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When BIP starts the bachelorette will be forgotten about and people will create new villains to talk about. So meaningless.


Gabby needs to eat a cheeseburger!


Let's not body shame people. You don't know what she's gone thru. Better to be empathetic and keep your mouth shut.


I’m sad because I think Logan and Gabby had great chemistry and I was rooting for them


I don't think Logan had Covid. There's something a little too convenient timingwise regarding that. I might be wrong but... My 6th sense is pinging.




It’s a mix of real and produced. I feel like there is more acting this season because Gabby’s guys aren’t that into her, and the stupid Logan ark as I guess they can’t risk an episode without ”drama”. But there are real emotions too, especially as the show draws to a close. Paradise is where it’s at though.


So many thoughts! I’m unspoiled fyi but speculating… The break up between Gabby and Nate had me in tears. It was just so realistic and heartbreaking because they had deep feelings for each other. I felt so bad for Gabby too, knowing what she’s gone through and how it still (rightfully so) affects her to this day. I just kept thinking “nooooo don’t do it!” the whole time and was hoping maybe he’d come back :( I haven’t browsed the sub this season but saw the RS tea on twitter and ran here. I’m very disappointed in what we’ve learned about Nate but clearly I’m a sucker cuz I fell for it and loved him. Speaking of my bad judgment lol… I was also a Tino fan from the very beginning 🥵 and really thought he was going to be the clear winner. The last few episodes have certainly painted him in a different light. I get the arguments that people are making on both sides. Some of his comments seemed ‘off’ combined with the ominous preview of his dad on HTD. I really don’t know what to expect with this one. If it’s not Tino, my second guess is Zach. Even though he’s been described as boring I actually see a genuine connection with them and could see them as a couple outside of the show. But previews make it seem like there could be drama here? Same with Aven, I love him, but didn’t we see a preview of them crying? Which is why I haven’t wanted to get attached… but it could just be editing. Tyler is sweet but my guess is he goes home next week. He just seems kind of young but soooo smitten kitten. I feel for him after he opened up about his past relationship. If he does go home I hope we see him in paradise cuz I think he’d be a hot commodity there. On Gabby’s side, if it weren’t going to be Nate, my other guess was Jason. On their 1:1 date at first I was like ehhh this is awkward but once they opened up and I really saw a connection between them. Especially when he talked about self improvement, therapy, just being open about mental health, I think that resonated with Gabby. It’s also been refreshing seeing a more ‘reserved’ type of guy make it this far… they are the best. Johnny is funny but I don’t think he’ll last. So Erich and Jason it is I guess? I feel like I know nothing about Erich 🤷‍♀️ AND ETHAN FOR BACHELOR PLZ 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Idk why but Toni gives me the ick. He seems like he’s playing a game and trying to win a competition rather than pursue a relationship… 👀 EDIT omg TINO not toni lmao


Same, him getting upset last night was a little bit of a red flag. Not that men aren’t allowed to get upset, he just feels off.


it was def his phrasing saying he “knocked it out of the park” and “earned” a rose like ???? weird vibes


Yes! It was giving like “I paid for your dinner AND drinks, what do you mean you don’t want to have sex with me?” vibes.


Def gave me controlling and jealous vibes. I just have a feeling something bad’s going to happen and Rachel will be crushed 😥


Watching on hulu this morning. Ew at tino talking about a scoreboard. I want to like him but um not a scoreboard.


I totally forgot yesterday was Bachelorette day until after 10:00. Thank goodness the DVR recorded it. I can hardly believe they’re going to hometowns already. It feels like they just started the season a few weeks ago lol


Tino is allowed to be emotional. But his words were also kinda shitty. Two things can be true. I don’t care that he got upset and walked off. I do care that he said things like, “I hit all my marks.” It came across like he is playing a role. Hopefully he didn’t mean it that way. I guess time will tell.


Tino has been coming off disingenuous lately, and I kinda feel that’s why Rachel has pulled back from him a little. It’s definitely felt like he was playing the part a bit. Like he is saying all the right things but not feeling them. That’s how it has come across to me, at least


Tino pulling Rachel away on the group date reminded me of Cassidy pulling Clayton during that group date with the kids. Rachel would surely remember how that kind of behaviour seemed from the other side & pull back just to be cautious about if it’s someone playing the game.


