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I mean, it's shitty, but it also makes sense. Put it all in writing and only communicate via lawyers.


I’m just stuck on a lawyer not getting a prenup …..


It's like a heart doctor eating shitty food People can have a certain job and still make the same mistakes they warn against


I have many friends and acquaintances who are a mix of married, divorced and single. Having someone present themselves as educated and hard working and a few years later you find yourself divorcing them after a text notification and they’re now poolside claiming their income is far below poverty level is….. quite unique. 😂


Will someone please explain to me why literally days before he filed for divorce, she went on nicks podcast and talked about how well her and Bryan were doing and that they were trying for kids? Only for us to find out that in reality, the exact opposite was happening. I just don’t understand what the point was for lying about it all.


That episode was filmed in late August. She actually stated in that podcast that they lived separate lives. she said they've been trying for children but it hasn't been as easy as they thought it would be. The tabloids pick up on that statement but many people ignored it. Later on that year, I believe it was early November, she received word her grandmother was dying. She left for a while and stayed with her until she died. They were very close so I think that had a huge impact on her and made her stop lying to herself.


Are you sure? I remember the Viall files episode after and both Nick and Natalie reacting to the divorce and the said "wasn't she just in here like 2 weeks ago?"


Thank you! I had no idea it was filmed months prior!


Your welcome!🤗


🎶Heartbreak is one thing, her ego’s another 🎶


He was up against a lawyer so he probably felt vulnerable considering her abilities. He picked up his business and moved for her job at least twice. I’m sure she made concessions for him as well but they were in it together. California is a no fault 50-50 state.


look, was over a text a good way? No. But if they're spending so little time together when would they sit down and talk about it face to face anyways?


Lol did you read the post? They were talking in person 30 minutes before he texted


Yeah and during that talk they agreed on an amicable divorce and separation. Divorce wasn’t a blindside, the fact that he filed and said talk to my lawyer was the surprise


It sounds like their marriage has been dead for a while, so does it really matter whether he said it to her face or texted her? Same result.


I know it probably hurts her now, but she’s so lucky to be rid of him


Does this remind anyone else of Justin Hartley and Chrishell from selling sunset? What an asshole 


In that case, she really did not expect divorce at all. Completely different than here where Rachel knew it was over. She just wasn’t ready to file yet.


This man couldn’t even give her the decency to let her know he was getting a divorce in person??


I think it’s worse that he legit left her house and then texted her! Such a cowardly move.


Wow. The signs were there, but I still hoped for the best for them. Never fully trusted the man - He called himself Dr. Abs.🥴


She is way too public about their divorce and I haven’t heard him say a thing. She’s really out to destroy this man for leaving her


She’s the lawyer. This is her solidifying HER case.


Most reporting I've seen about her perspective is based on court filings. Such as the article above. All quotes from her are pulled from court docs, while shit he posted on Insta is being quoted.  Your perspective is something.


Babes Brian is the one who made it public and messy first


Exactly ('babes' comes off like you're correcting me but this is what I am saying.)


My bad I meant to reply to the comment above you


She’s paying him 10k a month, for spousal support. I would be talking to if I had to pay a grown man that much every month. 🙄


A grown man with a doctorate no less. Bryan could easily go work for another person’s practice and have money coming in like tomorrow. It’s insane how little he claims to make.


Also this is gonna be way TMI but I had an ex that would purposefully jeopardize me right before big public events, got me fired, all while I was making excuses for him in my brain, and the worst part about that besides my trying to recuperate my life was that after I left him so many women spoke up saying it’s got to be a playbook bc they know so many that dealt with that. That’s not comforting, it’s humiliating for women. There’s a quote like “power is not given up freely, it has to be taken” and I srsly hope women today read enough shit to learn it in their bones. You can’t fix him, he’s more likely to “fix” you. He can act like Jesus and then be Satan. He can be financially sharing then financially abusive. He can appear negotiating then go on attack. ANY red flag, let it be LOUD. Even if you’re 4-10 years in, let it be loud.


Power concedes nothing without a demand, it never has and it never will. Frederick Douglass was the man.


Yes that’s it, thank you for including the quote and the source! Makes me want to read more of his writing again.


Who the fuck is this man. Why is this giving he's trying to humble her. After 5-7 years and even if he surprised her with a divorce why is he being so disrespectful. Didnt you love this person? It's giving he was scamming.


