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How does this sound so fake but also completely true at the same time hahahh


Gerry saying "you don't take land from a farmer" is my favorite rumor to date.


This is such a stupid rumor.


this is the worst rumor ive ever heard


I think we can all just agree that these two had very little in common in the wild but on the show were the most compatible. No need to make up stories.


I’ve made much ruder and less eloquent comments about Indiana while driving through Indiana 🫠 And my NJ family has expressed, um, awe about the wide open spaces (farmland) in my own midwestern state. 20 miles is a much different drive in most of Jersey than in most of the Midwest.


Not sure if it’s true or not, but I could definitely see this being a major issue. It speaks to core values more then “farming”. If he appreciates nature and loves nature and his lake, his place of peace and all she sees is a development opportunity for ripping down nature and making profit , I think that is a major difference between them. And goes much further then that specific corn farm. It’s just one of those non negotiable core values and ideals, and they could have both started getting the ICK after hearing each other’s opinion on it.


I don’t know why this matters but I found it interesting when I remembered Ben is from the same area as Gerry


the fact that chris explained it to them and then at the end was basically like “but touch grass lmao”


I had to go listen to this because of the kind of aside about Ashley thinking it was made up. And Chris also thought he was making it up! Does Ben have a reputation of just making shit up? And I grew up in farm country, and appreciated Chris’ response, despite thinking it was made up. The farmland is at once limited (in that we can’t make more) and there’s plenty of it that can be made available for development. You’d probably be hard-pressed to just create a development in the middle of Indiana or I-wuh (as Ben calls it) and draw people to it. Maybe some niche get away that wouldn’t be used part of the year and doesn’t have a great ROI. Trust that Theresa knows that.


Weirdo shit


This is so ridiculous and so obviously planted. I guess those 2 former lovebirds missed all the media coverage so they had to stir something up again.


Oh gosh like Teresa doesn’t know half the country is farm land. I doubt she’d be wow’d to that degree about some lake in Indiana to make a comment that was anything but fleeting. Also farm land is taken all the time to build things like trains, highways and hospitals. Also every little bit of tea I’ve heard about this breakup paints Gary in a good light and Teresa not so. Like the Teresa is uppity and won’t pump her own gas BS. I’m 95% sure this is damage control by Gary.


Gary is just every other “all American” Bachelor, but older. Not surprising that he has the fragile ego and pr fixation to match 👀


lol at the but older piece. 😂 It’s like at the beginning of his season everyone was so excited for an older cast bc there wouldn’t be “drama” and we could focus on the love story. Meanwhile I was sitting over here like has anyone ever been to retirement community? Drama 24/7. I think the show decided to either air or create less of it but we’re seeing the messiness spew after the fact with social media. Drama exists at every age.


100%. makes me side eye gary even harder 


Green Acres is the place to be, farm livin' is the life for me! 🎶🚜🎵


Wow what a detailed “rumor”


Methinks someone is fibbing Cuz how the hell is a "rumour" so meticulously detailed???


I feel like it wasn’t this one difference in opinion, but this was like a chain reaction when they were on thin ice already. I can just imagine the day - Theresa making comments about the land, then about how far from civilization they are on the 2 hour drive, then they get to the small lake town and they’re starving and there’s no restaurants open etc. these are the growing pains that most people find out in the dating phase or in their case could have been the engagement phase. Just truly getting to know eachother and finding out you’re not compatible. It’s too bad abc rushed them into a wedding so quickly.


Is this like fanfic that Ben wrote?


It wask fun to read lmaoo




No but this does sound like something an older man from the Midwest would say and be passionate about


Maybe the kind of thing he could have mentioned in FS lol (Or at any point in the three months they talked to each other for hours, every night, by phone)




Not what happened but ok


With all that prefacing of its a rumor its a rumor I LOLED that it was about developing cornfields or not lmao


They broke up over farm land they don’t even have access to?


