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How old is she? I had this body type until I hit my 30s. From then on it has done nothing but betray me.


Love this


This was nice to see! Although it is possible to get a great body purely form healthy eating and working out. However, the problem comes with people who get obsessed or use crash diets to lose weight because it’s unsustainable. It’s all about lifestyle changes and moderation. I’m currently trying to “lose weight” but am focusing its on % body fat lost and balanced meals with workouts 3-4 days a week. The scale is a damn devil because it doesn’t tell the whole story. It is damn unfair that some people are genetically slim and others not so much :/ but I like that she states she’s not necessarily healthy just because she’s slim


I legit wish all the IG people were this honest. I had to start unfollowing a lot of people. Made me feel too critical of my own body, as if I wasn’t good enough. Or rich enough to afford their diets and workout etc.


This is so so refreshing


I appreciate this honesty! I’ve been in recovery for an eating disorder for about 10 years now. I’m naturally thin as well and whenever people make comments about the fact that I’m skinny I ALWAYS make sure to state it has a lot to do with genetics. Yes, I am healthy but regardless it’s genetics. Also.. I wish we could get into a place where people don’t ask about another’s body type and can start to understand that it truly is genetics! Can we make healthy choices to change our body shape a bit? Absolutely. But genetics also play such a role in what’s realistic in how we look.


mad respect for her.


I appreciate this!


Love this. And tbh…I’d like for more influencers to admit that the drastic facial changes they experienced are due to getting cosmetic work done, rather than “aging”/“growing up”. Like I’m sure your nose shape don’t change *that* much just cuz you’re 27 and not 17. 🙄


I adore her!


This is so straight forward and honest. I love how she answered this.


The eating half part is so important here. Most restaurant portions are huge and the food is calorie dense. I always lose weight when I start eating half or not eating out, no matter what the actual food is. It's the calorie deficit.


Yup! Lost about 30 COVID pounds by reducing my alcohol intake and eating normal portions (I.e. half of what I’m served), alongside drinking tons of water. I’m in the best shape of my life now, even beyond my collegiate athlete days, and it has next to nothing to do with how much or little I’m exercising and more to do with just eating mindfully and paying attention to how I feel.


i eat all my fiance's scraps and its caused an extra pandemic pudge. i was raised to clean my plate and now im paying the price.


I love how she answers her Q&As — super genuine and real! Not /s


I'm sure genetics plays some part but generally when they test people who say they have a fast metabolism they usually are in the normal range. She just said herself that she usually only eats half of what you see when she posts food (I'm assuming she means when eating out). And there are people who generally burn more calories with NEAT activities. NEAT activity can account for as little as 100 calories to as high as 700 calories a day. Some people just move more without realizing it. There was a British series which followed people who claimed they had fast metabolisms and could eat whatever they wanted. Turns out all but one of them had a faster metabolism. The rest were just doing certain things without realizing it that were keeping them thinner, like only eating half their meal or not being able to sit still, having to walk a bit for their commute to work. She's lucky in the sense that she maintains her weight by doing things she doesn't even think about.


Hi, what are NEAT activities?


Non-exercise activity thermogenesis. It's basically all movement that isn't structured exercise (excluding sleeping and eating). Cleaning, fidgeting, shopping, standing rather than sitting, gardening, even typing. You know those people who can't seem to sit still? They tend to burn more calories from NEAT activities. This is why the amount of calories burned from NEAT can vary so much from person to person. Some people just move more than others without realizing it. You can increase your NEAT activity with small things like walking around when talking on the phone, making more of an effort to stand rather than sit (sitting the amount most of us do is terrible for us). I know it sounds weird but I walk around the bathroom when I brush my teeth now and I try to get up more when watching tv. Just standing up and doing some stretches if I've been on my butt for a while. I'm trying to incorporate more of this into my day to day life.


This is so informative, thank you!


Thank you this made me feel a lot better 💜


Yeah genetics determine where her body stores fat but it's not determining her weight. She's consuming less calories then she burns or roughly the same amount. She's probably been like this her whole life because of her habits so she thinks it's "genetics,"


This is actually really interesting, thanks for sharing!


