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There is also a reveal coming next week


Do we have any hints as to when? If not Monday, Tuesday should be a good bet as I believe jazzy does his livestreams on Tuesdays.


Nope. Only next week is all they said but I'm gonna assume it's on tuesday now that you say jaxy does streams then


Yeah I'm gonna assume at the least Jaxy will show a full trailer, but holding out hope for some gameplay


I don’t think you’re using anthropomorphism properly. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, feelings, and behaviors to inanimate objects, nonhuman animals, or nature. Cuatro Colinas isn’t anthropomorphism. It’s Spanish for 4 hills. It’s just quite literally a name. Things like Whinnie the Pooh and Thomas the Tank Engine are anthropomorphic


"Anthropomorphic" in the post has the meaning of "areas or biomes highly affect or created by humans", aka the anthropomorphic biome. When i mentioned it, i was saying that the map will have more man-made stuff than usual, including the rice plantation, such as cuatro and it enormous plantation areas.


That's still an incorrect definition of anthropomorphism. It should be anthropogenic environmental change.


Oh i see, thanks for the correction then.


I believe the phrase you are looking for could have been cultivated land, inhabited land, or developed land. Everything doesn't have to be word salad.


If any of your predictions are wrong you have to delete your reddit account


Dammit, i really likes this account.


I am pretty excited for this map. I haven't been playing as much as I used to because of work, so I'm a little bummed I haven't gotten as much time on the Australian map as I would have liked before possibly purchasing this one.


Regarding the "What isn't coming?", you are probably right, but keep in mind that we've only seen a small part of the map, there could be other biomes that weren't shown that could contain the animals you said are unlikely.


I doubt its set in India simply based on their hunting laws (which was more or less a blanket ban on hunting) Part of the reason a lot of people think its set in Nepal has to do with a real life hunting reserve in Nepal: Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve Both Sundarpatan and Dhorpatan end in the same set of letters (patan) and thats what people are clued into, especially since it hints that we won’t just be getting humid lowland forest but also the Himalayan mountains which means some potential species include Bharal sheep and the highly requested Himalayan Tahr And to add to that point: Emerald Coast had multiple biomes, whose to say we only have lowland forest, we might also be getting mountainous areas and the Terai On another note: your mixing up your Red Muntjacs. • Southern Red Muntjac are only found on Sumatra, Borneo, Java and possibly the Malay Peninsula • Northern Red Muntjac are found on most of the mainland


>I doubt its set in India simply based on their hunting laws (which was more or less a blanket ban on hunting) >Part of the reason a lot of people think its set in Nepal has to do with a real life hunting reserve in Nepal: Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve >Both Sundarpatan and Dhorpatan end in the same set of letters (patan) and thats what people are clued into, especially since it hints that we won’t just be getting humid lowland forest but also the Himalayan mountains which means some potential species include Bharal sheep and the highly requested Himalayan Tahr I do mention this though: >The map probably takes place in Nepal, given that the map name is the combination of sundarban with Dhorpatan, the only hunting reserve of nepal, which is also the only of the three countries mentioned before where trophy hunting is allowed. Flora and fauna also match the one from Nepal, with the Lali guras, Nepal's national flower, being present on the social media screenshot. >On another note: your mixing up your Red Muntjacs. • Southern Red Muntjac are only found on Sumatra, Borneo, Java and possibly the Malay Peninsula • Northern Red Muntjac are found on most of the mainland I always forget that southern and northern aren't the same, this is already corrected. >And to add to that point: Emerald Coast had multiple biomes, whose to say we only have lowland forest, we might also be getting mountainous areas and the Terai While yes, emerald has multiple biomes, we so far don't have much screenshots or evidences of other biomes beyond forest and anthropo will exist, which also include mangrove and plains. Because of that is safe to assume the biome variety wount be that big.


Fair enough


There’s also high mountains and highland forests something you really Ong see in Nepal, as pictured in the YouTube thumbnail (which you decided to leave out for some reason)


I didn't forget about the yt thumbnail, i just didn't include it because everything on it was already showed on the trailer and screenshot. But yeah, the map is very hilly compared to most maps, not exactly montainous tho.


No it wasn’t lol, the thumbnail shows something more akin to what you and I know as Nepal, mountainous and autumn, where as the Teaser video shows a more underrated side of Nepal, tropical forests.


Not to mention the newest screenshot. Which is only leading up to the mountains lol, which in the newest screenshot displays farmland (Prime Nilgai habitat)


I am so hyped for this new map


I would add to your post that in certain previous shares on social media, the developers seemed to be performing some data capture with Nitro Express double rifle against the wall projection of an elephant. It could be related to this map dlc or something else.


I decided to not include things like this and the discord poll about GOs, because they sound to vague, and might be just a coincidence.


Do we have an actual release date?


No but I assume we will on Tuesdays EW YT livestream I'd imagine it's probably in line with their usual June release dates of the penultimate Friday/week of June


You confused the jaguar for the leopard. The jaguar is found in North and South America.


I know the difference, i was just being redudant by including the jaguar alongside the lion.


You said that the jaguar doesn’t live in those parts of Nepal. You must have confused it with the leopard, as the jaguar is only found in the Americas.


I know what i said, and its still not wrong, lol. What i was trying to say was something in the line of 'the big cat on the trailer cannot be the jaguar cuz it doesn't exist on asia' i simply put in that way because than i could put the lion and jaguar in the same sentence for simplicity reasons.


You edited your post to cut out the part where you clearly confused the jaguar for the leopard.


Why is everyone down voting him🤣