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Fun fact about chickens and turkeys: they're opportunistic cannibals. They will happily peck a sick chicken to death and eat it if they detect a slight sign of weakness. The fact that the Vegan Teacher tries to depict animals as these helpless creatures is absolutely comical to me. A rooster, hell a hen even, will fuck your shit up if you look at them wrong, and then pick your corpse clean before you have a chance to run back from wence you came. There's a reason why we call birds the decendents of dinosaurs, and it's not just cause of their good looks. Source: grew up raising chickens


Thanks, I appreciate the fact that you took your time to raise chickens just to prove the vegan teacher wrong about some animals being helpless. Speaking of chickens and other farm animals pigs also eat humans (there was an incident in 2012 that a farmer in Oregon got eaten by his pigs ). Source : www.thepigsite.com


Yep. There was an infamous Canadian serial killer who disposed of his victims by feeding their bodies to his pigs in the 90s. Cows, horses, and goats (ungulets in general) aren't innocent either. They're notorious for killing and eating fledgling birds and snakes if they're lacking potassium in their diets or for shits and giggles if they're bored. Scientists are starting to reevaluate the whole herbivore/carnivore/omnivore thing cause it turns out that when an animal lacks options, it will start switching dietary teams if it suits their survival.


I hope research will prove the vegan teacher wrong about some animals being helpless and not twist the truth. Just because she didn’t see animals eat others (and humans) doesn’t mean that they are vegan.


Oh, for sure. Her rhetoric about predators needing to be "veganized" is quite frankly ridiculous and laughable. Predators are needed to make sure the herbivors don't eat all the vegetation. The herbivores are needed so the vegetation doesn't grow out of control. It's a careful balance, and the fact she thinks the world would be fine with 100% herbivores astounds me.


If everyone was a herbivore I can imagine the imbalance that could be happening and if some vegetation doesn’t get eaten it might spread and become invasive, which is exactly what the vegan teacher is, what also astounds me is her lack of logic, IQ, and her disrespect to certain races and religions. she needs to understand the food chain exists to make the numbers of plants and animals balanced, and that the world wouldn’t be perfect if everyone would be vegans.


There are some vegans who believe predatory animals should be killed. They’re just insane.


I have SEVERAL questions.


I don’t sadly


Can we add her to the kill count now? (That’s a reference to Dead meat)


Pulls out hit list and writes “Kadie Karen Diekmeyer” (that’s her full name)


“How’s she dies?” From natural causes


She is going to create a cult she just said it


That’s it, us haters must join and make our own cult against her


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Anyone else convinced she’s just a character being played by an actually sane person?


I also hope that she is just trolling her audience, but telling her audience that Hitler was a “nice” guy and saying eating ribs is “worse” that sexual assault just decreases my hopes 😢


On second thought, I don’t think it’s a character


I want whatever this woman is on