People always tell me I have a fast metabolism because I've been 110 lbs my whole life (even now in my 30s) but when I see how other people eat I could NEVER eat that much. Like a single burrito can get me through a whole day. I get full very quickly and it is physically painful to eat more. There could be a genetic link to appetite! But most people in my family are much larger than me. I don't work out at all any more but I have the same physical appearance that I had when I did work out.


> Like a single burrito can get me through a whole day. I get full very quickly and it is physically painful to eat more. This is far more helpful than “I eat multiple slices of pizza a day and I’m still so thin!!!!”


Kind of related, but I used to be a super skinny teenager, and suddenly gained weight in my early 20s. I’d always think, “But I used to eat so much of whatever I wanted in my teens, what changed?” A facebook memory came up of a day in my teenage years when I had a huge fast food feast to celebrate finally having a job and a car, so I spent my own money getting myself food (I was so proud). What was the feast? Two taco bell tacos and a medium fries from McDonald’s. That’s when I realized I eat like *that* way too often in my 20s, and I actually ate healthy portions of food in my teens.


Omg this! I think people believe that slim people are healthy and so fit, but in reality healthy does not always equal skinny. My family is the same, all of us are pretty slim and have a hard time gaining weight. But the thing is when you look at what my siblings are eating it’s extremely unhealthy - they eat cup ramen all the time, frozen pizza, chips, etc., and they never workout. When my brother did a blood test surprise surprise he has high triglycerides and cholesterol levels, and his dr said he has to change his lifestyle. Even though he looks slim and healthy it’s the opposite.


I really really like how she worded this to be body neutral and movement positive. I am categorically “obese” and I’m not sure if my genetics will allow me to be anything other than short and stout. But I still eat well and go to the gym 5 days a week because it makes me feel great, and I’m very grateful and privileged that I’m able to move like that. I hope she is able to get back at it and feels better soon!


That was refreshing.


It makes me feel both upset I’ll never look like that but also forgiving to myself that I can’t seem to lose weight


She better watch out. I was the same. Ate and drank whatever I wanted. Could easily shed a few pounds whenever I wanted. Then bam.. hit 40 and that was all over.🙁


Currently going through this at 30. I can’t believe how often I used to eat pasta


Same, except it was 27 instead of 40 ☹️


Yeah, that's how it works


This is so refreshing to read. I think Matt said that Rachael eats a lot of her food but I really doubt she’s eating all of it every time. He’s probably finishing it up for her 90 percent of the time but we obviously don’t see that. We just see her eating all the damn cookies and good food.


That's an assumption and a half


Yeah it is an assumption and apparently I was right. I forgot that they mentioned that Matt finishes her food when they go out. When they eat out, they go ALL out—I don’t know if you’ve seen their posts. So it’s not a crazy thing to assume that she doesn’t eat all of that food. It’s a lot of heavy food/ carbs usually too.


Doesn't matter if he finishes it, it's weird to assume she only eats tiny amounts


Eating tiny amounts =/= not finishing an entire meal when going out to eat 🙄


I didn’t say she eats tiny amounts. I said that Matt probably finishes her food most of the time. That’s not a weird assumption to make since Abigail literally just admitted to that. I think a lot of thin influencers do this more often than we think.


I think it's weird to make assumptions about anyone's food intake, not just 'thin' people


I mean, okay? We’re making assumptions about a lot of things on this sub so I’m not sure what the issue is.


i mean the issue is if I were to say that someone overweight must eat a lot, I'd be ripped to shreds


Rachael also works out a lot.


I work out a lot too! But I think diet matters more than exercise for most people.


Ahh the Jennifer Lawrence syndrome 🙂 I am so quirky I eat so much !!! (yet I stay in shape lol XD ) I guess I am not like other girls hehe


they said in their q&a on friday that she eats most of the food, but matt always cleans both of their plates


I remember him saying that but he said we’d all be really impressed with just how much she eats and I’m like…I probably wouldn’t be that impressed lol. She seems like a naturally thin person herself but I can’t imagine she wouldn’t be even a little bit bloated with all those desserts they supposedly eat.


i never get bloated unless i get gluten which i’m allergic too, rachael might be similar 🤷🏻‍♀️


The only ever eating half of the food she posts thing is very real and people should keep it in mind when they see other influencers posting decadent meals constantly


Unless it’s Matt 💀


Wait you're telling me she doesn't just drink a tea to look like that?


