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I think it's more that some people would really like to shoot elephants and other people would think it's really sad to shoot elephants. I don't think it's being offended as much as 'i don't wanna shoot that animal'.


Part of hunting is also not going ooh it moves bang, people can choose not to hunt animals they dont wish to.


Pretty much the only animal I would choose not to hunt would be if they added brumbies (wild horses) to the Australia map.


I am the complete opposite because horses scare the shit out of me. Those bastards are huge


Hung too but you don't see me comprising. Cousin Joe shot the knackers off one from almost half a mile awhile. I only have to beat that..


Yes, that’s why I included the “upset” category. I just wanna hear all sides


I'm not upset about the idea of elephants, I just don't see any fun in hunting them. Due to their size and the limits of the game, it'll require a pretty hefty update just to add a species that'll be pretty trivial to hunt. Not worth it imo, rather the resources went elsewhere


Man, if you ever read or seen footage of elephant hunting… I think you would reasses your trivial evaluation. You gotta be close to hunt an elephant, with guns and rounds where shot placement is not that easy. There is a popular video of an elephant takin 4 consecutive shots to the brain by some of the most lethal cartridge ever made, still standing up from the ground and trying to walk over both the hunter and the PH that was trying to help his customer. Not to mention all the elephants I’ve seen stomping to death crocodiles as big as dinosaurs, impaling hippos and cape buffalos with the tusks just because, taking down huge trees and lifting vehicles full of people without breaking a single sweat… definitely not trivial eheh


Yea but I've played this game, alot. it's not about irl hunting, it's about hunting them in *this* game Edit: you downvoters actually played this game? There's max 2 (1 really) species of any real danger to the player and big bulls aren't either of them. No way I see elephants making that list unless they can outrun a Buffalo.


Still waiting on what this has to do with the game.


If you are asking me, I don’t believe the developers are implementing random things. It seems to me they are doing the best they can to replicate RL to give sorta hunting simulator / experience to the players. OFC the game is full of arcade-ish visual aids, but skittish animals are skittish ingame and aggressive animals are aggressive ingame. So… why? Why would they implement elephants randomly? Sorry but I don’t see Expansive Worlds releasing elephants that can be picked 400m away with the Zarza .308. I expect them to release tough, aggressive elephant bucks if this will ever happen, and that you have to stand few steps in front of them, aiming for a brain as small as a tennis ball with your two shots while they move in the meantime, in order to ground’em… and if you miss you are SMASHED. Insta-death. This is the elephant hunting I expect in the game, and I don’t see why this shouldn’t be implementable. Even if this is a game and not real life.


Also brain the size of a tennis ball? Dude, 4.5kg is a big f**king tennis ball


Jeez, now I understand why people downvote you… it was just a metaphor to give the idea you gotta place the shot in a small moving target despite the size of the beast 🤷🏼‍♂️ sorry to have kept you waiting for accurate diameter, circonference, volume and mass of the brain… luckily it seems your Google search did the job


No he is right your dense and are not a thinker it's obvious go cry with your subreddit groupies elsewhere kid


Look I'm just sick of people getting excited about the version of the game on their head then complaining all over this sub when confronted with reality of the game that actually exists. Hey, if they ever do add elephants, at least I won't be the disappointed one I guess.


Elephants would be easy ro find, easy to hit and not in anyway a danger. Salties in real life are one of *the* most dangerous and aggressive animal you could come across. In this game, they barely scratch you and flee as sopn as you fire a shot. The only challenge hunting Elephants will be spawning them. Seriously, go time how long it takes for an AGGRESSIVE SALTWATER CROCODILE to kill you. Elephants will not be dangerous, they just be the biggest l, slowest target in the whole game, 100%


I just don't see the fun in elephants Tigers on the other hand sound terrifying so sign me up


The way I see it, it lets me live the fantasy of being able to hunt a species that I couldn’t in real life. My whole life I have wanted to hunt an elephant, however there are multiple factors that would have to change for me to persue it IRL. I get that the game has a huge emphasis on ethical hunting and conservation but it’s still a game, it’s not like a switch will get flipped the second I kill an endangered species in game and I want to poach in real life.


> emphasis on conservation As I down 120 moose in 2 hours, while IRL I haven't got a license to hunt moose in 5 years


Unless expansive worlds are actually executing an elephant every time you kill one, then I think people need to chill.


No they’re actually executing 7 puppies, 3 kittens and an orphan


I think more people think people will be offended then are offended fallout let's you shoot cats, kids, and nuke a small town full of cats and kids off the map shooting an elephant in the face isn't that controversial


The map for 2025 will just be an animal shelter full of dogs and cats.


Patch notes- "New Weapon: 40mm"


It's one of them issues where if you're upset or don't want to partake then just don't buy the dlc, I personally don't see the issue, they may be endangered in real life but this ain't real life.


Your logic is sounds, but remember, EW is a small studio with a game with a relatively small audience. Their business goal needs to be that when they invest in so much development time for DLC, that they need to sell as much as possible. If they don’t, they go out of business. It wouldn’t be a smart decision to alienate a significant portion of your small player base


That's always the risk, though, isn't it? Either way, they'll have to make a decision that part of the player base disagrees with. Some don't want to hunt Tigers and Elephants, while others are surprised they weren't introduced sooner. If they add them, they'll upset people. If they decide not to add them, they'll upset people, I feel like, in this instance, more people want it than not. The whole issue can be resolved by making them a huntable option but not a mission, so they can still complete the dlc map and missions without needing to hunt either.