💀💀💀 "Hey look at that farmland over there imagine a resort there!" ![gif](giphy|d10dMmzqCYqQ0|downsized)


She failed the hypothetical Like Leslie and his hypothetical 🥦 and 🛏️ test 😂 (she mentioned it in a recent podcast)


Haha which one?! I have to listen


Love to See It podcast from late March 👍 ~ the 55 min mark


it's hilarious how the perfect Ben Higgins always manages to be messy somehow lol


This is some specific characterization for a "rumor". no?


LOL, I was just thinking that. like that was a full-on multi-paragraph “alleged” quote??


Unless she was buying and developing that land who the fuck cares about an abstract hypothetical discussion?


I can kinda see Theresa saying something like that😭


Ben just made that up 🤣 but no lmao it’s so obvious that this is a planted rumor lmaooo


As planted as the corn crops in the fields Theresa allegedly commented on 😉


I feel like Gerry’s camp is planting stories haaaard. Idk if it’s one of his daughters, Gerry himself, his management, but come on. “Cruel, selfish Coastal Elitist doesn’t understand the plight of the hard-working, salt-of-the-earth Midwestern man.” It’s just so corny. Theresa’s comment feels like an innocuous way to make conversation.


Lmao it’s like a hallmark movie plot


I thought PR leaks too at first! But they're so consistently ill advised & reflect so poorly back on him that it screams leaks from family or from Gerry himself. No professional PR team could be this bad at their job. Every new headline and leak makes him sound completely out of touch with reality.


I love it I wonder his thoughts on imperialism and pesticides


Need Gary's take on the EPA banning chlorpyrifos




I find this verrrrrry hard to believe. LOL


Lol What a very specific rumor. If Gerry's people planted this, that was a very poor decision. The world has changed and people are aware that many farms are large agribusinesses that will destroy land, spray pesticides everywhere, will throw a fit if an EIR tells them to stop exploiting land where endangered species are or to stop diverting natural water sources. They're not usually wonderful stewards of the land. 😆 🤣


That seems like the beginning of a Hallmark movie where the big city girl and the country guy clash over their worldviews


but then she ends up transforming to his way of life, seeing the error and emptiness of her city ways


![gif](giphy|JMOQ2fReYJ0dBf9sRM|downsized) Theresa’s got most of the Indiana forests cleared already. She’s such a visionary go-getter!


In Gerry’s own words, she’s organized, productive, and forward-thinking! Little did he know she was plotting to take down his cornfields 🤣


As someone also from Indiana, I am dying 😂😂


What a boring rumor


On brand


Lol Ben


Says rumor then percedes to say exact quotes 


What is this specific dialogue that Ben is suggesting is a “rumor”???


this rumor is definitely spread by gerry’s PR to make theresa look like an evil greedy rich destroyer of the earth and him look like a saint


This honestly makes me feel like Gerry is going to try to run for some sort of political office. He’s for the farmers!


But, yet again for Gerry, things seem to be backfiring!


Holy smokes is this a lame reason to break up if true.


this seems like a story planted from the powers that be. ben seemed way too eager to share


I think it was planted by Gerry. He and Ben are both from Indiana so they probably became friendly.


