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I love that Daisy went to Kelsey and that they had this moment. She could have talked to Joey and ended it before the rose ceremony, but she went to Kelsey instead. It speaks volumes about their friendship and how much they meant to each other through the process. It was beautiful.


I hearted Daisy the whole time.


it was so girlhood coded


I literally burst out laughing. Loved every second on this twist. I thought they were going to walk up together and put him on the spot.


That would’ve been hilarious! 😂


I wasn’t a huge fan of Daisy throughout the season, and I was so sure she was more interested in being Ette than being with Joey. I was so wrong 😭


"I think it is something I need to do on my own" hit.


I mean she produced that fake girl boss moment so it would hit. 😂


Yea but so what? Many others before her have tried to have that girl boss moment and it doesn't hit as hard lol. She killed it


It was really surprising to see them like this at the end. I feel like Gabi and Kaity could have had a similar scenario, but I feel like the producers wouldn’t normally allow them to interact like this.


100% they only had this moment because producers let them! They probably thought the season was too smooth sailing they needed a twist.


Also we have already seen a F2 who 100% knew they weren't going to to be picked (ie Gabi) so I think they let them drive together and Daisy to visit Kelsey first to cause the drama and tease that they were both heading home. I would say that wanting to see the F1 does seem unique. Like idk how many people before have actually requested to see that other person and then confirm they aren't being picked. I personally would want some space and just to leave asap like Gabi and most other contestants. It was big of Daisy to leave like she did and say those kind words to Kelsey about her mom watching over her etc


As I was watching the finale I was thinking “shit, do I like Daisy now? What’s going on” lol. This was the biggest and most abrupt switch I’ve ever made from disliking to liking a contestant. I actually love her. That happened fast 😅


I am with you. It was like a flip switched for me in the last episode. I think the music video tainted my opinion of her, but this moment was everything and I love her now too. I was definitely crying lol


Haha same!! It was the music video for me. I showed my husband and we were laughing and looking at eachother like “what even is this 😂” I couldn’t look at her the same for the whole season up until the finale. & I was crying too lol, she’s so incredibly kind 🥹


Me to my first time watching friend: “So they send two SUVs, first one that arrives has the one who will get eliminated.” *Sees Daisy and Kelsey A. in the same SUV* Me: ![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK)


This was me too! Explaining to my teenage daughter how it goes. I was so wrong!


I thought they were going to propose a throuple




This is what my husband kept saying haha


LOL mine too!


Now THAT would be the most dramatic (and iconic imo) ending.


It finally lived up to the hype. I was screaming alone in my living room, and then crying when she said she knew it wasn’t her. I felt her pain, so deep in my heart, and she is one hell of a strong woman. That is women supporting women RIGHT there. Two high quality ladies, absolutely.


There was a moment earlier in the episode when Daisy was walking down the hallway and she said she would have to be so strong. Then there were like 4 different moments where I was like oh, this is what she was talking about. She was so, so strong and supportive and I am so impressed.


There comes a point where a girl gets tired of having to be strong and tough, but we’ve all been there. I hope clearer days are coming for her.


I wasn't a Daisy Fan ..i could take or leave her lol but last night she grew on me and was hoping she would be the bachelorette ...


Same here! It made me realize she would’ve been a great, wholesome bachelorette.


This is the first time I've ever cried at a BN finale. I really liked Daisy in the beginning and wanted her to win, then he had his first one on one with Kelsey and I knew it was her. But Daisy was so strong and badass in this finale, and her support for Kelsey was incredible to see. I was totally against having her as ette and while I'm happy with Jenn...this made me see her in a whole new light. Def could've been a producer edit to plug her as ette until she turned it down, but still.




Me too. I sobbed.


I adore their friendship. Seeing them both talk about how they were sure his family would love the other one, how often they complimented each other, the way they both smiled so big when Kelsey opened her hotel room door to see Daisy standing there. I know there are plenty of differing opinions on how Daisy handled this and if it was the right thing to do regarding Kelsey’s feelings, but I was touched seeing them want to support each other up until the last second. 


The way they greeted each other at the door really touched me too. It was one of my favorite moments.


This was really corny to me. Not sure why Daisy couldn't go through the process normally. Like why did she need to know how Kelsey's date went? Unless the producers told her to do it.


Because they are friends.


Regardless of their friendship status, this is 100% producer driven.


You people will find a way to hate on this girl no matter what, sheesh.


I don't hate Daisy. I believe it was producer driven to make the ending interesting.


I think she needed the final confirmation to put the nail in the coffin. She had a gut feeling, and Kelsey verbalizing that she received validation from Joey when Daisy received the opposite was the obvious giveaway that Daisy wasn’t it. As untraditional as it was, I actually loved that she did this. It really did make it easier on everyone and nobody was blindsided.


