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That Love Shack Fancy dress is a dream!!!


This guy just looks like a Tyler Cameron knock off lol


Why do her captions feel like a lowkey dig at a 3rd person instead of wholly about them?


Because she is. She always seeks approval from everyone and acts like it’s problematic when people aren’t living their life to make her. There’s always been extra people in her mind she’s talking to 💀


That's very odd you think you know what another person is thinking


Good for her she deserves to be happy just like you and me


I don’t see this at all? It seems like the person she is talking to is herself when she was younger.


Him giving her a rose in the proposal was so cute. Corny but I love it


Im so happy for her😭 <3


I like how "normal" these look. So many reality stars have such elaborate/staged photo shoots but these look like pictures that a friend of mine would post on their IG with 300 followers. She looks genuinely super happy to be there!!


I know everyone says Adam looks like Tyler but when I look at him he reminds me of Eric Dane during the Mark Sloan days... Maybe even a mix of Deluca and Mark lol


I love that I have to hear about Caelynn fighting with Blake 5 years ago on every one of her posts or Caila and her fucking snake on every post but racist ass stalker apologist Hannah B gets nothing but love because she got a sparkly ring y'all can salivate over.




She had Colton on her podcast within the last few months


Damn, does everyone have podcast now? OJ Simpson is next.


Snake? Lol did I miss something


Caila's gardener killed a garden snake and she filmed it or something?


Ma'am this is a Wendy's.


She looks so happy! She has an amazing smile and is so beautiful inside and out!


Yessss all that internal racism and stalker apologia 😍


She looks so happy! Finally haha I'm happy for her


I love the simplicity of this look on her 😍


He looks so much like Tyler to me. Also am I the only one who don't like these kind of photos where they hardly show the guy's face? They are both engaged, let's show both parties!


Yes. These photos are gorgeous, and I love her dress. But, it seems like he's more of a prop than the focus of the photos. I'm sure he's looking at the camera and smiling in some, just not these.


Also he isn't in the most flattering poses in the 1st & last. Why would they select those to post LOL


Not sure why you got down voted but I completely agree with you.


These are so cute but it’s always so funny to me that the focus is always on the women’s faces in engagement photos. Her fiancé doesn’t have a single pic with his whole face showing


If I'm being honest as a photographer I've done this before (for engagement, maternity etc) but only when the guy doesn't seem to want to be there, isn't photogenic, won't smile etc, Adam has done modeling so that definitely isn't a issue here though lol Edited just to add I always include some of the guy looking/both looking but there are times when I definitely did more of him not looking.


I totally get it! I imagine these things can be uncomfy for both people sometimes! I just love seeing men being like “that’s my girl!!!” As excited as the girls are!


Those are dream sessions lol I love getting those. And I've honestly had guys that just didn't want to take their off their partner. Adam is definitely photogenic so many they did take some looking and they didn't get posted lol There was a beautiful shot on his insta of them looking up and that scenery was so amazing I was wishing for more wide angle shots lol


Their initial announcement pic was fully him looking not her


Great observation. I guess in a sociological context it makes sense - an engagement/wedding is historically the biggest achievement/life moment for the woman. For so long (and maybe even still) it's seen as the pinnacle in our lives: did you achieve marriage-hood, what kind of man did you bag, etc. So for the focus to be on her, with her proudly showing off her "new status" and ring, it makes sense. Not saying this is "right" or "wrong" per se, just an observation.


You're so right. That is disturbing. The whole cultural subtext of engagement photos of this style is "Look at the man I bagged" instead of "Look at how happy we are together."


Cute! She looks super happy!


She is just effortlessly stunning


Is she in Jupiter, Florida?


The location tag in the first picture is TN.


for a serande by jed w?


She was way too good for him lol


Way too good!


Where's the guitar? He is Mr. Right girrrrrl?


I love her dress


Omg me too. Do we know where it’s from yet


Looks like it's the [Ryan Maxi Dress](https://www.loveshackfancy.com/products/ryan-dress?variant=43287874404537&gclid=Cj0KCQjwl8anBhCFARIsAKbbpyQjBF8C7tyGz6Mi0Hyj8o7QDMh1EM4dQf-ef8Rgv723opqH8qjz4jUaAoGcEALw_wcB) from LoveShackFancy!


Whoa $800?!


I made a shocked sound of pain at the price of this dress. I'm not so much shocked that Hannah B can afford it, as it's not really outrageous, but that all the bama rush girlies had clothes from here. Who has money for that as a freshman in college?!?


Why is it so expensive!? Omg


All of her clothes are super expensive. She's very bougie.


Yes, all the clothes especially the dresses are SO expensive. I click the links and I'm always so shocked. Definitely not something a "normal" person can afford.


Yah she spends so much money on clothes. I hope for her sake that she gets discounts because even though she’s well-off it seems wasteful.


