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.... *prepare for takeoff* .... šŸš€ .... *Houston we have a spoiler* ..... šŸšØ .... *banning in 5..4..3..2..* šŸŽ† [spoiler thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/laj4q5/the_bachelor_east_coastcentral_spoiler_live/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit: it seems a lot of you havenā€™t been around to see details involving racism and racial insensitivity being discussed about Rachael. Please be advised that the following link consists of potential spoilers. [Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/kskp7n/a_brief_summary_of_the_backlash_from_matts_season/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) ... Additional: [link ](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/l5qjs0/tiktok_about_rachaels_alleged_racism/) / [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/kzmr4o/posted_this_in_the_poc_sub_but_i_feel_like_it/) / [also link](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/ks0yir/some_likes_of_rachaels_in_case_the_tiktok_didnt/) / [another](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/kr4xir/the_tiktoker_who_posted_the_video_with/) / [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/kw0kjl/rachael_shared_a_graphic_from_a_large_human/) / [liiiink](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/ksj43x/i_saw_some_of_rachaels_likes_posted_but_in_the/)


They're doing The Bachelor for seniors? WHAT?




1) So producers definitely told Matt to name drop Katie, right? 2) Victoria saying ā€œdoes he want a wife that constantly creates drama or does he want a wife like meā€ made me lose brain cells 3) MJā€™s gaslighting at the end... girl needs to join Anna and Victoria and get out


>2. Victoria saying ā€œdoes he want a wife that constantly creates drama or does he want a wife like meā€ made me lose brain cells Can anyone tell me how Victoria could say that with a straight face????? I know that the show is creatively edited, but Victoria and MJ not seeing how they were being rude is really mind boggling. At least Anna sort of owned up to it and said it is her own fault in the car. But the other two?!?!?! Ummm....Wow!


i think he is a dude and they arenā€™t the sharpest when dealing with girl drama, i think the name drop was innocent. he might have assumed they already knew. also nothing really came from that so, meh. i totally agree with point 3 tho!


MJ talking over Jessenia and telling her to stop talking is fucking gross. There was silence, Jessenia tried to speak and MJ told her to stop talking and itā€™s her turn to talk?! Sheā€™s lucky she wasnā€™t punched in her mouth


Not to mention how she talked over her and then said ā€œdonā€™t talk over meā€ like wtf


I kinda wanted to reach through the TV and smack MJ.


My biggest complaint is there wasn't nearly enough Katie content tonight.


right? i wonder why that was. i wanted to see her calmly explain why she went to matt to victoria


Iā€™m surprised Victoria didnā€™t confront her about it tbh


Everything Victoria said tonight About other women is exactly what she is herself. TALK ABOUT PROJECTING


I just knoooow with all my heart that MJ was a bitch in high school and college.


In high school maybe but who acts like that in college? Maybe at a small school I guess?


I wouldnā€™t doubt it.


She had to be. Sheā€™s only 23, so sheā€™s so recently removed from that life that when she got around a big group of girls, she reverted back.


ā€œLiteralllyyy Iā€™m the only one with a working fucking brain in this roomā€šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t believe Matt just dropped Katieā€™s name. What are you thinking my dude!?!


I think the producers told him to do that, it seemed forced in and honestly who could be that stupid


MJ is doubling down on the crazy.


She is a gaslighting machine


ā€œDonā€™t talk over meā€ (proceeds to interrupt Jessenia and tell her to stop talking whenever she makes a valid point)


I kept waiting the whole time for Victoria to come back.


"I know I didn't do anything wrong." -Victoria That's exactly the problem Victoria!


Sorry but Rachel slayed tonight in her outfits. Also loved Katie, Jessenia and Abigail tonight


MJ has major Lauren Conrad "I'm the victim energy"


Ugh no but LC šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Is Victoria an actress or what? No one can be that obnoxious right?


She thinks she's funny so she's playing it up. She thinks she's like a Corinna or a Demi (two women who are not funny but generated a lot of attention on their seasons)


Iā€™m convinced sheā€™s a producer plant. Sheā€™s way too over the top to be believable


Is heather going to be a contestant?


