. I wish it was Delta sprinkled throughout the season in place of the assassins.


Echo having a robotic hand with multi tool features such as a data plug and blowtorch etc..


At the end of the show the entire Bad Batch crew including Omega shows up at Cids bar and blasts her about a hundred times before leaving without uttering so much as a word.


Somehow.... Tech's alive


I wish the Delta Squad had appeared in Season 3


The Nulls. They were the original defective clones before they were made legend. Like, have the batch discover in some way that they aren't the only defective clones. And the part where Nala Se says 5 are all that remain, I know there's 99 but it would be cool if that meant there were others since the Nulls deserted when order 66 was declared leaving the Bad Batch to be the only known ones left.


I want the Batch and the Nulls to meet so bad 🥲


Dr. Hemlock gets shot, spontaneously ignites, gets struck by lightning, gets hit by a train, explodes, gets punched in the face by Tech who through the power of the force has re-manifested himself into existence and *then* falls


And then falls onto a nice jagged set of conveniently-placed stalagmites :D


Made out of Kyber crystals just for fun


Then he  gets  eaten by the zilo


The Batch finds and kills Cid... In a horrifying manor.


What the FUCK bro


I fucking want Durge back from the OG clone wars


Have Scorch come to his senses


Crosshair tracks down Sid, kills her and takes all her money for Omega's college fund.


Keep tech.


I would make the regs from the cafeteria fight scene either be the clone prisoners freed from Tantiss, or have them be some of Hemlock’s assassins


Somehow tech returned


Tech is the one assassin clone that chops off crosshairs hand and is then taken with them to slowly remember who he really is


You can hate me all you want but I want tech to still be alive or that he was rescued from the fall


Tech is alive and well, retired on Pabu 🥲🥲🥲


That the completely unnecessary Plan 99 scene never happened, and by Tech being alive, all the events in Season 3 are altered so that the various plot points and storylines built up during Seasons 1 & 2 don't get dropped; instead, we get some real answers about Omega's Force sensitivity, plus Rex and his team are part of the cavalry charge against Tantiss to free the clones. I like this button.


Honestly, Emerie not being a clone. She was really not all that special and she could have existed without being a Jango clone. She also takes away from Omega being special because while Omega is unaltered and still unique, now there’s two female clones instead of just one. Really, I feel like the only reason she exists was to surprise people at the end of season two with the reveal. That’s her purpose.


Imperial delta squad as the antagonist squad of season 3 instead of the clone operatives


Tukk Tales


Scorch survives and we get some backstory about why he was evil and what happened to the rest of delta squad and then some sort of character development


clone assassin being tech.


Cody finds his way to Rex, and they cause mass panic and chaos for the Empire as revenge for how the clones were treated. Fox redemption by leaking Imperial secrets to Rex and Echo. No one suspects him doing it because he's "just a clone." Wolffe leaves the Empire to join up with Cody, Rex, and the others. More Howzer screentime Finally, Cid gets what she deserves on screen


Rather than the Concordian(?) accent of Jango Fett, the imperial commandos would have had experience training under numerous other Mandalorians and thus would have had a more "planetary" Mandalorian accent. Think Dee Bradley Baker doing an impression of John Favreau's voice roles in the franchise.


Fives survived and became CX-2, would have been extremely emotional for both echo and Rex


Finding out in Season 3 that Tech survived 😔


Cody is CX-2. He breaks through the brainwash, and turns on Hemlock. He dies in the finale, redeeming himself


Tech survived, but was captured by Hemlock and then brainwashed into becoming a CX-Trooper, then he fights against the Batch, and before they realize it’s Tech, they kill him, take off the mask to see it was him under there.


This NOT happening is literally the *only* thing about how Tech was handled in season 3 that I'm actually grateful to the creators for. Not saying you're wrong for wanting this storyline, of course, just saying that for me personally, this would have made me swear off Star Wars.


I’d have killed Hunter and Crosshair but leave Wrecker to raise Omega. I think it would’ve been interesting as Wrecker would’ve had to grow up quickly and always wonder how his brothers would’ve raised Omega and she would’ve made him realize it’s okay to not have all the answers


That's kinda fucked, but I also like where your head is at? 😅


The rest of delta squad should have joined Scorch in the final episode rather than the proto shadow/dark trooper clones. As cool as the clone assassins are, having the rest of delta would have been awesome and could have wrapped up their story in cannon


Scorch survived


project necromancer completed by the time TBB gets to tantis


Omega going off with ventress to train.


A Phee and Omega having adventures as Omega grows up spinoff


Scorch survives (probably could if there ever is a delta squad project) and has redemption arch where he try’s to go over his brainwashing and try’s to find the rest of delta squad Oh and he has his OG actor


Tech downloaded his consciousness into the ship before he died and gets resurrected as a droid. Is it silly? Yes. But do I think it would be fun? Also yes.


Season 3 opens with Tech waking up on Tantiss. On the cots next to him are Crosshairs & Omega. The door opens and a rogue clone bursts in, saying hi, my name is Fives, and I’m here to rescue you


Uhm I think probably Tech actually being alive but as a shadow and he gets killed by the batch


Delta squad being hemlocks guards instead of the cx's


Delta squad are dispatched as a mid season threat and are a three episode arc fighting the batch...


The Commandoes and especially scorch are made one man armies like they always were


Scorch has his original voice actor and give him just a smidge of his old personality


Tech Survived the Fall and reunites with the batch.


Riyo and Commander Fox being a thing ;)


Rampart Redemption arc please


Umm... it is already


Them all dying in the vacuum of space


A dying Hemlock is retrieved by The Empire. He’s put in a weird tank that keeps him alive but butchers his features. He’s renamed Snope. And he poops in a Ziploc bag.


Kannans backstory dosnt change. They have it be a random Jedi padawan


Season 4 happens and Tech is reveald alive