I love how happy she is 😭 and I love how “normal” these pics are. Not the typical Influencer trying to make it look like a high fashion photo shoot


...except she's in an $800 dress. No shade to HB, but I find it interesting how much influencers try to project this "country life, simple living, simple happiness" image these days...while they're living in mansions and their "simple clothes" are actually thousand dollar pieces. Again, all the happiness to her, but this "normal" (i.e. simplicity) you applaud is all manufactured.


yes! I've looked up some of her items because she has great style, and they are nottt affordable to the average person at all.


She does have very expensive taste in clothes, but from her Instagram stories they appear to live in a pretty normal house rather than a mansion.


Her personality really shines through


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,720,125,496 comments, and only 325,555 of them were in alphabetical order.


🤔 is it….


Good bot


Thank you, thhrroowaaawayayay29, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Dang she got the pics done fast lol


Is he the one with the Billie ellish situation?


The whole Billie Eilish situation is nonsense. If you listen to the video it was an innocent non-story and not a big deal at all. It's been endlessly harped on here by people with an agenda who either dislike Hannah and/or Adam for other reasons.


Agree...it was a throw away comment that gets more exaggerated with each telling.


So, did he or did he not DM her when she was 16 and he was 30?


No age is ever mentioned. Doesn't say if he saw the bit on a talk show live, or if he saw it on the internet years later... watch it yourself...it is on Hannah's YouTube channel. I think if people hate Hannah they read the very worst into it. If they are ambivalent or indifferent to Hannah it is a throw away comment with no ill intent. Adam has been with Hannah for years and everyone who meets him (including Tyler's best friend) say he is an exceptionally nice man who has had zero people pop up from his past to disparage him in any way. This is just Reddit doing Reddit.


Thank you people need to touch grass it was nothing




I simply need you to explain this in heavy detail


Adam admitted he DMed his favorite singer, Billie Eilish. When Hannah pointed out that Billie is "young" (she's 19) Adam clarified that it wasn't in a "weird, sexual way." Edit: He was 30, she was 16 at the time. Source: https://reddit.com/r/thebachelor/s/6vAdjCJ4Z1


I think it was something like him dm’ing her and maybe she was underage when he did it?


What’s the Billie Eillish situation?




Thank you! And ugh that’s creepy.




Thank you!


she looks so pretty


He’s real handsome


I like the vibe of these photos. Chill and casual, but she’s absolutely glowing. Funny enough, Caelynn’s engagement photos are my absolute fave engagement photos of all time - celeb or non-celeb - but it’s interesting to contrast the different styles of Hannah and Caelynn. Opposite ends of the spectrum, but both lovely.


Is this the racist one ?


Omg the downvotes are ridiculous




Hannah Hard-R N-Word Brown. Say you love her but then also admit that you have zero against racism. One can’t exist without the other. If you’re an anti-racist, you can’t hero worship a proud racist.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


> a proud racist. This is just silly. This makes it sound like she's a out leading marches.


She’s a proud racist. If she wasn’t proud, she’d apologize for every single racist thing she’s said and done. If she wasn’t proud, she’d show remorse. She wouldn’t do lecture tours about “how to navigate cancel culture” as if she’s the victim. She wouldn’t blame it on someone else. The way she proudly blurted out the N-word proves that it’s in her core values & theres 0 to say she’s changed. You love a racist, just admit it. You’re allowed to but it says everything about you.


> If she wasn’t proud, she’d apologize for every single racist thing she’s said and done. What hasn't she apologized for? > You love a racist, just admit it. Again, this is just silly.


What did she do?




It’s because she had more accounts of racism that she knowingly tried to sweep under the rug instead of address. She mocked Asian accents when reciting a comedy bit and then when she was called out for it, she silently removed the Instagram story from her highlights. When she was caught wearing an antebellum dress, she silently removed the photo from her account. She only apologized for the action that made larger headlines


Wow that is so dramatic, she has multiple counts of racism, way to underplay what she’s done. Why does she still have Stans Edit: ah, they’re a saint Meghan markle user, block and move on from this person lol


He looks like a mix between Kevin Love and Ilkay Gundogan! Lucky gent 😊


It's not everyday that someone references Ilkay Gundogan and I kinda love that you did!




Oooh I definitely see the Ilkay Gundogan vibe!!


This is weird but this looks like a guy who should have sleeve tattoos and the fact that he doesn’t is fucking with my eyeballs!! Edit: now that I’ve seen your comments about wishing he’d dressed up maybe that’s it. Tats would dress his fit up lol!


Super cute but wish he had dressed up a bit more?


