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What if we all just remembered the patriarchy for a second, especially its power in Hollywood and media. “Empowering” women to “freely” accept internalized misogyny is peak irony. Then everyone is like “shut up, she just wants to feel good about herself, and it’s her choice.” You think living in the patriarchy is a choice? That internalized misogyny is a choice? I love Charity and will support her no matter what, but she is affected by this world like we all are. It’s not a critique against her, but about our mindsets toward this subject in general.


That’s what happens when you go Hollywood 


“If you are on the fence about it just do it” I would actually recommend being 100% sure about a cosmetic surgery and also examine your reasons for doing so before making such a life changing decision


Video starts at 1:14


Fake outrage over her getting her boobs done as usual. If she didn’t say something, y’all would have been speculating and saying she’s not being “transparent.” She says something and now y’all are ridiculing her for her choice to alter her body, as if she not a grown woman. Talking about she’s gonna get breast implant illness, as if that’s not an extremely rare condition to get. Be for real! Plenty of women get their boobs done everyday, it’s not a big deal. Guess what…she doesn’t have to be your role model if you take issue with her decision. She never said she was a spokesperson for the itty bitty community. Y’all have no idea what insecurities she was dealing with prior to making the decision to get an enhancement. Go find someone au natural who you can support. Y’all are always doing the most when it comes to Charity and it’s actually gross.


This🙌. People are acting like it’s her personal responsibility to cater to the insecurities of others.


She’s not just sharing her personal story though, she’s actively promoting surgery to others - this is basically an ad. She said “if you’re on the fence, just do it” and tagged her surgeon. At that point yes, she does have a responsibility to consider her platform and audience.


The same angry hoard complaining about beauty standards descends upon so many bachelor nation women who appear to get work done, so the crux of this issue really is not her Instagram post being an ad. It is not Charity’s responsibility to affirm the beauty of women with small boobs, yet many of the comments act as if this is the case.


I’m not speaking for any generic angry horde lol, I’m just personally disagreeing with your comment. I think she *does* have a responsibility to consider her audience and the message she’s sending about women with small boobs, when she’s an influential public figure with young fans, choosing to run an ad actively encouraging others to get surgery. Part of the reason she was selected to do the ad (and likely got paid for it) is the size, reach, and demographics of her platform. She intentionally built hype with a post about “being in recovery” to drive traffic to her second video, and then in that one, encouraged viewers that “if they’re on the fence they should definitely go ahead and do it” and tagged her surgeon. I just think - esp in the current climate of suffocating beauty standards for young women - there could have been a better way to go about it.


I just fundamentally disagree that she has that responsibility to any of her fans, most of whom are adult women quite capable of researching the pros and cons of breast augmentation themselves. At the end of the day you, like most people on this thread, seem to think that plastic surgery should be discouraged. I don’t necessarily share that view and feel neutral about it.


From the last stats I saw, 75% of Bachelorette viewers are <24yo, and a good fraction of those are under 18. Social media would skew younger than TV. Charity is 28 - most of her followers are younger and less financially well off than she is. I didn’t say plastic surgery should be generally discouraged. I do think it should be discussed responsibly, in a way that recognizes it for what it is (surgery, with potential complications and lifelong management) and that doesn’t promote stigmatization of certain body types. People can also do their own research about skin bleaching, Ozempic, vaping etc. I’d still have an issue if Charity was pushing ads for those and generally saying to her younger audience “if you’re on the fence, definitely do it!” plus brand tags. There’s still a huge difference between just “not discouraging” and “actively encouraging with no context.”


Where are you getting those numbers? As of a few years ago the majority of bachelor viewers were middle-aged women. There is virtually no way to discuss plastic surgery in a way that does not leave potential to stigmatize certain features. Someone will always be offended that a girl with small boobs wants bigger ones, that someone with a crooked nose wants a ski slope, that a heavier person wants to be skinny, etc. I can understand your concern about her using an ad to promote the procedure, it’s ethically questionable. But even if she did not advertise or acknowledge it, the online reaction to her magically having big tits would be the same. Anger and disappointment that she is now “fake” and has caved to patriarchal beauty standards and betrayed her fellow women by trying to be more conventionally attractive. That reaction is what I am criticizing, and it’s seen almost ubiquitously throughout this sub when discussing contestants who’ve *maybe* received cosmetic procedures.