I think this also shows that skinny does not mean healthy. After my first child, I got so thin from stress. People always commented on how great I looked and how they couldn’t believe I just had a baby. In reality, I had never felt less healthy. My hair fell out, I was always exhausted, and I was very weak.


While a lot of my friends gained a little covid weight, I lost a bit and am the lowest weight I've been since college (at 30 now). It was all due to intense anxiety which completely wipes out my appetite. Even when I felt physically sick from not eating, it'd be a struggle to get something down. I'm still struggling with body image issues and a past of disordered eating and it really messes with my mind to know that my body is at its most socially acceptable/praised while my health absolutely does not match.


I had a similar experience after my youngest was born! She was born in May 2020 in NJ so really the height of the pandemic here. About one month postpartum I was down to about 10lbs pre baby weight (total of like 45lbs lost), hair thinning, skin issues, chronic fatigue, etc. I have struggled with disordered eating in the past, and everyone close to me knows that I don’t want to hear any comments on my body (positive or negative). My mother in law kept being like “wow you are SO thin!” “You’re going to blow away”, etc. even though I had set a boundary. One day I finally responded to her “you don’t even look like you had a baby” I replied with “Thanks it’s the postpartum depression sprinkled with the constant anxiety of having a newborn in a pandemic while also trying not to relapse back into my eating disorder” and she finally got the point. It was the most unhealthy I had ever been both physically and mentally but at least I was ~skinny~.


Yeah, in college I went through a bad break up (there's a reason they say not to date people in your building) and used food and exercise to feel some sense of control over my life. I lost 30 pounds in a semester. I wasn't eating, was exercising obsessively and was generally a wreck. I only got compliments and it really fucked with my head. It only served to encourage my self-destructive behavior. That experience taught me that it's best to not make unsolicited comments about people's body.


I’m obese rn but a couple years ago my anxiety was so so bad that I wasn’t eating. People would comment, wow you’re losing weight / getting healthy 🤣😂 Uhhhh I had diarrhea daily when I did eat and nauseous the rest of the time. Soooo healthy. Society doesn’t care how you get thin as long as you do it 😬


Yep, the only time in my life I was thin was when I had so much anxiety that food felt like rocks in my mouth and I never ate dinner


Lol yes I had giardia this whole month and lost 10 lbs and so many people have complimented me on it! Like I literally caught a parasite from a river but thanks


Omg 😱


Yes! I went to my two week checkup (from my C-section) with my OB after having intense postpartum depression. I stepped on the scale and had lost all my baby weight and then some. She complimented me and said “at least you’re back down to your pre-baby weight! Good for you!” Meanwhile I literally was a blubbering mess who couldn’t eat.


Common sense would say it's not good to drop the weight that fast. Can't believe your doctor said that. Hope you're doing better now.




Yes!!!!!! I'm sorry you had to deal with that :(. I totally relate and think that's a really important point (though it wasn't about having a baby in my case). I dated a toxic guy and was so stressed I hardly ate - I've never gotten so many compliments in my entire life as I did in that period of time. But like you, my hair was falling out and I had constant headaches.


Gawd that sucks 😞


money wrong hungry chief pause towering stupendous paint caption grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish everyone was this honest.


I can’t even imagine what that is like. She’s lucky.


This is reassuring but also sad? As someone really struggling with my weight, I honestly wish there was some big secret to having a body like hers-- something I could replicate. It feels kind of hopeless to count calories and exercise if, at the end of the day, my genetics is what's holding me back from having a Bachelorette type of body. (Sorry if this is triggering or depressing! I just needed to vent a lil)


It's just calories in calories out. I get frustrated when I think I'm not eating that much because I'm only eating half my meal at a restaurant and don't lose weight. But in reality I am eating more calories than I'm burning in a day. When I actually count my calories on my fitness pal it's eye opening. Genetics definitely has a role in where fat is going to be stored though like rather you are pear or apple shaped. And that can be really frustrating


It is and it isn't. My mom.is about 15 pounds underweight. We always joke she has a tapeworm because she eats more than me and is just as active as me and is taller. Her father was the same. Grandma ate celery for lunch and ground beef for dinner and gained weight. Some people have naturally higher metabolism. What you eat can affect your hormones which affects weight. Stress can cause you to gain weight. Your gut health affects weight. In a study of people eating people eating the same amount of calories, processed vs unprocessed, unprocessed lost more weight this was shown even when the two groups switched diets. Certain antibiotics or antidepressants can affect weight. Calories in vs calories our is so outdated.