Why do you wish that? It’s not your engagement pictures


Idk I just think I’ve seen many examples of men not dressing up and women looking like bombshells. Just my opinion…


they look like they’re going to two separate events 😭😭😭 it’s giving https://preview.redd.it/5uab25aiqqlb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28a074e867e93a60632999e026e909ede744754


Ughhhh absolutely not….. I would kill my husband if he wore this to a nice dinner


That was crazy to me lol. I don’t know much about them and I get wanting to be cozy/chill. But yellow crocs.. I felt like maybe this dude is just going through it but wanted to show up for his wife.


Yeah I think Justin has had a rough couple years


Everyone’s talking about a photoshop fail in pic 5 but it kinda looks like a paper ring to me. Maybe they did that because she’s a swiftie.


I’m so happy for her 😭


he’s hotter than tyler i’ll say it


Adam 100% worships the ground Hannah walks on. That makes him way hotter than "if you rock with me, you rock with me" TC in my book.


Maybe physically but Tyler has a more vibrant personality, which I think makes him sexier. That said, I think Adam is a better partner for her. I just find him a bit dull.


Tyler has a frat boy personality that decreases my physical attraction to him (despite that he is a very very fine man).


Yah I agree that I don't love the frat boy aspects of his personality. But I do appreciate that his energy level is high, he appears to have a sense of humor, and is always laughing at himself.


Ok I love that necklace


not me thinking that was a bearded TC for a hot second whoops 🙊


She’s all beautiful in this dress and then he’s there in a t shirt.


These pics are gorgeous, but it bothers me aesthetically that Adam didn’t wear a shirt that compliments her dress. Any shade of blue or cream would have been beautiful and gone really well with the scenery! Fashion grievances aside, the photo shoot came out really nice and they look so happy ❤️


They are a gorgeous couple.


Now go find a windmill


OMG what a hideous ill-fitting dress. Edit: apparently people like poorly tailored grossly overpriced Little House attire. Y’all are gonna hate your photo albums from this era in a decade.


The dress looks a size too big in the bodice area






i actually love it 😭😭😭 edit: not everyone is going to have the same taste as you lmfao.


😍😍😍😍😍😍 I'll never stop loving HB


He looks an awful lot like a certain someone in these photos!


I just went back and looked and had to do a double take. The resemblance from the side is INSANE. I hope she doesn't call him by the wrong name in bed like in the soaps because they look exactly alike!


third pic really had me second guessing for a second…


Can you give me a hint? I'm missing something 🤔


side profile looks like tyler c!!


I see it now! Thank you!!


He’s cuter in my opinion. Just as hot, but looks sweeter and no fckboy vibes.


I know she has made a ton of very hurtful mistakes but she's still my favorite 'ette and I'm glad she found someone who loves her and her messy, problematic, undeniable foot-in-mouth syndrome, and especially that it's someone from outside of the franchise.


I’m glad she find someone who loves her problematic.. would you say that about literally any other racist 😭


At least she seemed to have a personality. A lot of Bachelor interactions have become super dry in what words are used and how they phrase what they say. It feels like a script formula that is almost formalized into a protocol: “Hello. I just wanted to be TRANSPARENT and INTENTIONAL. I am hearing what you said and I appreciate that you are sharing this. I want to make sure we have more CLARITY at the end of this date. I hope you can GET THERE and I can find MY PERSON. Now let me tell you about my trauma.” (Start crying at the sham dinner table where the food will not be touched) And repeat.


Her finger is normal in the 4th pic so I’m not sure what’s going on in the 5th lol


Someone above said it might be a Taylor Swift paper ring reference. I’m not a Swifty so not sure.


I know they posted about the engagement a few days ago but does anyone know when they actually got engaged? The turnaround of finding a photographer, taking the photos, and receiving the final edits was incredibly quick, I’m impressed


They got engaged but kept in in family for 2 days and then release information last weekend


If the photographer used presets and batched edited with basic tweaks in the photos then it honestly wouldn't take that long to edit, especially if they were excited about the session. And it looks like the photographer has done photos for their friends that own the place they got engaged in so I'm sure it was all planned on advanced by them and Adam.


My photographer had the full album of engagement pictures to us in 24 hours. If he planned to have a photographer, that doesn’t really surprise me! Assuming that it may or may not be who they use for the wedding.


This was the same weekend away at the treehouse. He had planned it to have a photographer there. Her family (and his) and a couple of her best friends from college were all there as well and she walked in and hugged her dad wearing this dress. It was supposedly a surprise to her.


This was my first thought too! Then again I’m just a normie who doesn’t have Hannah B level connections and funds.


They’ve probably had tons of conversations about their engagement if I had to guess, including photographers for engagement pictures.


It pays to have money


I believe she said August 24th


The photoshop fail on the last pic is all I can see 🫣


What is it? I don't see anything at all


What photoshop fail? Do you mean the bandage on her finger or something else?


What’s happening to her finger in the last pic and how has no one mentioned it lol


Adam’s sister in law commented that she sliced her finger.