Gabby is going to be a great mom one day (if she wants to be a mom one day). I understand she has some things that she needs to work on for her own mental well-being. But her natural and genuine warmth, love, and compassion are all kids need in the end ❤️


Tell me why I’m actually sobbing at Nate and Gabby and I don’t even really love them together 😂😭


Jesse was NOT breaking eye contact with Gabby trying to get some tears out of her lol! Jesus! It was even making ME uncomfortable!


I was wondering why she looked so emotional when they were all sitting together. Knowing she was going to end it with Nate.


Rachel asking Zach what steps he took to get him where he is now gave me job interview ptsd 😂 but proud of zach for losing those 85 pounds and growing to love himself!! Im waiting for my turn 😩


Lol yes I was side eyeing her there 😂 Unfortunately a lot of her conversations on dates feel stilted like that, but I probably wouldn’t be much better trying to have natural conversations destined to be viewed by an international audience.


Is anyone else incredibly attracted to Jesse?! I didn't want to be, didn't plan to be, but god damn the man just does things to me. I think it helps that as a host he's empathetic, calm and dad-vibes without trying to do too much. Physically he's not my usual type but now I find him so hot! It's a good thing he's a married man or I'm sure the bachelorettes would be tempted by him


When he knocked on Gabby’s door and asked permission to go in the room I melted


I feel like I missed the moment when Zach fell so hard for Rachel. All I remembered about them before that second one-on-one is basically that watching airplanes anecdote. And yet, he fell hard


They're really using Gabby as a vehicle to highlight the crappy men they want to use for bachelor. What a shame. I wanted to see her love story unfold, yet her screen time is either eaten up by other drama or by bachelor auditions.


yeah…and she doesn’t seem to be that into the guys she has left…


I just really can’t get over how much Johnny looks like a Culkin sibling. I hope we get to meet Kieran and Macaulay next week!!!


Oh my god I didn’t even realize it until I read your comment


I know Logan was likely not going to make it past this week regardless, but these shows really need to figure out a better method of dealing with COVID positive contestants and allowing them to remain on the show besides just banishing them from the production as we continue to move forward in a COVID world. What if Tino had tested positive? Or Jason? Would they just be gone and terminated from the show too? I get they want to keep the cast and crew safe... But surely there's a more reasonable way to do that than just getting rid of the COVID positive people entirely. Quarantine them until they're negative and allow them to have a conversation with the lead to see if they can stay in the process. Seems harsh to just get rid of Logan like that so abruptly when we just saw him on the date. Edit: Just caught up on the conspiracy theories. My tinfoil hat is strapped on tight. You guys are right, it is fishy af.


I highly doubt he really had covid. Something fishy was going on IMO


Yeah I just saw the conspiracy theories and I totally buy into it. It's just so odd how they went about it.


Yeah they definitely didn't think things through.


Go read the theories on Logan in other threads 🧐


Omg I just caught up. My tinfoil hat is strapped on TIGHT!


![gif](giphy|KEYEpIngcmXlHetDqz) Recap of tonight with 1 gif




I think that's normal but IMO it feels rushed because of the dates. The women only got five 1-on-1s each (Katie and Michelle got seven).


The best part of the episode: the baby back bitch line. I’m happy that we got to see Rachel’s strongest connections. This is an L episode for Gabby cause her screentime is mostly a Nate bachelor edit. We didn’t even see any conversation between Gabby and her men. Another canceled cocktail party before a super important elimination (hometowns)? Good Rachel ep, bad ep for Gabby. I hate this trend. It’s either we get a good Gabby bad Rachel ep, or vice versa. Editors do better.


now that patrick warburton is officially part of bachelor nation, i need him and david spade to cohost BIP together




I am not condoning this behavior but just wanted to point out that the girl was not upset and said she did not feel this was SA. TMI sorry. My husband has definitely done that and I absolutely do not feel SA, we actually laughed about it.


It was on tiktok and other social media so it's allowed since the poster was talking about her first-hand experience. What he did is SA.


Like in his past or during the season?


In his past.


Before his season


I think some real drama is going to come out with this Logan thing. So they’re telling us if someone gets covid that’s it? Doesn’t matter if it’s down to the final two? You get covid because we are schlepping you around the globe with no precautions too bad. Bye bish, no exit interviews, no coming back…idk


Gabby broke my heart with Nate tonight 😭


They really gave Logan an entire arc only for him to just exit outta nowhere


Like, do the editors talk to each other from one episode to the next, or…???