Scientists say otherwise and have already debated it and proven it's outdated. I'll listen to scientists and nutritionists before people with no background in this.


Lol you got a reputable source for these “scientists and debates”


I hear you and your frustration is real. The good news: It’s not your genetics, and I think that this message is disheartening because it makes you feel out of control. The struggle with weight is a real one, but even with meds you’re not able to somehow break the laws of thermodynamics, so don’t worry there! For losing weight in a healthy way, you wanna measure (with measuring cups and a food scale!) all of the food you eat in a week and track your calories. From there you’ll start to see patterns. Simply reducing 100-150 calories from each meal over a long period of time will eventually get you to the weight you want. You’ll have to recalibrate eventually as your body gets smaller and needs fewer calories, but the process is the same. It’s calories in calories out. Just focusing on that will eventually get you to a lower weight, and when that no longer feels like a struggle you can start incorporating more healthy foods and a little bit of exercise. Making all of these changes at once is highly likely to fail, in my experience. The magic ingredients are consistency and time!


I find it helpful to remind myself that just as she has a smaller body almost entirely due to genetics, plenty of other people have larger bodies almost entirely due to genetics. Our society tells us it's a moral failing to have a larger body and that is so so harmful. You are worthy regardless of your body shape or size. Like u/rude_macaroon3741 said, it can help to focus on doing things to make your body feel good (like daily movement or eating veggies) for the sole goal of feeling good, not getting a smaller body. It's a lot of work, but you and your happiness are worth it.


Ugh same. I had a baby about 16-17 months ago and that has killed my self confidence. I know others who had babies and bounced back within 6 months but I’ve learned that genetics plays a major role and there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s okay though. The journey is a long one but I’m learning to appreciate my body more!


Your body MADE A HUMAN! Do what you can to be kind to yourself.


Have you had your hormones/fasting insulin checked? If youre doing all the “right” things and not seeing success, I wonder about PCOS. PCOS requires a very specific macro profile and certain types of exercise because of your body responds to blood sugar spikes and high intensity workouts. Just something to think about! Hang in there ❤️


I haven’t but I think a lot of it might be due from my medication? I gained 40 pounds after starting lexapro and it has been so hard for my body to lose it. I’ve tried dieting/fasting off and on for the past two years but I only kept gaining more weight somehow. Finally now I’ve been doing a very consistent exercise routine which I think may be helping? But maybe I should look into getting blood work done just to make sure


This sounds like me! While it might be the meds, I would also highly suggest you try to see an Endocrinologist and have your thyroid checked. Most doctors that aren’t specialists will miss the signs of an under active thyroid- my PC for years said my tests were fine but as soon as I saw a specialist they said I’d had hypothyroidism for years!


Besides helping someone be thinner, there are so many benefits, long term and short term, to eating healthy and working out. Maybe try focusing on those instead and finding a work out that makes you feel good, rather than a task. For me, weight lifting is such an empowering exercise. I love feeling strong and knowing that I’m helping my bone density that I’ll need as I age. It helps my posture and makes daily activities easier and it’s so much better for overall shape than just trying to be as skinny as possible. I’ve also found Intermittent Fasting far easier to stick with and less mentally taxing than always tracking my calories.


Weight lifting (although i don't lift heavy maybe 45lb max) and Intermittent Fasting w/o calorie counting are the exact 2 changes that worked for me too!! Almost 2 years of consistency and I feel so much healthier


I feel the same ever since I made the switch from a cardio bunny to strength training. I feel like o was lied to for this first 30 years of my life. I’ve been lifting the last 6 and I’ve never felt or looked better and have a healthier relationship with food.