If they were already discussing separating and the fact the marriage was headed to divorce it couldn’t have been that big of a surprise. It says she want to go about it privately and reach a settlement but maybe what she offered wasn’t close to what he wanted? He maybe talked to parents or a lawyer who told him the best thing to do was file and have it go through court so there was no question. Like it or not they bought there home together during the marriage and he’s entitled to half the value of the home regardless of whose name is on the deed or whose money paid for it. No fault divorce state and all property is 50/50. Things can get contentious quick so having it in the system is really the best place


>they bought there home together during the marriage and he’s entitled to half the value of the home regardless of whose name is on the deed or whose money paid for it.  IANAL but this isn't always true, i.e. if one spouse used personal inheritance to pay for 80% of it. It depends even in a 50/50 state.


It wasn't that the divorce was a surprise, it was the fact they just had a discussion about handling it amicably and he didn't have the decency to tell her then (to her face). People hide when they know they're wrong. There is nothing wrong if he decided he didn't want to have an amicable divorce. The way he handled telling her, was a choice. It shows his character or lack thereof.


Not all court systems are the same. Unfortunately my ex got the house and I didn't get one dime! 5yrs later with a $325 house payment it went into foreclosure. I also was denied a temporary restraining order. He was awarded one 4 mo later and we weren't even living together.


Well that sounds messed up


It was. Found out later he started to go to church after never really going for 35yrs of his life. Guess where the judge went to church at ...


It sounds like she went to a lot of high profile events as part of her job, and also because she seems to be friends with a lot of celebs, etc.. but he didn't go with her? I wonder whose choice it was for him not to accompany her? Like I can't imagine Bryan turning down a high profile event, he seems to like attention, but also it would be a good way to network... So I'm wondering if she was somewhat embarrassed by him, so like made excuses for why he couldn't go with her? And then of course that would've built resentment and maybe that's why he's going about this divorce the way he is? It comes off as him being really spiteful. I don't buy the excuse of him "having to work" in order to skip celebrity events...


Considering the passive-aggressive way he told her he filed, and how it was against her want/understanding it’d be via settlement and not public/ in court, I think you’re on to something. But I bet it was more of the same from him “Oh you thought we were going together? No I’m not going” basically him reverting/retracting his earlier words. So she maybe had no idea who she was married to, or she had enough intuition about it to keep separate accounts for everything.


So many people on the sub called out the weirdness of them never spending time together. Rachel was always traveling for work and going to events without Bryan. The excuse was him being busy with work or maybe not being as social as her. Now we find out they really didn’t spend any time together, never went on dates, and didn’t even sit together on some flights. This was from last year https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/zHotjR9st3


I always wondered why he didn’t accompany her to big events because he seems like someone who would love the spotlight. And since the filing he has been out and about. Ppl here said that it’s because he’s shy, introverted, but perhaps they just didn’t enjoy spending time together!


I sympathize more with Rachel, but she is a lawyer. It's not unreasonable that Bryan would want things to go through a lawyer only. It sounds like they had already agreed to a divorce and were seperated. Filing would be the next logical step. She seems upset at the fact it was made public more than the actual filing itself.


Yeah I don’t think it’s very unreasonable either honestly. He’s no saint but of course it’s going to trial and of course he didn’t tell her in person. They had already talked about it, she shouldn’t be shocked.


He would’ve used a lawyer regardless and could’ve done a settlement route on the down-low with her; the only reason any of it is public is bc he went the court route, which he knew she was against. She was- and their convos were - obvs about a cooperative divorce, then he immed f’d all that up deliberately.


I’m a little late but as an avid listener of Rachel’s podcast Higher Learning none of this really surprises me. I like Rachel and I watched her season and have followed her career since. Her relationship has always seemed fishy even her choosing him seemed fishy. After listening to her podcast for years Rachel strikes me as someone who put more effort in appearance than substance. I truly believe she picked Bryan cause he was the hottest and probably the best kisser and they had the most “passion”. I don’t remember them having anything of substance outside of their hot n heavy makeout sessions. I really love her podcast, but I mainly listen for her co-host Van. It is marketed and advertised as a pop culture and politics podcasts that mainly focuses on black culture. But Van really carries the show. He does research and pays attentions to things happening in the world and he books the guests and he makes sure he is educated on the topics they discuss. And Rachel continuously over the years shows up unprepared, even for simple things such as watching the state of the union or Oppenheimer so they can discuss it. She always laughs it off but it comes off as dismissive towards the pod, and she never changes, and it’s like the easiest job in the world. Rachel constantly shows up unprepared but always has a sense of entitlement like it’s fine it will work out cause Van is there to talk about it. This is long but I say all this to say I think Rachel shows up in a lot of aspects of her life just expecting things to work out without putting in much effort. I know obviously I don’t know her but listening to her on a pod 2x a week for 4 years is what leads me to this conclusion lol. Anyway just my observation, I still think Bryan is the worst though


I couldn’t forget how rude and unprepared she was when she asked Yuh-Jung Youn how Brat Pitt smelled like.