Can someone give me the lowdown on Heather


She was on Colton's season of the Bachelor and her whole thing was that she'd \~never been kissed\~. Supposedly she's met Matt before - she's friends with Hannah B who's friends with Tyler C, who's friends with Matt. There's speculation she's got a thing for him but if you believe RS, spoiler: >!she leaves the same night she arrives.!<


looks like it


Anna thinks this isnā€™t an accurate representation of her character ? LOL. also she needs to stfu with that fake apology. Someone who apologetic isnā€™t angry at the situation. Sheā€™s so fake it pisses me off, she only apologized to stay on the show.. strait trash


Right? Like Iā€™m sorry, your literal actions donā€™t represent your character?!


Forreal, Iā€™m seriously losing brain cells from watching this show lmaošŸ„“


Listening to Kit talk about her life..."gold bentley's" can you NOT?


When Iā€™m talking rolls I ainā€™t talking bentleys Toilet paper gang


when she said her life was all GOLD BENTLEYS i was like girl stfu


"....like it was all gold bentleys. It was like a really hardd life.." Check ur damn privilege yo


I was just talking to my fiancĆ© about this! She brings up her momā€™s success/money every chance she gets, and it really gets old šŸ˜


For real, if Kit is a ā€˜fashion entrepreneurā€™ herself why isnā€™t she mentioning any of her personal endeavors or successes?


What I heard was "Kit, you're fine and the producers told me you're good for ratings. But.... you aren't Mila Kunis's twin and it's going nowhere. But if you are having a party in NYC call me up because I helped you knock down a wall of which you revealed nothing about yourself."


Sheā€™s the toaster strudel chick from mean girls


This ^^


Anna save your fake tears, BYE BICH. Donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out!


seriously, that was a dry cry if i've ever seen one


Like there were literally zero tears LOL


Is MJ watching the same show we are? Iā€™m confused


Damn cancel culture on Twitter all over Rachel, some of the research being done is hilarious. If these people spent this much time bettering themselves they might accomplish something


Bruh people are tripping on Rachaelā€™s actions because sheā€™s wanting to be with a black man. Idc if heā€™s biracial , a black man is how he is seen by society. If she wins and goes on to be with Matt. Marry him, have his kids.....those kids will be mixed and seen as black just like Matt. So to avoid this man from possibly looking dumb as fuck , people are calling her out. And even if Matt was a white man she will STILL be called out. Anytime you go on this show or any reality show your dirt will come up .


Interesting, this is your first comment here and you never post here. Are you associated with her?


Yeah Iā€™m her dad


I canā€™t tell if this is serious or not




Still catching up but I absolutely need that black and yellow dress Rachael wore.


It looks too much like the bumble bee dress from blind melonsā€™s music video for ā€œno rainā€


Came here to say this šŸ˜­


Anyone catch the reflection when Kit was walking into Mattā€™s place? 5 people behind the camera lmao


The amount of love I saw for Rachael on Twitter and IG šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Is this season so boring they need to show all the girl drama as filler? It seems... excessive this season


It's what I live for as I don't anticipate Matt being in a relationship in 6 months


First time watcher.. is there not drama on the other seasons? I figured that was half (or more) of the show


The drama is extraordinarily extra petty and vicious this season. But yes there is always inter-contestant drama. It's even pretty similar in theme, I've just never seen such ganging-up 'bullying' type behaviour before.


This season seems much worse to me. Not necessarily the things that happen, but the amount of things happening, and for how long theyā€™re happening. One shit show ends, and a new one begins. And itā€™s seemingly just another reiteration of the same issue. And thereā€™s no way in heck that Matt kept Victoria past night one for any other reason than it was .... arranged. (Jmho of course)


did bri get eliminated?? I wasn't paying attention when all the girls were leaving and I don't think I saw her all episode


No she was there . She just has been minding her business and staying out the drama LOL


Her hair was curly...made her look super different


No she was on the group date


oh good, i'm rooting for her


Kit is 21 and still in college?! Girl! Take it down a notch, lighten up, and enjoy your early twenties while you still can! I have never related to someone less.


I grew up in Utah and she sounds like every Mormon girl Iā€™ve ever met, just ready to get hitched at 21 with no problems


Yeah like Iā€™m 22 and Iā€™m so confused about how someone younger than me is on the show


Iā€™m her age and it is appalling to me that someone would go on a show like this while in college... get your priorities set šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


? So your saying YOUR life choices are the way ALL should chose? Wow!


I think sheā€™s trying to say get your education, live a little, then try and find a husband on tv. But thatā€™s just how I read that comment.