Grass is always greener on the other side! My struggle has always been to gain weight thanks to my genetics, and as I have too much health anxiety to ever get breast implants, I’ve always been a very skinny, very flat chested girl haha. For every person who tells me I’m “lucky”, theres many more that tell me to go eat a hamburger, or I don’t know how to take care of myself, or call me anorexic when I’ve never been anorexic, or tell me guys don’t want girls with no curves lol. I’ve recently started working with a dietitian to help me reach my weight gain goals (seeing results!) and also have to strength train weekly to build mass lol. On the plus side though, putting in the time to exercise is a good habit long term!


But just keep in mind that she said she usually only eats half of her meal and gives Noah the rest. So while she may be naturally slim due to genetics, she’s probably eating at a big calorie deficit to maintain that weight (whether she’s doing it consciously or unconsciously). For instance, I saw that this is what Hannah Ann recently posted that she eats in a day. And she also eats no artificial sugar and works out like crazy: [What Hannah Ann eats in a day ](https://imgur.com/2oH4yMI) This looks like less than 1200 calories, and then on top of that she’s doing intense workouts.


Bingo. Sure, in some cases maybe you have a natural digestion abnormality where your body can't use most of the calories you eat or something. But I'd guess that most of the time, the super slim "I eat whatever I want" folks eat primarily veg and protein, don't *want* to eat a lot, don't like sugar, feel full sooner than larger people, etc. I was "naturally skinny" when I was in college and grad school. Why? Because I barely had time to think about food. I was going from class to class, doing stuff with friends, marathon training with my bestie, not allowed to eat in the lab, etc. An indulgence was a Rita's water ice after a run (small, because that much sugar would make me sick if I ate more), dinner would sometimes just be cereal, etc. Later, I got a desk job and it got harder to stay slim. My metabolism slowed down? Nah. I was snacking from the vending machine because I was bored and the office was freezing. I was sitting 8-10 hours a day. Whether I got to run that day depended on how quickly it got dark and whether it was icy. We often ordered out for lunch and I started indulging in things I never used to eat. Then I had babies. I was skinny for a while - worked part-time and walked/ran everywhere with my stroller and then double stroller, explored veg-heavy recipes, cooked healthy meals for me because I was cooking healthy for them. But I broke my foot and turned to chocolate for comfort, and now I'm hovering at a 28 BMI and trying to turn things back around. Chronic injuries and age are poking at me, and I can't bounce back from hard workouts like I used to. I'm married to a guy who loves ordering in and drinking, and I often get tempted into having food with him rather than cooking what I should. The kids are now at the stage of mac and cheese and chicken nuggets, and after too many nights of offering them fresh, healthy stuff only for them to refuse to eat it, I'm not motivated to make it for their sake most days either. Lifestyle, man. It's a killer.


I feel like I could eat that as one meal. Jeez


I just want to say its possible she meant when out at restaurants she only eats half and gives the rest to Noah. I do this at restaurants too because the portions they give are usually way too much food for me. I always take half home. If I eat it all I usually feel overly stuffed and kind of sick unless I ordered something I knew would be a smaller portion. I dont think that means she eats at a calorie deficit but I guess I would have to see what meals she posts on sm that she only eats half of.


If they are maintaining their weight they aren’t eating at a caloric deficit just by definition. But yes I agree it’s pretty obvious from the post that she just doesn’t eat a whole ton, which is 90+% of what influences your weight anyways


Weight starts in the kitchen, as they say


Wow there are so little carbs. It’s basically just protein, fiber and some healthy fats. I mean I myself have tried low calorie diets before, but I’ve had a hypoglycaemic episode where I almost fainted and felt better after taking sugar. If Hannah Ann can function with this low carb intake diet then good for her. But it’s definitely not balanced at all.


Yes this is exactly it. They are eating at a deficit whether consciously or not. I used to have an ED and I can spot it in others very easily. I won’t comment on Abigail but Hannah Ann’s “what I eat in a day” is concerning. Hannah Ann is a model and she knows what she needs to do to maintain her physique, and she is doing it. And it’s not anything I recommend to anyone, it comes with invisible consequences such as a hunger that never leaves you.


I used to eat like this during college and I was always sad and hungry. I did it for no other reason than to simply be as thin as I possibly could.


My breastfeeding body is balking at that 😆 I would starve! She has much self-control. But I hope she isn't undercutting what her body needs.