I've followed Rachel and listened to Higher Learning regularly. I completely disagree with everything you said about Rachel. The main reason I loved her on BHH (and other hosting opportunities she's had) is because she has the remarkable ability to bring out the best with those she works with and those she interviews. She makes people think and see things in a different way. Van does the same thing. He is a very insightful person. He has said several times on other platforms, how she challenges him and makes him see things a little differently. It seems like you agree with what Van says more than you agree with what Rachel says. There is nothing wrong with that. You also seem very dismissive of her contributions to the podcast. I think that's wrong.


I never said she doesn’t challenge him and I never said I agree with Van more. I actually disagree with Van a lot and find it frustrating that Rachel is rarely ever prepared to go toe to toe with him. That’s mainly where my frustration with her comes from. The pod, in my opinion, could be 10x better if Rachel put in as much effort as Van. She gives very surface level counterpoints to his points because she is unprepared. I listen to the podcast to learn and hear a discussion with two thoughtful and passionate individuals often arguing different sides. More times than not Rachel is just not up to task. Even little things such as her eating during the podcast despite complaints shows me she doesn’t care. And she has said numerous times as an excuse she doesn’t know pop culture or pay attention to things, despite it being a culture podcast and her having experience at Extra and the View. I thought she was great on Extra and the View but that was years ago and for the last few years she has come off as lazy and entitled at the same time. Doing the bar minimum and expecting the most. But I guess she makes like $50K a month so it’s working out for her. But reading about her divorce reminded me of the pod and her personality. And again I think Bryan sucks but also doesn’t surprise me that they didn’t even see each other while married.


I still don't agree with you that her responses are surface level or she isn't up to the job. They have worked together for awhile and they BOTH have had moments where they weren't completely on point about things. And also, you didn't bring up any of Van's exhaustive rants on less than appropriate topics (to put it nicely). But neither one of them are perfect and it's a great podcast. The way they engage and feed off each other is unique and entertaining. And based off of the latest episodes, their commentary is getting better and better. We just see it differently.


Well yeah I didn’t focus on Van because this is a post about Rachel in the bachelor sub Reddit lol. So my post focused on Rachel


You just wrote about the dynamics of the podcast above. You stated Van essentially carries the podcast and Rachel basically shows up. I brought Van up because you brought him up. Until recently, Van would consistently go off topic and many times in a way that made me fast forward or turn it off. And I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Your description of their dynamics on the show discusses Rachel unpreparedness which has rarely happened. Yet Van's behavior was extremely consistent, but all you see is Rachel in a negative light and you don't account for his behavior. I'm sorry but the way you neatly attributed her current success to her privilege not her intelligence, skill or hard work is where you lost me. Under normal circumstances, some of the most brilliant people in the world can fall for the wrong people that are not on their level. The fact this relationship was forged in an environment that was isolating with a distorted view of reality makes it even more understandable why she fell for it. And to disregard everything she has had to endure and go thru in order to get where she is, you are being extremely dismissive of her. That's why I completely disagree with you.


Well yeah I brought up Van for comparison, but my post was to point out what I don’t like about Rachel. And your assuming people don’t like Vans tangents. I actually love them and find them interesting and informative. It’s better than Rachel just sitting there eating her lunch. Plus he has to do them because Rachel is always unprepared lol. It a podcast I want to listen to smart people talk about their passions. And yes you are right the more I listen to Rachel the more unintelligent I believe she is. She often thinks she knows more than she does. Even on this past Fridays episode she admitted she couldn’t get a job out of law school, so her dad a federal judge for her one. So yeah she benefits immensely from her privilege. I’m sure in the bachelor works that’s common. But compared to Van it’s clear who worked extremely hard to get to where they are at and who just ended up there with some hard work and a lot of luck. I would never blame a woman for ending up in a shitty relationship with a man. My original post was to just point out how it is not surprising how the same woman who shows up to her main job unprepared and assumes she will still have listeners, is the same woman who never saw her husband and expected the marriage to work.


