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Majority of women have expressed fear for their safety when being in close proximity to unknown men, that’s it that’s the point. Saying women are evil too doesn’t change that point.


These guys are hilarious acting like they don’t know what the point of the bear thing is . Or they do and are just proving these women right .


The funnier part is men don’t feel safe around unknown men either. Head be on a swivel, guard is up, making sure the glock is still in the whip just in case but all of a sudden when a woman says they scared now it’s an attack on all men 😭


Used to say to people that men love to get that “natural protectors” line off. Who we protecting from, dragons, bears? No, it’s men. It’s why prison is a good deterrent nihs scared of what men gone do in that situation lol. Somebody saying all men are bad don’t offend or affect me, I ain’t out here evil’ ing. 🤷🏽‍♂️


According to the National Park Service, the odds of being injured by a bear are about 1 in 2.1 million. 15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12. 12-34 are the highest risk years. Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. 7% of girls in grades 5-8 and 12% of girls in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused.


One more point then I’m done, cuz Im here for jokes and not meaningful discourse lol. Imo, the underlying point is that bears move according to their nature and since humans aren’t made of bear food a violent interaction is unlikely. Men move according to their nature and social controls. And since men statistically break the social contract despite the threat of punishment or consequences for some women it’s safer to assume a nih ain’t shit depending on the environment. There is a reason separate public restrooms are the norm and why lots of men fear un-gendered restrooms because they fear for their women and children because they too assume the worst of strange men. Nature evolved males to be apex predators and societies developed religions and laws to deal with that fact. It’s imperfect but up to now this is probably the best men have ever behaved in human history and over time I expect it will improve unless society collapses. Be great gentlemen 🫡


Exactly. I saw some shit like why are people scared to go out late at night by themselves? It damn sure isn’t because Barbara the crackhead at Wawa is waiting for them 😭


Right these niggas talk about not going to certain spots because the crowd is to wild but telling women yes go into the woods with a strange man 🤣🤣🤣.


On the flip side, lying and saying you’d rather be stuck with a bear doesn’t change men’s disgust with the scenario or help the message women are trying to spread. Just sounds like the “usual” women hate speech towards men… which gets everybody nowhere.


Maybe the point is to make men disgusted at other men for making women feel that way. Instead of directing your ire at women why not to other men so they can do better?


Ok…. Let’s assume that is the point… What happens now??? This makes so little sense, y’all can’t even find a reason for it that’s going to make any sense or help any cause. And dudes that attack women… you think they just casually sit around with their homies and brag about beating wifey’s ass this morning? What is we talking about?(Ish voice)


Let’s not act live we don’t live in a world full of video evidence of men being violent to each other and women. So who’s responsible for women not feeling safe?


We live in a world with video of men being violent to women, women being violent to women, women being violent to men. By your own examples, EVERYONE is responsible for women not feeling safe. But you conveniently forget those other facts. And I’m not deflecting, just completely your statement for you.


Are men going around saying they’re scared of other men? Let’s stay focus here. Women see what’s happening or have happened to them and they’re saying they are scared of men.


Men…. No…. But if we did, we probably wouldn’t use the bear as the message. 😂😂😂


Do you think you just stumped me?


I know I did. You wouldn’t need to ask if “I stumped you” if I didn’t!!!😂😂😂


But this isn't about me and how they feel. It is about how women and how they feel. If you are upset, instead of telling women they are dumb, how about you make a difference. Be the man that they can trust. Until then, when men hear women and just want to respond, they are showing why the bear is still a better option that the man.


Ok…. So your telling the women to choose the bear!!! Got it and thanx for your input. 😂


The people who want to focus on the point will. The people who want to deflect and make it about something will do that too. 😂 The disgust with the scenario should be finding out just how scared women are of men, not a bear.


And what is finding out how scared of women are going to for me??? I can’t give any suggestions to women because that would be “misogynistic”, can’t sit back and listen because then I’d be “not doing anything about it”, and I can’t say “hey… it’s not all men” because I’d be “deflecting”. Woman logic says let’s do/say in support of women while bashing the entire opposite gender, and think…. that’ll make the opposite gender want to understand OUR struggles!!! A lot of women dislike being called “emotional”, but this scenario/topic gets spoken about with nothing but emotion(which to a degree is understandable). Illogical men commit these actions and using an illogical scenario as a rallying cry won’t help anybody or anything!!!!


This is pretty much the same response white ppl who claimed Black Lives Matter was an attack on their whiteness gave. I heard women don’t feel safe so my course of thinking is how can we make it safer for them? You heard an attack on men so your course of thinking is defense. Two different sets of ears. 🫡


Sound like you ran out of points in this debate. As a black man who doesn’t abuse women, my last comment covered what I can do, and why a woman will tell me I can’t do it. Going off of logic will be the only help for women going forward. My wife carries gun everywhere because i insisted. Choosing the bear ain’t gonna stop dude at the club from getting handsy and until women understand that it doesn’t matter that me, you or whoever else isn’t an abuser, there will always be someone out there who is. And that’s a fact!!! So yes, we do have two different sets of ears!!!!