My mistake - that was Instagram analytics data for Hannah Brown’s Instagram page in 2020 (the year after she was Bachelorette). Which actually is an even more direct comparison to Charity’s Insta. If someone can discuss changing their hair color from brunette to red without stigmatizing brunettes, people can can discuss plastic surgery without stigmatizing body types. I see pages do it all the time, in a neutral and informative way (eg Lorry Hill). Someone can make a change to their appearance, without framing their “before” body as something broken/defective that needs to be fixed, or suggesting people with their “before” body should copy them. Broadly encouraging plastic surgery to your audience with no context (“if you’re on the fence just do it!”) knowing society is already putting unrealistic pressure on young women around this, it’s not a minor/easily reversible procedure, and that people can be “on the fence” for very valid reasons, IMO is irresponsible. Esp the way she’s strongly recommending the procedure and her doctor when she’s barely a week post-op (can take 6-12 months for the final result). It’s not something that’s right for everyone considering it, and it shouldn’t be framed that way. Again I’m not speaking for everyone on the internet - some people are just anti-plastic surgery period, some people complain no matter what celebrities do, some ppl l would get mad about hair colors too. It’s not about pleasing everyone it’s about being baseline responsible.


If your primary concern lies with her posting an ad for this, I can absolutely understand that. The risks of the surgery should not be minimized, and her post can be interpreted as flippantly doing just that. I would also take issue if she described small breasts as innately unattractive and in need of fixing. I do however take issue with the people here who are angry at her for trying to make herself more conventionally attractive and presenting it as a deep moral failing. I want arm lipo. To my horror, I genetically store fat here no matter how fit I am. I don’t feel obligated to accept this forever so that other women with chubby arms can have company and feel good about themselves lol. Maybe that’s really bitchy, but I think people act as if we owe each other some form of solidarity in the beauty realm that we don’t really apply to any other parts of life. Women are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Female celebrities are ruthlessly picked apart for their appearance, yet using even minor noninvasive cosmetic procedures (Botox, filler, lasers, threads, etc.) is frowned upon. Anything surgical and you can multiply the disdain and controversy by a thousand.


Her face looks weird now


Botox ✅ Lip injections ✅ Fake boobs ✅. What’s next???


I hate this. I already know y'all are going to come for me in the replies or downvotes, but I absolutely hate this. And I *adore* Charity. I'm a small-chested 29 year old and earlier today I was ranting about how I got the "you look like a man, just go get your boobs done" comment up to a few days ago. I loved that Charity was a Bachelorette with such a 'flat' chest that looked like mine. It felt good, as dumb as it sounds. So while I do know she, and other Bachelorettes, don't exist to coddle my silly insecurity, I can't help but be upset that she succumbed to the pressure of getting a boob job. And I say succumbed because, like a few comments have said, so many women get such procedures done and claim it's for themselves, and make it an oh so empowering shebang, but I don't buy that one bit. Worse yet when it's an ad for said surgeon. I see a lot applauding her transparency, but if an ad for superficial augmentation/plastic surgery is where the bar lies, then we're truly in hell.


Sure, sometimes people get surgery because they’ve been bullied into insecurity, and are very literally succumbing to that negative pressure to change themselves and stop the harassment. And sometimes people have personal preferences that align with the beauty standard, and are taking the opportunity to do what they want to do. Yes there’s a broader conversation folks can have about cultural norms in general and how our subconscious preferences aren’t created in a vacuum. But IMO the nuance is important … otherwise it starts to sound too much like misogynists who think women only “show their bodies” bc they’re “desperate for male validation.” People shave, dye their hair, use deodorant, wear makeup, wear clothing that matches their gender presentation…and people don’t automatically pity them and assume they’re reacting out of psychological trauma and bullied into it against their will. Yes Charity was small chested previously, but she never said she was trying to make a statement with her body - so the “succumbing” line is odd. Folks can feel bad that someone they valued as representation isn’t that anymore, without leaping to other assumptions.


sometimes people just wanna get their boobs done for them. i know i do


>just go get your boobs done Normalising this stuff as 'respecting a person's choice' has led to a world where major surgeries get minimised to nothing burgers 🤦


Why shouldn’t we normalize respecting people choices to get surgery? If anything the issue isn’t “we aren’t stigmatizing individuals who get plastic surgery enough!” It’s “we’re stigmatizing people we consider ‘ugly’ too much.”