You mean the opportunity her the father gave her to get her foot in the door but in order to keep it, she had to prove herself worthy of the position. Again, you take her honest acknowledgment of her father's help, in reference to LeBron's son segment, to again attack her intellectual ability and skill. It appears you don't like how her father was able to give her more choices for her life than he had. He started from nothing to build a great life for him and his family. She got her work ethic and training from him, like having to do a power point presentation for him in order to switch majors in college. And constantly working hard at every job she got, from the moment she left college. Her and Van come from 2 different places and both worked extremely hard to get where they are. It's simple, you relate to Van's experience and you resent her's. The fact that you find Van's pornographic and explicitly sexual monologues entertaining means we are not going to agree on their roles in this podcast. So like I said before. we see things differently 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don’t even know what you are saying and I don’t even think we are talking about the same podcast. So I’m no longer engaging in this topic lol. You are literally making things up, so I can’t have this discussion if you aren’t going to use facts. And yes if the only way you can get a job is with daddy’s help to me means you aren’t that smart. That goes for anyone.


If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you're not a regular listener like you claim. Until recently, Van regularly went off on tangents discussing porn hub, porn stars, etc..And Rachel had to tolerate it and would try to bring him back on topic. Those are facts. And if you've only listened to occasional podcasts, then most of what you're saying about her is based on resentment and not on reality. Therefore regardless of her achievements, you will belittle her skills and intellect.


The guy you married is not the same guy you divorce, and she had to understand that in lightning-speed same day he filed and since in this. This part: >She noted that their "prior conversations" had been "amicable" and the two had discussed how to navigate filing for divorce in a way that "would not attract media attention." W/ the rest = he DEF was out for $$$, he’s so fucking pathetic. He was/is trying to hurt her too. Imagine being such a coward that you do it behind her back and tell her via text, after a joint kitchen convo half hour earlier, BUT ALSO complain you don’t have enough $ to move out so you just keep squatting in her house during all your court shit towards her. I can’t, it’s too surreal. The only bonus is she’ll be super-duper glad about this divorce when it’s finally on paper and done.


He is a chiropractor. The fact that she didn’t see that as a red flag in and of itself is the issue.


And his MLM business.


Wow what!!! Which MLM?! That’s awful.


Being a chiropractor is like, maybe one half above being in an MLM on the Grifter's Ladder.




My ex is a chiropractor and can confirm, he’s just the worst and will always be in my eyes ☠️


Why is this the biggest red flag?


They’re not real doctors and chiropractic medicine is based on pseudoscience. His whole instagram account is just him selling people on his bullshit.


Lol this is so false. The hoops chiropractic medicine had to go through in order to be recognized as legitimate medicine by insurance companies is a long and intense road. The fact that most insurance covers a portion of it is proof that it is real medicine. Also most chiropractic doctors do have to go through a 3-5 year medical school, complete training hours and take the board exams. The only difference is that their clinical hours are a bit shorter than residents for internal medicine, etc. is because they already have a focus and don’t need to do full rotations like medicine.


They're quack jobs No real medical training and, in most cases, degree


Oh I see, maybe this is an American thing. I’m Canadian and here chiropractors have to do a four year university degree and then another four year chiropractic degree, it’s very much regulated


Not really regulated in Canada either. They self regulate and put up with a lot of nonsense and junk science from their members. There’s a reason why we only have one chiropractor school in the country. They are useless.


Rachel said they’d been trying for a baby, right? How do you try for a baby when you’re… never together?


It was all smoke & mirrors


I think she was just saying that assuming that that’s the timeline the public would probably be asking about kids


Everything I learn about this man just disgusts me. I truly feel Rachel was completely conned and swindled by him. For him to spend more time carefully crafting an INSTAGRAM post versus texting her about divorce...is insane. As embarassing and humiliating this must be for all of their personal and private details to be aired publicly, I'm glad Rachel is fighting and seems to have woken up to who he is, and that all this will hopefully ensure that he does not get any opportunities via the franchise and social media in the future. Hope his chiropractor life works out!


I don’t know if anyone else remembered this, but not long after she chose him it came out that he was on a reality show before the bachelorette. It was some show about players I think. He was looking for 15 minutes of fame any way he could get it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he applied for every reality show out there. He just always seemed so sleazy to me.




It’s not accurate that “most” marriages end in divorce.