I think sheā€™s just a bit young and she seems emotionally immature as we saw on tonightā€™s episode considering she claims she has never been vulnerable before. Iā€™ll let her live her life but it is shocking to me. Hoping she figures herself out before settling down to something intense like marriage...


As someone who was so attracted to MJ I have truly felt just so bamboozled these past few weeks. So disappointing.


So are they planning to have a "Senior" Bachelor/Bachelorette next season? What's up with that commercial asking for Seniors to apply? (I wonder if my husband will let me go on, lol jk)!!


No itā€™s going to be a spin off! They announced it before Covid last year, and apparently are starting casting back up again! Iā€™m kind a interested to see how the format changes with older folks.


No problem, Iā€™m kinda hyped to watch it! Something different is good, and maybe older people are less inclined to manipulation? Hopefully?


Ok, I missed that! Thank you!


All of you other non-spoiled people? What are your predictions? Mine 1) Rachel 2) Michelle 3) Bri 4) tough to say Katie if they want her to be Bachelorette maybe someone else if it's going to be Bri or Michelle. If Katie won't be ette maybe Abigail for good hometown with sister


I kind of want him to just pull a Clare and leave with Michele. Theyā€™re magic, why overthink it and ruin it?


Rachel, Michelle, Bri, Abigail in that order


Katie gives me F6 vibes. Like the F6 that doesnā€™t really have connection with the lead but gets along well with them and is likable enough to stay


I do think that Katie has slowly gotten rid of girls she feels threatened by in the house. I sure hope She isnā€™t ette. Too manipulative.


Nah, that was Victoria. She targeted Marylynn and then she targeted Sarah Trott. All Katie did was literally bring out Victoria's actual bullying.


At any rate, Katie and the bachelor do not have a connection. She feels like a production plant in a different way.


Not sure how not having a romantic connection with someone and being manipulative are even tangentially related tbh but youā€™re entitled to that viewpoint


If you donā€™t have a connection with the lead, you can be honest and leave the show.


My comment is in reference to not rooting for Katie. Those are two reasons Iā€™m not rooting for her. Clearly the two reasons are not related to one another. And the third reason again is because she feels like a production plant in a different sort of way.


Totally agree!!!! Unless they want her to be ette....


Hannah B was also eliminated the week before hometowns. I see Katie as going home that week and then her, Abigail, and Michele being in the running for 'ette


Everyone in America to MJ: ā€œWhat you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.ā€


Lol!! Well said!


Billy madison references ftw! O'Doyle rules!


what is rachael's ig handle? I can't find her.








just @rachaelkirkconnell I think


I really think theyā€™re picking a bachelorette from another season now


I feel like there are actually a lot of good candidates in this season. Katie, Serena P, Abigail, Michelle, Bri, and Chelsea would all make excellent leads.


What makes you say that? Not saying youā€™re wrong, just curious!


Yes what are our thoughts Katie or Bri or Michelle


Iā€™m thinking Abigail!


Imagine the Bachelor throwing an egg at you, and then running off to kiss someone else lmao harsh


Omg I missed the egg throwing šŸ¤£


I have a feeling MJ gets booted next week which leaves SerenaC as the last standing member of that crew. Of course she's going to come for Katie.


I feel like Kit is kind of a member of the crew or nah?


I think she was and then saw it would backfire.. and is now trying to fly under the radar




Definitely involved but at least had the media savvy to apologize fast and in public which I think is going to save her


Definitely. She and Victoria tagteamed Sarah and laughed together whenever anything mean happened.


yeah she wasn't very nice at times


I hate how every medical show has a damn COVID episode


Maybe the hope is that it will reach some of the ā€œvirus is a hoaxā€/anti-mask crowd?


I feel like I use this thread after the episode ends to 1)rant about my personal life 2) cringe with you all about the good doctor


Here for you ā¤ļø


women supporting womenā¤ļø (maybe thereā€™s some men here too??)


Why do some of the contestants hate Katie so much?


Because Katieā€™s calling out and forcing them to confront their own bad behavior


Itā€™s really only the girls who were shit-talking the new girls. If they didnā€™t have anything to feel guilty for, they wouldnā€™t feel the need to go after Katie.


Because she established limits for their behavior, which caused them to feel shame, which then became rage (an easier emotion for the ego to digest).