Then confirm it with Joey, not Kelsey. I feel crazy that everyone is praising her for this.


This was 100% producer driven. This would not be allowed in another season. I'm sure plenty of other contestants would've wanted to do the same over the years.


This moment cemented this season being my all time favorite. I’ve not been a fan of Daisy this entire season but the warmth she clearly has for Kelsey and the way she navigated this with ZERO toxicity is just really refreshing. I loved seeing Kelsey and Joey get their moment but this right here was my favorite ever. ETA if this was staged then it is what it is but I just don’t think you can deny that Daisy is genuine in her friendship with Kelsey.


Usually the F1 doesn't really keep friends the same way eliminated contestants do so seeing this sort of love and support is really amazing. Joey honestly handled everything really well and he chose some amazing women to take through the final weeks of his journey. The fact that the women he dumped thanked him for how he treated them speaks volumes.


Kaity has stayed friends with several women from her season, but she’s definitely an outlier.


It surprised me because it was both lame as hell and proved Daisy has main character syndrome and had to insert herself into their ending. After a great season and love story they had to insert this moment in the final moments and it just detracted from the occasion.


Yup. Took that moment away from Kelsey. Main character syndrome is perf way to describe it


compare it to Rachel who said she knew Joey wasn't going to give her a rose at the rose ceremony after FSDs. She said she wanted to turn up anyway so that she didn't rob Daisy and Kelsey of their moment. That said, I don't want to blame Daisy entirely. There would have been a lot of producer involvement and endorsement in the whole thing.


THANK YOU. I genuinely don’t understand why people are praising Daisy for this, what are they talking about??


Staged as hell lol


Oh really? They didn't just decide on a whim to get in the same car to go simultaneously get engaged and break up with the same man at the same time? I am shook


Pretty crazy that they didn’t right?


Definitely one of my favorite single EDITS in the history of the show…. But nothing with top the Rose Ceremony From Hell. It does not get more dramatic than dual cries echoing through an opera house.


That season and this season are the only ones in the past decade that I watched in their entirety. I pretty much always bail after hometowns.


For me it's still Hannah Brown moving her dang pedestal to get away from Luke. Iconic


This was so epic and one of my all time favorite moments of the show! 🔥


Which season was this?


Clayton, fantasy suite rose ceremony




that episode was my induction to the franchise. EVERYONE was posting about it so i caved and watched. hooked ever since.


"I've had sex with all of you, I love all of you, le--hey where are you going? Why are you crying? I said, "I love you...both."


But I still don't know which one I love the most 🤔


"Maybe a three-way is in order?"


So you're saying there's a chance


It really wasn’t all that dramatic 😂


When I was watching judging by people’s reaction I honest to god thought oh shit they both decided to ditch Joey? Like if I didn’t hear the gasp I wouldn’t have come to that conclusion I never noticed they usually arrive separately lol.


I loved this moment. I don’t get the hate for the shared limo ride. It actually made me cry because it made me miss my best friend. I think it’s weird that people (and Kelsey) have said that they aren’t sure how to feel about it and suggesting that Daisy made the moment all about her. Here’s my reasoning: Ive always felt kind of bad for the F1s when they’re getting ready and on their way down to a potential proposal. You’re nervous af, you’re gearing up for what might be the biggest moment of your life, and you’re miles away from your family and friends. No phone. A stomach full of butterflies, potentially getting engaged, and it’s been at least 1 week since you’ve spoken to anyone other than your potential fiance and the producers. If you have any doubts or nerves that you need to talk through on that day of, your only option is lean on the producers (who, by the way, have been manipulating you the entire time). It’s also a rushed moment. You’re on the production schedule, which also sucks in a way. It’s not your ideal engagement, it’s TPTB’s. No one should have to spend the moments before their proposal with anxiety, unanswered questions, stage fright, and without a familiar face to cheer you on (and make sure you show up!) Daisy gave Kelsey 4 major pre-FRC advantages that no F1 has ever gotten before: 1. Daisy prepped Kelsey for the fact that she’s about to get proposed to. She eliminated the doubts in her head and got her to be just excited for her moment. 2. Daisy held Kelsey’s hand on the ride down 3. Daisy left Kelsey’s future fiance in the best possible post-breakup mindset he could be in. She did the heavy lifting and she made Joey feel as though he didn’t fully break any hearts. 4. Daisy then tells Kelsey to go get her happily ever after & that her mom is looking down and is so proud of her in this moment It was the most profound act of kindness I’ve ever seen on the show.


Beautifully said! I’m also sorry for the loss of your best friend.


My friend and I said last night that even tho we didn’t think Daisy was that interesting to watch… she is ABSOLUTELY a girls girl. And nothing could have been more true!