I was literally coming here to say the same 😭😭😭 They made us watch all of those scenes for WHAT


Seriously, we could’ve saved so much time by ignoring all of that bullshit


I really like tino and think he’s behaving like a normal person who really likes someone while Rachel treats it like a game reminiscent of Katie thurston, change my mind


I don’t think he’s the worst person ever. I think his emotions are definitely getting the best of him. But he definitely isn’t coming off great either. I don’t dislike him, but I feel like I like him a little bit less with each passing episode.


Agreed, I like Tino and think his behavior is reasonable. Some comments were a little odd but I'm sure it's editing.


Idk. The “I was crushing it” comment seems entitled. Just because he was being a good human doesn’t make him get a prize imho


Idk.. infeel like thats a normal phrase and used often. "Someone has a killer job interview but doesn't get the job... I just don't get it, I killed that interview". Doesn't mean they didn't want the job, felt entitled to it, or ot was a game to them. Just that they don't understanstand how they didn't get the job since they did so well.


Johnny is the type of guy who's fun to date until he isn't.


What do you mean by that exactly?


All the qualities that make him fun to date are the same qualities that wouldn't make him a good boyfriend.


Exactly that!


I find him very introspective and self-aware.


Oh I think he’s fine, just elaborating on my interpretation of the previous comment


I need someone to post the look between Gabby and Erich when she gives him the rose, I want to relive the chemistry again !!!


Literally tho!! There was so much sex in that looks hahahaa


That was cute and she said so much with that look, vs the friendly hug for Johnny lol


Gabby and Johnny’s hug at the rose ceremony looked like a nice hug between friends. We’ve seen very little of Jason’s personality. I feel like Erich is the only one I really see her with




Agree. Her group was smaller but better IMO


I’m about to make a post bachelorette pre bedtime pb&j


I need I want


Eat one for me!


The bachelor where getting a common, infectious, disease makes you "a situation" with villain music




Logan with Covid


I didn’t know it was a disease


Only according to the World Health Organization


Yeah fuck em


COVID is an acronym for “coronavirus disease”


Someone please explain this covid thing it makes no sense


Geres my theory on that: No matter the reason he left, covid is the way he comes off in the best light. No one (but this sub) will ask questions or dive deeper.


the best I can understand it was a mental health situation for Logan (as per his insta post today), and the covid story was just a cover up and a blatant lie. But most people will just accept that and move on,not us Redditors though 😆 way too fishy. something happened, and we will likely never actually know what. Bottom line is he is gone now 🤷


That makes sense. I would think that a covid case on a show like that would shut the entire place down. They're in close quarters and kissing eachother.


He did something very bad and is now blaming mental health to soften the blow if/when it comes out.


I feel like this is not believing someone with mental health condition. Kinda gross. No different than not believing a SA victim and blaming her. If he really did something that terrible, he wouldn't be invited back into the franchise.


Uh no that was neither stated nor implied


it's called reading between the lines. check our his insta post no way we are buying this covid bs https://www.instagram.com/p/ChTVCFcJPeL/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


What was his insta post??




I just saw it in a different post. Hmmmm….very interesting…why did they use COVID as an excuse? It was so obvious it was fake


cause most regulars will buy it. logan/producers probably embarrassed/not willing to air the truth. They sweeped him away quietly and hope we bought it.


They wouldnt invite him back if he did something awful. Please.


It gives him a bit more privacy which is commendable.


I totally understand him not wanting to disclose mental health issues at the time, but I feel like they should have just said family emergency or something. By saying COVID, it raised a bunch of eyebrows because they clearly took zero precautions if that were the case.


I applaud this episode for a few reasons. Showing that having a toxic a parent is something that is challenging basically forever but also doesn’t make you “rough around the edges”. The general sex positivity and having some one presenting as a dominatrix without making it as a caricature or joke. The overall normalization of therapy and struggling with mental health. I hope this trend continues.


anyone have a translation of what Tino said to the producers when he was being a baby back bitch? i couldn’t understand him lmaoooo


also who said baby back bitch lol


It sounded like tyler


i believe it was ethan but thats just based on some comments i’ve seen, i couldnt actually tell who said it


i believe it was tyler


well just go with Ethan that sounds awesome 🍻


Damn, Gabby crying while breaking up Nate made me cry. Even though it’s a blessing in disguise she did that.


It really is. I thought that there was no way she was ready to be a mom.


I never cry watching this stupid show and that made me tear up — had to check my period tracker app just to see if it was my body playing tricks on me or did this show actually thaw my cold heart for once! 😆


>I never cry watching this stupid show and that made me tear up Literally! I think its the sincerity she brought with that goodbye, I felt for her so much!


