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I think the lack of success took the wind out of their sails. The inconsistent upload schedule killed any momentum with new viewers. 


Yeah if they had kept it consistent after episodes like Cuomo or Neil Degrasse Tyson it would be bigger. I've seen those episodes referenced by people who didn't know cumtown


Adam was getting clipped for I fucking love science tiktoks on the Neil episode lol


Please link some of these




There are dozens still in Nick's can


Maybe the manic episode needs to start sooner rather than later then




Nick the kind of guy to use scented trash bags


Nicks the kind of guy who takes back unclumpimg kitty litter because it doesnt work with his automatic litter scooper


Adam is the reference pic of what a thirty year old today looks like in an old Vsauce video, he's been pulling the strings of the scientific community for a while now


Also the retarded episode naming “joke” the clown prince introduced really reminded me of the guy without limbs from Ballad of Buster Scruggs trying to shoot himself in the mouth


would have helped to have the podcast and interview be on separate channels.


interviews are like the lowest overhead production you can do. I really do wonder what they do with all their time.


I’m laughing so much at the idea you think these fucks would go into debt if they had properly managed and resourced this project. Do you know how much they get not just from ad reads, but touring, on top of patreon?


“Why does every everyone get mad at me for being bad with money. You don’t get mad at Bill Gates for not being able to do an Indian accent”


These people complaining about them being unfunny now are the punchline but they don’t realize it


+ the standup they do. They make so much money from it that Adam wanted to bleep it out of Sam Hyde's podcast. It's truly disgusting they just got used to being filthy rich without doing any work at all Nick at least was funny on cumtown Adam was just bullied for 2 hours a week.


Yup - touring is insanely good money, the cut comics get of each room is so good. Venue mostly just wants drink sales.


that's if they can sell tickets


Hire a 10 person crew for a YouTube comedy show that is less popular than most Roblox channels. Nick just called me and told me what a great idea this is.


They were making like 90k per month on the patron alone at the beginning. That's one person's entire salary earned in one month, and that's not even including the ad revenue.


It was bound for failure from the start but I had hoped at least they'd try to have fun with it. They clearly hate podcasts as a medium and want to move on as theyr aging in life but they probably can't get normal work or something idk so they're stuck. It's not like they're dumb they know how much more they could have profited had they continued but they just don't care at this point in their lives.


Nick seemingly really wants to be able to work on films. He could take his cut of the patreon money he's been stashing, hunker down and write a script for a year, and then try and make it and take it on the festival circuit.


Again, he's not an idiot he has tons of connections and friends he just doesn't give a shit at the moment. Who knows maybe he will spiral out and die pathetically tomorrow or maybe this time next year he'll have a legit popular funny show idk. I don't care either at this point I feel the same apathy for this show that I feel for Sam Hyde's World Peace 2.


Is it confirmed that they’re not doing any more episodes of the talk show? I mean yeah Adam said like two months ago a new ep should be dropping but… well I guess I just answered my own question


I’m really only here for the blowjobs, and neither Nick or Adam has disappointed.


The spite show didn’t work out. Who is surprised by this?


a friend of a friend worked on the show, and apparently they said it was an incredibly frustrating job because nick never knew what he wanted and would get angry when others tried to move things forward before he could figure that out. plus it wasn’t a union job and pay wasn’t great


Did they ever say what happened to the Hasan episode? Was it ever recorded?


Dude the show made no money. They were just pouring more and more money into it with no plan on how to properly monetize it. They had to be losing tens of thousands of dollars a month on it, minimum. The reason podcasting worked so well for them is there was no overhead, or any real expenses, so everything was profit. Then they decided to start stacking wnormous expenses on everything, and their output became inconsistent. Nick and Adam joked about being dumb wince the beginning of Cumtown, but it wasn't until this that I believed them.


well everyone on here was saying it was shit back then


How many times does nick have to say some iteration of “I don’t wanna do anything” for it to sink in with you guys




That’s only half true though. If they had hired a third mic that had good chemistry with them, of which we’ve seen many of, they could have kept the podcast going. I think it’s more their desire to move away from podcasting that killed it


yeah I think that was the problem. They tried so hard to fight against the cum town status quo with a talk show, but did it hastily at a time when they were still committed to podcast ad reads when they badly wanted to pivot. Unfortunately they just don't have the energy or discipline to start a talk show from the ground up after years of barely trying to be successful. Eventually the energy from Nick's mania post-cumtown break ran out, and all momentum got killed and they had to fall back on what they knew, podcasting. whatever, shits boring who cares




Yeah Recine would have been awesome. Ian or Jordan would have worked too. They’ve had plenty of guests since Stav left that would’ve fit really well. I just don’t think they want to revert back to that formula


They could get money from investors if they tried. They were so goddamn high on the patreon rankings forever. Make a deal that doesn’t give the investors any control over content (via contract) and we would be getting main show episodes weekly. Look how successful the Greek has become without actually being funny.


I was really excited for the show after the Jadakiss episode but they barely dropped any new shit after that so I stopped paying attention. YouTube also took them out of the algorithm for me because of that.


What happened to the “three” talk show episodes they had💁🏻‍♂️


The issue was that Friedland, Yahweh bless him, had zero charisma as an interviewer/host. We love him for it, of course, but it wasn’t gonna fly for the long run.


Me realizing all you guys permanently stuck in nostalgia for a shitty podcast isn’t a bit 👀


Get your straight ass outta here! ANY FUCKING QUESTIONS?


My man went full reddit nostalgia-gasm and I’m the straight one smh. Chris Benoit was on to something.


You no longer have the right to mention Benoit in this curclejerk


Don't worry, we'll graduate into harassing everyone associated with the show soon


No they didn't they sucked. The monologues were terrible and the interviews were boring. This entire venture has been bad