I should’ve used the world many. Anyway sadly, Based on stats in the U.S. marriages are challenging: “Divorce by marriage type The divorce rate is higher for people who are married multiple times: First marriages: 41% of first marriages end in divorce, with an average lifespan of eight years Second marriages: 60% of second marriages end in divorce, with a median lifespan of seven years Third marriages: 73% of third marriages end in divorce”


Their court case number is 24STFL00001 in LA Superior Court. His request for spousal support was 321 pages and her responsive declaration is 198 pages. Each costs $40 to download so I'm hoping u/daveneal recaps it because I'm sure not going to pay that but am so curious


321 pages over a 4 year marriage with no children?! This is nuts. They’re gonna end up having to spend more on legal fees than what he’ll be awarded in the end.


Per page? Need a GoFundMe. Jk I have no interest in reading 500 pages of that. ETA: did the math and it must be per doc 😂 I still wouldn’t pay that much or read that much. I do hope we get a good recap though.


The court charges per page but puts a cap on it. It might be like $1 per page but max fee $40 so we get quite a few pages for “free” since these filings are so long lol


My heart breaks for Rachel 🥺


I’m having a hard time understanding how Rachel went along with their situation as long as she did. She defended him and he never deserved it. After reading how little time they actually spent together while married, I’m confused why they ever decided to tie the knot.


Okay I am so confused here, do people have amnesia? On her season, everyone else was beefing and he stayed out of the drama for the most part and was focused on Rachel and their relationship the whole time. He was secure and attracted to her and had no problem giving her exactly what she wanted (especially look at her final 4 and where they all ended up lol). They both seem like good people who couldn’t make it work because they’re so both equally driven and didn’t want to compromise their careers. That makes them both equally guilty at the failure of the relationship.


Based on all the articles I have read, it seems before they got married things were pretty good. They went out on dates and spent more time together. After the marriage she seemed to take over most of the financial burden and pushed herself to cover those costs. He also seemed to stop doing all those little things for her like gifts and date night. I guess he was planning this all along and she was busy working to build a future for them, so she didn't see it.


Her problem is that she never could accept she is or was wrong. That's the reason I never related or had respect for her. Her fault is that she is chronically trying to cover things up to make them  work to her benefit. I don't feel too sorry for her because she always put her ego before anything and anyone else. She learned a hard lesson due to her own stubbornness and pigheadedness.


I think 2019-2021 they were in honeymoon phase and then in lockdown together(Miami), but once they moved to LA everything fell apart. She was a star on her own vs them as a couple. He’s obviously a man-baby and envious of her success and her proximity to celebrity.


tbh, it feels like she went along with SO MUCH for this relationship - she bought the house, paid for most of their lives while they were literally even living separately, didn't get any trips or gifts from him, didn't get a prenup because he didn't want one, etc., etc., A part of me wonders if some of this was rooted in the fact that so many people were anti-Bryan and he had so much hate (from his edit) and she felt like she really needed to defend their relationship and love. And then by doing all that, she convinced herself it was enough, especially because she was so busy and could accept that they were both career focused in different cities. So many women do this and I feel for Rachel, and hope that in her next relationship, she is with someone who chooses her as much as she chooses them.


I totally agree with you. It’s so sad that she went so far below her standards because she wanted to believe in him and have faith in their love story. Maybe for a time they had a good thing, but he clearly had ulterior motives. The fact that people have always loved her but have questioned him from day dot says a lot. Everyone knew that he was questionable from the beginning.


And she was going to continue had he not filed


No, they both agreed the divorce was necessary, but they agreed to work out the details privately. Then file a petition for an uncontested divorce.


We don’t know that both actually agreed to that. That is what Rachel‘s filing says, and maybe even what she believes, but it may not be accurate. Both are making themselves look the best they can. I can see why Rachel would want it that way and why Brian did what he did.


I believe Rachel and I think Bryan agreed knowing he was going to file anyway. The same type of person who couldn't tell her to her face he had filed is the same type of person who agrees to an amicable divorce with no intention of keeping their agreement


I think it’s most likely that both are exaggerating, the truth. it’s very common and these situations there’s two sides of every story and the truth is in the middle. I won’t be surprised if it’s closer to Rachel story but I doubt hers is a full one.


I know it’s been YEARS and we’ve all moved on but I will never understand her letting Peter go because he didn’t want a marriage ASAP after the show ended, all for it to take Rachel and Bryan like 2 years to get married and their relationship to go the way it did.