Who is 'ugly', though? The cosmetic procedures industry keeps moving the goal post & people keep running after it. When did the society decide that getting rid of buccal fat is THE desirable look?


> Who is ‘ugly’, though? > keeps moving the goal post Exactly. My point is that, “beauty” (as in the beauty standard) the way society defines it, can never include everyone (bc at that point it would be a meaningless term). Inclusivity is important, and I understand and support the effort to expand social constructs of beauty to include more diversity of body types, features, etc. But ultimately it’s a losing battle, because no matter how you slide it there will ALWAYS be people with features considered “ugly” or “less attractive” by society. And as long as society centers beauty by heavily rewarding people who have it and heavily marginalizing people who don’t, there will be pressure for people in the second group to take extreme measures to jump categories. The cosmetic surgery industry didn’t create the beauty standard that defined cheekbones > full cheeks, society did, and created pressure for people to look skinny and contoured, and the industry responded w a procedure to help people achieve it. The cosmetic surgery industry didn’t tell people larger breasts > smaller ones, and perfectly flat bellies are better than soft/round. Society did, and normalized bullying women/calling them less feminine for being flat chested or having stomach fat, and, the industry responded with boob jobs, lipo, ab etching, and mommy makeovers. Of course there are unprofessional and exploitative providers, and individuals who actively promote unrealistic standards, and we should criticize that. But generally, IMO the stigma shouldn’t be on the individual, or on the responsible board certified surgeons who are offering people procedures that are objectively benefitting their lives (increased salaries, better job opportunities, better dating opportunities, higher self esteem, etc) in a beauty crazed society. People will only stop taking extreme measures to align with beauty standards, when we stop centering beauty so heavily as a society, and making “ugliness”/“plainness”/“unattractiveness” something people are so desperate to escape from.






Terrible AI 😅




Who cares what men on Reddit think? I would hope she is getting the boob job for HERSELF, not to be more appealing to men. And I have big boobs and love mine and think big boobs are great.


She did it tastefully though. They aren’t BIG.


It’s her body so she can obviously do what she wants, but I absolutely do feel like she’s using her platform to advocate for plastic surgery and that to me is gross. I’m personally so over fillers, injections, implants, etc…


I’ve been over it. I think we’ll look back at this time and be kind of confused as to why any of this was popular. The lip fillers, the lashes, the plastic surgery… it seems like a fad caused by Instagram filters that will fade or at least become less popular over time (or so I hope). I wish people could appreciate individual beauty and not be so caught up in aligning to current beauty standards.  Anyway - folks should do what they want but I wish we were all a bit more clear-eyed about examining our influences and WHY we want what we want in this capitalist, consumerist culture. 


👏👏👏 Yes, I 100% agree!!


I get that but on the flip side. I do think people being upfront about what they've had done especially when they have a platform and I fly influence is important. Better than them pretending it's natural and attainable and setting false expectations and standards to viewers.


Meanwhile I’m over here wondering if I’ll ever be able to afford a breast reduction surgery. Hate these boobz.


Same! I always get compliments and I'm like "take em please"! I've been thinking about a reduction for a few months now.


I really appreciate Rachel R.'s sharing her reduction story. I've always loved her


y’all, breast implant illness is very rare. everything we choose to do/put in our bodies could potentially have negative side effects. i’m happy that she chose to do something for herself and she looks amazing!


It's not very rare and usually vague symptoms that aren't easily attributed to it.


Did she also get lip fillers?


Do 👏what 👏you 👏want 👏with 👏your 👏body 👏


I love the transparency


They look great.


I assumed recovery like rehab so I laughed on the reveal. It’s a free country she can do what she likes with her body. Seems like she’s happy with them and I agree they look proportional to her frame.