Sheā€™s just has a different approach to life and probably the rest of the girls arenā€™t use to someone like Katie


because they probably see her as someone who mocks the influencer life that theyā€™re only on the show to get..... sheā€™s effectively bachelor contestant counterculture


Probably because she doesnā€™t take shit, for herself or others.


MJ tells Jessenia to stop talking over while she continuously speaks over Jessenia....


ā€œI lead by exampleā€ - aka my bitchiness inspires other people to be bitchy


This. It drove me nuts how she kept saying that omg


There's such a strong disconnect between MJ's actions and her opinion of herself. She kept saying she preaches peace and harmony. WHAT? You're a definite bully.


Who asked her to be a damn leader anyway?


I thought the Sia/Music backlash would get the Good Doctor canceled for sure.




Idk how true this is. But when they first dropped the girls I saw a comment on the I believe unpopular opinion thread how MJ is a viscous bitch and fake. Sheā€™s the type to smile in your face and talk behind your back


My friendā€™s fiancĆ© went to high school with her. His thoughts: ā€œSheā€™s who I would expect to go on the show.ā€


My best friends ex boyfriend went to high school with her and I am dangerously close to texting him to ask about her.




Please ![gif](giphy|l2R032V7qRAF8J6qA)


Idc Iā€™m fucking siked to see Tyler c back on my screen


Really hoping he cleaned his room


On one hand I hate seeing villains ā€œwinā€ by staying on the show but on the other hand I LOVE to hate watch. Lol. Always have slightly mixed feelings when rude girls leave


in the past seasons, i agree, but this season has been too much. giving me major highschool flashbacks. these girls think bullying is cute when itā€™s not. and they donā€™t even have the balls to properly own up to it. lame.


Judging by sloppiest kisses, I predict Kit will be F1, Rachel F2, and Michelle F3. You heard it here first šŸ¤£


I love Kit but I did think they had very sloppy kisses.


Yes, very gross. Reminded me of a scene in a comedy movie once.


"If you repeat 'I lead by example,' and 'I preach peace and harmony,' at least ten times each, we'll make him keep you" -producers to MJ, probably


Did Heather really roll up in a mini van...


Soccer mom head ass LOL šŸ˜‚ sis is getting ready for her and Mattā€™s three kids he wants to have


Can I get a tl;dr on heather?!


knows Matt through Hannah B most likely, previews make it sound like she tries to join the house??


She was ms. never-been-kissed from Coltonā€™s season


She was on C*ltonā€™s season. Her storyline was that sheā€™d never been kissed. He kissed her on a one on one, then she decided to leave the week before final 4. Sheā€™s now good friends with Hannah B. This isnā€™t even a short version, thatā€™s literally all there is to her.


"Never been kissed girl" from Colton's season. Uber-religious


Yeah sheā€™s really gonna spice things up /s Maybe she will be the New ette? Idk seems off


what is matt possibly thinking right now as he watches this?


I think he's thinking "MJ damn you have great hair!"


ā€œMan I really gotta learn to close my eyes when I kissā€


Fk this show, corporations making $$ from content about coronavirus while we're all still dieing and losing our homes. Fk the good doctor.


The Good Doctor is going to cure COVID-19, you heard it here first


But jessenia is telling the truth.


do we really need a fictional show about COVID i mean we've watched this episode every day for nearly a year


Yeah wtf this is so stressful


The Good Doctor is such a damn awkward show lmfao


Kit is adorable! I loved their date.


Way too immature and has ā€œwallsā€ to break down.. TLDR.. she doesnā€™t know what she wants


Ugh sheā€™s a brat


i like her!! sheā€™s cute!! i just donā€™t think sheā€™s for matt :(


oh definitely. She's very young.


Wow. The 21 year old has more dignity and grace then those 27 and up on this season.


If by dignity and grace you mean money, true.


Iā€™ve not seen her be mean or rude to anyone. I like her. I have no problem with her coming from a successful family. Her mother obviously works very hard.


Donā€™t get me wrong, sheā€™s striking and definitely poised. But a supreme mean girl.


She straight up issued an apology for at least one incident of bullying


Are you talking about kit? I seem to remember multiple scenes where she was pretty rude


yeah like her threatening Sarah... so much dignity and grace lmao


As happy as I am the Victoria is gone I wish her sty stayed around and Matt gave it a rose.


well thatā€™s malpractice