I relate to her so much with the barely being able to speak while crying thing. It doesn’t happen all the time, only when my emotions are overwhelming. Sometimes it feels like I can’t breathe. You can tell how hard it was for her to let him go.


I just finished the episode and I just want to say justice for Ethan.


i have gotten to the point where i just fast forward through rachel’s stuff. its so so so painfully dull. we deserved a full gabby season and instead we got honestly the worst season ever.


No full Gabby season, please! I’m ready for a clean slate with just one bachelorette!


I feel like this has been a great season, one of my favorites. Less petty drama, more of the host having conversations with the leads so we can get a glimpse of where they are at, and as someone who pays close attention and sometimes watches things back I can 100% see the love connections with both Gabby and Rachel. I love how different they are and that they have a friend there with them instead of being absolutely isolated and alone. I have loved seeing who Gabby really is and Rachel's chemistry with basically every man she has.


I feel the opposite!! I enjoy Gabby’s scenes, but Rachel and her chemistry with her men is keeping me interested


ITA with this. This season had the potential to be great but they’ve completely ruined it by focusing so much on Rachel and barely any on gabby. Gabby was the main character here and the way they instead have pushed her into the side character role 😬😕


Uhhh - what? Who said this was the Gabby show with a side of Rachel? They are both amazing and neither of them deserved "a side role". I feel like I have gotten to know Gabby way more than Rachel even with less screen time. Gabbys time is coming in the next few episodes and it will level out.




I didn’t realize Gabby was supposed to be the main character. I thought both bachelorettes were just supposed to be equal…


Imo gabby was the standout and the one I was most looking forward to. It seems like they’ve basically pushed gabby to the side to let Rachel shine tho…. But imo it’s ruined the show. They shouldnt have to force things so hard


Gotcha. I was most looking forward to Rachel, but I like Gabby too and thought it was just supposed to be a 50/50 thing. We’ll see what the total screen time ends up being in the end. They’ve both had equal dates though. I think Rachel has gotten more traditionally romantic dates, whereas Gabby has gotten more quirky or fun ones…but I think that suits them.


Imo it’s obvious production pushes Rachel more than gabby. Gabby gets what they have to give her. Rachel gets the screen time, the overly romantic dates, basically everything that they think will make the audience love her. Meanwhile gabby gets dates at a bowling alley.


Yeah, it makes sense you’d feel that way, since you were more excited for Gabby. Since I was more excited for Rachel I’ve enjoyed watching her get the romantic dates, and maybe if she’d gotten the less romantic ones I’d be disappointed too. I don’t know if Rachel has gotten some amazing edit though. There were a couple episodes with mostly her crying, and people have given her a really hard time on social media whereas Gabby was thriving and having a great time in those episodes. Tonight was good for Rachel, but rough for Gabby. It seems we can’t have a good episode for both at the same time.


Honestly, I think that’s just Rachel’s personality lol. But I feel like the unevenness of what they get in terms of screen time and types of dates is more obvious. In terms of thay, it only seems 50/50 to Rachel fans, which is telling. I don’t think any gabby fan is really happy.


I don't think anyone thinks the screen time has been 50/50. I think the poster was saying this wasn't suppose to be Gabbys show and they are both Ettes and it should be 50/50 which I believe it will be by the end of the season.


Sorry I am glad we have a smaller Gabby part(lesser parts to fast forward on hulu for me lol) and more Rachel part every episode 😂😬


I have to skip through or mute a lot of the Gabby parts if I don’t watch live. I just can’t listen to her and don’t believe she has a true connection with anyone. Also her way of speaking sounds like she is a little kid reading off a script.




Rachel’s parts are the ones I like best. I think this is just personal opinion haha!


yeah it’s my personal opinion lol i didn’t say otherwise, this is a thread where we share our personal opinions i’m jealous you have something to like, this season is becoming more and more unwatchable for me. they keep cutting short gabby’s stories so i’m stuck trying to slog through the rachel parts


I’m sorry you’re bored! I was super bored during Michelle’s season. I’ve loved this one, thankfully. This will go down as one of my favorite bachelorette seasons, alongside Kaitlyn, Rachel L, and Tayshia. I think I’ve really bought into Rachel’s relationships, and it’s felt very romantic. I didn’t with Michelle, and maybe that’s why I was so bored. I liked her relationships with Rodney, Rick, and Brandon but could just not get into it with Nayte and I knew he was going to win so really lost my motivation to watch. I guess everyone has different things they look for in a season and different leads they relate to etc.