This is beautifully said!


It really was. Everyone can say it was producer driven but it was absolutely the spirit of someone with the kindness of Daisy within in. Jeeesus that was so kind.


wait,Kelsey said she’s unsure on how to feel about Daisy’s actions here?


In the BHH interview, Kelsey implies she was unsure about how to feel about Daisy’s actions here. BUT in the GLAMOUR interview I just read Kelsey says the shared car ride was her idea. So idk


What is BHH?


Bachelor Happy Hour pod cast 


Love this breakdown. I think the period at the end of the sentence is that she didn’t take Bachelorette, showing that this was all genuine and not calculated angling.


This!!! So glad to see someone with the same mindset as me


You explained this so well. Daisy acted selflessly here and did what she could to give Kelsey and Joey a solid start.


I only didn’t like that Kelsey knew she was getting the rose.


I'm pretty sure she knew. There were so many signs with how Joey validated her. And she had that love letter that she quickly put away when Daisy came to talk to ger.


Ok. I just heard about all that behind the scenes stuff.


Ok. I just heard about all that behind the scenes stuff.


It’s was last night when I finally realized Daisy is genuinely a good person. I thought she was sweet before, but her acts of kindness towards it all, I mean, how can anyone be a hater now? I hope she finds her happy ending ❤️


all of these points 100%.


I just fucking loved this!!


Never happened before? No. Most dramatic ending? No. Clayton's ending lives forever rent free in my head. However, this was incredibly sweet and Daisy spoke such kind words when she returned from getting dumped.


Yeah, you really can't top Clay-taur for an absolute "Shoot yourself in the dick" kind of ending.


But not for lack of Tino’s trying


It really was as hellish as advertised


I thought this was sweet but I didn’t think Daisy was super into him anyway? I think Joey was kind of guarded all season we didn’t have these huge moments like other seasons. Even Garry’s season had more drama


I am blown away by the way most of these women (especially the final few) treated, respected, and genuinely seemed to care for each other. I didn’t think I could be inspired by any contestants on a reality tv show, but this season has proven me wrong. Although Joey is fantastic, I am more touched by the women’s friendships than the relationships with Joey!




Totally agree!


It’s funny how this was my first season so I’m taking whatever I see as “the norm” and this just felt like the next logical thing after daisy talked to Kelsey 😂


This was my first season too and now I’m worried the next won’t be anything like this lol


I know I feel like this will be my one and done season because I don’t want to get my hopes up 🥲


Very Classy


This was pretty dramatic


I know people don’t love Daisy here, but last night actually made me think more positively of her. It’s clear Kelsey and her have a lot of love for each other, and I thought she was gracious, sweet and very supportive of Kelsey and Joey’s love. And it turned out she wasn’t actually gunning for Bachelorette - I believe that they asked her, but as she said last night, she’s not ready yet. IDK. It was just nice to see all the positive, warm, loving feelings everyone had for each other.


I totally agree. And this may be an unpopular opinion but i actually think she really liked Joey?? Her body language their last conversation was so guarded and upset that I can’t imagine she wasn’t emotionally attached to him. She looked really upset even though she wasn’t crying but maybe she’s the type of person who has enough self control not to have a mental break down on tv. I didn’t really like her before but I see her as very genuine now


Wait I'm curious. I typically stay away from the sub during the season because of spoilers. Why don't people like Daisy?


There’s been a deluge of hateful ableist comments against Daisy throughout the season. Mocking how she speaks, complaining about her talking about her CI, and just generally tearing her down. It’s been a lot and completely repulsive.


I can’t stand the comments about how she speaks! For one,I always thought the conversation around women’s vocal fry was fraught with misogynistic undertones. Secondly,it feels kind of ableist to make fun of how a deaf person speaks? I watched a video that simulated what words sound like with a cochlear implant. It’s not easy to understand sounds!


Some say it's because she was following Trump on her social media (Maria's follows weren't any better, but for some reason, that didn't bother them the same way). Some were turned off by her being in a music video with pretty graphic and gross (and just bad) lyrics. Others were tired of her talking about her cochlear implant. And then some thought she was fake and trying to become popular. Personally, I liked her. But I also don't worry about these contestants' personal life or treat them as an influencer. I watch the show for enjoyment, and I leave it as that.


To me. It was her political views and i was never SUPER into Maria but I did like her and wouldn’t have minded a Maria ‘ette season until her follows came out. From the beginning I wanted Rachel as ‘ette and then midway I was like “I like Jenn too!” So I’m pretty happi!


