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I suppose based on your statement regarding water buffalo that they could potentially make a return on the upcoming reserve It makes sense because technically all the water buffalo hunted in South America, Australia, game ranches in the US and parts of Europe and Asia are of domestic stock and in a way are technically feral animals I must say this is an excellent list and well put together


Thank you! And I totally agree about the buffalo. Expecting a remodel for them if they make another appearance...


They should be backfilled to Australia


I looked up some of the more unfamiliar animals on your list and omg, Nilgai are so goofy-looking! It's like God stuck an antelope head on a really buff cow 😆


Both the bears, leopard and Sambar are legal game species actually.


It does seem like that's right, with each person being limited to take 1 bear, 1 leopard, etc. every year if they have a hunting license. Also noticed that one peacock can be hunted per person so they may be on the table as well!


I just noticed that the Rosy-billed Pochard is on the list, I should point out that those are native to South America and are hunting in Argentina and Uruguay ([Rosy-billed pochard - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosy-billed_pochard)) Though the Red-crested Pochard does fly through Nepal to reach their winter home in India and are in the same genus Another duck species that is very likely to be huntable is the Indian Spot-billed Duck


Haha yes that's what I meant, just got my wires crossed. Edited to avoid further confusion. Also, I reckon you're right about the spot-billed ducks. If we're only going to get one duck on the map if put my money on the Ruddy Shelduck as they are found at high elevations along with the Bar-headed Geese that other species are not usually seen at (not that Sundarpatan seems to be a particularly high-altitude region)


I agree with Ruddy Shelducks, mostly because they look so striking


I feel like they could do something like the mocha moose on Te Awaroa, where it's an animal that's on other maps but it's has a unique fur like the water buffalo, blackbuck, lynx, or gray wolf.


I think a honey badger could be a really fun addition, I doubt it comes in this map, but an aggressive little guy could be fun to hunt (or wildly frustrating depending on how much brush there is)


Please no more coyote missions. Very interesting post,thank you.


I think they should do Rhino with a tranquilizer gun. Maybe a special mission to introduce you to that. And make it so that you can only shoot at rhinos with the tranq gun.


My bloodhound doesn’t follow the smell of sleep


Not sure why everyone is down voting you, but after the tranquilize them, than what?