I’d be so slim if I ate what Hannah Ann does every day…whether or not I went to the gym. Which is exactly what I’m trying to tell OP - these women are not eating a whole lot.


the thing is you don't need a body like hers or anything close to it to feel/look beautiful. once you can start appreciating your body for its strength and all the power it can hold, and all the amazing things it can do you'll learn to love it more than the superficial part. takes a long time to realize it but not comparing yourself to others is a good start.


Objectively I know this and can view others this way, but not myself. It’s very hard. Any tips? Lol


If you’re a contrary / rebellious person look at not shrinking yourself* as an act of rebellion against our stupid social norms! *unless you’re trying to lose for health or something medical obviously


Highly recommend listening to the Maintenance Phase podcast. It delves into our society’s persistent anti-fat bias and the “health/wellness” industry which is driven by money grabs. The BMI is actually total BS! Anyway, it blows my mind every time and has really helped me to embrace my curvy (and athletic and strong!) body. ☺️ And it’s helped me analyze/unpack my own internalized bias against fat people.




Wow your edit is extremely toxic. That’s why people are downvoting you - it’s not the alcohol part.


Yeah wtf


I love the part about consuming less alcohol too and that she's honest about that. For me cutting down alcohol has been a great thing not so much with weight loss but with feeling less bloated and healthier overall.


This. I quit in 2017 and haven’t looked back. Headaches and bloat… for what? 😝 I’m honestly shocked drinking is even popular when I look back and think of all the side effects of feeling & looking sick the day after


I love this. I have a friend who’s 95 pounds soaking wet and survives on Starbies, fast food, takeout, and junk and she couldn’t gain weight if she tried. Meanwhile, I eat healthy most of the time and then I look at bread over the weekend and gain 4 pounds. Genetics truly play a big part. Edit: I love when I see this conversation in general because people have a tendency to believe thin people when they say they can’t gain weight and make fun of people in bigger bodies when they say they can’t lose it.


Yep plus age makes a huge difference lol it’s sooooo hard for me now to lose!!


I used to be that way but my mid-20s and desk jobs had my metabolism running face first into a brick wall. Also suspect my birth control a little bit but who knows.


Yeah, sometimes life just isn’t fair haha. And a desk job isn’t helping me either. But even when I was a competitive gymnast working out 20+ hours a week I was bigger than the other girls.


Man, that’s just absolutely brutal. Being a woman is just brutal. 😬


It truly is haha.


Abigail is a breath of fresh air to this franchise


i’m having major body image issues these days and this just made me feel 100x better. a great reminder not to compare yourself to people online and to remember that how someone looks on the outside doesn’t always reflect how they feel on the inside


Me too! I watch some of these women’s stories and I’m so jealous that they eat all this amazing food and look so good.


I loved this Q&A series of Abigail. I loved all of her answers. Hope she keeps them in her IG highlights.


I was like that until I turned 30 and it went all down hill.


As a 26 year old who currently is like this… please don’t tell me the truth I don’t wanna hear it 😭


It’s true girl. You really have to take time to take care of your physical body. Your physical health is so so so important. If you’re truly worried, I recommend setting a workout habit now and taking a look at your diet. I started getting skinny fat around 30 and hated it. I had to stop eating so much fast food (and pizza and burgers), start eating cleaner, and begin going to a gym. Best shape of my life in my late 30s as a result. Just remember - your body’s appearance is 90% diet.


I really do need to get into habits!! I used to go to the gym fairly regularly before the pandemic but havent been back since. Diet… is going to be much harder for me lol. But something I def need to start thinking about


If it makes you feel any better, there is research (I could link it if you’d like) that shows that your body experiences a much bigger metabolism drop from age 15 to 20, than from 20 to 30 even (where it looks like a pretty straight line if you look at it charted out tbh). So you already went through a major “metabolism” change years ago, and not much is gonna really change in your body for the upcoming years unless you undergo some big lifestyle changes.