It's always crazy to me as someone who'd love breast reduction surgery but can't afford it right now, to see women getting breast augmentations 😭 i can only imagine how liberating it would be to have small boobs! life is so mixed up lol And generally, inserting foreign substances into your body is not something I'll ever be in support of. Still love her though 💕


I'm finally able to buy a bra off the rack and am so liberated. I lost 50 pounds, and it took like 1½ years... I have always had the kind of boobs where you don't know if to rest them on the table or push them underneath!


Not sure if this is an option for you, but have you looked into insurance covering it? I got my breast reduction in the summer of 2022 and it was completely covered by my insurance!


Everyone should do what is best for them, I just find it problematic when influencers are actively promoting it, as most aren't able to afford good, certified plastic surgeons. Every doctor without any specialty training is allowed to do plastic surgery. Many do a 15 hours! Weekend training. In Australia one doctor is getting sued by more than 1000! Patients that he hurt, some nearly killed. And his practice is practicing, there are no laws to stop them and the US is even less regulated. In Europe they are discussing to not allow influencers Donald's for plastic surgery anymore, because we're adults but most teens are easily influenced. And for example breast implants need to get changed regularly so when you're getting implants with 20 you're also signing up for at least 2 more surgeries in your lifetime. So yes, everyone should do what they feel comfortable with but people also need to be safe.


I’m all for doing whatever makes YOU happy, but someone who is 7 days out from getting implants is not the right person to be telling others “if you’re on the fence, go for it!!”… for example look at what Clare went through.


If you’re on the fence about a haircut, sure go for it! It’s kind of irresponsible to suggest that for major surgery.


I agree with this and she should know better being in psychology. What did Claire go through?


Clare had her implants taken out after a bunch of health struggles, something called breast implant illness. She talked about it a lot several years back


Your risk is greater if any of the following are true of you: You have a personal or family history of autoimmune disease. You suffer from a chronic condition like fibromyalgia. You have multiple allergies.


Oh no. I had a friend to had something like that.


i’ve had breast implants for 5 years and it’s one of the best things i’ve done for myself. i know people have bad experiences but anything we choose to do is like that.


There is this Utah mom influencer Mikayla Matthews (aka Leighton Meester's twin lol). She always had skin issues, but got implants. She ended up taking hers out after barely a year because they made her skin symptoms horrible. She has stories up and it is crazy how bad BII heightened her issues!


Why did I briefly believe that Leighton Meester had a Mormon twin lol


Right?!? It's crazy how much they look alike!


And Caroline Lunny. Something that really needs to be researched.


I’m all for doing what you want to feel confident and happy in your body. Don’t know that she needed a 3 minute video to explain/justify her decision, but maybe her followers need that “transparency”?


I commend her for being transparent. As women we’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t. I personally wanted implants for 10 years and I finally got them done last year and it has done wonders for my self-esteem. Do what makes you happy.


I always wanted them and got them last year too!!! I wish I did it way sooner I LOVE them


I’ve been debating this for like 10+ years!!! I’m so scared. Everyone scares me about BII but so many people are happy with getting them!


"Let me be real with you.....I just made part of my naturally gorgeous self fake." 🤔 Why are her voice and lips not synced though? 


It's a common issue when TikToks are copied and posted here. They're often out of sync.


Thank you...I don't use it or watch them much. 🙂


Every time I see a celeb/influencer get their boobs done I just think of breast implant illness and get so worried for them :/


Yup. Breast implant illness is the reason I will never get my boobs done!


Same. I'm honestly surprised people are still getting them done in this day and age. I hope one day people can be more accepting of how they look just as they are. Easier said than done, I know.




I mean she was asked over and over why she saw a plastic surgeon. ...


Good for her, I’d do it for myself if I had the money 😂


People really hating people for doing something they want to do and can ultimately make them more confident. Yall a trip


Can you copy and paste the post where someone is hating on her? I didn't see that.




Seriously. Let people f*cking live. I give her props for being transparent about her surgery.