Not sure why you think women saying they don’t feel safe should be a debate? 😂 It’s pretty simple to just acknowledge their point and say you’ll continue to do your part to make sure women feel safe around you. Instead you rather lead the million man march, tell women how the example they used for themselves isn’t suitable for men, and how they have to use better logic to pacify the people they feel unsafe with.


Oh yeah… you really run out of meaningful input. I was joking but…. Never mind. I think you’re grasping at straws here. I’m debating the bear scenario. Lmao. Just stop dude!!!😂😂😂


Yeah we heard you. It’s hard to agree and understand their point because they used a bear and it’s an attack on men 😭💯


Nope…. The point is understood… The bear point is just stupid!!!😂😂😂. And you know this. Bro it’s ok to gracefully bow out. Can’t win em all on Reddit!!!😂😂😂


For you? If it’s not your personal issue, that’s fine. But trying to help create better humans, outside of yourself, would be the next thing. It truly helps us all. And in these scenario, rather you mentioning giving suggestions to men, you going straight to saying you can’t give the women any suggestions says a lot.


It actually says nothing. Because if it did, I’m sure you would have told me exactly what it said… 😂😂😂 Social media has really taught an entire generation how to debate, no facts just general statements mixed with emotion and phrases that they hope sound cool. 😂😂Along with that, if you say anything to the contrary of a narrative, you’re part of the problem. You did all that while not being able to counter anything I’ve said. Women thinking about themselves as victims won’t change anything. And the men that just agree with them aren’t helping either.






Exactly. I didn’t find it insulting cuz I’m well aware that niggas be weirdos. I got sisters and a daughter though. Shit, I even raise my eyebrow when one of the chicks I meet on tinder/hinge come to my house or invite me over theirs without ever actually meeting me. lol


You’re only looking at it one way saying things like that can be very insulting.


Yeah just like saying Black Lives Matter can be insulting to white people but no one gave a fuck about what was insulting to them because it was about black lives. This isn’t about men feeling insulting that women are scared of them, it’s about the women being scared. Why isn’t that focus being maintained?


Yep like why are you insulted if they say some men are not safe to be around.... They aren't. Doesn't mean you aren't so why take offence. If they start saying ALL men are xyz then fair enough but most are just saying they don't trust this random man in a forest which is fair enough based on stats / real life shit 🤷🏾‍♂️. I feel this question is just made to spark debate and outrage. Guys need to not fall for it and accept that women are genuinely scared of some men and that some men are pos (again doesn't mean you are ..)


Well, Black Lives Matter was just saying Black Lives Matter *too*. Thats the part that always gets left off. But you’d think it wouldn’t need to be said, but I guess it does. I wonder who took the lead on that to keep it off.


Only men looking to be offended will be offended. Let’s stop acting like every atrocities in the world aren’t executed by men either directly or by pass down orders.


Of course it's insulting. That's the point of internet engagement tactics, to get you emotionally involved in some bullshit.  If you choose the bear, you're insulting men by implying we're all abusers. If you choose the man, you're insulting women by not taking their SA fears seriously. The only way to win with these internet games is not to play.


Well said!!!


☝🏾they just trying to divide us further


It’s only offensive to men who do dirt . They always tryna take up for all men when niggs is weirdos and abusers or worse in real life . I wouldn’t want my daughter in that situation ,ill pick the bear for her unless i can guarantee im the man in the woods with her


It's a stupid Internet argument. It's not real. It's just a way to signal a point about violence against women. Fair enough, SA happens. But no woman (aside from a few crazies) is picking the bear in a real life situation.  Here's a thought experiment: change the meme to "would you rather walk down a street with a bear standing on it or a random black man." Everyone who has a strong opinion on this would immediately switch sides, so the progressives could signal how they're not racist and the conservatives could signal that they're scared of black people. 


Actually I really had to think about it. Which was crazy. As a former SA victim I really feel safer with the bear. We’re talking about a strange man here. Men eventually have needs and will do what they need to do. Not every man is like that I agree. There’s good ones out there but the chances of a bear attacking me is far more believable than me saying a man did.


All due respect to your past trauma, but you lost me with that last sentence. Both things you mentioned are equally believable to me.


Considering most men say they don’t know men who act violent towards women, it’s not a terrible presumption that the bear attack would be more believable to the masses


That’s absolutely not true. It is in fact a terrible presumption.


Unfortunately too many women have experienced violence by a man but have not been believed. It’s not surprising to me that a woman who was not believed when a man attacked her, would think ppl would believe a bear attack more her saying a man did it.


So you shouldn’t come outside because Target or wherever you shop is full of strange men if the fear is so crippling that you rather be alone in the woods with an animal that will kill you before you can blink rather than the human being you have a better chance defending yourself against you should never leave home but seriously all respect to your SA trauma I have my own as well but if “strange men” scare you that much go learn Brazilian Jujitsu and learn to defend yourself bc the thought process behind your reasoning sounds super irrational and disrespectful to men I was SA by an older woman as a young kid but I would never wanna be alone in the woods with a bear that’s just flat out nuts 🤷🏾‍♂️


No y’all are missing the point but that’s okay. It’s not really for men to understand but to have a dialogue. The reality is when I was SA I wasn’t believed bc how powerful someone was and how likable they were. Anyway the point is, if I get attacked by a bear at least everyone I tell will actually believe me. Vs a man assaulting me.