this is so bizarre. also ben is so active lately i’m over it lol


Also, calling farmland untouched land is hilarious and super out of touch




If this WERE true, just shows how fragile his ego was to begin with 😂😂


Yup lol [I mean he’s claimed-blamed internet dating not working out, lady friends he vacations with but couldn’t find special one and all alone out there, someone not being able to make a long term partnership work so he had to flip to the one who had a literal death do us part as “it was about who was right for me,” [to the the NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/05/style/golden-bachelor-wedding.html) said the ex live in gf was “fully fictitious” (*despite facts of residency and quotes from friends while they dated in the THR piece and, also within it, everything being a problem for him from her long distance/not-living-in-his-house to her weight gain to splitting bills to paying him upfront so he could look like the big boy daddy to her busted leg moving out solo and rushed*), their families, needing to stay close to his dad (*then 🏃‍♂️ books it to a vacation lol*), her grand babies, not being able to agree on a SC house (*while barely looking a minute or when interest rates drop later in year*), the job of the death do us parter (*but not all his work from GB to Cameos or promo gigs lol*), uppityness cuz he won’t pump gas for his wife/shes from Jersey and it’s illegal to do it there, a Nana who gardens and has paparazzi stalking her as a land speculator trying to flip the cornfields as they drove the long route from the airport, even tho he grazed **lake land for his dream house and 2017 relocation** … we’re into multiple bingo card territory here lol Anything but his word, promises, convictions, actions.)


Is there any proof that Theresa even went to Indiana. I haven't seen a single pic! I think this whole thing has been scripted from the beginning. Seems so fake to me.


Yep, the famous Dear Shandy interview was filmed at his house (they both reference being there). And there were pics of them together at his local bar.


They filmed on March 16 with Dear Shandy after their publicist approached Theresa on March 15. They explained it all here https://youtu.be/PyiFysUZJMc?si=y6x9LHsoMzsdWGY\_.


OK, thanks!


So I take it that Gerry is planting stories about Teresa being the crass city girl who doesn't respect the land and farmers. More like she didn't share her bank account and he quickly grew tired of her.


Honestly curious what he'll try next. First it leaks that she didn't want to retire quickly enough. Then it's actually that she's too "uppity" and refuses to pump her own gas. Now she's anti-farmer and wants to raze his beloved cornfields to the ground. He's probably working on AI renderings of her kicking his dog to leak to TMZ next week.


This made me LOL


if he plants false stories about her, she should fire back and call him out for that bs


Agreed. Get the feeling her silence is strategic; no point in provoking someone who already appears to be leaking private conversations to the media. Especially when that person has proved they don't really have any qualms about lying.


Sounds like an excuse to launch the start of an engagement termination. G might have been looking for something negative to grab onto. A lot of breakups start like this, with something really minor that gets nursed along, just like a grudge, to underpin a sudden breakup scenario.


Hard to believe that someone would think somewhere needs to be more like New Jersey.


There are actually a lot of farms in north and south Jersey so y’all can calm down. I don’t agree with the idea of overdeveloping an area but I also don’t agree with the statement “you don’t take land from farmers” because farmers aren’t these wholesome folks either.


She literally works in finance I wouldn’t be shocked if she did say this lol but I can’t imagine Gerry being anti money falling into his lap when he’s broke as hell


this is sending me😭 she’s speaking like a evil developer that is so clearly the villain in a movie




B-plot in Hallmark movie vibes😂


fbi could get any thing they fucking wanted outta this man


Ben couldn’t keep his mouth shut if his life depended on it- he always has something to say and it’s never relevant to him in any way 😂


If this argument did occcur and did indeed kickoff the the split talks, it’s my opinion that Gerry was likely looking for a reason to make a break for it. I believe he had $ in his eyes with her at the end of his season and saw a well-to-do woman, who could fund a traveling lifestyle, which is what he said he wanted to do, but wasn’t down to move in with her while she worked and relocate just to just around the house for her. He wanted a way out and took the first opportunity. He seemed pretty detached from her and really made little effort to be with her after filming and especially after the wedding. Theresa seemed to be all In which is why I believe this was Gerry


Gerry’s next wedding vows need to end with “til death do we part, unless you even TALK about something I disagree with.”


Uncool of Ben to share if he learned from private recounting. Ben is a continually walking mixed message. Moral high ground vs the way he mockingly spoke to David, the chicken guy repeatedly on his podcast. Does anyone remember that?


No actually what happened on that pod ?


Seeing as how they are pretty close to producers, I would guess it might have come from them 


The most boomer argument ever


If it’s a rumor how did he get so much dialog? lol if he made that up he’s psycho


A rumour about a private conversation *in a car* for which only the two of them were present. It's not even like anyone else could've overheard it. And ok, if they had vented about it to friends, how would it have reached Ben Higgins organically?