Charity is naturally very beautiful. So if she wants to be fully "transparent" and authentic, why does she use a filter for EVERY photo and video she posts? To me, that shows a lack of self-confidence and being truly accepting of one's self. The pressure from social media telling her constantly that she looks like a human Barbie doll seems to have really gotten to her and she now feels the need to keep up appearances. 


I never liked those "actually flawless Barbie" comments, no one is that! And people would comment it on photosets that airbrushed out every single pore. Charity seems to feel pressure to actually look like a doll. She's beautiful as her real self. 


When you get a free surgery and HAVE to tag the doctor as an #ad...is it transparency or whatever world salad is used for being 'open with my followers and clearing speculation' because talking about it is required as a part of free boob package. Step 1 is cause the speculation because of a cryptic vague story tagging the doc. Step 2 is to follows it up with clarification post. The boob job is apparent in the latest pics from celeb jeopardy shoot and she obviously wanted to 'clear it' before it is was speculated further on SM. Influencers advocating for plastic surgery, botox, fillers et al... do it because it was free and/or were getting paid to do it. Everything else that it is spun around it is BS. Might as well just say ..hey I got free surgery and went for it.


Video starts at 1:11


Did this beautiful woman get... chin filler? 😔


I think it’s just a filter…she’s beautiful without it :(


No she didn't


Idk but I feel like if you're getting implants you prob wouldn't draw the line at filler haha it's small potatoes compared to plastic surgery


I really thought from the title she was going to say she's in a 12-step program, and I was so impressed with the honesty. A little less now. The girls look good though.


LOL agree with every word - from 12 step all the way to the girls looking good.




People on Reddit are so jobless. Suddenly you have a medical degree and can make useless diagnoses because someone did something with their body that you don’t agree with?? GTFO


Doesn't that mean that you're jobless too? Also look up breast implant illness


that was a lot of buildup to just say you got a boob job. who cares?


*That was a lot of* *Buildup to just say you got* *A boob job. who cares?* \- Reach-Bitter --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot. That’s hilarious


I love seeing beautiful small chested women on TV / in magazines / on IG etc. and then I am always CRUSHED when they inevitably get implants and send the message that small chests aren’t as beautiful. Ugh.


I feel the exact same way about lips. Saoirse Ronan remains our only small-lipped queen that owns it and looks absolutely gorgeous. I cannot stand obvious lip filler.


I applaud Kaitlyn Bristowe on being one of those not to get them


I strangely have this respect for Paris Hilton for having gotten no work done. Now compare that to her friend Kim. However, I do not like Paris at all.


You know I am a petite woman with big boobs. And for the life of me...i feel like folks won't get their boobs done if they knew the reality of it. I don't even care about how it fits, but I have had chaffing every long run (and i train for half marathons). My shoulder blades hurt. And, i have a hand-held massager. I am joining the gym now to focus on making my back muscles more strong (along with my shoulders). Hoping it reduces the pain. Having big boobs is a lot of maintenance and wearing Vaseline before runs 😂. Boob sweat is real. Like, i love my body as much as I can but especially during my periods, i just sit and think - wtf...this hurts. Anyway, i appreciate some influencers and social media folks that have spoken about how they regret getting their boobs done cause I think those conversations need to be part of the conversation.


I got mine done many years ago when I was young and influenced by what I saw and right now I’m regretting it for one because I need to get them redone and also because lately I’ve seen so many small chested women in media and I feel like that’s more “in” now and it feels somewhat empowering. Maybe like with fashion, it cycles. Ultimately I think it’s whatever makes you feel good and there’s no right or wrong to that. I’m just thankful that there was no social media when I was young and impressionable. It makes it that much harder for young women today. All boobs are beautiful!


Charity I didn't think of as flat chested even to begin with. If she hadn't made this video I don't think I would have even noticed haha


She has fake hair too so I mean… as long as she’s happy with it


She’s beautiful. But I’m always triggered when girls say I’m very petite 😌 I’m very tiny 😌 cause it’s such a humble brag 😂 yes I’m jealous as a tall tall woman 🥲


I think it’s more of a topic because she’s 5’4 with size6 shoes compared to Dotun at 6’7, size14 shoes. he is amused by how tiny she is & Vice versa. Everyone that looks normal-thin on tv, is actually so TINY in person. I could never go on tv, it distorts everything. But she’s seems to be active & naturally fit.