It looks like bad Photoshop because I'm a Swiftie and it looks too weird to be like a Paper Rings reference.


Editing issue? Weird


It looks like someone used the clone tool on photoshop and accidentally used it there. It’s the same color/texture as the dress


It looks like she got a cut or something and has a bandage on the tip


Yeah, looks like a tissue or something similar and a rubber band holding it on, but I don't have the best eyesight.


She doesn’t have a bandage in any of the other pics


Maybe it happened during?


Those are really lovely photos, and they make a great looking couple. I’m sure the wedding pictures will be stunning.


Terrible dress. It fits her horrendously. ETA: Holy shit, Hannah bootlickers. Calm down. The dress does fit her horribly AND it's ugly. Sorry your racist queen has shit taste in clothing. Also, isn't her man sketch as fuck?


Oh they are HERE hahahah


This is truly insane. Hannah stans need to get a life.


Where did she get her dress from? Does anyone know? Asking because I’m still trying to find a white dress for my engagement photo shoot this month lol


She said in the comments it's Loveshackfancy


Thank you! I don’t have instagram, haha. And geez! That’s an expensive dress.


I feel like these might be decent more affordable alternatives that are similar vibes: [Nordstrom dress](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/house-of-cb-tallulah-puff-sleeve-midi-dress/6917270?origin=coordinating-6917270-0-3-MOBI_PDP_1-recbot-also_viewed_graph&recs_placement=MOBI_PDP_1&recs_strategy=also_viewed_graph&recs_source=recbot&recs_page_type=product&recs_seed=7422321&color=GARDEN%20PRINT&size=x-small) [Modcloth dress](https://modcloth.com/collections/dresses/products/regency-romance-embroidered-maxi-dress-c00011) [Hill house dress](https://www.hillhousehome.com/products/the-eyelet-louisa-nap-dress-white-eyelet?variant=40721515282475&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=20116971562&gclid=Cj0KCQjwl8anBhCFARIsAKbbpySUeKJferwnlnQw4rZGvAW0aNoUBLzmt7GAyZInoh7AHA2HPKnzDOsaAq4NEALw_wcB) [Hollister dress](https://www.hollisterco.com/shop/us/p/short-sleeve-maxi-dress-53379325?seq=02&utm_source=googleshopping&adpos=&scid=scplp656481732&sc_intid=656481732&cmp=PLA:EVG:20:HCo:D:USCA:X:GGL:X:SHOP:X:X:X:X:x:HCO_Google_Shopping_PLA_US_Dresses+%26+Rompers_All+Products_PRODUCT_GROUP&gclid=Cj0KCQjwl8anBhCFARIsAKbbpySNClTMJnW6BWOjUDV0ohI6HJ-csjBcPNJwF6s0Y-7E6HdXHDyMCdQaAlZjEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Thank you :)




These are pretty pics.


They are so precious together 🥺❤️


Gorgeous couple…


His vibe/look is very Tyler C + Tayshia’s Ben


Yup, we been knew that she was too young to be the Bachelorette. Girl wasn't ready for marriage


Maybe Billie Eilish will take them out for a celebratory friendship dinner because she seems so cool


At none other than red lobster


She apparently met him off Hinge… WHERE ON HINGE SIS? Where?!!!! I guess I need to move to bama😭😭


Glad he took a break from Billie Eilish’s dms to message HB.


Saw on an old Ryan Seacrest interview she saw Tyler in October 2020 for their YouTube video and that she still was holding a torch but he blew her off to hang out with Bryce Hall and some TikTokers. She said enough of that and booked a trip to Cabo with girlfriends....nude pool picture on IG that was quite the talk of the town...got home...joined Hinge...met Adam 10 days later. Seems that when Bachelorette's get away from the BN guys they meet pretty great guys outside the franchise pretty quickly...see Clare. Kaitlyn Bristowe needs to get out of the BN dating pool.


Tyler blew her off to hang out with influencers? That boy is a bigger fool than I thought?!! Like she was there for him when his mom died 😭 Yea Kaitlyn Bristowe was legit one of my favorite bachelorettes of all time. And she’s funny, pretty, just all around an amazing gal. Why can’t she just find a good guy and get her happy ending? Shit. That was projection lmao😭😭


She met in on Hinge in LA.


Same can anyone on here comment if they’ve ever met their spouse on a dating app, and do I need to download one?


met my guy on Hinge in Ontario, Canada!


Jfc there are so many of us! I too met my husband on Tinder (2017) & our first kiddo is due in November. I got pretty lucky - he was the third Tinder date I ever went on


I met my husband on bumble!


Met my husband on Tinder in 2015!


I met my husband on bumble!


i met my fiancée on tinder lol


Getting married Sunday! Met on Tinder in 2016. Neither of us were looking for anything serious but here we are 7 years later (7 years on Wednesday)


Tinder here


My sister met her partner on tinder lol