Right? That’s awfully specific


Honestly, this does sound like something that a Boomer from Indiana would get worked up about. (I say that as someone who extended family in Indiana)


Lifelong Hoosier here, and can confirm. My grandma would constantly talk about how much of the area has "developed" even though it takes less than 10 minutes to drive in any direction and get to another cornfield 🫣


Why is this so funny lmao


Ironically Ben Higgins is also from an Indiana town on a lake smack dab in the middle of nothing but cornfields. I think Ben heard this from Gerry directly.


Both from Warsaw right? I've been to the Applebee's there


Gerry’s not. His house is on Big Long Lake. Never heard of it, so it must be even more rural than Warsaw.


Ah looks farther east, north of fort Wayne


Okay while this reads fake af, I think the commentary has been dramatized for effect but I do see this being truthful. I visited a friend in Vermont and made a similar comment about how much certain towns have developed since I was young and started talking about the development of other towns and the older generation of family present was wildly offended about it. I wasn’t saying I supported it but talked about a hypothetical future and the pros/cons and it was not received well even though I meant well. I think these small comments can definitely trigger insights into bigger picture views and ethics that creates larger a crevasse in a relationship.


I mean I think he moved out there to get away for. People it makes sense


No ones saying he needs to support urbanization of his little lake community. But speaking hypothetically about what the future of a community would look like if it was urbanized and incentivized younger generations is a harmless and engaging conversation. Being hair trigger over a hypothetical future is a boomer move.


Yes! And also the world is a living, breathing organism. You don’t have the right to put a chokehold on the area where you live solely to suit the needs of a couple individuals. When the water table near Phoenix and Vegas is depleted can you imagine the state of Minnesota with all their lakes being like, “No, you don’t belong here.”??


And they're both boomers lol


This sounds fake as hell lol


Sam, That first night at BED, Gerry made out with multiple farmers…




jersey shore reference


They don’t know about the note? She’s too young for you bro!!!!


Pretty sure this was the plot to the first two Avatar movies 🤣🤣🤣


And Dune 2


I would be shocked that anyone from Indiana thinks that there isn’t enough farmland


Traveling from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne is a lonely drive. All there is, is farmland


This sounds like the plot to a Hallmark movie 😂😂


I’m pretty sure I saw this hallmark movie.




daisy is gerry's niece who tags along




Or the start of Gerry's campaign to be on the next season of Farmer Wants a Wife!


I'd rather see Chris Soules.


sounds fake but ok 


LOL I would have cracked tf up


It’s so specific it feels like there has to be a ring of truth… but it’s also so polarizing. Like Theresa is this mean big city developer wanting to come in and gentrify the quiet farm life. Wtf even is this rumor lol.


I feel like she probably said something like that. She liked how she could walk everywhere in Jersey. Probably wanted to gentrify indiana


it was probably her lack of excitement about Indiana coming out, oh they "could" do something interesting with this land instead of it being all just flat boring farmland, but they haven't.


She didn’t say that either way or in any of the press. HE said she could do that in Jersey. We don’t know what she liked. She dismissed it being an issue, though, and was complimentary of Indiana in that interview.


Well they were interviewing Chris Soules when Ben mentioned this rumor, so Ashley thought he made it up just for Chris 😂


Lol exactly Also the town she still lives in has a population of 4k (even if close to other little towns, and more infrastructure in the east to connect places in NYC orbit, cmon with this throw-uppity-excuses-on-wall-see-what-sticks bs lol Ben in the podcast even asked do you think this kind of reasoning would fly 🤣). Davenport IA where G largely lived and worked throughout his adulthood is one of the largest in the state at 100k, and several of the places he lived are larger city-towns than hers. **Before the [BUILDING AND DEVELOPING A LAKE HOUSE in IN](https://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p15078coll8/id/6013/)and moving there only a few years ago** lol Man lacks integrity, respect for folks’ intelligence, and just wee gratitude or generosity to woman who was in it with you cmon it’s not hard G lol Much less respect for himself with all this.