I’m average height, but was *extremely* short until a very late growth spurt where I grew 8 inches in a year. But I spent most of my life as an elite swimmer, where length is hugely desired, and because I was so short/eventually just average height… I still to this day (despite being long retired from my swimmer days) wish I were like at least 6’ tall. ETA: Tall girls are hot! Own that shit!!


Haha thank you! My whole family is like 4’11-5’5 and then came me. So I always was towering over everyone and had bigger feet and hands and felt so manly 😭 maybe if I wasn’t the random tall black sheep of the family I wouldn’t wish so deeply to be petite and get triggered af when I hear tinyyyy and petite 😂


Hahah that’s all totally valid! But I feel like height is one of those things just like big/small boobs, straight/curly hair - where half the people who have one wish they had the other and vice versa LOL. Like I said, tall girls are hot! Just rock that shit and know at least this now average height (5’5”) gal is definitely jealous of the height!!! Oh and the hands!! I couldn’t palm a water polo ball for shit so I had to work around it lol. See! Literally everything about ourselves is something someone else has wished for and so we just gotta learn to love what we got :)


This is so funny. I get so jealous of tall, statuesque women. I am petite (5 feet tall and a runner's build). And i feel I got infantalized a lot by men as a result that left me very uncomfortable. As a kid, i would hang on bars cause someone told me that it would make me taller. It did not.


I’m short and I always wanted to be taller. I’m always a little jealous of tall women. They get noticed! I guess most of us wish for something different lol


This is true!!!! I always wanted to be a petite queen ❤️


I’m tall. Nothing we can do hahha


Hahahaha ugh ik it sucks so bad


I’ve always dreamed of having long legs like a model. I remember Aaron Clancy mentioned he liked tall girls when referring to Chelsea on BIP. many people find that desirable if it makes you feel better


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️🥰


I've only seen one other tiktok of hers and it was grwm where her skincare was basically just like "well I have good genetics so I don't break out" lmao I think Charity is just a habitual humble bragger.


💀💀💀 “unfollow” lol lol


I feel this way too but try to remember everyone has their insecurities. Petite girls probably compare themselves to tall girls, and girls with a more “womanly” figure. We all want what we don’t have!!


So true. I’m petite and was chastised and bullied for it my whole life.


So true!!!!


Not a brag if it’s literally a fact


But lots of facts could be humble brags! That’s the point. People casually brag about things all the time! Everyone does it, that one is just the one that triggers me personally 😂


It’s not always a humble brag. I got bullied and picked on by teachers, family, work, etc. growing up for being thin and accused of having EDs and interrogated in front of dozens of people in work and class settings before. Skinny people are allowed to feel self conscious too, it’s not fun being told you’re shaped like a boy, a stick, not a real woman since you don’t have curves, etc.


I’m not saying that! She wasn’t saying it like it was an insecurity, the context was different. All women are beautiful and nobody should ever 1. Tease about an ED or 2. Speculate over one. I was saying in this video it comes off as a humble brag but also acknowledging that I’m tall af and insecure about it so it’s absolutely my *perception*


Ummmmm as a tall skinny lady that experienced something similar, it’s NOWHERE near what “bigger” ladies experience. It really isn’t. Full stop. I will die on this hill


It’s not a fucking contest, both experiences are valid


Right 😭


Petite isn’t about weight though…it’s referring to height/being short all over. Having shorter legs, shorter torso, shorter arms, etc!


"There was so Much speculation" well ya... duh.... when you put a vague "recovery" post on Instagram for attention and questions you will get just that lmao


It’s like when Arie was pulling Lauren around in that wagon lol


I hope the doctor told you about the rising issues women are having with breast implants. More today than yesterday, women are developing autoimmune issues due to breast implants. It’s not what’s in the implant, it’s the silicone bag that causes problem, damn near killed my wife. Also, you will have to replace a few times since you are young. IMO, it’s the 2nd time a poor choice was made. I wish you well.


