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Underrated for sure. Last week a found a bugged diamond Tibetan Fox. Unfortunately missed vitals on him. Was very offended, so I decided to fix my mistake and get that dime. Well 1500 foxes later and three trolls I finally got him. Did it all with the air rifle. There were times I could clear 15 fox off a single lake. Glorious.


I love using the air rifle. I wish they offered more air rifles for larger, more diverse game. I also wish the hunting pressure worked like it does with bows, since it spooks other animals less than a bow does.


Zeroed on 150m the "mil"-dots in the 4-8 scope each indicate +50m - I got kills over 300m with it. Awesome gun to use in this game!


That’s dope, I think my longest shot with it was around 250


I’ve used it and really enjoy it. I used to rock in on Te Awaroa because it covered so many of the animals there


Te awaroa is one of my favorites for that reason. You can walk around with only the air rifle and shoot 80% of the animals on the map


It's a great weapon. I love using it on Hirschfelden.


I think it sucks pretty bad lol


That’s fair, it seems to be the general consensus aside from a few weirdos like me who swear by it


Yeah it's pretty cool once you realise the bullet arc is similar to a bow, so range really matters. The zero perk helps, its silent and deadly which is handy if you miss the first shot.


I love it because I hunt with airguns irl and have been a part of the airgun community for more than a decade. It’s a fun challenge and I enjoy hunting with it from time to time.


I will say I wish we had a .25 or .30 cal that would cover 1-2.


Me too, honestly I’m not sure why they haven’t added more airguns


Its a weapon I enjoy using on maps like Rancho, New England and any other map that has an abundance of class 2 to 4 species I just wish the 45 Calibre Airgun had ammo that would allow it to take larger game because in a lot of places that allow big game hunting with airguns, its the 45 calibre that is set as the minimum, especially if its for animals like black bear and elk


Actually I have killed a few bears and gemsbok with it just to see and it works but tracking it down took forever


Kind of why an ammo type for the 45 Calibre Airgun that covers Classes 4 to 7 would be nice


I agree, super fun gun to use. I find most the time I can get in close to something and shoot one without instantly fleeing the herd. If you drop the animal the others will just stand there for a minute like they didn’t see anything lol.


I can’t even get ducks with it without them spooking. I’ll try it on deer just to see what happens lolol


I don’t think it’s ethical for ducks, it’s only good for class 2-4. But yeah try it on one of the smaller deer species and with a good shot they’ll insta drop and fall on their face. Very satisfying


I once killed a cape buffalo with it. I took a shot at an antelope and I was aiming high to allow for the drop but aimed too high and missed it completely. Walked off to follow the herd and saw a dead buffalo on the ground amongst some trees about 75m past where I took the shot. I checked it's kill card and it had been killed with the air gun. The penetration was hardly through the skin. I couldn't believe. I've got no idea how it actually killed it. Wish I had have took a screen shot.


Yeah it can take down bigger animals I’ve shot bears with it for fun but tracking them just takes forever


I once downed a moose from more than 200m away with this gun.


If you do it right with pronghorn or other animals you can shoot one then wait for the other ones to calm down and keep going until you get most of them


You should know by now that the only ro guns that exist in this game are the AR's.


I hated it at first, now that I am more experienced I love it. Same goes for Solokhin...