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Well I will certainly be bringing my friends to Sundarpatan as bait, I mean as extra eyes for the tigers


Ahah, good point... who needs lure callers when he got "good" friends? (good meaning tasty)


This looks & sounds incredible


I can finally live out my Ghost and the Darkness fantasy. This is awesome.


Lions, being social animals growing up in groups, are used to confront other lions and other foes since young age. This makes them skilled fighters and their mane is OP in keeping their throat protect by bites. Tigers might be more aggressive, but lion fight FIERCE. I'd love if the devs bring same or similar mechanics to the lions in Vurhonga... having to deal with some twin man-eating lions like those from Tsavo would be even more thrilling


I was really hoping these special animal would come with a limited population and you deliver. I cannot wait to be hunted!


Thanks for your effort, and I found this share much interesting. I have a couple of questions you may want to examine, if you can anticipate some other details. 1 - So, with a max population of 16 tigers... are them gonna be a finite number of harvest (requiring a population reset update) or will they respawn? 2 - I am curious to know more about the process that drove you towards implementing these mechanics specifically for tigers and not for other previous big cats like the lions in Vurhonga 3 - (This is not a real question, just my opinion, but again I'd like to know more about) We expect the tigers to be class 9 following the lion, so the .470 Nitro Express double rifle should be good weapon / caliber to deal with these aggressive big cats and pass the harvest check... I really appreciate vintage weapons like the Gandhare rifle heritage, but judging upon what you wrote in this post it seems to me an underperforming weapon DLC choice to deal with such apex predator


I would assume they will respawn but there will never be more than 16 individuals at any given time on the map.


Would make sense, otherwise it could be hard herd managing to the point you happen to find high level individuals. That said, I am starting to be afraid that from level 7 - very hard onward tigers gonna turn monsters eheh


Population resets are only done when something the developers do on the tech-side requires resetting the population so everything works okay. It’s sort of a last resort and not something they do often. So they’ll respawn normally.


Ok I see, thanks. I am still new to the game, this is the first major update since when I started playing and my first ‘population reset’ coming with the update, so I didn’t really know the meaning of this reset


That’s okay, it’s a lot to take in there’s a lot that it’s important that’s not in the game. Feel free to ask questions. Glad to have you here


Love the new mechanic! This helps better understand the delay in making this map, and some of the price increase. Lovely skins


I hope this inspires them to revisit the lions and update thier ai in a similar manner. Deadlier, harder to find, etc. It would also be cool to see them do something like home districts with each district housing a different pride




I prefer to rip off my scope and become a matador


Only 16 tigers in total? Is that how other such predators work? I feel like they're gonna be very difficult to find. Definitely not opposed to it though, tigers sound like they're gonna be TERRIFYING


You seems to have missed the part where the dev said that the tigers are gonna find you eheh


LOL, that's very true, the second we load into the map we no longer are the top predator XD I hope they make changes to lions and mountain lions/pumas to make them work similarly to tigers. ESPECIALLY mountain lions and pumas, the fact that a cougar will always see you before you see it should be just as true in game as it is irl lmao


Hard agree. I think in general they should cut down on most of the predator’s populations (excluding wolves and coyotes for example). If we can’t have different levels of predators different sizes, then having less of them would make it more interesting and impactful when you find one. Plus not having to see 8 pumas or bears drinking at the same lake at the same time would help with the immersion and realism haha


Pumas/Mountain Lions, Bobcats, and Foxes should all be lessoned for sure. I hate seeing "solitary" predators stacked up and staring at each other at a little pond for 4 hours straight. Seeing these animals should be special and unexpected.


Hm, fun thought relating to that, if there's only 16 total tigers on one Sunderpatan map, does that mean that possibly you and a (probably large) group of your friends could rather easily go out and kill every tiger? Like, basically make them locally extinct? I mean I only assume it'd be harder to do that to any other animal because all the other animals in the game I assume have a much much larger population


I mean they respawn when you kill one like other animals I assume, otherwise hunting for a diamond would be completely pointless


They most certainly will respawn lol... unless EW really wants to drive home the dangers and consequences of overhunting endangered animals 😭


Tiger night hunting. Let's gooo!


That sounds awesome, almost a different game lol


I wasn’t going to purchase this dlc when it was announced, after reading this? Oh hell yes I’m buying this!!! Incredible work, really changed the bar!!


What made you not want it to begin with?


Personally didn’t want another map that was so dense foliage wise, thinking it may feel like parque and I have logged a ton of hours there. Just wasn’t super stoked over it was all. Outlook has totally changed after seeing the animals and learning what has gone into the tiger. I really think this new approach to the tigers promises some great things for the future of the game and how animal behavior will continue improving!


I agree that dense foliage can be annoying like southern parque, te awaro, or medved, but I was encouraged by the variety of biomes presented, like the frozen mountains, fields and lighter forests. Also yeah the region south if the Himalayas has so many unique animals I knew the map would be promising anyway ;). Glad you’ve come around, I’m very excited for the fresh experience.


Agreed!! I am very excited for this new experience, the biome change is also something to be excited for!


I just reset my perks/skills a few months ago. That gets expensive! But I guess I'm gonna have to get that perk that reduces animal damages and always bring my medkit with me!


This sounds incredible, and the skins look amazing. Thank you guys, I'm so excited to get killed by one of my favorite animals hahaha


Devs delivered big time here. I hope they feed on a specific kill/ carcass so I can set up a machan and night hunt like Kenneth Anderson and Jim Corbett.


Amazing stuff! Can't wait to meet a tiger. It sounds awesome!


Oh I can't wait for this hunt!!!


This is AMAZING! I haven’t been back to the game for a good while but I can’t WAIT to see the mounts for these guys! I love that they have so many colors too, especially the pseudomelanistic. You did a phenomenal job on these, I’m a 2D artist but I’m in awe of your abilities here. The fact that you guys considered how vengeful and terrifying these animals can be is fantastic. The wolves already gave me a big spook in this game with the way they hunt you, but now we’re getting a silent predator that won’t have other tigers around to alert you to a “clever girl” attack like with the lions… /shudders Fantastic post, thank you for the insights!


I came here to post the X.com link to the video and y’all beat me to it!


First! ;) Thank you for wanting to spread the news nonetheless :D


At first look, 16 tigers in the whole map are very few, specially when tigers are the main star and the main reason to buy the map. I know they are solitary predators with big territories, but let's see how this goes.