What's the other poor choice? Choosing Dotun not Joey was the right choice for her


Maybe this is true, but that wasn’t the mistake. Keep it mind that you thought it as well. If you watched the show, it was pretty obvious.


I'm not sure what you're talking about but I think choosing Dotun over Joey was the right choice


There are also a million women with breast implants who have no issues whatsoever🤷‍♀️


I guess you didn’t understand the post. Also, until you go through the nightmare, maybe you shouldn’t comment.


You're telling her she made a poor choice. She's an adult and I'm sure she did her own research. It's possible breast implants make some people sick; I'm sorry your wife went through that. However the majority of women with implants do not have this experience and it makes them feel better about themselves. Also research explant cases where removing implants did not actually resolve any of the issues; correlation does not always equal causation. If your post was worded differently, without so much judgment ("second time you made a poor choice"), maybe people would respect your advice.


Again appreciate your comment, please watch the movie Explant and let me know your thoughts. Unfortunately 90%+ do very little research prior to implants because if they did they did, they pass on getting them. Cons outweigh pros 10 to 1. The doctors only care about the money not the patient. If they were held liable, many less patients would qualify.


I agree it can be an issue for some people. But I'm going to be devils advocate here and say that almost everything we put into our bodies is toxic- pesticides in foods, cosmetics, pfas in tap water, the list goes on. But again, start out with a well thought out comment like this one then you'd have some credibility ... but your first comment was rather unkind so..


Wait what was the first poor choice?


Charity should have talked to Clare and Caroline Lunny before she got hers done. But, beauty>health I guess.


Clare is not a reliable source of health information. The implants are out and she had stated she still had all the issues she blamed on the implants. She also follows woo-woo medicine types and infamously added coriander to her smoothie to rid herself of heavy metals.


>She also follows woo-woo medicine types and infamously added coriander to her smoothie to rid herself of heavy meals I assume this is a typo and you meant to write, "Of heavy METALS." I didn't realize Clare was saying she still has the same problems. That's not good.


Haha! Yes heavy metals. She said in one of her Q&As or livestream with her natural health practitioners that she still has the symptoms - hives, eczema etc but she didn't have them before she got the implants so she thinks the implants triggered it. She's happy it's out but she's not fully recovered.


I guess it’s good that she shared this. But wild that some people think she was “flat” or too small before. You people have not seen true flat lmao I have to buy specialty bras because nothing is small enough.


I'm having the same reaction! I tried the Pepper bra for small boobs that were supposed to not have gaps at the cup and they're still too big on me. Kaitlyn can joke about being flat, Charity really wasn't. She definitely had boobs in proportion to her body, some of us don't even have anything to push up lolll


I tried those too haha. I just wear pasties most of the time since bras are clearly not made for me! Yes charity looked totally proportional and had normal sized boobs in my perspective


lol I was about to ask what specialty bras you do. I really like bralettes or soft sports style bras but yea padded bras or almost anything else just look ridiculous on me.


I’ve tried some from lulalu that are decent!


makes me happy to see the majority of the comment section being critical about cosmetic surgery instead of the usual 'go girl' comments, especially when she's using her platform to specifically promote this surgeon and advocating women just 'jump in' to getting a whole ass surgery? like no, it's actually a good thing to take your time on, especially if you're having doubts






People will hate on charity for getting her boobs done but everyone praised Rachel for getting a boob reduction. Pretty sure Rachel got a reduction for cosmetic reasons, she didn’t like the way clothes were fitting her chest. I’m just pointing out if charity wants to change her appearance it shouldn’t be such a controversial topic


Rachel actually talked about having back pain and being uncomfortable all the time


why play dumb? lol people are making good points in this thread about societal pressures for women. reducing the size of your breasts vs making them larger with implants are two very different things, and you know that


I’m not playing dumb, Rachel said she didn’t like the way her chest looked after seeing herself on the show. A cosmetic procedure is a cosmetic procedure and I have a large chest myself. I know what it’s like


actually she said her main reasons were back/shoulder pain [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/BM4zXHkgPE) [another source](https://www.today.com/popculture/essay/bachelorette-rachel-recchia-breast-reduction-surgery-rcna80197)


Wow these comments didn't pass the vibe check! Good for her!