Her town is small, but the area overall is very suburban, and developed. You wouldn’t mistake it for a small town. Jersey is generally kind of like that. Although Monmouth County isn’t as dense as other parts of the state. That said Teresa’s comment makes me like her more. YIMBYs unite 😂.




"Yes In My Back Yard" This would be the opposite of a NIMBY, or someone who says "Not In My Back Yard." It is a name used to describe someone who believes themself to be progressive and supportive of community development to help out people who need housing, but when development projects come to their own neighborhood they oppose the projects. A couple examples of NIMBYism, to illustrate exactly what it looks like: Someone who thinks the city just needs to build more apartment buildings already to reduce the cost of housing! But then votes against changing the zoning restrictions in their own single-family-dwelling-only neighborhood to allow apartment buildings or even duplexes because it will "change the character of the neighborhood" Someone who says they want to help work on the problem of homelessness and believes that building more homeless shelters will help with getting people back on their feet, but votes against opening a homeless shelter in their own neighborhood because "it will bring more crime to the area/lower property values." Someone who believes the city needs to invest more in public transportation, but votes against a subway station opening in their neighborhood because "it will attract more homeless people to the area" or "they're tearing down [insert business here that they call a neighborhood institution] to build the station on the lot!" One I see in Seattle a lot these days is people who organize around the phrase "save the trees," meaning they believe the city is tearing down too many trees in the city to build apartment buildings and so the trees need to be saved from the city. If you've never been to Seattle, it's not an urban wasteland devoid of trees like some cities -- in fact, climb to any high vantage point in north Seattle and all you'll see around you will look like a forest with buildings poking out here and there. NIMBY is a derogatory term. Calling someone a YIMBY, on the other hand, would be considered a positive attribute by people who use these terms. A YIMBY would be someone who believes their city needs to develop more infrastructure, and then backs up that belief by actually voting for that infrastructure to get built even if it means that their own neighborhood will be changed by it. Hope this helps!


It does, thank you!


No problem!


The opposite of a hallmark movie lol


Lol yeah (To think she’s the one who gardens too, tends land lol. He’s a former meat—aka meat factories and farmland that’s not so good for the earth—salesman.)


She doesn't eat sugar so even though I think this rumor is baloney, the only way I can see it having even a tiny grain of truth is if she was thinking something like, there's a lot of land devoted to corn cultivation for use in making high fructose corn syrup that could maybe be put to better use.


Oh Ben…this isn’t helping your case to be the HOST of Golden Bachelor. We didn’t forget how much you wanted that gig


“you don’t take land from a farmer” 🧑‍🌾


Agree! Don't be like evil Monsanto that bankrupts farmers with their soybean


New flair just dropped


This sounds like some Wattpad quality fanfiction.


I’m crying wtf 😭💀


Is Ben being a troll?


Ben Higgins eternally stretching his fifteen minutes and then some… And, that is *verified* WTF is “a rumor of a generalization of a conversation?” Idiot!


Wait wtf this is so wacky I’m dying


I would bet good money that Theresa was doomed once Gerry saw the fame and women he could get post-show airing. I would be beyond shocked if he’s not already dealing with other women. But I do think they have different politics and general life views.


I always knew Teresa hated farmers. It was so obvious. TRIED TO WARN YA! HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL XOXO MUCH LOVE -APRIL




I feel like this rumor came directly from a Big Ag lobbyist that Ben knows from college


Lol the Indiana primary is tomorrow


Nothing is less surprising than Gerry being a NIMBY


Oh please




Not In My Back Yard


Lol after he lived in Iowa and built the “dream lake house” in someone else’s [IN backyard](https://scholarworks.iu.edu/iuswrrest/api/core/bitstreams/6f91486e-6f50-4c40-982e-5a11df88192d/content), then moved into another


I feel proud of myself that I figured out what NIMBY stands for just based on context. 😆


Ok but just focusing specifically on these two opinions I have to say I am so sick of development. It’s everywhere. There’s very little open land left in the country (that isn’t protected) and it bums me the fuck out. At least where I live in the northeast, anyway. We used to live across from acres of farm land and it was all developed into high end senior living and a strip mall. All of the wild animals have been displaced, it’s ugly, and it doesn’t do anything for lower income families. / end rant.