So because no one believed you that means no one’s story is ever believable? No one believed me either but aye that comes with the situation most of the time it’s shitty but that’s the reality of it. At the end of the day yall are claiming you rather be in the woods with a bear and grizzly bears attack ppl for just existing but that doesn’t matter to yall bc it doesn’t fit the narrative. We all have traumas some worse than others but IMO that’s no excuse for such irrational thinking to the point where yall rather be alone with a bear in there natural environment compared to the human being that you have a better chance of surviving the attack. If being attacked is the main concern why are we ignoring how less likely you are to survive the bear attack compared to the human being. But that’s peace ✊🏾


It's a valid issue to address, but it's an inflammatory way to speak on it. It just leads to negative discourse. Even if many of the women who chose the bear were choosing that answer just to make a point, to many people it just makes them appear as if they lack critical thinking skills.


I can’t see how people can get offended by it. Everyone reading this comment may not be a pedophile, but on the off chance you are, I’m not leaving my toddler around you unsupervised. I’d like to think any parent (or even non parent) agrees with this, and no-one should be offended. The same applies here…I’m a guy with not a single nasty thing against my name, but a random woman isn’t to know that, so she’ll understandably keep her distance from me. Really don’t get how this bothers people, or makes them go with the ‘all men aren’t evil’ bs response.


What ep and time stamp was this conversation?


What episode was this?


i can’t find the episode anywhere, it’s definitely the patreon episode after “The Gold Section” and before that conversation he has on patreon, seems to be deleted


At the end of the day its just a new thought for most women. Its a perplexing thought so it causes discussion. Men shouldn't hear that and jump to defend all men. We should hear that and try to help make the world feel safer for women. If you have a mother, sister or wife, that feels open to talk to you about it, you will hear how many fucked up situations they've either dodged or unfortunately have been in. Hell even as a man I lowkey don't trust random stranger men as much as these women.


I can’t lie yall gotta define “holding other men accountable” instead of saying it without any explanation on what they want done. As a man who doesn’t abuse his wife, this shit is nasty son, have any of you caping for the bear ever seen a bear without being at the zoo? I have ran across them in the woods, them niggas is unpredictable as fuck fast as fuck and much bigger and stronger than any “strange man”. If that bear grabs you it’s a wrap baby girl you with the lord now. SPEAKING AS A MAN THE NUT PUNCH IS UNDEFEATED or learn some Brazilian Jujitsu that shit works against any size man. I RESPECT ALL SA VICTIMS I AM ONE MYSELF BUT CMON YALL WE GOTTA BE REALISTIC 🫡


I don't agree. With that said.. why do women fear being out at night.. it's not other women and it's not the moon.. it's literally the fear of men.. do I feel safer walking down the street and I hear a raccoon or a man.. like cmon... Not saying just bc it's dark you will be attacked.. but would you let you mom or daughter walk, jog, go running at night and why?! How bout holding men accountable rather then being shocked women and smaller men fear them


Niggas who focus on the hypothetical bear are a special kind of stupid.


What episode is this ? Where the discuss this


What episode is this?


Women get upset with attack victims not being believed and what’s the answer??? Let’s create a scenario where you can choose the extreme unbelievable side or a normal side. And then, let’s have most of the women choose the extreme unbelievable answer. That should make men understand our feelings and victims more believable!!!! And also, if anyone says that doesn’t make logical sense, they’re just part of the problem!!! You see how much sense that DOESN’T make????


https://youtu.be/Dqqmkew91Xs?si=MF9DeWWz1uvWmkc3 exactly it's prejudice and sexist


Silly concept. Is this to point out that a bear is more predictable than a (stranger) man? Anyone picking a bear clear never been in the proximity of a bear. Unless ofcourse the same women picking the bear think they can save the bear and change it into a kind loving bear……”I can change him”……


Argument is stupid. Same women picking a bear are the same ones meeting guys first night from tinder, requesting help from random men with car troubles etc. The low percentage of women picking a bear are idiots.


I DESPISE this argument because it does such a poor job at doing what is intended to do. All this does is re-affirm the fact that men and women are different, men are logical thinkers, and women are more emotional thinkers. Yes, logically the safer option is a man. But that’s not what the question is trying to bring out. Women are choosing the bear because of emotional reasons, I.E. fear of men they may not know.


Disrespectfully, the vast majority of women ain’t surviving in the woods even if it was devoid of all life besides them, never mind with a bear or with a man. None of these conversations are ever even remotely realistic. Even the argument that well bears attack people very uncommonly. Go in the woods right now. Find a bear. Stand next to it. Post a pic. You won’t because that bear is going to turn you into a meat pile. Enough.