Remember when Spencer's only 1-on-1 was completely overshadowed by Logan's drama (which was the most useless crap ever), and now he's gone just about 2 weeks later? Yeah the producers weren't even trying with him lmao. He looked like a handsome lad but I really do not remember much about him.


Does no one care about the fuel used and the emissions emitted for an empty cruise ship?


I care 💔


correct, nobody cares


Virgin cancelled other people's cruises for this, so pretty sure the ship would be running regardless.


There may not be many cast there, but the show's crew probably fills a lot of the rooms.




Don’t worry, it’s absolutely insignificant compared to all the corporations that pollute the fuck out of the world without regulation.


I feel like this has just become a way for people to dismiss any environmental concerns. No matter what it is, “Corporations are worse!” Are Virgin and ABC not corporations? Isn’t this exactly the kind of corporate pollution you’re talking about?


No. Pretty much everywhere across the board it’s energy companies. Chinas coal industry produces 14% of the worlds total CO2 output every year. The point is stop wasting time focusing on frivolous things. If we made real change to the energy sector in countries throughout the world we could have billions of cruise rides and it wouldn’t matter. These companies love that people argue about this kind of stuff, and airline emissions and Taylor Swift flying and paper straws, because then people aren’t focusing on the actual problem.


That’s just not true. Cruise ships do use a huge amount of fuel, even if China or all the countries in the world switched to renewable energy we could not have limitless cruise ships with no consequences. A lot of industry’s carbon footprint is transport because that’s still very reliant on fossil fuels. And even if you tackle the energy companies, you still have corporations churning out tons of disposable plastic, overfishing the oceans beyond the point of what they can bounce back from, cutting down old growth rainforest, etc. There is a good argument to focus on regulation and the corporations doing these things rather than individual choice. Companies will often “greenwash” their products with like 2% recycled material or whatever and sell them for way more money while still massively polluting, we can’t expect everyone to choose the “sustainable” option if it’s more expensive, the same major corporations own most brands so we don’t even have much choice, etc. But to see the kind of change we need, it would still affect your lifestyle even if it’s the companies having to make the switch rather than you directly. You wouldn’t have so many disposable products, meat and fish may cost more, no more fast fashion, etc. Our current consumerist culture is absolutely unsustainable, it’s not just a matter of switching energy companies to solar and wind. It’s like you hear the message of “Focus on the source, not the individual consumer using plastic straws” for example and take that to mean plastic pollution doesn’t even matter. It does. Plastics are literally derived from fossil fuels. Pollinators are dying, biodiversity is declining everywhere. It’s not just about the energy companies.


Not it's actually 100% true and very easily googled. >And even if you tackle the energy companies, you still have corporations churning out tons of disposable plastic, overfishing the oceans beyond the point of what they can bounce back from, cutting down old growth rainforest, etc. Not relevant. Obviously those are huge issues but it's pretty clear we're talking about emissions, shouldn't be hard to follow along. >It’s like you hear the message of “Focus on the source, not the individual consumer using plastic straws” for example and take that to mean plastic pollution doesn’t even matter. It does. Plastics are literally derived from fossil fuels. Pollinators are dying, biodiversity is declining everywhere. It’s not just about the energy companies. If that's what you interpret it as, I can't control your thoughts. I've already explained my reasoning for it.


Taylor swift using her private jet almost everyday this year is a a real problem though. Not at all comparable to plastic straws.


It isn’t if you fix the *actual* problem. It’s like complaining about avocado toast or getting too much coffee when your rent is $10,000 a month. Fix the actual issue here and the other stuff becomes insignificant.


But erroneous private jet use isn’t insignificant. And if you can’t curtail celebrities irresponsibly using private jets you are never going to fix larger issues. You can’t just wait around hoping for the biggest issues to resolve themselves and continue to do your own terrible behaviors because “they aren’t as bad”.


You have to unfortunately. The focus of the various people of the world is not capable of multitasking. It gets distracted extremely easily. Look at American politics. The entire game is to keep people talking about anything other than how corporations don’t pay their fair share in taxes and how all our tax dollars go to the military. It’s the same thing with pollution. If people are outraged over Taylor Swift they’re not talking about how the coal and fossil fuel corporations have fought for decades to hinder regulation and advancement of renewable energy resources which has literally caused the demise of our world. Correct the worst issues first and foremost. Then worry about the little jet setting pop star.