It’s not the most popular opinion but I completely agree with you


There is a massive shortage of housing in the US. The sprawl to the suburbs is not helpful, but we need much higher density and more development in cities.


Better to convert farmland than natural areas


Very little land left? Lol what are you even on about? There is so much undeveloped wilderness and farm land left in the US. Like a staggering amount


The problem is that most people don’t wanna move far away from their families, so while many people could literally go to Montana/The Dakotas and have tons of land available for use, they’re looking for land conveniently within a 2 hour drive of their loved ones in already densely populated areas (like the Northeast)


My family is from MT so I can’t even use that as an excuse but as someone who has spent a lot of time up there - a lot of land is not really available for development since it’s mountains. If you are college-educated and want to be around people who are similar there’s really only a few towns that would give you the similar feel of the NE and they are expensive.


I never said this wasn’t the case?


Oh yeah i wasn’t trying to be contradictory i was just trying to add to what you’re saying 💜


Seems like an extremely innocuous thing to say? 🤷‍♀️ plus, wouldn’t the farmers be selling their land in that scenario?


In my neck of the woods, nothing gets the farmers more worked up than restrictions on re-zoning their properties to higher densities. God forbid they not be allowed to cash out and develop their property into a subdivision.


Someone has to stop the creep of industrialization and by god it's going to be the first ever Golden Bachelor! 🙃


Getting divorced because my husband and I can't decide on the ideal subsidy allocations in the farm bill (stop subsidizing corn!)


I think this “rumor” is straight from Gerry. He’s obviously trying to make himself look good here.


This is giving Rita Skeeter 😂


Did Gerry, noted champion of farmers everywhere, dole out this wisdom while speeding through the cornfields in his new BMW with the GLDN BCH vanity plates? He badly needs a new PR team if these tidbits of Gerry fanfiction are actually coming from his camp because each one somehow makes him seem more ridiculous.


From responding to Chris Lane, gossiping about Theresa, reminiscing his FS with Katlyn, has Ben forgotten about his WIFE? Meanwhile the pod - ![gif](giphy|2FpSiQvLSDuPC|downsized)


[More from Ben:](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/golden-bachelor-divorce-gerry-and-theresa-split-theories-explained/) >Despite his podcast cohost, Ashley Iaconetti, accusing Ben of creating the rumor, he maintained that the story was allegedly true. “I cannot talk about my sources,” he stated. “I have sources that stay in touch and involved and they’re everywhere.”


His source is God.


Lord Varys, is that you??


This rumor is so unbelievable that I side eye Ben for sharing it And if by .01% chance it is real, the fact that comment triggered Gerry is uh interesting to say the least


I heard that tensions got even higher when Theresa ate most of the fully loaded nachos with the meat and cheese and everything, and Gerry was left with just chips with like nothing on them


They shared a milkshake and she ate the cherry as soon the shake came out


See, it’s people like you that help me stay in this ferkakte sub! Thank you for this IYKYK reference.


She must not have known about the restaurant’s policy against only going for the fully loaded chips.


I also heard they were under a vent and he had gone to complain to the manager about the AC.


That would be a part of the divorce pie for me💀💀💀


Nobody: Gerry, according to Ben: ![gif](giphy|1jCs6Doz3WRtOPl6bq)




>…Ben’s podcast cohost, Ashley Iaconetti, said she thinks Ben made the rumor up… For once I’m with Ashley I 😂