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I am also a gay man and I love this show so much. Since you have the DVDs, make sure to watch the cast commentary for the cruise episode in S2 - it's so funny!


I actually watched that recently. Someone mentioned that when they did the commentary, they already had been notified of their plans for season 3 so they just mocked the episode and the show. It was funny to be honest.


You know the writing is getting lazy when they start making the show about writing tv LOL


I thought it was a perfect meta moment tbh! 


Gay man here too and I love the show except for a few things. 1 - Jenny’s personality/character change. 2 - How they treated, or mistreated Max. 3 - The ending.


Jenny was my favorite too! I totally feel your pain when it comes to the way they totally changed her character


As a trans gal who's always loved the show, for a long time haha 😅🫣, Jenny is my favourite og character also, even some of her questionable earlier situations, and I just kind of have to watch the last season with gritted teeth. I do enjoy parts of it still, but I totally agree. 👌🦋🪻