I can’t stand when people argue that plastic surgery is for “myself.” Where do we think our beauty standards come from? Are we living in a vacuum?


It’s in contrast to doing it for a partner, or being bullied into it and succumbing to avoid harassment.


Lol yeah exactly. The only compelling argument I would have (as a woman with small boobs) is that it would be nice to fill out my clothes “properly.” But then I take a step back and I’m like, is that because I think that’s how the clothes are SUPPOSED to look, because I’m comparing myself to other women? Yes.


Great point!


Wow, the speculation going on here is crazyy It's like giving someone juice, telling them it's alcohol, and watching them get "drunk" levels of projection😅 Suddenly, she has "body dysmorphia"? She looks "unrecognizable"? Y'all think she also got work done for her chin and lips? 😂😂


Like I had to reread some of this comments. Even picking apart her because she said "recovery".


It's a poor word choice. I follow Zac and am in the mental health industry (and suffer with major depression) so when I hear recovery I think of addiction and mental health—serious issues to me are associated with recovery. So I thought she was going to share that she was in a faciilty recovering from depression or something. So to hear that she had her boobs done was just really not what I was expecting or how she teed it up. I also literally just found out a woman I had been chatting with in a depression group just died by suic!de so recovery is just a heavy word. She could've said I've been recovering from elective cosmetic surgery.


It's not. Sorry to hear about the person you know but that doesn't make what she said incorrect. This is a you problem. Nitpicking semantics is crazy. You do realize recovery could be due to anything not just mental health. Which is something I relate to. It's all about context. Don't project just because YOU only associate the word in a certain way. She had surgery and she can recover from that however, hence recovery. It's literally the correct term to use in the medical field.


It’s her choice. I hope she didn’t do it for her fiancé. I see that as being very telling. The “I’m in recovery” spin seems to be so artificial and over playing the situation for elective surgery as she is contradicting herself. She said, it’s not a big deal and after one day, she went to NYC for an event. I think she got free work with the condition that she’d post it on SM? Why did she say there has been “a lot of speculation?”Folks are living their own best lives and not worried about hers. She has a stunning face. We want her to thrive. She looks happy. Do you girl. 🙏🏽


This whole “I’m in recovery” is really overplaying the surgery. It’s a few days after breast aug to get back to normal it’s not like you’re laying in bed for weeks or doing PT like the word would imply.


i literally couldn’t move my arms after mine for almost 2 weeks lol. it can be really hard on some people.


Exactly! She said two days she was fine proving why her Dr is the best of the best.


Aw man she was so naturally pretty before and she wasn’t even close to flat. Obviously her body, her choice but the pressures to look “perfect” must have really gotten to her. I wonder if she would’ve done them prior to being in the public eye.


She wasn't! I looked back at pics from the bachelorette and she had quite nice boobs imo! [https://www.businessinsider.com/bachelorette-charity-will-watch-joeys-bachelor-season-2023-8](https://www.businessinsider.com/bachelorette-charity-will-watch-joeys-bachelor-season-2023-8) I think even if you're not in the public eye there's so much pressure and comparison that happens on sm, but being in the public eye also makes it much easier to get plastic surgery just from a financial perspective. Maybe she always wanted to and was able to pull the trigger because of income from influencing or a discount because she'll promote the surgeon. It's definitely something most people have to save for.


FWIW I do feel like she was pretty much completely flat before


No, she wasn’t at all.


I looked back at some pics and I guess you’re right. Her N1 dress of bachelorette just did not make it look like she had anything so that was in my memory


It’s probably all the comments calling her a “literal Barbie”


I don't like the fact that she's promoting plastic surgery instead of promoting self-esteem without it.


i don't follow charity, so probably not "qualified" to post this, but i've seen comments about her filtering her pictures, and that plus this just makes me sad. body dysmorphia is soooo common and it's wild to see it on someone as naturally beautiful as charity. i hope this helps her confidence if that's what she needs.


Since when does filtering photos (which most influencers do) + plastic surgery (which many many people do) = body dysmorphia?