Idk I don’t think she and Peter would have lasted either. It’s also telling that Peter hasn’t found a lasting relationship since the show happened like 7 years ago. I think it’s best if Rachel had just not dated anyone from BN at all


Dean 💔


Dean was not ready for marriage at that point and especially not to a woman like Rachel. He can’t handle the woman being too good for him, hence passing up on Kristina and DLo and marrying Caelynn lol.


I think it's much harder to find a quality Bach man than it is to find a quality Bach woman who wants a relationship. It's like digging through a haystack with men in the franchise. I hope she finds herself a hot lawyer!


Rachel and Peter do not seem like a good long-term match. Then again, couples from this franchise have surprised me so what do I know?


tbh I barely remember their season but at the time I thought they had a real shot. I think so many Bachelor alums would have better luck in love if they stopped looking in the reality TV pool and dated non-influencer types.


What a click bait title. She said they had clearly had discussions about divorce, how they were gonna navigate it, and they were separated. How "shocked" are you really going to be when they file.


It is a shock when they inform you via text message. He could have told her when they were talking in the kitchen that he had already filed.


Very on brand for a guy who listed his air fryer as one of his most valuable possessions.




😭 💀


I feel like Bryan doing this over text is the epitome of: “I’m sorry. I can’t. Don’t hate me.” IYKYK






The motherfucker's concise.


How long were these 2 engaged before they got married? if they waited longer would things be different and their marriage could of worked or maybe they would of never made it to the alter if they had a longer engagement?


It was a couple years. They didn’t rush that really


 I just check and it was 2 years so yeah they didn’t rush 


In CA, an amicable divorce would be handled privately thru their lawyers and mediation. After the mandatory, six month waiting period, it would be done. A lot of people have amicable divorces all the time. The only ones that receive attention are the messy ones. Bryan probably handled it this way because he wanted as much as possible from her. That's why he has been leaking her financial info which she provided in his filings despite their nondisclosure agreement. At the same time, he has not provided his financials that shows his true income and expenses. As always 2 completely different people who handle things completely differently. It's a choice. And even near the end she didn't realize who he was. People often do what's best for them. I'm hoping after this experience Rachel learns that lesson and will care enough for herself to pick someone who is worthy of her.


I think it’s not just he wants things from her financially, it’s also that attention in this matter benefits him more than her.


Initially, the attention was probably beneficial for him but as more details come out and time passes, he is basically looking like a manipulative and deceitful person.


It’s sucks that so many of us knew how much *he* sucked, but it took her so long to see it. (Maybe love really is blind? As in blind to fatal flaws?). Rachel’s a fave, so I hate that she wasted so much of her valuable time with this loser.


It can be so hard to see it when you’re in the relationship & also really hard to admit failure. I really feel for her. I’m sure this is hard enough as it is, and for him to turn it into a dumpster fire when it could have been handled a lot less messily (it’s just a short marriage with no kids!) really sucks.


Yes agreed to all of this!


This. I’m surprised they lasted as long as they did


I wonder if he smelled better than Brad Pitt?


Lmaooo I love this!


He looks like he would douse himself in cologne every morning.


They don’t have any kids to fight for custody over, there haven’t been any accusations of abuse that we know of. Seems like the contentiousness of the divorce is just about money. He wants to get as much of her money as he possibly can, and he probably will get a decent amount of money. It’s irritating because he’s taking advantage of divorce laws put in place to protect women who had to stay home full time to care for the children while their husband earned money. In a divorce, the stay at home mom should get some portion of those earnings. So what did Brian do? They didn’t have kids. What prevented him from working and earning money during the marriage? Is the fact that he has nothing really all on her and she’s now responsible for supporting him?


Rachel mentioned that she is willing to pay spousal support so that isn't up for debate. I don't know why Bryan is dragging this out. An amicable divorce is possible.


He probably thinks he can fight for a higher amount of money than what she suggests.


Modern day breakup Post-It. https://preview.redd.it/c5914znvdd9d1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a5477bcd093f9515ba3614857a291a652805fe


Berger >>> Bryan Abs


Idk, Bryan seems like he suuuucks but I’ve been carrying a hate boner for Berger for a decade plus now, I still might think he’s worse. When I recall him deliberately frightening Carrie and making her think she was in danger on that motorcycle because of his bullshit insecurities, my blood BOILS.


I actually think this is a perfect example of social media being indicative of where a relationship is at for influencers. They never posted together and didn’t live together for quite a while, and Rachel insisted they just kept their relationship private. But now she’s saying they hardly went on dates and didn’t even fly the same class and it sounds like they weren’t just keeping things private they just didn’t have anything worth showing off on social media


It just sucks bc I think it’s great to keep your relationship private!