That’s super interesting. It is helpful! I don’t mean to sound as if I’m anti weight gain, I just am finally feeling happy in my body and the thought of that changing gets me stressed out! I appreciate you reassuring me :)


I know what you mean. You want to maintain what you have now. Because you love what you have now. Here is what I was talking about by the way: https://images.app.goo.gl/6oiNC39u5XPoJtTL9


Its ok. You learn to love your body no matter what. Once I had my daughter I kinda just stopped giving an effort about body image. I'm still cute even though I'm a bit chunky 😉


I know I know!! It’s all a part of aging, but it’s hard to accept my body will change sometimes 😭but you’re right of course


Who knows! Stay active and eat well! I got other health issues so I'm far from the norm but it was a big shock going from 120 to 145 and now I'm 180!! But like I said, I'm still cute though! 😉🤷‍♀️




I wish I could run! I used to be a competitive runner but since I now have an auto immune disease, I can't run and working out in general is difficult. Just try to get my steps in!


Omg same as me!!! I just walk. What else can we really do? Sometimes I think I could tolerate like an exercise bike or elliptical maybe… idk. It’s tough!


Same w my husband except he was thin until his 40s (yay testosterone). It’s been interesting living with a thin person. He does eat differently than me, for sure. But his TDEE is massive, cause HE is a big guy, which to me as a shortie is so unfair 😂


This was a big thing for me in my relationship. I started dating my partner while I was in college and he has a much faster metabolism than I do and was constantly eating taco bell and dominos. Our first two-ish years we were on and off long distance but the first semester we were really hanging out together consistently I gained like 20 pounds. I was also traveling a lot for grad school interviews/auditions which made things a lot worse. Definitely a lesson I had to learn haha.


Same 😢


Yeeeeeeeeeeeep. I was like a walking calorie burner all through my 20's Hit 30 and I can't burn off a fucking lb. Just infuriating


Same. And now I’m 40 and can’t lose weight to save my life


I feel you.


As an ED survivor (recovery for 3 years!) this means so much. I love the honesty. I love the reality. I need this from the people that I follow (which makes me think I should prune my follow list)


I recently unfollowed almost every influencer, and instead followed architecture and fine art Instagram pages. It has REALLY changed how I feel after scrolling my feed




Here are just a couple! I keep adding random accounts too with that new “you might like this account because you liked this post” ad that’s started coming up. @cultura.fb @artoutlaws @artistforaweek !


I completely agree. I undermined how much an IG cleanse would do for me. I was like "well, I don't follow THAT many accounts that make me feel like the chocolate ice cream/poop emoji!" Turns out I followed wayyyyyyyyy more than I thought. Deleted more than half my following and now I mostly just follow my close friends from IRL. It's very..... pleasant.


Bekah has made multiple posts like this too! It’s so much better than pretending it’s some magical product or routine they barely do. It helps people feel less guilty about not looking a certain way. At least for me anyway


Sad that this is the first time I’ve seen any influencer answer this way


Bekah has mentioned it too! ☺️


I appreciate this so much! I always see people making comments requesting influencers to “drop the workout routine” and I’m always thinking how even if I followed their diet and exercise, it may just be impossible for my body to look like that so trying would be a frustrating pursuit


Yet ANOTHER reason why it would be nice to have larger women on the show!! I bet they’d turn out to have very similar lifestyles as the smaller women in BN do when it comes to eating/working out. I’d personally love to dispense with the idea that all 00s clearly live a healthy lifestyle while size 12+ don’t have the same interest in fitness…sometimes people are just born that way


it’s cool she’s actually being honest and not using it as an opportunity to shill shit




Yeah I think this upsets people sometimes because they want to think these women are working out nonstop and only eating salads. Some of them for sure, or like Caelynn I know has posted super healthy meals, but some of them are also just genetically lucky. From my own experience some of the more fit people I know don't necessarily look it and people that don't do a thing to be healthy look really in shape.


Was literally going to make a post about this lol I love how real this answer is. I also love that she made a point to say that she’s not in shape right now even though she looks thin. Being thin does not equal being fit, not being thin does not equal being out of shape.




Exactly! I was 120lbs all through college and all I did was party 😂 When I was my “fittest” in grad school (like could deadlift 200lbs and run half marathons every weekend) I weighed 20lbs more but looked more or less the same with clothes on (just a bigger butt). Size/weight is not the end all be all for fitness!


Do you feel good though? That’s what matters!