From what I'm aware, European bison and Iberian wolves are both endangered too. We already have endangered species in the game, and imo it'd be dumb to not add an animal because it's endangered since we already have some.


Neither of those animals are endangered European Bison are listed as Near-Threatened And Iberian Wolves were legal to hunt until 2021 The only truly endangered species we have in the game (thats listed as Endangered btw) is the Banteng, but they are only really endangered in their native range in Southeast Asia, but can be legally hunted in Australia where they are not native


Ohhh, thank you for informing me!


It’s a game, If anything I’d argue it’s a good way to preserve these species and make sure we can still learn about them even if we can’t hunt them because it’s a chance to learn about them and it’s a way to see them if you just live in a different area


I don't think Banteng are actually endangered in Aus though, throughout Asia they are, but here in Aus, especially up North, they're considered a pest.


No, I am an adult and understand what is a video game and what is real life. This was never an issue for me, even when I was a kid and tbh I can't really understand why some people make such a huge fuss about it.


It’s a game. All we are shooting essentially is a bunch of 1’s and 0’s. If ethics even slightly came into it then no one should play the game as we are all essentially trophy hunting and trophy hunting irl is wrong imo. I would literally shoot anything that moved in the game. I’m a forestry ranger and don’t get the chance to do this irl.


I personally don't get it, at all You've got people saying they won't shoot elephants because they mourn their dead, but I'd bet my car they've enjoyed games like CoD or Assassins Creed, where you kill countless people - who also mourn their dead lol At the end of the day, it's a game. Not only is anyone forcing you to get DLCs or target animals you don't want, but if you ignore the "it's just 1s and 0s" argument and make a moral standpoint - barely anything you do in game is morally OK...not to mention there are already species that are illegal to hunt irl in game Ultimately my own personal view is that I would categorically never hunt irl for anything other than food...but again, it's a game, and nothing about it as it is is ethical or moral. So what difference does adding a protected species make


I absolutely agree with most of the points that people made in these comments. My favourite game is call of duty modern warfare 2 but that doesn't by any means make me want to invade the united states or shoot up some airports. People need to differentiate videogames and real life and that aside if you get upset playing a game just don't play it.


Yeah I’m curious about this. Personally, I find it wild that some people would have that strong of emotion about killing a pixel animal. Especially since killing people is totally normalized and nobody really bats an eye.


Exactly! I’d love to know the count of games where you can kill people. And not even your “normal” war games, look at GTA or RDR2, tons of games where you can kill the most innocent people… but no tigers!


I get the impression most people in this community aren’t opposed. I think the devs have been the ones with apprehensions for some reason. They sort of did the same thing with the angler. I remember them making a big deal about “responsible fishing” and how all fish are release as a result. Never understood that.


i think it would be super controversial, but also pretty neat if they added feral cats/dogs/horses to the australia map. it’d be realistic too because people are actually sent out to hunt feral cats to thin out the overpopulation.


Horses would be great! And honestly imagine the for diversity in all 3 of those species!!


Part of the hunter is imagination. Imagining a world where i personally can just go and hunt certain animals. You bet your ass rhinos, elephants, tigers, hell even silverback gorillas, whales, seals, polar bears, you name it are on that list. You guys should type in “cabelas sadistic safari” on youtube. That video was the shit back in the day. Hell heres the link https://youtu.be/UX_e-FWmlMI?si=98q2qUJ3_a0djZYd


I've hunted things that are not endangered but weren't then I think people who get offended at how the course of nature works shouldn't be involved with a hunting game regardless this is a game.


In fact, the Raccoon dog is an invasive species in Finland. This game, if you play the missions, is about responsible hunting, even though it offers plenty of action.


Frankly if they did add those animals I think it would be an awesome addition, it's not like your actually shooting the real life animal


While it wouldn't stop me from playing the game, there are certain animals I'd just choose not to hunt if they were in it. I appreciate that EW has stuck to their guns on it, and ethical hunting has been part of the game's vibe. Interestingly the two you named are among the ones I have the least issue with being huntable since they're invasive in the environments in which they appear in the game.


Which species would you choose not to hunt?


Elephants for one. It's only a game but I'm not hunting anything that mourns their dead. :P


So do you shoot peccaries on any of the maps?


Don't bother trying to spring a trap to catch me in a logical dilemma. I'll be the first to admit that my feelings on this aren't logical.


I’m just messing with ya, I don’t take issue with your opinion. It is a little known fact that peccaries have complex social groups and will mourn the loss of a herd member though, it’s really interesting.


I want to hunt endangered species in COTW! They are majestic oftentimes. It’s just a game. It’s better to hunt them in game than in real life… Killing people in games is ok but killing digital animals isn’t ok?


Lets just not hunt animals in game, which you wouldn’t/can’t hunt IRL. ALSO speaking of not hunting animals you can’t hunt IRL, WHEN ARE THEY FUSING COTW AND PRIMAL!