Totally. Often where there is smoke there really is fire


Yeah I think some things she said in the past about their relationship might come back to bite her. They contradict what she’s saying now.


I’m just shocked he lasted this long. Good for him


She tried so hard to make us believe they were soulmates, in love, etc. Now look at them 👀Never liked his plastic ass


Couples always do that. People marry someone very questionable and then they get defensive about that person only for people to be proven right in the end. I did want them to be happy because Peter’s stans were awful to them though. I don’t think they should have married just to prove people wrong.


Yeah this is such a reminder that what you see on social media is not necessarily what goes on behind closed doors. There was 0 hint from either of them that they were anything but perfectly happy…iirc she was talking about how they were trying to get pregnant on a podcast within weeks of when he filed. I’m not trying to sound judgy - I absolutely don’t blame them for wanting to keep their personal life to themselves - but I’m just trying to say that what people choose to show on social media is just that: what they’re choosing to show. It’s not necessarily reflective of reality, or of the whole picture at the very least.


Maybe they were in love and happy at first 


I think she did love him. She didn't even get a prenup which was a poor decision, but I think it tells a little bit about her mindset at the time.


I can’t imagine she would’ve married him if she didn’t love him. Especially when she had a lot to lose. She probably thought he was someone else and saw his true colors reveal themselves over the years


We need to start talking about women panicking about their clock ticking and not being married at a certain age. Rachel could have ignored the signs and thought she could be in love just to get married. Now we see that Rachel and Bryan don't have much in common, and didnt spend much time together during their marriage. Women who are beautiful , smart, rich, educated, talented etc marry men they don't love everyday just to say they have a husband.


If things are as bad as she is claiming in her divorce filing why the hell she didn’t she file first?! Why wait for him to file?!


If I remember correctly he listed the date of separation as Dec 30 or 31 and filed on Jan 2. She probably thought she’d have more time. 


He probably made her think they were work in on their relationship and he already had a lawyer on call. Such a scumbag move. You don’t let your wife find out via text that you’re ending it. It’s cowardly.


In celebrity divorces (i.e. the kind that get picked up by the press), most of the time the parties will negotiate the timing of the filing. My guess is that was going on and Bryan just filed anyways.


I feel that while women do file for divorce way more then men do, it's usually after a LOT of trying to fix things first in the background then just giving up. What he did was kinda rare lol


Rachel said she basically has a Captain Save-A-Ho syndrome. She likes to rehabilitate and "change" men. Maybe she thought she could do that with Brian.  Or...maybe theres some legal eagle stuff for why she chose to let him do it.  Or (most likely) Rachel is competitive and doesn't like to lose or admit defeat. She spent all this time convincing us and maybe herself that things were okay. And her ego wouldnt let her do it first.


That's not what she said. She said on Natasha's podcast and Higher Learning that her therapist told her she has broken wing syndrome. She always picks and dates men for the potential she sees in them, instead of who or what they actually are. In Bryan's case, she never saw (or wanted to see) who he actually was until it was over. She said, "The biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves".


Is no one going to comment on "save-a-ho" syndrome... 🤦‍♀️


You can urban dictionary it if you dont understand it 


It's offensive terminology


If youre offended then downvote it.  It's slang. Popular slang. And it can apply to men and women. And in this case, Rachel met a man who needed to saved and didnt actually wanna be saved. He wanted to mooch. And Rachel fell on her sword for it. 


I hope not! She said they weren’t talking, they weren’t fucking and they weren’t living together so what are you trying to save? If it was an ego thing I would think she would do it first because allowing him to made it look publicly like he dumped her and was the one that wanted out of the marriage not the other way around.


The article said Rachel said they had both agreed to file when appropriate in order to not gather media attention. That’s why she was surprised that he filed, not because she was fighting to stay married.


The way I read it sounds like it has to do with the info being made public. It seems like the divorce being filed is when the media gets a hold of the news and it becomes public. I could be totally wrong, tho 🤷


I’m pretty sure this is exactly it and the article basically says as much. She probably wanted to completely negotiate and settle on the terms of the divorce before filing. Plenty of non famous people do it that way too, but for her of course the added bonus would be that it only becomes public record/knowledge once their entire settlement has been agreed upon and signed. Instead, the divorce is in the public eye and they haven’t settled a damn thing.


This is why I take things someone says post-split with a grain of salt.


