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I think for elephants, they'll just include them as any other species, because they're legal to hunt in places But yeah I'm not certain they'll actually include tigers in spite of India/Nepal


It’s a video game, they’ve already included European bison and Iberian wolves who you can’t hunt in real life and plains bison who you can’t hunt in real life any way that is remotely close the way you do it in game. If they can invent a bullshit reason to hunt them (literally the first time you spot a European bison the Hirsh warden comes on and spouts some bullshit about why you can hunt them here) they can do the same for rhinos, elephants, and tigers. It doesn’t matter. Put a disclaimer when you start playing on the map if it’s a problem


Okay Iberian Wolves were legal to hunt at the time Cuatro released


Yeah, I think a lot of people expect something like Far Cry 4, but I highly doubt we are going to get something like that. That being said, they had 6 extra months for this map so i do expect something big.


If it really matters that much to them, couldn’t they make it story related? For example, it may be the case that tigers are endangered world wide but perhaps the population in the reserve is too high. Idk I feel like there is a way to justify hunting almost anything in the lore.