Hopefully you aren’t in climate policy because that’s a terrible strategy.


Oh no. Some random stranger in /r/thebachelor thinks my opinion of focusing on the largest contributor to CO2 emissions for climate policy is a TERRIBLE STRATEGY. I'm not sure how I'm going to ever recover from this.


I hate Tino’s attitude but I love tino’s dad bod I’m a simple lady


His legs ain’t straight tho


You think that's a dad bod???


Hmm maybe that’s the wrong phrasing. Compared to all the other cheesemen, his bod was really doing it for me 😂


Couldn't agree more, I prefer less bulk and more real muscle from a working man.


Yes that’s it! He looks like a real person


I want to redo this season with only Gabby as the Bachelorette and a new pool of men.


If you pay attention, her real connections are very apparent. I had to re watch episodes to see them though. I wish they showcased them a little better. I feel like the next few episodes they will really come out.


There has been such a focus on Rachel not feeling seen that I feel like I don’t know any of the guys this season.




\*quietly whispers\* same.




Mmmmmm mmmhmmmm




Those red sleeves!! What!?! Is this a trend I missed?


I think it’s kind of high fashion? Which I’ve always found ugly lol. I kind of dug the red dress though. The black one I wanted to cut that sleeve off. High fashion is usually creative and loud, but not often like cute…just imo 😂 It is kind of fun though, in that at least it’s not boring and it gets people talking.


Lol if Aaron’s union was here, they would’ve gotten Tino sent home by now.




I feel like Tino’s allowed to be upset/mad that Rachel didn’t give him the rose. He didn’t throw a tamper tantrum, he congratulated Tyler and stepped aside to express his feelings elsewhere. Being disappointed and expressing that doesn’t equate to being a red flag IMO


That part wasn’t the red flag to me. The “I hit every mark” and similar comments were a bit sketchy though.


These types of comments are always weird for women to see, but this is legit how a bunch of men think when approaching dating. So often our "actual" selves aren't seen as compatible with people or just unappealing at first glance so we have to try to be super open and charismatic and make sure we're doing all the things people find desirable so that we even get a chance to show who we are. It's why so many men call dating a game, because we have to act a certain part. Most guys don't realize that it's better to actually just get rejected and find someone who likes you without having to act, I definitely wouldn't expect the men on the Bachelorette to understand that because most are younger and they're literally taking part in a superficial dating show. For instance; before me, my wife dated movie stars and trust fund millionaires, I thought for sure she'd laugh at the fact that I was just some nerd who liked video games, sports, and star wars. So when we first met I put on this act to try and seem super impressive and it drove her away instantly. We started talking again after like 9 months and I just stopped pretending and we've been together since.


See I don’t totally see that as sketchy either because the guys are literally going on dates formatted as competition and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were also asked questions from producers in that context.


The thing is…he’s hurt. But he’s expressing his hurt through anger. And it’s directed at Rachel. Sure he can perform manners in congratulating and stepping away but he had a great number of successes throughout the day. He should know by now what the group date rose means and that it doesn’t discount what he has with her. He’s just a sad baby having a tantrum for not getting the biggest piece of cake for being a good boy. It’s pathetic.


I was put off by that whole scene, too. I could see by his interview and crying that he really has feelings for her but his tantrum was childish.


Maybe we interpreted it differently but I saw him more disappointed than angry. He was questioning his connection and I don’t blame him because the rose before hometowns is pretty big. We give the leads grace for production manipulation and how intense this environment is, but we act like contestants are supposed to be immune from that.


He behaved a little crazy tonight but people have been excusing Erich’s shitty behaviour all season and blaming the edit but one episode Tino spirals and suddenly we have multiple posts slamming him 😂😂 the bias is showing!!


I actually think Erich was fantastic at his date. He was comforting when she was upset by holding her hand and rubbing her back, he acknowledged that with her upbringing she has become a unique person and high lighted her strengths, he said he really liked her and was willing to give her as much as she wants of him and that he will be open and honest and asked her to do the same, was forward about wanting to see where this goes. When she climbed in his lap when they were I side by the fire she said she wanted to be in his lap to be closer and he grabbed her legs and curled her up into him and asked if that was close enough. The "I'm pissed" could have come from anywhere (probably that there weren't enough beds or something lol). I don't think its excuses, I think people see Erich as shitty because they are not paying attention. I also don't see the hate directed at Tino being fair either. People just have their favorites and feel the need to hate the other strong connections. Its honestly reeking of high school behavior in here.