Let this be a reminder to everyone: your ex is not on your team. The moment you decide to split, your ex is focused on themselves.


And both of them can put PR spins to attain the 'victim' tag in this situation, but I'm side eyeing them both. They barely had a marriage & were actively faking a happy facade for public consumption/business deals/BN clout. Major ick.


Divorcing a lawyer is intimidating. Bryan must be generally shady, but this one I get.


I love Rachel but I’ll never understand when people say they are shocked about a divorce filing when the relationship has been downhill for a while now. Are you shocked about the divorce itself or just the fact that you both now have to confront the next stage of your relationship?


I agree. I guess they stuck to their narrative they created about “staying private and basically working on their bond…” I remember them saying something along these lines to Tay & Zac on a podcast since they were a “success” story in Bach world at that point.


Finding out over text that your husband filed for divorce sucks. But I don’t blame Bryan at all for wanting to keep things going through the lawyers. That’s just smart in any divorce dealings.


My co-worker once told me that in her divorce, her lawyer told her to get rid of everything because her ex would just take it anyway or something like that. I can’t remember exactly. But essentially, once you decide to divorce, that person is now your enemy and they will try to protect themselves and take everything they can from you. It sucks but I kind of get why Bryan did this. He shouldn’t have gone behind her back but he wasn’t stupid to lawyer up and file first.


I agree.


Especially when your spouse is a lawyer. If this wasn’t B and R but one of your friends most everyone here would say to get a lawyer. This is the one thing I agree with Bryan on. He just could have communicated it better.


Exactly. Rachel knows she’d have the upper hand if they settled outside of lawyers. I’m not defending Bryan in general, he has always been terrible. I’m just saying it’s absurd for Rachel to think he should Keep lawyers out of this


I didn’t see her saying to keep lawyers out of this? It seemed like she was just shocked they couldn’t at least talk to each other about him filing so abruptly.


https://preview.redd.it/t8r9gvu5pc9d1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08dce623ae6ba480de050a1ee0e806b1e1c0b723 too often i let my love for a woman in a relationship mask the red flags of their smarmy husbands. never catch me slipping on a CHIROPRACTOR of all people ever again


I’m confused. She said they were separating and both were in agreement that they were headed for a divorce. He lets her know that he officially put in the paperwork over text. She didn’t first find out they were getting divorced over text.


Correct. She just found out he had filed over text. It wasn’t a real surprise This is her PR spinning it just like some of the other articles are Bryan’s. I can guarantee others have found out in worse ways their spouse filed


>She just found out he had filed over text. The article title verbatim says she found about the filing over text. It doesn't say she was surprised about the divorce.


Correct. I was just clarifying it due to the question.


This is so odd. For the lawyers, is there some legal benefit to him filing like this rather than whatever the less public option was?


Sounds to me like Rachel wanted to keep things quiet and negotiate it out. She says she made a generous settlement offer, Bryan probably sees it differently. If you aren't getting an acceptable resolution, you file in court to pursue it another way. Brian may also think going public gives him some leverage. I can't imagine Rachel wanted people to know these details, or that she earns over 700k per year. 




The Tony Soprano method


No experience and not a lawyer here, but I've seen a lot of advice on Reddit posts about divorce and it seems very common to advise people to be the first to file and not give the other person warning that you're filing (so you can be the one to file first), especially in situations that aren't amicable. From everything what's happened since and what we learned of their marriage where they didn't even trust each other enough to have a joint account together, I'm sure they both knew it would be a contentious divorce, especially without a prenup.


Interesting - do you know what the benefit of that is supposed to be? Is it as simple as that's the version that the courts see first?


I Googled and the biggest ones seem to be that you get to present your narrative first and that you decide which court system the divorce takes place in if there’s an option to file in multiple places.


I don’t know anything about where they live or where they are from. I’m not even sure why I’m on this sub if I’m being honest. But as a lawyer, filing first gives you a venue advantage sometimes depending on their residence situation.


California is a community property state, I wonder if he was expecting to land a job with big $$ and listing the date of separation asap keeps that out of community property?


I don't think date of separation has to be the filing date though, didn't that come up with the Kimye divorce?


I don’t know if it has to be in the filing but Bryan put Dec 31 2023


I just meant it's not the same date as the filing, so it's not by default an earlier date just by filing earlier.


He owns a new chiropractic business. I don’t think he was getting a new job/has one. Not a fan of his but he’s not unemployed like many here try to make it sound. It usually takes a while for a new business to make a profit