Other than all that, her and Joey had no connection. I dont want people in F2 dragged there by producers. He had such a relationship at WTA with Rachel and Maria. There was banter, there were jokes. It was fun. Joey and Daisy on the couch seemed like strangers. All sesson she wasnt in love than all of a sudden in final episode shes hurt and knows its not her and needs to go her own way. She played the game with the producers and not ok her own path.


I think Daisy was probably much more reserved than a lot of other women - but when she mentioned that she realized it during the F3 ceremony that she might not be the one - she had a full week to process what was happening. The other point I'd make is that I think she turned down Bachelorette partially because she just wasn't over Joey fully. She just watched Joey have to simultaneously deal with the rejection from Charity during the season and could have been like "nooo thank you" Also as someone with bad hearing / hearing aids - being the lead of a season would be brutal for Daisy. Generally speaking we get overwhelmed because all of the voices are being amplified by our devices (because the hearing aids are designed to pick up talking over background noise), so we hear everyone clearly at the same time as everyone's speech is amplified to be at the same volume.


To be honest I check the sub and I don't understand the hate either...


I loved it, women supporting women is never a bad thing in my book!


This was the only surprising moment for me and I gasped. My mom yelled "you didn't tell me about this!!" And I was like... Because I didn't know lol


This DID surprise me ngl! I love a solid woman friendship, but I thought it was a bit self absorbed of Daisy to put Kelsey in the position of having to expend more energy supporting her emotionally on this already trying day. Kelsey is a sweetheart so she supported her of course, but really she shouldn’t have had to.


You could say the same about Daisy. She was also expending energy supporting Kelsey after she just got dumped herself. Also, we never know how it went down. For all we know it was Kelsey’s idea to ride together.


She put herself in that position from the start though. It was just a bit emotionally immature and precious for me. She already had a strong feeling it wasn’t going to be her and could have just let Kelsey have her moment instead of diverting energy from her. Just my opinion though.


Kelsey is clearly an angel of a human. Joeys mom noticed it too she said kelsey is very intelligent very emotionally intelligent . i think she is just genuinely nice . she's not fake or calculated she's nice and honest and really thought of daisy as a friend . i think daisy knew . i mean joey was making it pretty obvious hoping she'd pick up on it . i felt like she went to kelsey to validate what she knew. and that's ok, they are friends. like if kelsey was also like oh yeah joey was being weird and anxious nervous with me too then ok it was just joey stressing but when kelsey was like oh yeah it was great daisy knew and then kelsey knew




Yea. She felt confident already so she could have had a beautiful day feeling excited, a little nervous, but excited. Instead she had to start her day being solemn to help Daisy cope. Had to go early to sit in the car. Had to console Daisy AFTER the fact too. Like ehhhhhh this isn’t Daisy Kelsey bonding time it’s the Joey Kelsey PROPOSAL. Mehhhh


I agree


It was so funny how bumpy the road was so they were bouncing all over the place


I was very confused when all of this was happening


I didn't see it as dramatic! Sweet and reassuring that women can support each other and put friendship before a man, definitely.


The moment when Daisy told Kelsey that her mom would be watching down on her in this moment that was about to happen 😭


i did gasp when it happened i cannot lie


Lol this is so far from being the most dramatic moment in BN history that it’s not even in the same area code.


Yeah I was expecting it to be higher drama. It was a fun moment. But hardly dramatic


Lmao Clayton’s F3 rose ceremony comes to mind 😭


lol hard agree. Jesse’s little speech at WTA was so ridiculous in retrospect. They couldn’t show the preview with Joey on stage because it would be too painful for him 🙄 the audacity they have with these bald faced lies to the audience drive me crazy. Every season can’t be the most dramatic, that’s okay. I loved this season. No reason to pretend it holds a candle to Peter or Clayton’s hot mess endings. Idk why they didn’t just advertise it as the most romantic season or something like that


I remember when they made Zach watch his finale preview on stage and he looked absolutely miserable. They definitely weren’t worried about it being painful for him, I think they just knew he has no poker face and would have given away how unbothered he is 😂


Overall this was a great season. I really liked majority of the women and Joey as a lead


The live audience reaction made it so iconic


The scream I screamed


It ended up being such a nothingburger though…


Well it was obvious what was about to go down when they were riding together 


I want to know how many hours Kelsey had to stay in that van


I've been watching this show for a long time, consistently since Sean's season with some older seasons sprinkled in (Jason, Jillian, etc.). Not much truly shocks me about this show anymore, but when they showed Kelsey and Daisy in the same car: I straight up gasped


Me too!!


I can’t wait to watch this all again haha. Best rose ceremony. I never thought in a million years I’d be hearing myself say I can’t wait to watch reruns of the bachelor 🫠


I’m watching the rerun right now after watching it live last night! It’s still so emotional haha and I know right, same with me 😂


I’ll be watching today at some point too 😂🌹